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Guest lenakeem

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Guest robotic

LOL yup! the lyrics of the song are just adorable! just like shinhwa LOL anyways, i just noticed that their are 6 friends >< hahaha, i know im so slow! the magical number of 6! hmmmm ... LOL

anyways, i was wonder if each friend resembled someone in the group LOL in my opinion:

skinny friend = hmmm ... all of them can go in this category i think

tall friend = Eric, Hyesung, or Junjin

little friend = Minwoo LOL or Dongwan or Andy

model student friend = hmmm ... Hyesung or Andy (i don't know why but whenever i see them, they seem so smart and yea LOL well Hyesung won the star golden bell last time i think and Andy played as a model student in Nonstop 4)

drunkard friend = Junjin LMAO (after hearing all those stories about how he has no drinking limit)

Agreed, agreed!

The lineup of 6 friends embodies the friendship and brotherhood of Shinhwa so well.

The lyrics mean so much more as they were composed by Eric.

Watching Shinhwa's 'The Snowy Night' performances from their concerts really cheers me up:-



Rofl at the part when the Shinhwa members sing 'drunkard friend' and point at Junjin XD


Don't they look smokin'?? Haha. model status.

OOOOooo - Another Jinsyung collab.

I love 'The Birds'

Is it me or does Hyesung look as if he has lost more weight.. his face is so thin

Jin looks so 'beefy' next to Hyesung T_T"

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Anyone know the link to Orange Crush forum?

Ah subs to Brain Survivor are finally out. Always seen some cuts on Youtube and Shinhwa were so adorable of course.

By the way, something that just came to me, has any of the Shinhwa members appeared on Star King? They should go on it as a group one day.


new page! ^__^

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it's finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[08.01.11] [info] 'ANDY the first NEW DREAM' 1st Album Cover + Tracklist

im sooooooooooooooooo excited!!!




[08.01.10] [News] Hyesung, Junjin sign on as highest paid models with fashion brand

May Take Out with Full Credits Only.

Thank You.


Shinhwa's Shin Hyesung and Junjin have been selected as the models for a fashion label that will be breaking into the China market. The two of them will be demonstrating a mix of the androgynous mannish look and the feminine look, a style that is in vogue in Europe right now.

Shin Hyesung and Junjin were selected by Yeshin as the models for their new label "mutishop'Y BY CODES-COMBINE" which will be launched in Shanghai in March. They completed their photo shoot in a studio in Gangnam on 3 January.

Due to Shinhwa's popularity in China, Shin Hyesung and Junjin's endorsement fees thus are reportedly the highest in the market.

A spokesperson from 'Y BY CODES-COMBINE' said, "As representatives of the Hallyu wave, the different personalities and overall marketability of Shin Hyesung and Junjin are very highly rated within the market, this is why we decided to sign them on. We hope to be able to tag on the huge popularity of Hyesung and Junjin in China to attract the younger consumers."

The ads featuring Hyesung and Junjin will be seen in Chinese fashion magazines, on outdoor billboards, in shopping malls and other medium. With the launch of the label in March, the two of them will also be in Shanghai at the same time for fansigning events and other promotional events.

Hyesung and Junjin both expressed, "We're really happy to be the spokespeople for the label, and we feel that all this came about because of the fans' love and support. We will work hard."

Now Hyesung has already completed the promotional activities for his 2nd solo album released last year, and is currently preparing for Shinhwa's 9th album and his 3rd solo album. Junjin has completed the filming of the Chinese drama You Are My Dream, and is also in preparation for Shinhwa's 9th album and his solo album.

Source: mydaily & osen & oceans

Chi trans: jojoyu7@shinhwachina

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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dreamagain. - eh i have OC link, but it's at home.. will edit this post once i get to it [if i remember that is ^^"] and yes, they've appeared on star king before.. i think it was dongwan [this one i'm not too sure] and hyesung [i'm pretty sure on this one though] although they appeared as solo artists.. hyesung did some pool thingy when he was on the show..

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Orange Crush:


Anyone know the link to Orange Crush forum?

Ah subs to Brain Survivor are finally out. Always seen some cuts on Youtube and Shinhwa were so adorable of course.

