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Guest lenakeem

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Guest valmylove

Hello everyone!

It's September now!! its a big month for all the members! I can't believe summer is over as school starts for many...

I will miss summer, even though its not really summer for me as I work year round...LOL

just wanna share the happiness of Dongwan's I like Summer ft Andy song! It's from LadyoFlakes... I know many of you seen it alrdy...good to reminsce.

Happy Shinhwa Day!!!!

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^ yes, i wish Summer would never end. because september is going to be realllyyy important month for shinhwa.

aish, miss summer =[. i always tell myself to take summer slowly but it always goes away too fast ><.

Happy Shinhwa Month :].

4 members having concerts this month. so crazy. i just dont like it that andy and jinnie are having their concerts on the same day cuz i read this article that all members are attending jinnie's concert i think. except andy cuz he's having concert that day =[

and i start my first year of HS. *sigh*... the 4 years that grades are really really really important

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i was wondering anyone in here a member of ocean-six.com? i've been trying to join that web but it wont let me through anyone know how or what is wrong? thank you...


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Guest kriza_09

Come to Play - Idol Groups special pt. 2

Q. 20 years later, if you are to have a dinner gathering, which group will be able to gather the most fans?

1. G.O.D 27%

2. Shinhwa 25%

Dongwan didn’t talk at all about this… But I think it has something to do with Shinhwa since I’m sure they were treated in the same way… So they were talking about what kind of food they want to have at the dinner gathering.. and Moon Hee Jun said ‘JabChae rice’ (JabChae = Korean noodles) The reason behind it is that during the training period, they were only allowed to eat Kimchi fried rice… Dongwan agreed to it saying they could only eat anything below 5000 won, which means either Kimchi fried rice, JaJangmyon, or jjamppong.. So at some point, Tony got sick of it and ordered a JabChae rice for himself.. But he was caught by the manager and all of them got punished (I don’t know the name of the punishment, you have to be in a push-up position, head on the ground and both hands on the back.. it seriously hurts.. >”<) After an hour, the manager asked them ‘Will you guys order JabChae rice again?’ And all of them, still in that position said ‘No, we won’t eat it again!’

Umm, I’m sure Shinhwa got a lot of that, being the no.1 rule breaker as they are… LOL.. it does sound really harsh, but I think it taught them to be humble and down to earth even till now..

Best Moment: Guerilla Concert

He talked about how they were promoting all over the place.. It was really hot that day and there weren’t a lot of people in that city.. The MC said they wouldn’t be able to make it, he didn’t know if the MC said it on purpose or not.. They were crying so much that their nasal mucus even came out.. (ok, that was such bad wordings, but you get what I mean ^^) Junjin cried so much.. And at the end, Hyesung did a flip as he was feeling so happy and touched, but then landed on the wrong foot and had to go to emergency room..

How he could talk about that accident as if it were something funny.. +_+

* Next is ‘Press the button’ session

Q. We’ve had competition to stand out from the rest of group – 4 of 6 said yes

Dongwan was saying how in each group, we always have the greed to stand in the center. And among the members, Minwoo always gets the center spot since he sings and dances well, plus he’s the choreographer. But since Eric is the leader, one day he called Minwoo over and said: “Minwoo ya, the guys aren’t really satisfied, and honestly you seem to always get the center spot. It doesn’t look good. Let me stand in the center, too.” Minwoo acted as if it was nothing and said cooly “Ok, you be the center then” So then Eric got the center spot. And the problem just ended like that. It ended with only Eric got to be the center. And with that, one album passed by. *LOL* So the next album, Dongwan said to Minwoo “Set me on the center too” So in Wedding, he finally got to stand in the center… ^^

He thought Minwoo would make a big deal about it but apparently he just needed to talk and Minwoo would immediately agree… LOL

Then Eugene was saying how they (S.E.S) didn’t really care about the center spot, to which Dongwan replied: “You make me sound like I was badmouthing Minwoo” LOL And he gave a message to Minwoo: “Minwoo ya, I didn’t mean that. I like you!” ^^

And Son Ho Young said they didn’t have that kind of competition since the big brother (their leader has at least 5 year age difference from the rest of members) pretty much took control of everything..

