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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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3 hours ago, lisethvr said:
I wonder the same too, some fans speculated that Park Min Young would be his candy because while Joon Gi was in Florence, she was at that time in Venice shooting too and her fans didn't know what it was. Well then I don't take it seriously, but 2 days after Joon Gi was discovered in Florence, Joon Gi's stylist posted in her instagram, videos from Venice and from there she took her flight back to Korea. So he was probably talking to Park Min Young.

If it was really her and they didn't know about it beforehand, he was probably super embarrassed when he found out ah ah. Looking forward to it. The teaser reminded me a little of the movie PS partner (without the adult content ^^), a man and a women getting to know each other through long phone calls without actually meeting. And also that JG could be great in that kind of a little bit cheesy romance ^^ Where he is the awkward guy :tongue: 

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Korean fans are posting more photos and videos of Joon Gi arriving in Korea after shooting My Ear's Candy. I guess they do it just now because it's no longer a secret to general public that Joon Gi was in Florence shooting this show.


170227 LeeJoonGi arrived in Incheon Airport from Italy



La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, lentes de sol

La imagen puede contener: 3 personas, teléfono

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, lentes de sol, teléfono y sombrero


La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, lentes de sol

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas y personas de pie

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, de pie

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, teléfono y sombrero

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, teléfono, lentes de sol y sombrero

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, lentes de sol y primer plano

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, lentes de sol y primer plano

La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, lentes de sol y exterior


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Thank you, thank you everyone for all the great posts from the FM :D Wow he really turned it on this time - it must have been super fantastic to be there and see him in person :tongue: When you compare this to his first 'Thank You' FM in Seoul he has become more daring and let us see that <cough>  'sexy' side of himself :wub:  I haven't watched the whole video yet - I'll leave that for a treat tonight when I have more time to enjoy - can't wait :D

That Lotte tunnel is something else haha - Joon Gi everywhere even on the ceiling - I wouldn't want to leave - I would set up home there :tongue:

So now we know what he was doing in Florence haha.  I'm looking forward now to seeing Mr Red Ginseng's reactions to the 'Candy' voice on the other end of the phone :tongue:

@pixelsticks I think you've covered all the questions haha - interested to hear the answers :)

@Silvermaine Thank you for your tweets - how are you feeling this morning?? Still high - euphoric?? Sore throat - haha??  I'm just jealous :wink::wub:


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I read in weibo that this ring that Joon Gi is wearing is a gift from a Taiwan fan and I think Joon Gi likes it a lot because fans posted this pic where it is seen that he has worn it many times.



2 hours ago, leesopark16 said:

If it was really her and they didn't know about it beforehand, he was probably super embarrassed when he found out ah ah. Looking forward to it. The teaser reminded me a little of the movie PS partner (without the adult content ^^), a man and a women getting to know each other through long phone calls without actually meeting. And also that JG could be great in that kind of a little bit cheesy romance ^^ Where he is the awkward guy :tongue: 

After watching trailer it seems to me that Joon Gi is really enjoying it.


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@kiinn Holy shittake mushrooms! Oh my freaking fangirliness!  Looks like he really pulled out all the stops and let his "sexy" side out with you all! Gah...that would be so fun to watch in a modern drama....ATTN KDrama writers! See videos above and incorporate that "It's so hot, I need a shower" water dance scene in a Lee Joon Gi drama. B)

@lisethvr Yay for more Lotte Tunnel videos.  I think you are right @luvkstyle.  It would be hard to leave...so much to pay attention to...seems like it would take at least an hour to really view it all.  And is that a mold of Joon Gi's hand on the wall?  Where you could place your own hand inside? Geesh, this was so thorough to satisfy any fangirl.  Are they doing a tunnel for each 7 Kisses actor?  How long is the tunnel going to be there? 

I haven't watched the whole concert video yet but plan to in the next few days.  

I thought of a new question for the attendees.  

  • Which song did he NOT sing that you were sad he didn't?
27 minutes ago, junejungki said:

I'm at Changi Airport for my 10am flight back to Kuala Lumpur. I hv tons of funny story to share abt the fan meeting. I'll update once I'm back home

Safe travels @junejungki.  Cannot wait to hear your stories!

