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Guest lenakeem

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Guest eunicenyl

Today is a sad day :(

How long do we have 2 wait 4 their comeback after all of them finish servin the army?? Haiz i dun even wana tink abt it nw...

I'll definitely go & watch my 1st ever Shinhwa concert when they're back!!!!

I'm still so pissed wif myself...4 being a late Shinhwa fan...arghhhh missed their concert when they came 2 my country :crazy:

THEY'LL BE BACK...WAHAHAHAHA (oops i tink i'm becomin insane due 2 the sadness...)


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Guest luvluv

Can I ask you something regarding about the DVD?? The japan version is DVD REGION 2 right? That's mean it can only be played in Japan, Europe, South Africa, Greenland and the Middle East (including Egypt)..I was wonder whether it can be played in Malaysia or not?? I really want to get my hands on this dvd concert..i knw its rili worth it to buy but if it cant be play in the DVD player, it is really really sad...I'm glad to hear that it has ENG SUB for japanese Version which make my desire increase to have the DVD concert.. :( i really want to have this DVD con to add for all my SHInhWA Collection..without this DVD Concert, its meaningless..

where do you get the dvd with the eng sub?

did the korean version out yet?

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Guest love!melody

as I do everyday, i went on youtube and typed in "shinhwa" (they always come first ^^) anyhow, and this morning, i saw a new news clip which brok my heart :tears:

MNet News: Eric's Enlistment © 80sNL

i was so surprised! though i knew that it was coming, i didn't realize that the day has already come. for a while, i haven't even thought about the members' enlistment but after watching this today, i was really sad. *sigh* and in about a month, dongwan oppa will be enlisting as well ... i guess it will be a while before we get to see all 6 members together again ... but we wil be waiting till then <33333 no matter how long it takes. shinhwa forever!

and eric looked great in the news clip :) eric hwaiting!!!! <3333333333

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love!melody i saw it this morning in my subscriptions!! i was like nuuuu its soo sad!. but i left to school with a lot of strength cuz i knew i had to do it for eric. shinhwa wants us to do well in school <33

gosh, no more eric silly on shows =[. but i think there will be txt msgs. he can do it in army right? O.o

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Guest greenblobfish

i feel kinda bad saying this, but unlike most shinhwa fans, i actually kinda like this time when the members will be fulfilling their military service. I mean, of course I'm sad that I won't get to see them together for a while, but I think the whole military thing will be good for the members. And before I get bashed...I have reasons.

Shinhwa will still be active during the next few years. Even though they won't be together on stage, there's plenty of solo activities going on. And whenever one of the members does an interview/variety show/concert...the member and the media never forget to mention that they are part of Shinhwa. So in a sense, Shinhwa will live on through the military years. And according to Eric, Hyesung's gonna be in charge of holding down the fort.

As each member enters the service, it makes me proud for some reason. I'm not an extreme patriot, but I do love my country. I vote. I pay taxes. I complain. Why? Because it's what a citizen should do for his/her country. For Eric to give up his US citizenship means his country (and his members) mean a lot to him and that makes me happy! Which kinda brings me to the next point...

The two year each member spends away from the camera will give them a very deserved break. As far as I know, Eric and Dongwan will be performing service jobs, so no real combat or anything dangerous for them. And since most celebrities get those types of jobs, it's very likely that whatever job Minwoo, Junjin, and Andy gets won't be very tiring for them. This will allow them to be away from the camera and enjoy life as a commoner, something they haven't had the chance to do for over 10 years! Imagine cameras and people in your face day in and day out for 10 years and then one day, they're not allowed to do that anymore. It's like having the noisy upstairs neighbors finally moving out! I know I can be selfish and want to see them everyday, but after 10 years of strenuous work, I'm willing to put aside my selfishness and let my idols rest for a while.

And...their stint from the entertainment industry may be shorter than originally thought! At first, it was going to be five years without Shinhwa. But now, it looks like it may be just three or four years. With Dongwan in November, Junjin in February, and Minwoo in May, if Andy goes by the end of 2009, then they'll all be out by 2011, which is only three years! And three years will go by quick. If you really think about it, Shinhwa didn't really appear as a group on TV since late 2006. Yes, there were the interviews and the concerts, but TV wise (variety shows), they haven't really appeared on one since Infinity Challenge. So that means we've already waited two years and maybe I'm just old, but Infinity Challenge didn't seem like it was that long ago.

So don't be sad! Be glad! (well, kinda) Hopefully, we can look at all the good points that come out of this and before you know it, they'll be back!

hehe...sorry for the long post...

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greenblofish: thank you for your optimism! i agree with you in all your points. The military service is somewhat a 'vacation' for the celebrities, to be away from the cameras and try to live a normal life.

its true that its been a while since we've last seen shinhwa together in variety shows, and the wait for them until they all finish their enlistments will just make it sweeter once we see them together on TV again. just to think that once they come back and go on all these variety shows, there will be no reason for them to go on a long hiatus again! (oh and dont worry no one will bash you, i know shinhwa fans will know where you're coming from)

us SHINHWA CHANGJO's just need to wait patiently for our oppa's, cause we know that once they come back they'll immediately fill up all the voided years.

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greenblofish i agree with u!!! 100%!! i see that you really love them!!! and i'm with you and all the Shinhwa Changjo too!!

it's just im sad coz im just a new fan and ive known them so late that i never seen a present show that they're in together!!! but i know i can wait!!!