So Yoo Jae Suk concluded that the competition to stand out from the rest of the group only applies to Shinhwa.. LOL.. and Dongwan just had to add: “I really wanted to stand in the middle! I was always on the far left end…” LOL Then Yoo Jae Suk asked “So did you feel better after standing in the middle?” and Kim Won Hee was saying how Minwoo once said that Dongwan couldn’t keep up with the steps.. And Eugene added how Dongwan used to practice the longest… Then Dongwan said that Andy was his personal teacher.. Since he was the last to join Shinhwa and Andy is the youngest, Andy used to help him practice for another 2 hours after their usual practice and he was really grateful for that… Aww, don't you think it's very heartwarming of them??? Yes, that’s exactly what Dongwan wanted to hear… He said “Now our team looks very heartwarming, isn’t it?” *after that talk of competing for the center spot* LOL

Q. Our member has secretly confessed to or received confession from other group member(s) – 5 of 6 said yes *I’m pretty sure Dongwan is one of the 5*

They were talking about how they knew personally or they heard from the spreading news… And Dongwan said that the news weren’t always true… for example, he and park kyung lim never dated for real.. LOL

Then they were talking about how Eugene must have got a lot of confessions… and someone asked if she’s ever got one from any of the group members in the studio.. And Yoo Jae Suk asked Dongwan if he ever did… And Dongwan did say he liked her since she’s pretty… but they used to tease each other like friends/dongsengs.. And Yoo Jae Suk said how you tend to tease/annoy jokingly the one you like.. Eugene suddenly remembered something and said ‘Wasn’t there one (Shinhwa) member…??’ to which Dongwan immediately answered ‘Was it Jinnie?’ And Yoo Jae Suk said how Dongwan would just blindly give a name as long as it isn’t him… LOL Then Eugene was talking about how Junjin is the one who joked around the most, not just her but with other members as well.. she said he’s really pure/innocent.. he’s not naïve but he’s pure..

Q. I’ve liked a person in this studio – 5 of 6 said yes

- Dongwan didn’t say anything but I’m pretty sure he said yes –

Q. There was a moment where I wanted to quit the group out of anger – 2 of 6 said yes

Son Ho Young was saying how he never wanted to quit the group and they’ll definitely get together again (I think G.O.D is on hiatus right now). Basically he was saying all the heartwarming things.. and Kim Won Hee said the next person who’ll talk about quitting the group out of anger will feel burdened after Ho Young’s talks.. Then Yoo Jae Suk asked DW if he pressed the button.. Well, at the end he said he didn’t.. but he did have something to say.. and I think it’s the most interesting story of today’s episode..

Remember on last week’s episode when DW said 2 members got into a fight because someone was burping and the camera PD had to stop them??? Well, apparently, the burping guy was none other than our Dongwanniee!!! ^^ So on that day, he had just been exercising in the morning so he couldn’t help but to let out a really long burp… and one member had been drinking the night before so he wasn’t in a very good mood.. So they got into a fight… a really big fight, I suppose.. the camera PD was trying to stop them.. and at the end, their managers, who were surprised to see even the camera PD trying to stop them, came in a rush to separate them by force, literally by slapping/hitting them… and they said to each other out of anger: “I’m not doing this (work) if that XX is here” (meaning: either he’s out or I’m out; and by XX, I think they were using cuss word)

And both of them were really hurt by those words for about a year.. Yoo Jae Suk asked if they were still doing activities during that one year.. Dongwan answered that they didn’t really talk to each other during that year.. When they were eating together, one would sit on one end and one would sit on the other end.. the other members were in a really difficult situation.. sometimes they would even break into 2 groups (to take sides)..

then he said that’s the only time they fought (I think he meant a big serious fight, coz they really fought a lot.. LOL)

And finally, message to each respective group

To Shinhwa who won’t disband forever:

DW: "Let’s do this for another 10, 20 years.. and I hope we can get together for once on ‘Come to Play’.. Shinhwa fighting!"


I was waiting for someone to mention how Shinhwa is still together... but they didn't... =(

but I think the caption they put for DW's message to Shinhwa (To Shinhwa who won't disband forever) pretty much tells us they're still together...

