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Guest circustricks03

YEAH BABY!!! Man I remember praying for someone to rescue my babee KG from Minnesota before the season began. OMG this is crazy. I love this man. He totally deserves everything. He is such an emotional player. "Counterfeit Ticket" my richard simmons!!!

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naw wut i said about kobe must be true. cant shoot crap against a good defense and some one always up his behind guarding him.

just wow about kobe's game play. so where is this god like player at. now lets see if kobe still wants to get traded.

Did you like miss the commentators this whole series? Everyone knows as good as any player is individually, he can't carry a team to win every single game. Instead of being so critical on him on the Finals, you should look around at his other accomplishments this season and playoffs and his entire career. 62 Kobe, 61 Mavericks last season?

Stop your egging on Kobe and the Lakers, he's far more capable of doing things 90% of the other players in the league can't do. There's no reason to discredit Kobe, the Lakers played bad completely under the pressure of the Celtics defense. Instead, you should just be crediting the Celtics for what they did.

Like geez, Wilt was contained by Russell and the Celtics back in the day, Jordan was held down by Drexler, Robinson couldn't handle Hakeem, and they're still the best.

It's the same thing with a lot of people discrediting LeBron in last year's Finals. It wasn't him, it was Bruce Bowen and Spurs' defense.

Stop being so critical and beating around the bush, and show some respect.


On a side note, congrats to the Celtics. Had a good feeling inside when the Big 3 got their standing ovations from the crowd.

Now that the season has come to a close and people have been proving wrong, the hate can stop. Now we watch where Beasley goes.

KG cried, damn.

David Stern sighting ruined the moment for me :( ROFL at the Celtics guy who pulled out the cigar right on cue.

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Ahh.. that game was TT-TT

Oh wells. Lakers always have next year with Bynum back.

Celtics deserved it.. They were the better team this year. Congrats to Celtics!

But I still hate them. LOLS

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Guest mojomunkeez

Yeah, I don't see Boston repeating next year, though. The whole team is aging. The Big Three are all in their 30s. Brown and Cassell are pushing 40. Rondo, Perkins and Powe are youngsters, and decent, but hardly a core of players I'd want to build around.

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Guest CKcrossover

dang KG is hella emotional

I was never on the celts bandwagon this season

but it's great to see them win

from having the worst record last season

who would have thought they be the champion a year later

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Guest Krn_Track_Star
Did you like miss the commentators this whole series? Everyone knows as good as any player is individually, he can't carry a team to win every single game. Instead of being so critical on him on the Finals, you should look around at his other accomplishments this season and playoffs and his entire career. 62 Kobe, 61 Mavericks last season?

Stop your egging on Kobe and the Lakers, he's far more capable of doing things 90% of the other players in the league can't do. Instead of being critical on his Instead of discrediting Kobe, you should just be crediting the Celtics for what they did.

Like geez, Wilt was contained by Russell and the Celtics back in the day, Jordan was held down by Drexler, Robinson couldn't handle Hakeem, and they're still the best.

It's the same thing with a lot of people discrediting LeBron in last year's Finals. It wasn't him, it was Bruce Bowen and Spurs' defense.

Stop being so critical and beating around the bush, and show some respect.

wut respect kobe gets no respect from me. everyone giving him all the credit when he doesnt deserve all the credit. you can win all the league mvps, you can win all the defensive year awards, you can win all the awards matter of fact but not leading your team and shooting like crap in the playoffs when they were even favored to win this series 2 to 1 shows alot. KG said it best all the awards i earned doesnt mean anything until i win a championship and people have to see where would kobe be if it wasnt for shaq. would he have 3 rings or would he be another player known as a player who cant get his team over the hill.

and let me point out that the lakers as in a team did fine people stepped up when they had to but when it comes to kobe he couldnt do crap. trying to score to much when his teammates where doing well. for example gasol he wuz hot most of the series in the 1st half so why give kobe the load the 2nd half of the game.

ne wayz lakers are 2-10 against boston in the finals.


pierce named mvp but i think it should of gone to allen.

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Guest Aironaz

Like all the commentators said Lakers has a future we are a young team and there'll be more chances for us

Kobe had a terrible series he was put through great defense but for all you haters who say he's nothing obviously doesn't know basketball have you seen him play against the spurs last series, when it comes down to it boston had passion, effort, they did all the little things

My lakers didn't have any of that we had glimpses but after that they were in a different world, also doc rives outcouched phil jackson

Oh well season is done the only thing left is the olympics for kobe if we don't get gold there is something wrong, I mean how many all satrs does it take to win a medal?

