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[drama 2006] Alone In Love 연애시대

Guest yeohweping

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Guest dramaok

wow episode 6 had me in tears.

this drama is so subtle yet powerful.

little revelations here and there speaks volumes.

so now we know why eun-sol (mi-yeon daughter. btw what does mi-yeon call her? something else. sora i think) doesn't like her smile. it's because her father once said (while drunk) to her that she looked like her mom and had nothing pretty about her, even her smile was ugly/strange. and since then the little girl stopped smiling in public. >< until dong-jin....

and the scene where eunho and dong-jin go and visit the grave of 'baby lee' is quite touching too.

i felt so sad. watching 2 young adults visit the baby the had to bury soon after birth. before eunho arrives dong-jin who got there first tells the baby it's all because of the baby...

the scene between ji-ho (eunho sister) and joon-pyo (dong jin friend) at the cafe is hilarious. joon-pyo's pretty depressed over meeting his first love, now pregnant and married, and how she turned out to be so different from the way he remembered her.. and the woman who's kinda obnoxious just rubs it in in front of him the fact that she is married and then ji-ho shows up and introduces her as her 'honey's honey'. haha that was cute. the woman gets kinda pissed and hurries off with her husband.

but the most touching scene happened when hyeon-joong realized that his father never abandoned his mother like he always thought. he confronts his father after the father goes to see eunho and tells her he approves of them if they truly loved each other. eunho tells hyeon-joong because his father must have really loved his mother he understood that the attraction between eunho and hyeon-joong was not love. and eunho says because she once loved too she would not settle for less, because even though her and dong-jin are no longer together she doesn't regret having loved.

pissed, hyeon-joong says to his father he had no right to do so and confronts his father about abandoning his mom, and how she waited for him at the park bench all her life. but the father reveals that she was at the park bench because she knew he would be there watching them. and she had to leave with hyeon-joong in order to keep him because of hyeon-joong's family's opposition. hyeon-joong who realizes his mother sacrificed her life for him is stunned... and he realizes his father loved his mother.

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And I'm so glad that it's finally getting the attention it deserves. There are so many articles singing high praises for the show and that's just awesome, and people tuning in are totally catching the 연애시대 fever. No complications, no birth secrets, no villains...just the very down to earth story of the various love in men and women. And the neat script and acting just make this drama one of the best quality drama ever.

I can't wait for episode 7 to come out...and I love SYJ-GWS couple, and just about every character in the show. :D

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omg really the spoilers for esp 6 is making me ` :tears: this is getting too addictive the drama ~ .....

yea i agree. he is kinda creepy every now and then, especially as the drama progresses.

and yup kim kap soo is the father of son ye jin in here. they are somewhat estranged. i think she said the last time she saw him was right after the baby died. but before that i think she resented him for not grieving at her mother's death..

his name is hyeon-joong.

[minor spoiler...]

and no i didn't get the feeling that hyeon-joong is about to die from some disease. he was however trying to commit suicide so something really really traumatic must have happened.i also deleted my earlier episodes so i can't go back and watch it but i'm curious now more about the event that led him to the suicide attempt.

i also think there's more to mi-yeon (oh yoon ah) than meets the eye. she's really not the chirpy bimbo-ish woman she appears to be. she must have endured something from her first husband. did he beat her?

yes ..there is something about hyeon-joong ..a secret ..now i finished esp 3 i know when was their first meeting ...now i come to understand him more ~ ..he really must have remembered deeply her sharing of her happiness with him on that day .~ but still something is behind all his intentions ..ya i also think there was a suciide attempt ...the way he was looking at his arms ..but then he say something about death too ahout i will die ? .~ahhhh ...i reallly want to know what is the torment that drive him to that point and then meet eun ho .~ ..

ohh the mei yeon .i think she must have suffered at the hands of her exhusband ..initially i thought she was just some bimbo .but now i think there is something more deeper .~ in her ..

i was commenting to someone just now this drama really does has a good supporting cast ~ ..i am really enjoying most of the cast performance here .especially the sister and doc kong ..hahah they are simply a joy to watch when they are defending both their sister and friend ~ ~ ( just that wrestling part i thought sometimes it was abit overdone in esp 3 --;;.~ )


btw this 이진욱 i was finding him so familar so i search up his data ..it say he was also in RESCUR i was like @@ .....now i got to go recall who was he in therE ! but i do rememeber i seem him somewhere ..~ ..actually he really kinda of cute ..even when he give me the shivers ..half my mind i was ready to accept maybe he is some pyscho . but now i think..this hyeon-joong ... has a sad story behind too~ .

and .eun ho and dong jin ...

there something still not ended between them yet it is so hard to just reach out again ~ both wanted to yet .. :(

and ya the writing in this drama is really sooo good .~ .