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1 hour ago, junejungki said:

I'm at Changi Airport for my 10am flight back to Kuala Lumpur. I hv tons of funny story to share abt the fan meeting. I'll update once I'm back home

OMG I cant wait to read your stories/report of such experience! Im also looking forward for our Silvermaine to come say hi and tell us how her experience was OMG!!!!

Take your time Angels =D I'll be lurking around here waiting for your stories!! <3

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                                                    wild1.gif?w=880Where The Wild Things Are


I kept looking at this image and remembering a famous kids book illustration. :lol::tongue::D

Maurice Sendak's Where The Wild Things Are


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Lee Joon Gi shows sexy, fun side in Singapore

The South Korean actor entertained audiences with covers of multiple artistes (plus tons of flirtatious fan service)

By Tammi Tan



Photos: Tammi Tan, UnUsUaL Entertainment
Video: Charlene Chong

Over ten years after his breakthrough role in The King and the Clown, Lee Joon Gi finally made his very first visit to Singapore for his Thank You Asia Tour last night (Mar 4). The showcase was launched as a way for the South Korean actor to express his gratitude for the love and support he received for his latest drama Scarlet Heart: Ryeo, which propelled him to even greater levels of international fame.

But anyone who was expecting the 34-year-old to be anything like his character Wang So was in for a huge surprise: Joon Gi was the complete opposite of the brooding, intimidating 4th Prince – warm, talkative and veryflirtatious, with everything from making kissy faces to unbuttoning his shirt to executing sensual body rolls in his bag of tricks to make the predominantly female audience scream in delight.

There was even a rather risqué moment when, after making a remark about the hot weather, Joon Gi took a couple of water bottles and had an impromptu “shower” in the middle of the Sentosa Golf Club stage, complete with more gyrating, suggestive facial expressions and a jazzy guitar accompaniment. Needless to say, fans went absolutely wild.


On the much more family-friendly programme were live performances of his own tracks, as well as covers of artistes from all over the world. Although more renowned for his award-winning acting chops, Joon Gi also has a few albums under his belt and, as we witnessed at his gig, can flaunt some pretty impressive vocal skills and dance moves.

“Some of you who are seeing me for the first time might think I’m a singer, but no, I’m an actor who’s here for a fan meeting,” Joon Gi clarified with a chuckle. And as if to drive the point home, the Hallyu heartthrob prepared a funny video of himself parodying all kinds of different K-drama roles, such as a tough action star, a doctor and a romcom male lead, featuring one very lucky large teddy bear as his co-star.

Well, singer or actor, it’s clear that the crowd thoroughly enjoyed his renditions of EXO-CBX’s ‘For You’ (from the Scarlet Heart: Ryeo soundtrack), Justin Timberlake’s ‘Sexyback’, Jason Mraz’s ‘I’m Yours’ and even JJ Lin’s ‘Our Singapore’, the theme for NDP 2015. “I try to sing a local song in every country I visit,” he explained, adding that the melody for ‘Our Singapore’ really left an impression on him.


Lee Joon Gi performs a cover of TWICE's 'TT'

An adorably amusing incident happened during his performance of Mayday’s ‘Zhi Zu’, when he went off-key while tackling a high note towards the end. Poor Joon Gi could not stop laughing at himself and looked so visibly mortified that his supporters started chanting “it’s okay!” to him in Korean. “This is the first time I’ve gone out of tune for this song,” he claimed, still in stitches.

His last few presentations, which included a medley of BIGBANG hits and TWICE’s ‘TT’ (iconic cutesy finger pose and all), went much smoother – although he did end up collapsing with an out-of-breath “oh my gosh!” But the energetic star was soon up on his feet again, and remained hyper all the way until the end of the event when he started tossing out gifts into the mosh pit.

As for us, we were left wondering what Joon Gi – who is, let’s face it, a decade or more older than most K-pop idols these days – must have eaten to be able to gain that kind of stamina.




Black Hole

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12 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


Fellow Soompiers...

Find yourself in the crowd!!!!

And our own @Silvermaine has been tweeting about the show. https://twitter.com/ezz_zur


Show me what you got Singapore!  Lots of English speaking JG


Sorry, I cant remove the pics, I'm using mobile. I saw my face on Silvermine's twitter. muahahaha!! My sister and me was with her and other several soompians. We had great time. It was fun!!! The rain, the long wait, the long standing didnt break our spirit. 

