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Guest stinkiisushii

i used to think that sae am looked prettier than boram ..

but now i rekon boram lookes prettier

or maybe its jst the photos o.O

anyways heres a question .. which park twin is the older one ?

im guessing boram is .. correct me if im wrong ? x]

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Guest xiaochingu.

ZOMGG :wacko::wacko: Triple the faint effect! I love the update!!!

Mingyu has sexy arms and to think we're about the same age. Where did he get that sexy muscle? :wub:

Anyway~~ Alcohol does wonders to PTJ. LOL

naomi!! I can't seem to read TTMH. Always with the board message :[

ming! ---or should it be unnie now? o_o haha

ah...i kinda took TTMH off soompi =(, i put on an author's note on the thread and pmed a mod to close it..but i think the mod i asked hides threads instead of locking it .__.

sorry about that...basically it said that TTMH is going to be back in a few months with a new title and reworked plot/thing

Aboki Update


credit aboki (btw i just realized...imageshack is total LOVE ._. so much better than pb)

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i've been getting a lot of pictures from this thread.. might as well share some ^^

i went to ryanghee's cyworld for the first time..

and here are some..

i dunno if they're old or new or whatever..


*credits: baby renee's cyworld









file_down9.jpg <--this one's pretty new, i think..







that concludes my first ever PIC SPAM *applause*

the Park Sisters are very cute, by the way ^^

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Guest • THE KAM* •

i used to think that sae am looked prettier than boram ..

but now i rekon boram lookes prettier

or maybe its jst the photos o.O

anyways heres a question .. which park twin is the older one ?

im guessing boram is .. correct me if im wrong ? x]

ัyou're right=) boram is older

ThanQ for the Park sisters pics ^^

are they identical twins or just twins, or just sisters @_@? o_0

i always love Boram's pics

first time posting in here hello ^^V

i just recently developed a liking for Ulzzangs because of Mikki ( illoveherstyle >.<) and the Park sisters *_*

me too >w<

i really luv her outfit and her stlye :rolleyes:

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i know this is my second time asking, but does anyone know the site haemin models for ?

i really like her (:

also mikki, her pictures are so nice ! i love her style

ulzangs have awesome styles and clothes *jealoussss* :3 thats like almost the reason why i come here, not for the pretty faces :x

aaaaaan THANKS for the suhyun spam a few pages back

i love her too

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Guest fly_away_love

sorry to trouble people,

but can someoe please post pictures of mikki with her black hair + silver streaks?

or any other ulzzang that had that hair style?

thank youu!!

and thank you to the_kam ^^

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Guest tirahbunny

oyyy this would be so much easier if the ulzzangs were indexed.

I started from the most recent page, 2113 and got to page 2025, now I have officially given up lol.

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