By the way, something that just came to me, has any of the Shinhwa members appeared on Star King? They should go on it as a group one day.


new page! ^__^

Minwoo was also on Star King. He was on when girl with very strong hair appeared. She had secrete formula that made her hiar very strong and for Minwoo, she was willing to give him a drop.

dreamagain. - eh i have OC link, but it's at home.. will edit this post once i get to it [if i remember that is ^^"] and yes, they've appeared on star king before.. i think it was dongwan [this one i'm not too sure] and hyesung [i'm pretty sure on this one though] although they appeared as solo artists.. hyesung did some pool thingy when he was on the show..
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Guest love!melody

Hello everyone (:

I’m really glad that I found the Shinhwa thread here in soompi. I have so many great things to say about them but I don’t know where to begin. Well, first off, I have been a Shinhwa fan, or more like fanatic, for quite some time now. I believe it has been about six years or so. I used to think that I was a fan for a very long time but now that I think about it, this march is their ten-year anniversary and I have been a fan for only a little more than half their career. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean anything! LOL I still love them! To me, Shinhwa is very special to me because they were the first group who got me into Korean music, and also Korean drama. Though I have listened to H.O.T., S.E.S. and Fink.l songs since very young, they haven’t brought much excitement to me. I liked their songs and all but they weren’t of great interest to me. However, when I first saw Shinhwa’s powerful performance, I fell in love with them immediately. Very much like ’Love at first sight’ LOL Anyways, thanks to Shinhwa, I took interest in my own native, Korean culture. Hehehe. And thanks to that, I have even been able to get closer to my parents since we can watch and talk about Korean things together. Though I have had minor crushes here and there on other singers, no one can surpass my love for Shinhwa. They have always been and always will be my most favorite group!

Anyways, I cannot wait for their ninth jib! I just can’t wait! I heard that it is supposed to come out in March but does anyone happen to know the exact date? I hope that they do a lot of promotions so that we can see them often, since this will be their last jib quite some time. *sigh* Just thinking about their military services makes me sad >< I wish those years would pass by in a flash. But for now, I’ll just think about the bright side -- their ninth jib! LOL I’m anticipating their album as well as their promotional activities. Seeing all six of them together brings a grin to my face, despite how bad of a day it was. I guess you an say that they are a ‘stress-free’ zone. Gives me a sense of enjoyment and happiness watching clips of them and listening to their music everyday. Though all six members are great individuals, nothing can compare to when all six of them are together. Just seeing them fool around and teasing each other brings me great joy and laughter. Hopefully we will be able to see more of these moments soon.

And I know that Andy and I believe Dongwan, correct me if I am wrong, are supposed to release new albums this month. Is it true? Well I know that Andy is but I’m not 100% sure about Dongwan. And I also heard somewhere that Junjin will be releasing an album sometime this year as well. I hope they all promote their albums. At even better, if they promote it together, somewhat like how Dongwan, Minwoo, and Hyesung did. Well I guess Andy will be giving us great music and hopefully promotional activities to watch and listen to until they release their 9th album. Hehehehe. I just can’t wait! I was kind of upset that Shinhwa didn’t promote their winter single in Korea. It seemed as if they only promoted, well not exactly promote, but they only had concerts in Japan and China. Hopefully for their 9th album, they will do a lot of promotions in Korea. I have a feeling that Shinhwa Changjo might have been a little upset about that. But nevertheless, we still love all of them!

Woah! I wrote so much >< Hehehe, hope no one mines. I doubt anyone will bother to read this all but oh well. I know that I would have ended up writing something ten times as long if I don’t stop myself right now.

Will be stopping by this thread a lot often now and hope to get along with everyone here ^^

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Guest evelynphuong


hi you and welcome to our Shinhwa world

well, i dont mind at all reading your comments, coz that`s how i feel about Shinhwa as well

yes, i agree that Shinhwa`s members individual activities are good but it`s the best when they`re together, coz it`ll bring such an excitement that no one/ no other group can do (to me)

these days, it`s hard to see them together, but no matter how long we must wait, i believe that Shinhwa fans will be waiting

and the 9th album, and the concert in Seoul this March... everything can be called a farewell... but Shinhwa is always Shinhwa... they said they have a date with fans in someday, Shinhwa can stand together on a same stage again, and i always believe in that promise

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Thank you so much for the link. I usually don't search Youtube because I try to download onto my harddrive. Quality of sound is very good and I love the way they fool around! So cute! LOL!

