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@Ihjj. For me, Eric and Junjin have the best style in Shinhwa….Maybe other people think I'm crazy…kkkk...Don't know but I'm trying to say this objectively, but whatever they wear, they look nice. Specially for Eric, even get more gorgeous if he dress up like in Mnet 20's choice…wooot….woot..like the groom ready to get marry soon….kkkk

I don't usually like their styles given by their stylists. I however like their at home style. Lol. They're fashion terrorists in KPOP's view, but I actually like that style. The laid back style, know what I mean? Like I said I'm not into fashion, especially today's fashion, so I actually don't mind the clothes Eric and Junjin wears during their personal time. I actually like Junjin's the most, which is part of the reason why he's my favorite! Lol.

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@Phi, yeah Eric has definitely returned more handsome and refined. I like his summer style, more Americanized. Lol. I'm like him, I wear whatever feels comfy, and I'm like Junjin I don't wear brand-named clothes. Therefore I'm a fashion terrorist. Lmao.

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@Phi, I don’t know…@-) There’s a time I felt that Eric has two personality, sometimes he’s so calm and sometimes he’s so playful. Overall, I still look at him even though so many good looking guys in music industries. :\"> I love his wrinkles as well and I don’t mind his smoking habits. I guess Shinhwa has changed my opinion about older guys. :D



Cr. ericmun.tumblr

Kim Nam Joo has sophisticated look. She has a good taste of fashion too. Excuse me, whose raise hand to wish to be Mrs Mun? Please line-up peacefully, Ladies. Don’t worry I won’t join the queue. As Minwoo been said regarding Shinhwa’s planning to hold a joint marriage. It would be daebak! I can’t wait the event schedule. ;)

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Guest Putri Raja

@innasalvatore. Idk, but in my opinion, Eric's 4Dness is one of his way (just say strategy) to encourage his shinhwa brothers and his mom and kind of fan service for the fans. I believe Eric is smart person or such kind of 'clever' if you understand what I mean. He seems know correctly what he's trying to do to get his goal. However, I always think that this guy actually really has calm and cool personality that you can't even see at least once he got really emotional feeling. He's type of person who can press himself to the most unemotional thing even though it will make hurt himself. I saw their old videos (such as when shinhwa got their first daesang, 10th anniversary, guerrilla, etc…), where Eric didn't cry, but you could see how difficult he wanted to handle his tears and emotion. This is one of the reason why I like Eric. He really knows, how to handle everything in his calmness and be sooo…quite. In this 16 years their career, when too many problems, scandals come and go, Eric showed his leadership with his calm style. If we're not too familiar with him, I think it's difficult to figure out it soon. 
Another thing is, he never got shock and try to face all the challenge that he got with his calmness. I remember some of Shinbang episodes, such as episode 9, when they need to covered their eyes and guessing the stuff, most of them were shouting, scary, but Eric so calm. When he got punishment, he'll do it like a man. Ok..I should stop here, otherwise, I'll praise him more and more….kkkk

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Honestly even if he has the split personality,
I think I still can't take my eyes off him :x :x
Guess... I was charmed and lose my way back :D

Cr. to picture owner

I love his pretty "almond" eyes...
Pic: mongster

I love his laughing...
Pic: mongster

Love his goofy look...
Pic: mongster

Omo-omooooooo.... :-SS :-SS :-SS
Gifs: msmemaaaa

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Yup, I love his calmness. Him and Andy are the most calm of the group. Lol. They don't unnecessarily exaggerate any feelings, like certain members *ahem* Junjin. LMAO. Jinnie is the king of exaggeration, I'll admit, and it sometimes bothers me!  

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Jinnie..? Oh Goshhhh... He's too hot to handle... ;;)

Cr. tambling-tambling.tumblr

Credit: shintroll

Shinhwa’s Craziness - Junjin’s thirst diary - Source: iheartshinhwa

Junjin: Hyung, I’m thirsty, get me a cup of drink.
Eric: Get yourself, I’m sleeping!
Junjin: Aiya, people thirsty, help me get a cup of drink.
Eric: I will go over to beat you, if you shout again!
Junjin: Hyung, while you coming to beat me, get me a cup of drink too.


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@innasalvatore‌ Lmao. How come I've never read that thirsty diary?? Junjin is so witty. I'm still laughing. I can totally imagine it. RicJin are seriously the weirdest of the group. The two fashion terrorists and weirdos.

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@Ihjj, if dongwan is witty guy then Jinnie is sexy-witty-baby(bird) ;;)

Here is the complete of Shinhwa’s Craziness
Depiction of how crazy Shinhwa can truly be. Thanks to jacinthoriya for posting this.

1、Eric’s hatred

Eric: Dongwan! I hate you all!
Dongwan: Why??
Eric: You all don’t dote me, didn’t care about me when I’m sick!
Dongwan: We all love you. The other time when you having fever, we went to surround you, no?
Eric: Hng! You think I don’t know? That day heater was not working, so you all came over to find warmth!!