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Guest dadedum

errrrrrr are c-subbed eps 5 and 6 available anywhere yet? it's one of those dramas where after you watch it, you think about it, and it got even better...

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Guest Syjfan

Sometimes when you remember Ye jin is only 24 and has never had any relationships for the past 5 years, it's hard to understand how she can portray such role so convincingly. To earn praises from GWS on her acting is not an easy feat.

And for some reasons, she has been paired with 30 + in her last 3 big projects, Song Il Kook in Arts of Seduction, Bae Yong Jun in April Snow, Jung Woo Sung in A Moment To Remember (AMTR) and now GWS in Alone in Love. Everytime such projects were announced, people worried about the pairing (Ye jin was 22 acting with Jung Woo Sung in AMTR, 23 with BYJ in April Snow and now 24). But the end results were surprisingly good, Ye jin was nominated for Best Actress for April Snow in Baeksang and AMTR went on to be top 5 movies in Korea in 2004 and top korean movie of all times in Japan. Arts of Seduction, arguably with The King and His Crown, were the two most successful korean christmas movies in 2005 competing with Harry Potter, King Kong, Narnia and such. Albelt not on the same league as The King and his Crown, Arts of Seduction managed to attract more than 2 million movie goers and critics were generally positive about Ye jin's first comedy role.

I hope Alone in Love will do equally well like her past 3 projects.

So far Alone in Love has been first class script, acting, humour, music and casting. Can't wait to buy the DVD set when it is released.

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Wow...I came to the thread today and everything changed...so happy to see AG & shirley watching this drama...Thanks for bringing so much excitements to the thread...It feels lonely in here sometimes...hehe...

Thank you so much dramaok for writing about episode 6... :wub:

I was feeling so much for EH in this episode...Her mom, her baby...then her father and sometimes her husband...her life is full of losses...It's hard for a person to go through just one let alone loosing all the people she cares about one by one. Eventhough her father and husband are not dead...the fact that they're not there certainly creates a big void in her life.

It's fascinating watching her internal struggles and her efforts to keep a balance. I learned a lot from her.

As for DJ...He is a really good person. I love to watch his interactions with the little girl. They have a bond. I like the way he talks to her. I think she's trying to hook him up with her mom??? hehe...if that much is true then it means a lot. It's hard for a little girl to want someone to be her father. I like all the scenes where they used the paper cups...It's so simple but it left a very strong impression on my mind. Sometimes I wonder if the paper cups actually work...hehe...I remembered playing with something like that when I was young :)

Thank you for writing about hyeon-joong...I also feel sad for him. Having to carry this emotional baggage all his life and eventually realized that it shouldn't have existed and it's just a misunderstanding. It's a very powerful scene and he did a great job portraying the character's emotions and feelings. I think because of the realization that true love does exists...he will eventually change his way of thinking and will approach relationship with a different attitude. I'm always happy to see something like this. I'm happy he realized this now when he's still young. He can still have a good & happy life. It's not too late.

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So far Alone in Love has been first class script, acting, humour, music and casting. Can't wait to buy the DVD set when it is released.

I can't agree more Syjfan. Everything about it is just so well made, down to the very last detail. All this waiting for yehjin to return to the small screen has really paid off. And I think she's not just really gifted in acting, I think she chooses scripts with alof of care and intelligence, she doesn't just go for those dramas that get glossed over with the hunks/typical korean flavor. I'm hopeful that the drama will do exceedingly well in the long run.

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Guest Gotericshin

.... BS summer scent was a GREAT DRAMA except that it dragged at the end... if summer scent was 16eps instead of 20 i bet everyone would have loved it


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Guest avajoi

to me, this drama feels like a movie so I really enjoy watching every moment and I really love the narrations, whenever the actors think in their heads, because it's realistic.