3 years is just a short time and i know that after 3 years im still here waiting for them!!!

and who knows maybe after 3 years i can fly to korea and be able to watch their concert!!!

for now i think im just gonna watch all their old vids!!

anyone can help me!!incase i havent watch all of their vids!!but ive already watch LL,IC and some of Xman eps.!!!tnx in advance!!!

and let's pray for their safety and for their good health!!!



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Guest angelsj

My cousin gave me this just now and i don't know where did she get this cause she's offline already..

Thanks for anyone who translated this for my cousin..

I just wanna share...

Eric's Enlistment Interview

What did Shinhwa members say?

Come back safely and healthily

What preparation did you do when entering military?

Cutting my hair. My parents told me to come back healthily

Have you cried because of this military service issue?


Feeling of having short haircut?


Feeling of entering military after giving up your US citizen

I don’t know (laugh)

Training that made you worried the most.

I’m most worried about the march training

What will you do if a senior younger than you gives you an order?

I’ll obey his order

Before (military) entrance, what did you eat for the last time.

I ate udong

The person you’re thinking right now.

My family and my second sister who’s getting married. I feel sorry I can’t go to her wedding. Live well and happily, nuna. (his nuna is having a wedding ceremony in LA, US on 11th)

After the basic training, where will you work.

I’ll work at Seoul Metro (transportation system)

Who will keep your position in the music industry?

Even though I’m not around, Hyesung will protect it *joke*

During military service, who will come to mind the most.

I think I'm going to miss Shinhwa members

We heard you had a send-off party with Shinhwa members, what did they say?

“Suffer a little bit". Hyesung and Junjin were the most emotional...

Andy looked the happiest. He didn’t say anything but he kept smiling (laugh)

Things you want to say to Shinhwa members

To Kim Dongwan who’s going in November, I want to say come here safely.

To Hyesung, I know he’ll take care of the music business. I’m going to miss the members. Ah, during Shinhwa 10th year anniversary last spring, we made a promise with the fans and the members that after everyone have done their military service, we will reunite and hold a concert in 4 years

Lastly, say something to your fans.

I’m really grateful that so many people came even though they can only see me for a short while. Please wait for a little bit.

I can finally have some time for myself to think as a singer or as an actor. In the 10th year anniversary concert, we have made a promise with all the fans and staff that we’re going to reunite and have another concert in 4 years.

We will keep that promise for sure. When we’re reunited we’ll do activities again.

Until then please wait for us. I’ll come back safely.

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Guest gravitie

GUYS! Andy and Junjin are coming to SINGAPORE! Not too sure if it's confirmed though. It should be. I read it off HERE!

Sad thing is I can't go cos it's right in the middle of my O lvls. Accccck somebody kill me please! As if Eric gone for his service hasn't saddened me enough.... :/

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Guest jean_kkp

^ hey babe, it was me who posted at LJ, and it was proven by another girl's email plus my friend's inside sources, which i think is 99%. the programmes are even out, and its part of Singapore Tourism Board's schedule for month of Nov. initially i thought it was minjin, but now its jindy!

IM SO EXCITED! but how are we gonna steal/kill tickets? HELP!!! from what i know, the ppl over at Wondergirls and 2pm are like, planning to meet the sponsors and all already!

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Guest apricot

Oh my god, how do I get the tickets?? Jean, are you planning to call? If yes, please include me as well!!! Add me as a friend and we can exchange nos or something..Then we can call or something. Lol, I'm not a Jindy fanatic but I'm just excited they are coming.. No plans yet for Minbong.. So sad.

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Guest helloello

OMG OMG OMG OMG ARE THEY REALLY COMING?? i am sooo getting my hands on the tickets! I hope its real!!! please include me in too!! :D

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Guest jean_kkp

WAIT hold on, im getting too many pms because of this.

1) i do not have sponsor contacts or confirmed tickets, even though im trying my darnest to. this concert has NO PUBLIC SALES because its mainly for the koreans in sg, i think.

2) we plan to camp at the airport and at Singapore Indoor Stadium if i dont even get tics. so if you guys are on, lets do it!

and there is still a tiny chance that this lineup changes, because they haven officially released info. they only released info to insiders and people who bothered emailing them. of course, i cant help but be excited and make plans!

and im really sorry if im violating any rule now, though i cant think of what it could be as of now

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Guest hahaheehee

OMG!!! I am definitely going! Too bad that tickets are not sold... I'm not sure if we will be guaranteed tickets since it's given out by sponsors and stuff... Singaporean Changjo-ers, let me know if there's any plan going on to get tickets!!!


It kind of lessens the impact of Eric entering the military a little.

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Guest helloello

i just love how the juniors look up to Shinhwa :Dnot to mention jonghun is cute i always feel very proud when the current rising stars talk about shinhwa. like how micky of tvxq mentioned junjin in champagne.

oh anyway, i found this link.. its in chinese though, but it confirms the Korea pop concert in Singapore...


basically they listed the stars who will be there(junjin, andy, wg.....) they mentioned that the 6000 tickets are not going to be sold. instead, they will be given out by various companies. Also there might be a possibility that they will give out 200-300 tickets on the day at the singapore indoor stadium itself. If its true i am so going to start camping there :D

if you guys want a full translation, feel free to ask, i will try my best to translate the whole article:D

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Guest juhilove


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