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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest cathyy_

i was really desperate to see him, i wouldn't usually ask guys to go out.

btw he's not my boyfriend, just.. yeah =)

me: hey are you busy tmro?

him: eh kinda

me: .. alright

him: i'm gonna do homework

him: but i guess homework can wait another day.

him: why?

me: i wanna see you let's go watch sweeney todd, heard it comes out tmro.

* ALRIGHT thats probably not the sweetest thing

but like, yeah it's the only one i can think of.

and it coming out from him is like woah

cos he's like a studies first kinda guy so yeah. x]

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My guyfriend was trying to give me advice in relationships xDD...(i'm usually the one that gives the advice though xD)

And its probably not the sweetest thing someone said to me...but xD since he's usually jerk...him saying this means A LOT xD ahah

W: go along with it, thats my advice to u

W: but if he gets overboard and like tries to touch you and reach for your undies...

W: stop him right away >_>

Me: kick his balls? :] ahah

W: dude, he's hands are near the centre of your two legs, you know how much easier it would be

W: slap in face, then kick in the balls xD

W: but if someone ever does something bad to you...i got your back ^^

Me: ^^ really? Aww~ pwahaha

Me: nicest thing you ever said to me lol

W: >.> but if a guy does something bad to you...course ill help out xP

W: holy richard simmons what is happening to me.


Me: : D you seriously changed when you started going out with Tien xD

Me: I like the nice guy better LOL

W: i seek you for advice when i am in need and you help me...so i help you when you're in need xP

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Guest ~SWEETwhispers~

Tiff: no, i'm inviting you

Tiff: and hello, you're our friend

Tiff: you don't NEED to be invited

Tiff: you always ARE

I cried so much T_________T

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Guest bbyxwinnie

this was from my last ex;

(i had an interview that day and my best friend and we bumped into him)

me; go home you're tired o.O

him; nah i'll wait for you.

me; no really you could go

him; no it's okay.

in the end it wasnt that sweet since i pushed him out the door (of the place where i had to go interview) since i didn't like being with him alone. and he was gonna walk me home t-t .. :ph34r: at night o.O **DUN DUN DUN** lmao =) dramatic much?

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there was this one time that was remotely sweet for me. but like he's like a younger


well anyways. my train was about to leave and the doors were closing,

and i half got myself into the train but couldn't fit the whole way through.

and the freakin train person wouldn't open the door again.

so i got myself out and was just walking, but like the train wasn't moving,

so i went to the last carriage ( cause that was where my friends were ) and my

friend was holding onto the train door so it wouldn't leave without me!!

this mustv'e delayed the train for like 5 mins, and yeahh.

i got in, and his jacket was coated in this weird white chalk thing from the door.

and i thought that was REALLY SWEET.

and yeah, another time i was pissed off, so i just left. and somebody was calling

out my name. and it was the same friend, and he was like

"are you ok"

ME: "why would you care"

him: "cause you always care for me and i think you need some caring as well".



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Guest babyxshh

awww these are soo cuteee


well it was sorta sweet and cute but i didnt like him haha

me: your a loser

himL but im your loser, ;]

me: aw.

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okay i was kinda crying over nothing but yeah.. he came when i started crying on the phone.

me: what? why are you looking at me?

him: because i love you.

i showed him this picture with "i love you to the moonpluto and back." (hehe from the soompi cute love pictures thead of pon & zi~)

and we kinda had this misunderstand/fight yesterday, and i got really upset. and he sent me an sms (even when he was right next to me) saying: "Pluto and back isn't far enough... <3"


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Guest Simply_M3

Not exactly sweet but it touched me.

We were in my dorm room lying on my bed. I was having a serious migraine.

I turned around to face him kind of and I was like "I could pass out from this kind of pain. haha." He looked at me questioningly and I told him that I have this condition called vasovagal syncope where pain is the trigger of me fainting. He was quiet for a few seconds before he leaned towards me.

"If that were to happen, what should I do? What am I supposed to do?" I felt the sincerity and worry in his voice, and it seriously touched me.

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me: do you think i love talk too much? like "i love you forever" & all that

him: kinda.. i mean, you don't need to say it..

it was sweet to mee :)

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Guest x3madeline

When he says "Hi"

it was pretty intense HA

And when he sings,



He looks you straight in the

eyes, and sings like you are

the only girl for him, he

wrote a song about me :D

one day when i was at lunch,

he was selling candy, and asked

if i wanted some, and i was like

i would if i had a dollar to spare,

he kind of looked sad =// and walked

away... and then came back and tossed

it in front of me and hurried back

to his table, i thought it was the

cutest thing, i was bright red, and

my friend across from me goes,

"I think he likes you." :blush:

~ He was

one of the hottest asian boys

I've met. He was Christian, intelligent,

a drummer, guitarist, and singer.

Triple Threat on the music part!@!


another one of my old crushes

called me pretty once, he was

in awe :blink: , funny thing was, i looked



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Guest bLuE_rOsE87

We were heading out to somewhere and i said "you got everything?" he replied "yes, i got you".

i pretended i didnt know what he was talking about and said "yea.. i provide you with everything"

he said "you don't get it? you asked me if i got everything.. i said i got you. that means you're my everything" =]

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Guest ainsleyx33

"you've made me so much happier. i smile more when i'm with you. that's why my dimples are always showing around you. thanks for being in my life. thanks for everything."

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Guest monicalt

"i love to lie in bed with you. especially now when it's raining outside, i think about all the single people that are walking in the rain lonely... i'm so glad i have you, and that you're lying right next to me"

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Guest __peedee
Not exactly sweet but it touched me.

We were in my dorm room lying on my bed. I was having a serious migraine.

I turned around to face him kind of and I was like "I could pass out from this kind of pain. haha." He looked at me questioningly and I told him that I have this condition called vasovagal syncope where pain is the trigger of me fainting. He was quiet for a few seconds before he leaned towards me.

"If that were to happen, what should I do? What am I supposed to do?" I felt the sincerity and worry in his voice, and it seriously touched me.

that's really touching :)

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hhmm .. something sweet you say ?? ..

well~ what i found sweet was .. when i found

out that the ghy .. well .. idk >< .. idk if i still

like him .. but .. he was asked if he liked me ..

he answered .. well .. at one point .. i did ..

but, i really just want to think her as a sister ..

evn tho i think of her as a sister .. it doesn`t mean

that i won`t like her .. `cause, i still want to care

about her and don`t want anything to happen to

her .. i don`t want her to be sad or anything

like that .. .. but idono~ i found that sweet

^__^ .. haha~ .. -scratches head- .. but .. whatever~

you ppl can think or say anything you like ^___^ ..

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my bf said that to me ^ ^

could you please translate

that for meh ?? ^___^ .. haha~

awwwwwwwww. thats so cute. for the people who dont understand , I'll translate it:

The reason the sky is so beautiful is that there are stars.

The reason the ground is so beautiful is that there are flowers.

The reaason my life is beautiful is that I have you.

awww, the_one ... love doesn't come back. 근대, 미련은 있는 거야.

aww !! <33 .. how cuute !! <33 ..

hee-hee~ xDD .. that`s sooo sweet !!

<33 .. ^___^ .. very romantic !! ^___^ ..

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