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haha, luv, its good to be enjoying another good drama again.. :)

for this drama,

wat's really interesting is the real emotions that are tucked behind the outer exteriors..

gosh, at times the scene is going on and my mind is playing on what may have happened for them to behave this way now..

there must have been alot of love between them before for them to still love each other now.. and there must have been a great deal of hurt in between them that both never knew about.. and i think the drama will slowly reveal each of their pain and love for one another, and tat's when my stock of tissue boxes will come in handy..

i don't know why but it moved me when dong jin worried for his wife's safety and got crazy on whether to call her or not, then dumbstruck when she picked up the phone of the other guy.. sat there thinking about her the whole night through..

i wondered what it was like to live such a life.. to love yet cannot be with the one you love..

on the outside it seems its not that sad.. but if you look in.. there is a sadness that can be felt..

the writers really wrote a powerful script for this.. and i think so far the two leads are doing great playing the roles. i havent got to the part where the story of the side characters are revealed, but its always great to see writers doing well developing the other characters.. :)

its great to see so many wonderful people watching this .. this drama will be a joy to talk about :)

oh on a side note... when i heard kim kap su's voice.. i was like OMG that sounds like Kim Kap Su.. then wala.. he's the DJ... and it was such a joy for me because I'm such a fan of his! the charisma in his voice alone is explosive.. :) he's really the icing on the cake for me... i can't wait to see more of him..

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Guest dramaok

yup agree with everyone here.

and i can't wait to see ep. 7.

from the preview,

eun-ho finally explodes in that one scene where her friend basically tells everyone eun-ho is not over dong-jin and how she said even if she met someone else she would never have another baby again. i can't wait to see that even though that must be really painful for eun-ho because that may change the situation... if mi-yeon finds out eun-ho still loves dong-jin,and if dong-jin hears it said in public, even though he probably knows it he's too jaded to face it unless someone points the obvious out. also i think the upcoming scene is so hilarious.. the scene where DJ and EH meet. and they each have something to say. DJ decides to go first. and he says he's gonna date MY, but then EH says she's stopped seeing HJ and DJ is totally shocked and thrown off.. and asks why she didn't tell him that earlier and how her timing is so off. he's totally dating MY just to get himself away from EH, but it's gonna hurt both him and MY, and EH too in the long run, not to mention the little girl eun-sol who thinks she's about to get a dad. ><

i can't get this drama off my mind. it's so addictive. i was watching a couple of other dramas but i haven't been motivated to continue the other ones since i started this. thx to those who started this topic and kept it going. i reviewed it on soompi page. hope more ppl will watch it.


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Wow...I came to the thread today and everything changed...so happy to see AG & shirley watching this drama...Thanks for bringing so much excitements to the thread...It feels lonely in here sometimes...hehe...

luv~ ^^ is it lonely here ~ *pat*pat* you want donuts .~ .i watch them eat dunkin donuts and i feel hungry

there were wedding pictures of eun ho and dong jin ..they were really so happy ...it really make one just has that feeling .there so much in a marriage ..in order to make it work and last .so much can happen that just life so many things u just have to learn to cope with it .yet to learn that .you have to go through so much more ..

...but for that moment they were indeed so full of happiness of being together .~ .

oh on a side note... when i heard kim kap su's voice.. i was like OMG that sounds like Kim Kap Su.. then wala.. he's the DJ... and it was such a joy for me because I'm such a fan of his! the charisma in his voice alone is explosive.. :) he's really the icing on the cake for me... i can't wait to see more of him..

ya me too i heard the voice and i was wondering dun tell me is who i think it is ! .~ ..his voice is so easily recognisable .and to make him into a DJ that soo cool..~ haha i really like the radio station scenes ~

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watching episode 3 now..

suddenly this drama is reminding me of Bool Sae... no wonder when i watch the drama last night i kept thinking how son yeh jin reminds me of Lee Eun Joo..

the story is quite similar now that i think about it... both divorced because of the death of their child.. and both still in love with their respective husbands.. and eerily i am becoming drawn to the 'stalker' hyun jung just as i was drawn to jung min... *aiks*

and i read somebody say mi yeon is a little bit psycho hahahaha...

*goes back to watching*

ps.. err hyun jeong really look errr quite handsome sometimes.. :blush:

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Guest anjandy

I'm so happy a lot of people are starting to fall in love with this drama...soon everyone will realize what a wonderful, beautiful show this is!!! Yippee!!!

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Guest anjandy

My only complaint is that i have to wait for 5 more days before I can watch the next episode!!!! Boo hoo hoo.... I'm counting the hours!!!! Can't wait!!!

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