Oh and at some point, Eun JiWon talked about Sechkies' break-up.. He said they realized groups can only last for so long, so it’s better to leave while people were still cheering for them.. I’m glad Shinhwa didn’t and doesn’t think that way… They're not going to break up unless Shinhwa Changjo wants them to... ^^

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Guest hazrinaer

I wonder who was the one that fought with dongwan..must be a really big fight..one year not talking to each others..

but still together now..very touching..

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Guest valmylove

So on that day, he had just been exercising in the morning so he couldn’t help but to let out a really long burp… and one member had been drinking the night before so he wasn’t in a very good mood.. So they got into a fight… a really big fight, I suppose..

hmmmm... i wonder who too... for some reasons, Hyesung comes to mind... but who knows...the truth may never be reveal

at least this was their biggest fight...over a burp??? for reals? LOL, I am sure they laugh about it now.... boys will be boys

To Shinhwa who won’t disband forever:

DW: "Let’s do this for another 10, 20 years.. and I hope we can get together for once on ‘Come to Play’.. Shinhwa fighting!"

I love his message. Got a bit teary!!

Thanks Kriza!

Happy Shinhwa Month!! (I hope they make a surprise visit to Andy's concert too or did he tell them not to come again? :(

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i was wondering anyone in here a member of ocean-six.com? i've been trying to join that web but it wont let me through anyone know how or what is wrong? thank you...


i can join at ocean six because i have korean foreign card

but i dont know if you don't have it you can join or not

@ kriza thank you for your summaries..you rocks :)

i didn't watch it because at the same time there was my friend's birthday party

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Guest Ginny Potter

Thanks Kriza for this ^^. I hope the subbed one would be out soon.

@cindy: for some reason Sungie popped out on my head as well LOL... Cuz Jin and Andy would never fight with there hyungs right? I mean big fight, so there are Minwoo, Sungie and Eric left. As I remember reading somewhere, Sungie used to drink a lot. I guess that's why his image appears in my mind all of sudden LOL... But yeah, who knows?

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Thanks Kriza for the tranlation.

I hope we get to see that episode subbed. But your translation helps a lot!

Somehow, Sungie popped out in my mind too. I dunno why. I suddenly thought of him while reading that section.

It's good that even though they had a huge fight, they can still put it aside and be friends. It shows the friendship they have with each other. This thing happened when they were living together in the dorm right?

To Shinhwa who won’t disband forever:

DW: "Let’s do this for another 10, 20 years.. and I hope we can get together for once on ‘Come to Play’.. Shinhwa fighting!"

I love his message! Makes me feel a tad sad. LOL

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Guest agasshiseben

it's frustrating hearing that DW used to have huge fight with one of the mbrs...i also had the same feeling with you guys that probably HS is the one (how i wish he is not... :unsure:) and not in good terms in a year??? it must be hard for both of them... :( but i'm glad they are over it? aren't they? they better be...:huh:

komawo kriza for the translation...appreciate it!

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Guest hazrinaer

I don't think it hyesung coz I remember hyesung said before(in wonderful outing with wonder girls if I'm not mistaken) that the only member that he fought was with minwoo only..well atleast they okay now..

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Guest jean_kkp

[08.09.03] Hyesung "still feels awkward with Eric even now"

Hyesung still feels awkward with Eric even now

Making a comeback with his 3rd album, Shin Hyesung guested on Happy Together Season 3, and disclosed that he "still feels awkward with Eric even now."

Appearing on the upcoming 4th Sept episode of KBS2's Happy Together Season 3, Shin Hyesung said "Unlike with the other members I haven't met up with just Eric alone before. Although I'll call the others when I need to contact them, usually I'll just send text messages to Eric."

"If I do call Eric, he would pick up and then hang up on me. After that a text message from him would arrive, telling me to text him instead." Hyesung's revelation surprised everyone, and he continued to elaborate on other examples of their awkward relationship. "I got myself an apartment to live independently, and I only found out that Eric's apartment is right on top of mine after I signed the contract."

Shin Bong Seon then suggested that he could bring some food to Eric's place and chat instead but she questioned, "Would you leave the food aside then chat using text messages?"

