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Guest lenakeem

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u do realise that u just mentioned the three tallest guy in shinhwa?

ha ha ha

why ric, jin, sung not wearing boots

most probably cause so they will level up the same when taking pics

they are not taking full body pics

on from waist and above


that's why

ha ha ha

OMG! it's so cute that only the shorter members get to wear boots!! HAHA! i didn't really think of it until i read your comment! It's pretty sad that the shorter members have to feel inferior to others because of their height but they have HIGH TALENT DENSITY! <3

P.S: I dream of the members every night nowadays. I keep seeing Dongwan in my dreams! AND i had this really freaky dream where ANDY becomes a serial murder(for some reason he killed some members of this other boy group)! It's so scary. HAHA. Just wanted to ask if you guys had any shinhwa-related dream before?

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i has a dream last nite of dongwan

he does nothing just looking at me and smile

and i woke up in the middle of the nite smilling too

took me a minute to really realize that it was all just a dream

but i felt so happy thinking of it

it has been a while since i have any other shinhwa dream

so last nite was kinda extra special



crap just realise i own another page

yay for me

ha ha ha

early x mas present


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Guest helloello

ohhh the christmas photos are love<3 Does anyone has the real photoshoot? As in not the making of, but the end product?

And about dreams... I remembered dreaming about all 6 of them. It was like a huge k pop dream with other boy bands and stuff. But i remembered I was like walking through this restaurant, and Shinhwa were at a table. Dongwan was standing on the table top dancing while minwoo, jin and eric were like cheering him on. Hyesung was at that table too but he looked like he wanted to dig a hole and hide due to the embarrassment of his members. Then I was like thinking where is andy when this person bumped into me and said sorry. I turned around and it was andy. So i was like staring at him in shock and andy just looked at me like i was weird and made his way back to the shinhwa table.

Yeah, this is the Shinhwa part of my dream. It was a huge disappointment waking up i can assure you=)

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Guest hyu_dha

ty 4 ur reply...so that's why...

i think u can find the came out photo in their calendar for their chicken shop...

if im not wrong...

i dunno why but i everytime i dream bout them...

they always ignore me n doesnt realize my present... :tears:

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Guest 80slitenite

I dreamt with RicDy once but they were like over the side or something and once with Minwoo. The Minwoo one was fun XDDD

Never Dongwan TT___________TT

You so lucky nglkt and your dream is sooo cute Nadi. DW Oppa's smile is *_* *faint* It does have that effect to make you smile too.

This was so cute too! This was at Jineyes so credit Jineyes. lol



Edit: I just got wind of this. Thanks to v6daisuki at shinhwa_daily



They should be the first box in the last row.

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Guest picklypickly

Hi everyone. happy holidays!

i just wanted to share this link. i think it's a yoon eun hye fansite, but it has her x-man episodes in HD. and as you probably know, shinhwa was in a lotta those shows too (infamous caramel incident anyone?). they also have a zipped file w/ about 2/3 of the subs. i haven't dl it, so i dunno if they have subs for the shinhwa eps. but i'm sure if you go in the old xman thread, you can prollie find the links to the sub files there.

enjoy! CLICK.

YEH & xman are the reason i discovered & fell in love with shinhwa. so isn't this just serendipitous? haha.

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Guest 80slitenite

^love ur new sig Nadi hehe. Ok I'm suppose to be studying. T_T I have a huge math test in 5 hours *dies*

BUT LOOK AT THIS! WHAT'S THIS?! (LOL that song from Nightmare before Christmas started playing in my head)

posted in sixsenses DO MY EYES DECIEVE ME?!?!!?


[Part 1 본방 : 12월13일 (토) 19:30~21:00]

출연진 : 동방신기, 원더걸스, 소녀시대, 슈퍼주니어 해피, SS501, SG워너비, FT아일랜드, 쥬얼리, 김장훈

[Part 2 본방 : 12월20일 (토) 19:30~21:00]

출연진 : 이민우, 신혜성, 앤디, 김동완, 전진, 손호영, 문희준, 팀, 이지훈, 서인영, 손담비, 장윤정, 김종국, 이수, 테이

[Part 3 본방 : 12월27일 (토) 19:30~21:00]

출연진 : 쿨, 샤이니, 브라운 아이드 걸스, V.O.S, 윤하, 카라, 다비치, DJ DOC, 마야, 씨야, 2PM, 2AM


See for yourself on their website http://www.ytnstar.co.kr/program/program_list_0310.html

But Wannie is on duty..... Hmmmm hopefully this gets cleared up soon

I dont want to go back to studying TT_TT

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^love ur new sig Nadi hehe. Ok I'm suppose to be studying. T_T I have a huge math test in 5 hours *dies*

BUT LOOK AT THIS! WHAT'S THIS?! (LOL that song from Nightmare before Christmas started playing in my head)

posted in sixsenses DO MY EYES DECIEVE ME?!?!!?