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Guest Krn_Track_Star
lol ^ where would kg be right now without pierce and allen.

more far than kobe. if u look at the past he led the t wovles in the conference championship but could never get over the hump.

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Guest GO!zilla
pierce named mvp but i think it should of gone to allen.

what series were you watching?

Pierce's defense on Kobe should earn him MVP all by itself.

he shut him down.

more far than kobe. if u look at the past he led the t wovles in the conference championship but could never get over the hump.

that is far more than getting to the finals?

okay... stick to track.

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Guest yoojini
YEAH BABY!!! Man I remember praying for someone to rescue my babee KG from Minnesota before the season began. OMG this is crazy. I love this man. He totally deserves everything. He is such an emotional player. "Counterfeit Ticket" my richard simmons!!!

amen. i had tears in my eyes during his reaction and interview right after the game.

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wut respect kobe gets no respect from me. everyone giving him all the credit when he doesnt deserve all the credit. you can win all the league mvps, you can win all the defensive year awards, you can win all the awards matter of fact but not leading your team and shooting like crap in the playoffs when they were even favored to win this series 2 to 1 shows alot. KG said it best all the awards i earned doesnt mean anything until i win a championship and people have to see where would kobe be if it wasnt for shaq. would he have 3 rings or would he be another player known as a player who cant get his team over the hill.

And where would Shaq be with Kobe and Wade?

Pierce without Allen and KG?

Remember, December 20th 2006:

After three quarters:

Kobe 62, Mavericks 61.

Everyone else knows I dislike the Lakers just as much as the rest, but I show respect and class towards them unlike some people. The NBA is for the classy, not the ignorant.

Yeah, I don't see Boston repeating next year, though. The whole team is aging. The Big Three are all in their 30s. Brown and Cassell are pushing 40. Rondo, Perkins and Powe are youngsters, and decent, but hardly a core of players I'd want to build around.

Brown and Cassell are gonna retire very likely, gives them some cap space relief (barely anyway) and they'll just use their mid-level exception next year for some decent player, because now apparently every free agent is gonna be all "send me to Boston!" to their agents.

he only stuck on him game 4 and on.

allen wuz really the one who had to guard him. pierce helped him during the 2nd half.

No see, when Allen was on Kobe, Kobe went off. When Pierce/Posey was on Kobe, he was shut down. Watch all your games properly.

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Guest Krn_Track_Star
what series were you watching?

Pierce's defense on Kobe should earn him MVP all by itself.

he shut him down.

that is far more than getting to the finals?

okay... stick to track.

he only stuck on him game 4 and on.

allen wuz really the one who had to guard him. pierce helped him during the 2nd half.

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Guest Krn_Track_Star
And where would Shaq be with Kobe and Wade?

Pierce without Allen and KG?

Remember, December 20th 2006:

After three quarters:

Kobe 62, Mavericks 61.

Everyone else knows I dislike the Lakers just as much as the rest, but I show respect and class towards them unlike some people. The NBA is for the classy, not the ignorant.

i know shaq would be no where without wade or kobe but at least shaq gives him credit. i have yet to see kobe give any credit to any one on his sucess especially most lakers fan. they believe kobe is just the right one. i dont care if kobe scored 62 or matter of fact 81 where is this so called i can win by myself he talked about in the past.

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Guest Aironaz
wut respect kobe gets no respect from me. everyone giving him all the credit when he doesnt deserve all the credit. you can win all the league mvps, you can win all the defensive year awards, you can win all the awards matter of fact but not leading your team and shooting like crap in the playoffs when they were even favored to win this series 2 to 1 shows alot. KG said it best all the awards i earned doesnt mean anything until i win a championship and people have to see where would kobe be if it wasnt for shaq. would he have 3 rings or would he be another player known as a player who cant get his team over the hill.

ne wayz lakers are 2-10 against boston in the finals.

wow I smell hater it's okay there are players I don't like either like lebron but I respect him he is a force to be wreckon with and has a great talent he's a great player no matter what anyone saids and you act like kobe's going soon the guy is thirty and has more chances to win a ring with his team, he's improved as a player but your eyes can't see that can you?

The whole shaq and kobe thing is old you act like shaq can win it all by himself it was a team effort for the dyunast that happened years back, when malone and payton was there where did shaq go against the pistons? When he won another ring shaq had dwayne wade shaw can't win a ring by himself no player can they need support basketball is a five man game.

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