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Guest Chioster

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^ Yeah, but they don't have a set cap-space like the NBA does which means their billionaire owners can pretty much offer any amount.

It'll make him even more of a global icon but I doubt he'd go. The NBA is HIS league and that's where his legacy belongs in.

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Lol notice that the guys who've bolted to the Euroleague are just blue-collar players. LeBron would probably lose his endorsements if he left the NBA.

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Guest Viet_teKniks
Really Yao's contract ends in 2010.... I hope he resigns for long term because he is like one of the big men out there and you need a good big man on your team,

yeah hes good...but this guy gets hurt too much

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Guest 432521

yeah hes good...but this guy gets hurt too much

Really, maybe i cant remember others*i have horrible memory* but he has only had 2 major injuries his knee, and then his ankle? He doesnt miss that many games right? aside from missing the last half of the 2007-2008 season.

About the Euro league, it would suck that if one day all of the good players or primer players one day decide to leave the NBA to go over there, i know it probably wont happen, but if.

Does anyone have any opinions on the NBA expanding into europe, i read about it someone wrote it in some article after that guy from the hawks went over there.

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^yes on the europe expansion. its david sterns next goal to bring the NBA to europe. it kinda already started with the NBA euro preseason games. and if it does happen and works out i think it would be good cause that way there will be a true world champion with continent versus continent. plus he has plans to have a league in China also.

as for yao, his total games per season has been declining ever since he came into the league. i think one of the only seasons he played most of the season was his 2nd year in the league.

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Guest Chioster

Really, maybe i cant remember others*i have horrible memory* but he has only had 2 major injuries his knee, and then his ankle? He doesnt miss that many games right? aside from missing the last half of the 2007-2008 season.

About the Euro league, it would suck that if one day all of the good players or primer players one day decide to leave the NBA to go over there, i know it probably wont happen, but if.

Does anyone have any opinions on the NBA expanding into europe, i read about it someone wrote it in some article after that guy from the hawks went over there.

It would cost too much to really do that unless it is like another division that plays its own seperate games. The NHL has been considering this for years but in the end, they just play exhibition games around the world now instead of expanding and because of all the growing leagues around the world.

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Really, maybe i cant remember others*i have horrible memory* but he has only had 2 major injuries his knee, and then his ankle? He doesnt miss that many games right? aside from missing the last half of the 2007-2008 season.

Yao played only 57 games in 05-06, 48 games in 06-07 and 55 in the 07-08. His knee and foot's not gonna last forever.

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When Yao gets old, he is gonna BREAK DOWN so much.

He'll be nothing more than a stand-still shooter from around the hoop and won't have the physical energy or ability to run the floor anymore.

I like the continent vs continent idea! But that would take EONS to develop.

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Guest GO!zilla

that is so harsh will~

even that tall stick that got owned has a heart!

lol anyways i was talking health wise...

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yao has a few good years left in him..remember..he's a giant..not a regular sized human..giants have bigger health problems ( no pun intended)

i think if houston makes a couple more moves, they could have an nba championship calibre team.

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Guest 432521

Bradley is like taller then yao right? I never knew such a tall person could get dunked on so easily, i know that yao gets dunked on to but not to the same effect that bradley does.

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Guest sle3pyguii

Damn..haven't posted in a while.

Being dunked on by Shaq when he was on the Magic and Lakers is understandable. That guy was and still is a mac truck. The scoop slam though....that's just "Greatest Plays..." material. Donno if you can call it a play though. Haha.

Random thought:

How do you guys think Ricky Rubio is going to do when he comes to the NBA? Comparisons with Nash in terms of passing. Not sure how his court vision is compared to Nash. Another Darko? I think he's going up against Brandon Jennings for one of the top PG spots in the next draft.

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