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tuna_madunna lol they r soo cutee!

Lee Sang June is soo hott!! AHHH!!

NO! Yoon Geun cut his hairr!! but he still looks smexy! =]

Mikki is so pretty!

Mira is gorgeous! i love her funny faces

Sol ki is lucky she is getting touched by yesung.. i wonder if yesung's fans would do something to her

Park Mina is cute and pretty at the same time!! =]

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Guest mimito

^SiwoAnd Thats so cute! Promise I won't attack her for being with YeSung and Ha SukJin fan! HAhaa!

Anyway, will she be in SuJu's movie? No? Yes?

SOPHIE That's an old pic of her? It looks new! Maybe because her fashion sense is

way way ahead! Plus she can pull of the bowling hairstyle! Amazing.. Thanks for sharing!


lol i aint gonna attack her either, but i'm just saying

it'll probably happen cuz suju fans in korea are pretty scary ><

yeah, that's an old pic of her.

i love that hairstyle on her; i think she's the only one who can

pull it off so nicely :D

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Guest flyxme.


she looks great with long hair :]

New Shin Sol Ki


they look so adorable together!

OMFGGGG that picture is NEW?!?!

i haven't see the SEXY HOT MANLY sangjune in such a LONGGGG as.s time!

thanks for the pics, he looks adorable in the first pic<3

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YESH. Thank you, I saved hehe. :P

It's been quite a while since I've seen Namji actually.


-_-;; another poser.....

choi ha neul this time. thats new :)

edit: she deleted her pics :) haha i brought her down.

LOL. You rule! XD

And speaking of posers..


Shin Solki poser. ^_^

Claims she's Japanese.. :blink:


credit soompi + cyworld + daum

Eh, what's this? I always thought stripes made you look fat. -__-a These uljjangs look great!

I saved~

HAHA. Death note! XD

&that second pic is to DIE for. X_X

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Guest Peachie-Queen

Mira so pretty ~(>.<)~ She looks so elegant!

All the Ulzzang look great in stripes! Kyaa!

Sol ki is so lucky to meet yesung! I hope she doesn't get anti mail like that girl did from star king @__@

Sangjune whaaa smoking T__T

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Guest .yiaZ.

I remember her name! Lee Yoon Joo/이윤주. I forgot what her cyworld was but I bet they're in the directory (page 2!^^)

LOL! Manly hands! She's doing that more often now :unsure:

Seo Min Woo looks like he just came out from the shore.

AHH~ Beach effect. Talking about hair.. Lee Yoon Geun got a new

hair! SHORT SHORT HAIR! What ya think?



he looks so good!!! i perfer his long hair tho...

No.. It's not just you."The JJ pose". I don't know but at least she blurred a bit of it :mellow:

SUL WOO SUK's Birthday is fast approaching!!


NEW LEE CHI HOON with Grandma~

and new from Mens-on but I highly doubt those photos are old.

Post anyway!!

p><p> <blockquote data-ipsQuote="" class



http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa312/u...g01/9994644.jpg' alt='a>'>

Credits: Cyworld.

i swear i am so in love wit his new look... will not really new look... but his new pictures.

thank you!!!

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Guest manlytoe


TO NEWBIES: my name is mollie. nice to meet you!

TO OLDIES: i've missed you guys a lot! 6 weeks without any ulzzang contact has been really lonely.. lol!


thanks a lot!


i'm BACK! i'm HOME! i'm HERE!

how have you been?

how are the ulzzangs.. catch me up on the ulzzang stuff...

i've been missing out and i still haven't caught up yet..

i have like 20 more pages to go through..

i'm so lazy i'm not going to go through them.. .lol!!!


what beautiful graphics!



i'm diggin this hot graphic of yours!



what cute graphics!



i'm so in love with your icons!!!

i love them all so much!!!

my favs





you can really draw!



i've been ease dropping and i heard you're leaving to korea?

WOW! won't that be exciting! have fun and take those pictures!

hehehe!!! man~ aren't you lucky! lol.. just like baoi i am *cough cough* jealous

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Guest jiyuhnn

Kang Minkyung!!

omgsh shess sooo luckyyy <33

lol i lovee her pictures.. her skin is like FLAWLESS.

and like snow pale.. kind of xD

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New Shin Sol Ki

They look really cute together!!!!

That guy have such a cute look...is he from SJ??Because i'm not into SJ...so i don't know all the members.