P.S. Good thing I was able to download HQ of SBS and KBS shows from my CB this past weekend and it wasn't during this week because I will be going crazy right not....my CB is not uploading to people CB pages!

Am I the only one who's been having problem with getting into people's CB pages? If you are having same problem, could you please PM me to let me know? I can't survive without my CB working....I need to download more of my boys! Thanks.

hi... i really wanted to download shinhwa china concert"how do i say" part.. its the cutest i have seen so far~~~ anyone know how??

i also need to download the HQ version of the sbs shows....anyone know where can i download it??

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Guest love!melody


hi you and welcome to our Shinhwa world

well, i dont mind at all reading your comments, coz that`s how i feel about Shinhwa as well

yes, i agree that Shinhwa`s members individual activities are good but it`s the best when they`re together, coz it`ll bring such an excitement that no one/ no other group can do (to me)

these days, it`s hard to see them together, but no matter how long we must wait, i believe that Shinhwa fans will be waiting

and the 9th album, and the concert in Seoul this March... everything can be called a farewell... but Shinhwa is always Shinhwa... they said they have a date with fans in someday, Shinhwa can stand together on a same stage again, and i always believe in that promise

hehehe ^^ thanks for the welcome!

anyways, i was watching random shinhwa clips at youtube and found one of my most favorite performances and just wanted to share:

i love all the songs they performed (: 잠 못 드는 밤 비는 내리고, 붉은 노을, and of course 'brand new' ^^ i love everything about this performance -- their vocals, outfit, and their hair LOL it's usually hard for me to really really like all their hairstyles when they perform together but in this performance, i liked it alot! anyways, hope you all like this performance too ^^

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hi... i really wanted to download shinhwa china concert"how do i say" part.. its the cutest i have seen so far~~~ anyone know how??

i also need to download the HQ version of the sbs shows....anyone know where can i download it??

asking for downloadable links is breaking the rule.. unless you're asking for cb download links..

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keiichiro - that's a spam.. if you want to comment on anything about solo activities of the members, you should do it in their respective threads.. andy's thread was opened just recently.. and you can find it if you browse the pages/look through the pinned index..

mz_taebiny - yep you're right.. from 8th album there were only once in a lifetime and throw my fist..

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Guest changminnies_girlfriend

wondering what they are doing these days??? they been so quiet after the award shows>.....:( imma thinking that they prob prepping for their album.... hmmm.... still.....they're to quiet...even for their solo activities...

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Guest ntlove16

Yeah, everything seem so quite now.... I'm still waiting for the next albumn... I heard Dongwan having 2nd albumn this month, but up until now, I havent seen any picture or anything about it.... Minwoo is having 3rd albumn- japanese version coming out in Feb.

Does anyone know if they will have a Tour next year before they go to the Military...? >.<

I'm really curious....

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well, i think all of them have stopped their solo activities to prep for the upcoming anniversary/album promo.. so it's normal for them to be this quiet.. besides, it's not like they have regular variety show/drama activities [like andy for xman last year] so we don't usually see them on tv or anything like that..

ntlove16 - they're going to the service later this year [at least for dongwan and eric] so for sure they're not gonna have a tour next year.. but for this year, i don't know.. maybe? nothing is confirmed yet..

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Guest ntlove16

nutzie - Why does Dongwan and Eric have to go this year, but not Minwoo? Oh and by next year, I meant this year. I'm still in the 2007 moment... Keep getting myself mix up.... >.< Thank you for your answer ^.^

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i never know what the answer is myself.. maybe it has something to do about how long they can postpone the service or something? my hypothesis is that, everytime they postpone, they're given a year.. and since dongwan and eric are about a year [-3 months or something] apart, if eric postpones it 1 more time than dongwan did, they're going in around the same time.. and if minwoo postpones it around as many times as eric did, they would have to go in 1/2 year apart.. or something like that? i don't know, i think i confused myself too..

maybe mommie alice would know more about this than i do [cos she can ask her husband and all =P]


it's shinhwa's asia tour report.. hilarious interview as always.. upgraded greeting, and being dorks by passing the mics everywhere.. what's the meaning of eric's hand signal? it looks to me like he's asking andy for money =P and according to junjin, who needs exercise the most? puahahaha..

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