More of Shin Hyesung and Eric's 10-year awkward relationship will be revealed on 4 Sept, at 11.05pm on Happy Together Season 3.

Source: Newsen

Chi trans: 韩小国 @ Bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

haha. actually i cant believe that sungie didnt know eric stayed there all this while! :(

thanks kriza for translating! i kinda think the other party is minwoo though, haha. maybe thats why dongwannie moved out of the apartment, not cos of his light sleeping habits. haha.

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AW so it was wanie!! HAHA. *shouldve known* burping into ur members faces hehe <3333

omg o.o Lee Soo Man? uhm.. no comment

[08.09.03][news] Lee Soo Man, Eric, Shin Hyesung, Kim Jaewon are neighbours



Several top Korean stars are apparently living in the same apartment block, making it a new topic of interest among netizens. 

Shinhwa's Eric and Shin Hyesung, as well as actor Kim Jae Won, have all bought units in the same apartment block in Cheongdam-dong, making them neighbours.

A source said, "Eric and Kim Jae Won have already been staying there for some time, and Shin Hyesung will be moving there in the middle of this month. Interestingly, Shin Hyesung's unit is right below Eric's unit."

Lee Soo Man of SM Entertainment is also staying in the same block.

Source: Money Today

Chi trans: evmist@bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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Guest malgretout

awwww i miss visiting this thread like every other day (stupid school) but i'm more or less caught up now thanks to all the lovely changjoers & their contributions! :D

kriza: thank you so so much for the translation. i wanted to watch the episodes (even though i wouldn't understand any of it) and your trans. definitely helps me get the gist of what DW is saying hehe

woah, lee soo man...is also living on that block?!?! :o that is one crazy neighborhood (but good for fangirling i suppose!)

ahh i love this month, so much shinhwa love to go around. yay! happy shinhwa month!

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Hye Sung ah...are you sure you didn't go anywhere with Eric before? I recall the "My Boyfriend is Blood TypeB" premiere when both of you attended it together! keke...I can't believe that he didn't know that Eric stays in the same apartment. LOL. C'mon Hyesung... :lol:

Lee Soo Man in the same apartment block..is neighbors with Eric and Hyesung...*shudders at that thought*

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hmmmm...i wonder who got into the big fight with dongwannie~~~i suddenly remember andy had said in interview/shows before shinhwa is split into US n Korea group? heheh just my guess~~

hehe i'm pretty surprise hyesungie doesn't know where eric lives.. i wonder if they ever been to each other house before!!! i just lov the oil n water relationship~~~anyone knows.. if eric really gonna release an album????

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[08.09.04][news] Eric to enlist on 9th Oct


Eric's management company have announced that Eric will be enlisting into the Noksan Training Center in Busan on 9th October. "Eric is taking a break right now, conditioning his health."

Though Eric was initially classified as a combat fit soldier, he has since been reclassified as a public service officer after being involved in an accident on the film set of Wolf in 2006.

Eric is the first of the Shinhwa members to enlist.

His management company added, "Eric is cool about this, and he will serve his duty to the best of his abilities."

He may be featuring in Son Dambi's new song Micheosseo (Crazy). A spokesperson said, "We thought it might be included in her new album, but it was delayed. Hopefully the song gets released before he enlists."

Source: Newsen + Asian Economic

Chi trans: 韩小国 @ Bestshinhwa

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

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^ Thanks ordinary.life

i was about to post it too. but not the whole article b/c i wasnt sure if it was okay to post here...

isnt it sad? :tears:  the day has finally come. its offical. its said. oct 8th. >o<. cant believe he's going to be gone in a month. <3333

saranghae Eric!! our shinhwa leader. funny like he always goofs around "shinhwa is here today because of me" :]. silly Eric <333

btw... does anyone know where i can watch the Happy Together episode? of the idol groups? even better if its subbed :]. ty ^^

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Guest miss lakwon

It's been such a long time since I've visited.

I started school so it's been quite hectic! :)


Hyesung's comeback performances have been amazing.

Seriously, I love him to death!

He needs to go straight to #1 right away!

Have you guys bought the album to support him?

I've ordered 3 copies!

I'll post the pictures up soon!

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