I only know some that oftenly appear in shows...no offend...but what's his name?

CAROLINE Really? And I thought his longer hair made him look chubbier? :wacko: haha!

Anyway, where have you been? I haven't seen you around here!!

..And yes! SWS bday hopefully a spam-full of page from everyone including you! lol


I'm so busy! ERR. :fury:

One way to relieve stress is to give out spams! Hahhaha!


lol that sounds to cheesy!


credit soompi + cyworld + daum


I love Minwoo,woosuk,sunghyun and Chihoon in stripes...the other ulzzangs too~ look good.

Aish....all ulzzangs are so good looking~~

My computer was down...only until yesterday i got it fixed.I used my roommates's computer to access here.(Now...using mine^^)

But i was around the fanfic section and korean music section~lol..

Hmm....i don't know about Woosuk...but it seems he gain weight...or it's just me??

woww... i haven't posted in here for awhile ;P



Credits: Cyworld.

Ohhh!!!! L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahaha~~I love the 1st picture!!So cool!


TO NEWBIES: my name is mollie. nice to meet you!

TO OLDIES: i've missed you guys a lot! 6 weeks without any ulzzang contact has been really lonely.. lol!


thanks a lot!

Umm?Welcome ....but can i ask you what are you referring to??

Old spams of Jihoo??~haha,it seems that you're referring to the old posts.Where i post a lot of Jihoo spams.

Cough...other spams too~And i think you're a jihoo lover.Haha~~

Hi mollie^^ I'm caroline

New Kang Minkyung

@ London & Paris & Swiss & Italy & Venezia & Firenze & Roma & Germany

If this is inappropriate I'll take it off.


Ohhh!!KMK!!!I love her skin.it's like so smooth,white and flawless!!!

With her babyface~lol~~~

Ugh....i wish have more new pics of Haneul and Jiyoung~~

Those places are so pretty~~~I also want to go to those places>//<


I do think that picture is inappropriate in some way.Cough...

But i don't think people will take it as offensive.Maybe funny.

Hahaha~~Such a funny girl~

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Guest superhaein

ahaha i think shin solki is going to be attacked by suju fans.

like Kim Yeon-ah was attacked by suju fans because lee teuk

said something about her in a tv show.

and this girl from star king die because of suju fans..

by taking a picture with kangin O_O

hope shin solki doesnt get too much attacks lol


facebook facker on imda O_O lol


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*__* Wa~ Min kyung went to Italy and France!!

I wanna go.. again xD Her skin's so nice, I wish my skin was nice like hers -__-

I third (or whatever number I am now) that Sol Ki's going to be attacked by rabid fangirls...

xD Sangjune as L, for some odd reason, it seems to suit him. And it seems like he's going for the sexy bad guy image as well.

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Guest moonyah

can i request the picture of shin solki at the beach ?: D. it was a pink top with white tank top inside i think and shorts.

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Guest mimito


i've been ease dropping and i heard you're leaving to korea?

WOW! won't that be exciting! have fun and take those pictures!

hehehe!!! man~ aren't you lucky! lol.. just like baoi i am *cough cough* jealous

MOLLIE! yeah :D leaving friday.

i'll have my labtop with me (hopefully)

so if i see ANY, i'll upload the pics right away.

(highly unlikely i'll see any tho T_T)




apparently, she cut her hair and there's a gif with her new hair,

but i cant save it ><

so someone should try and upload that o_o


credits: mira's cy<3

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apparently, she cut her hair and there's a gif with her new hair,

but i cant save it ><

so someone should try and upload that o_o


credits: mira's cy<3

here ^^ i was able to upload it!

actually i dont think she cutted her hair.

i think her hair is just in a bun ><"




Credits: Cyworld.

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Guest .yiaZ.

i think this is the video with her in it o-o


how come i didn't see this...>_<

but yeah thats her in the vid! the leader...

she's known as Han Bi Hyul...

I so adore her! and yepo thats a poser!

i've seen "him" on myspace...

MOLLIE! yeah :D leaving friday.

i'll have my labtop with me (hopefully)

so if i see ANY, i'll upload the pics right away.

(highly unlikely i'll see any tho T_T)

but yeah what is this!!! how come i didn't know... hahah but thats cool! how long are you staying there???

Welcome back Mollie!!!


she looks so cute there!

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