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Guest Chioster

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how is it remotely the same? All 3 games the Lakers lost to the Rockets, they lost badly and definitively. Even in game 1, where it ended with not that great of a point differential, the Lakers literally had the lead for less than a minute throughout the entire game. Game 4 had the Rockets with a 29 point lead, and this latest loss started off with a 17-1 scoreboard. THe series is tied at 3-3, but the Rockets victories were greater. Quite a bit different from the Boston/Atlanta games not to mention that Atlanta was becoming a legit team with all its stars intact, or are you calling Joe Johnson a chump?

Sure, game 5 was a complete blowout, but if you look at all the games, there's no real reason to give the Lakers any kind of an advantage. Secondly, nobody has any respect for them. Whatever small shred of respect most b-ball fans were forced to give to Kobe and the Lakers due primarily to their talent is now long gone. I'm obviously biased as a long-time Rockets fan, but just look at any of the big Lakers forums, they've pretty much abandoned the current incarnation of their team, Magic Johnson's just plain disgusted, and do you read the LA times? Yeah, they don't care for the lakers at all. Even while living in LA, my friends and I cheered for Boston last year.

Honestly, I hope the Rockets win, just because if they lose this series, their truly historic run as quite possibly the most undermanned team to ever take the #1 seed this far might well fall into the shadows of obscurity. Phil Jackson made excuses like how his team isn't 100% with Odom's back injury. Are you kidding me? The Rockets traded away their starting PG, both their star players are OUT, the damn 60 billion year old backup center Mutombo's out. Our starting center's a lightly regarded 6'6"er going against two 7 footers in Bynum and Gasol.

Please use your brain and wrap your head around that. Our starting center's the same height as both of the starting Forwards.

Forgive me for any rude remarks, i'm still high off that victory.

always did think he looked like a black Satan. Not that I don't love him as a Rocket... but yeah, he just looks evil.

yes, you're right. you're just a rocket fan with a victory high. calm down, dude.

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Guest 432521

yes, you're right. you're just a rocket fan with a victory high. calm down, dude.

This coming from a Lakers fan

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Guest SurpriseSex

The amount of Rockets bandwagoners that have sprung up lately rivals that of the Celtic ones last year.

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Guest SurpriseSex

The Laker fans were actually always here. Check the earlier pages of the thread, during the season, before the season, the Laker fans were always here.

And Raptor fans. Those ones are funny.

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Guest derrek

haha ahhhhh yeah, me and GregoryHouseMD hold down the Raptors section!! In all of our glory! hahaha!!

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Guest Unanimous

why is it necessary to point out bandwagoners? or bring up the topic? whats so significant in that?

Anyone can come, I can careless, bandwagoners or not just as long as we discuss bball.

and what if they arent bandwagoners? They can be a reader but a post intrigued them so much they just had to reply.

Anywho, how did both game 7 end up bring on Sunday? Wish there was a game tonight =(

Coming from a Lakers fan, I hope Sasha gets traded. He isn't worth what we are paying him. Everyone goes through a slump but will he ever come up from it? Is he in the gym trying to pull himself out of it? And when he does something significant, ONE thing, whether it is making a basket or a steal, to him that is like the Play Of The Game or something.

Aaron Brooks is only 24? He looks so much older with his facial hair like that.

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The Laker fans were actually always here. Check the earlier pages of the thread, during the season, before the season, the Laker fans were always here.

And Raptor fans. Those ones are funny.

haha. ahh those raptor fans...

yes, were were always here. when did this 43232323232 show up?

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Guest 432521

I have been here a while, I just didn't post a lot. I was one of those lurker and minimal posters.

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The Laker fans were actually always here. Check the earlier pages of the thread, during the season, before the season, the Laker fans were always here.

And Raptor fans. Those ones are funny.

Aha, yeah and Bobcats wiping the floor with the Lakers has been pretty funny over the past few years as well.

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Guest SurpriseSex

The Raptors failing to make the playoffs and still believing in Chris Bosh is funny, too. I'd rather just lose to one team than all teams.

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Guest 432521

I never knew buying a freakin jersey was so freakin confusing, it took me 2 hours to figure out the sizing.

I am so excited for the game today. I want the Rockets to win because they are my team, and the Magic to win because Alston is their. I know he isn't a rocket anymore but I did enjoy watching him play.

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Guest xsilentangel

In order to prove that you are not a bandwagoner, must you post in this NBA thread prior to the success and/or popularity burst of a particular team showing support?

Does it all even matter?

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Guest derrek

haha who cares, we just like to trash talk sometimes and its all in good fun...

no one lose any sleep!!

HERE WE GO PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest res0nate

Crawford is the best. I think someone put up a stat where the Lakers are 11-1 when he's officiating

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