[Part 2 본방 : 12월20일 (토) 19:30~21:00]

출연진 : 이민우, 신혜성, 앤디, 김동완, 전진, 손호영, 문희준, 팀, 이지훈, 서인영, 손담비, 장윤정, 김종국, 이수, 테이


See for yourself on their website http://www.ytnstar.co.kr/program/program_list_0310.html

But Wannie is on duty..... Hmmmm hopefully this gets cleared up soon

I dont want to go back to studying TT_TT

OMG OMG OMG~ Why is wannie in there?! O_O

Unless..unless..its like PRE-RECORDED LIVE all those months ago!? O-o

*Continues to stare at the screen-confused slightly*

[admitted silent thread stalker lol]

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Guest 80slitenite

Welcome out of lurkdom sweetdreams_87! Post more! hehe

I haven't seen other sites post that news yet like Da Capo or something. Thinking about it Part 1 has already passed. I wonder if its on yt already.

sigh if only I could be magically fluent in Korean already.

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^love ur new sig Nadi hehe.

[Part 2 본방 : 12월20일 (토) 19:30~21:00]

출연진 : 이민우, 신혜성, 앤디, 김동완, 전진, 손호영, 문희준, 팀, 이지훈, 서인영, 손담비, 장윤정, 김종국, 이수, 테이


But Wannie is on duty..... Hmmmm hopefully this gets cleared up soon

I dont want to go back to studying TT_TT

thanks :blush:

it's from the pic u posted

just wanna have some reindeers of my own

they are cute rite

ha ha ha

oaky this is so weird

and they basically just named all shinhwa members in there aside from eric oppa

so confusing


will wait for further info about this

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wooooo 5 members on the YTN special?

quoted from the website:

"▶2008년을 빛낸 가수들의 방송에 나오지 않았던 노래와 인기곡들을 편성 예정이니 많은 관심 바랍니다."

I think it's like a special compilation of the hit songs this year. Pls correct me if I translate anything wrongly. My korean is pretty bad... =( COZ i don't remember the 5 members on any programme together this year. So.. BUT YEAH! We get to watch the members' individual hit songs compiled! <3

"The singers who have shined in 2008, a compilation of their songs that weren't broadcasted(?) and their popular songs. Please give your attention"

Btw, it's cool that everyone has some form of dreams related to SHINHWA. I have a tip to share if you want to dream of a particular member like EVERY OTHER NIGHT. HAHA xP It may sound crazy and stupid but yeah...

My series of dreams with Dongwan started when someone gave me a soft toy(a dog) and i named it DONGWAN. HAHA. So the soft toy has been lying on my bed since then and it has sparked of a series of dreams related to Dongwan. HAHA. Sometimes I'll talk to the soft toy about the day and i'll ask it/him how he/it has been right before I sleep.. SO... I'll often end up with dreams with Dongwan. HAHA. (I know this is so weird LOL)

Sometimes just by looking at the soft toy, i get tears rolling down my cheeks... haiz...

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Guest miss lakwon

Aw, you guys got all excited for nothing! ^_^

They are just showing shows from last year.

Dongwan Oppa definetely cannot perform while on army service.

But how smart of YTN to show all the members in one show.



Guess what guys?!

I uploaded something really special on the Pictures Thread for Shinhwa and for you guys!

Please take a look and leave great messages!


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Guest 80slitenite

^ sigh too good to be true. I thought it was weird since Wannie is on duty. lol. oh well, but i'll definetly watch it to see the guys again anyways.

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aw.... hope our hope for nothing?

well it is not nothing

since their songs is being shown that is some kind of acknowledgement of who they are isnt it?

ha ha ha

i should get something and named them shinhwa someday

that would be nice

eric oppa, wannie oppa, how are u?

are u okay?

keep up the good work, okay?


hyesung oppa, jinnie oppa, andy oppa and minu sshi...

pls get some rest and relax

may u all have a very nice christmas

and also happy shopping

ha ha ha

wonder what kind of gifts they would get this year from fans

do eric oppa and wannie oppa get some presents too?


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Guest kriza_09

Some treat for you guys for being a good girl for this past 2-3 months!!! ^^ When I watched these vids, I realized how much I miss them together.. ='(

Japan concert rehearsal & Hyesung's birthday -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XJOgZxxoVM

Your Man rehearsal -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqDYjehDtIc

And bonus:

Love Concert backstage (Minwoo & Dongwan) -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGb-iMWkkv0

Woodong <3

Andd.. Minwoo's Nobody dance -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17oN3Z0wNbU

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^Thank you for the link. Ah. Some new video of Shinhwa together. They celebrated Sungie's birthday for a while and then continued rehearsing. LOL. Woodong FTW!

Unfortunately, I've never dreamt of any of the Shinhwa members. Quite sad actually. =)

We got our hopes up for nothing concerning the YTN Special.

I have a question for anyone that lives in Singapore. Do they sell the 10th Anniversary DVD in any major music store there? Or anywhere in Singapore. My friend is going there and I want to ask her to get it for me. Thanks in advance.

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Guest jangneri

I had fun watching the rehearsals! At the end of Your Man rehearsal, Dongwan did the wrong steps and Eric noticed. ahahaha! Dongwan kicked him because he was laughing~ that was so fun to see! lol.

And Dongwan messing up his own song's lyrics! XDDDDDD

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