2、Junjin’s thirst diary
Junjin: Hyung, I’m thirsty, get me a cup of drink.
Eric: Get yourself, I’m sleeping!
Junjin: Aiya, people thirsty, help me get a cup of drink.
Eric: I will go over to beat you, if you shout again!
Junjin: Hyung, while you coming to beat me, get me a cup of drink too.

3、Petrol price increase
Dongwan: Heard that the petrol price increase recently. I really didn’t think of it.
Minwoo: You bought a car?
Dongwan: No.
Minwoo: Then what are u scared of?
Dongwan: I just bought a lighter yesterday.

4、Dongwan nagging
Minwoo: I’m going to collapse!
Hyesung: Why?
Minwoo: Dongwan keeps nagging!
Hyesung: So unbearable? Just exactly how did he nag?
Minwoo: He keeps nagging until his teeth became tanned after coming back from the beach vacation with me.

Eric: Junjin,how did Andy and you live when we are not at home these two days?
Junjin: Not bad, quite interesting. Andy has been learning how to draw abstracts these few days at home. Everyday he draw and I cooked. After finish meals, we sit down and guess.
Junjin: I guess what he draw, while he guess what I’m doing.

6、Alarm clock
Dongwan: Junjin, why did you wake up so early today?
Junjin: I set alarm.
Dongwan: I thought you always go back to sleep after switching off your alarm?
Junjin: Not sure who put a mouse trap beside my alarm today

7、Very beautiful flowers
Andy: Wa, beautiful flowers. Who send?
Dongwan: Is me, your hyung.
Andy: Thanks hyung, it’s beautiful, I like it.
Dongwan (Think): I knew he couldn’t resist the flowers temptation. Hehe!
Andy (Call): Is this port florist? I would like to resell a bouquet of flowers at 50% off.

8、Bun face change
Hyesung (Look into the mirror): I realized I became slimmer~~~ Wa, even my chin also became sharper! Andy,you see if my chin became sharper too?
Andy: It’s true, two chins became sharper!

9、A secret that’s been carried
Junjin: I heard that you bring my photo everywhere you go.
Andy: Yes.
Junjin: Heard that whenever you meet difficulties, you will be energetic after looking at my photo.
Andy: So you knew.
Junjin: Are you having a secret crush on me???
Andy: No. Actually is~ Whenever I meet difficulties, I will take out your photo and say to myself, what other things can be more difficult than tackling this person in the world.

10、Andy prevail
One day, Hyesung found Junjin hurriedly and said: Oh no Oh no, Eric and Andy are fighting! Hurry go, if not there will be death!
Junjin ask: When did they started?
Hyesung: “Going half an hour”。
Junjin worried: “Why didn’t you said earlier then?”
Hyesung: “Just now Andy was winning, but now I see he’s at disadvantage!”

11、Hyesung peach face
One day, Andy looked at Hyesung’s face and said: Hyung, your face looks like peach!
Hyesung happily asked: How does it look like?
Eric butted in: A lot of tiny hairs on top!
Hyesung and Andy: ……

12, Met foreigners
Met two foreigners on the road, asking for directions, Junjin asked:「Can you speak Korean? (in English)」
The two foreigners used Korean to answer:「We can understand if you speak slower!」
Junjin said:「Can…you…speak…Korean?(in English)」

13、Silly kid
One day Andy asked Dongwan: “Hyung, am I silly kid?”
Dongwan: “Silly kid, how can you be silly kid?”

Source: iheartshinhwa

That's why we love them... Pssttt, specially our Leader-nim...  :x


Gifs by: mysidianrabbit.


Gif by. psychedlove

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[Trans] Shinhwa’s Fansign Fan Account

Source by http://jacinthoriya.wordpress.com.

Only Eric parts :D 

Chanjo: Did you smell anything burning?
Eric: …… Wanna die?
Junjin: No smell ^^


pic: frostywater


A Changjo saw Eric in person and he was too handsome until she couldn’t control herself to speak.
Eric: Your name is?
Changjo: (Because Eric is too handsome until she was in a daze and didn’t hear what he said.)
Eric: Your name is ???
Changjo: …….
After getting the signature, then she came back to reality and saw the signature content: “To you who keep looking at me from Eric”


Pic: miaomiao67681

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@innasalvatore I see. Those are quite funny. I'm wondering if they're real or just fan made up. Lol. Eric and Jinnie are dorks, that's why I love 'em the most, lol. I LOVE that middle pic in the last row. So handsome!

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@Ihjj, there's no warranty for fact or just fun fact in fan-account but as long as it's not hurt our Oppa. It's okay for me... :D

I also like Baby-bird, he's really a teaser! I read a statement that a Changjo wrote if Jinnie isn't a Shinhwa member then she will see him as the most good looking gagman. :D

Cr. frostywater

Eric and his thought of Baby bird...

Cr. frostywater

But they are so dorky together.... :D:D:D


Cr. frostywater

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@innasalvatore Lol fact or fan-made I enjoy them too! Because Shinhwa would totally say those things to eachother. 
LMAO. Those two trolls. I agree with that Changjo who said that about Jinnie. He would be the most good-looking gagman/sportsman. Lol. Well he used to be VERY good looking...not so much anymore, but whatever, I still love him the same. Lol. 

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