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1 hour ago, pixelsticks said:


@lisethvr Even after the show, probably exhausted, etc. JG still waves to fans when he could just walk past them quickly. 

I am watching the Full Video.  What is the name of the song 30 minutes into the show?  Is it off one of JG's earlier albums?

The love between JG and his fans is reciprocal, he enjoys a lot to interact with them and that is why although he can probably be exhausted he shows them his love. JG has phobia of flying in airplane, so I suppose in travel he may feel stressed and exhausted but still when he arrives at airports he takes his time to greet his fans and receive the gifts or letters.

And the song is called One Word and it's from his first album, that version is ballad but later he made the rock version that is the one Joon Gi likes to sing in his FM.


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11 hours ago, Christabelita said:

OMG I cant wait to read your stories/report of such experience! Im also looking forward for our Silvermaine to come say hi and tell us how her experience was OMG!!!!

Take your time Angels =D I'll be lurking around here waiting for your stories!! <3


Let me tell the story right from the beginning I arrived Changi airport and go straight to the hostel. I got lost on the way to find my hostel. So my meeting with @Silvermaine @NoonaE & other soompian which I forgot her nick delayed for 30 minutes. 

We finally found them at the Harbour Front shuttle bus station to Sentosa at 1230pm. We arrived at the 1st entrance gate and was told to wait. Wait for what, I dunno because basically we stand there for 3 hours plus under the rain and no one know what was going on. @Kiin, @LadyOne, @SGAhjumma, @Polaris1965 @zi4r came at 0930am. They kept updating us on the progress of how many people already waiting in the queue etc. I think the number system mentioned above was to make sure no one cutting lines when the other person go to the loo. But I guess it doesnt work because I heard China fans and HK fans were arguing. Gosh!!! Heard claws were out as well, ready to scratch whoever tried to snatch their spot.  I am grateful I wasnt there. Grown up adult fighting like school girls?? euw!! I am not going to stoop that low.  2 girls tried to cut cue in our lines too. Another girl on my left side asked that 2 girls, why are u cutting lines? But they ignored her and slowly trying to move forward. But guess the girls in front not going to give way either so they moved to my spot. I asked one of the girl who tried to steal our spot, what are u doing here?? You should go back to your own spot behind. So they return to their original spot. This happened while we were standing for 3 hours plus under the rain.

Another story, my sister started to cough. She already got high fever even before she came to Singapore a day earlier. She has to lean on the rail and with watery eyes and all. We were worried if she can make it. I did asked her to return to our hostel but she insist she's fine. The funny thing was, the moment Jun Ki came out, she started jumping and screaming. No sign of sickness at all. Then she return to her original state ie sick when we were waiting for the shuttle bus after the show.  We were laughing at her and I am sorry because I also laughed so hard instead of feeling bad for her. You see, Jun Ki is like a drug. He can heal any sickness. 

While watching his show,  I was very excited and of course I jumped, screamed as loud as I can and sing along. But I didnt realized I was screaming so loud near to the ear of the girl standing infront of me. That girl turn her head to look at me & rubbed her ear.  :flushed:

Also, there 5 girls in front of us that I really hate so much. They brought along their heavy stuff, bags containing like 10 mineral water, mat, baloon and God know what. They use that bag as buffer. We cant move to the front because otherwise will have to step on their stuff. I did asked them to remove it, but that bloody selfish richard simmons pretend not to hear. I wanted to slap them right there n then but I hold myself not to do that. 

I cant remember if there's anymore. My head stil spinnning. I was very very tired. I slept at 330am this morning after returning from the show. I overslept and nearly missed my flight. I'll post more if I remember anything.  When I arrived Kuala Lumpur, my whole body was aching. hahahaha!! Last nite  I didnt feel anything because I was having a good time. Jun Ki was very funny and cute too. He looks exactly the same in real person as you see him in TV or picture. He is perfect!!! He conversed mostly in English with Korean here n there. His is English is good and I love his pronunciation. Very cute :love:


BTW, I got videos too but more or less the same like what was posted here in this thread. Not sure if I should post again. 

I must say thank you to our hard working and dedicated soompian friends who patiently waiting for us the late comers. The support system was excellent even though we never meet before. I am so happy to met these fan girling fans. Now we can fan girling together :kiss_wink:



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@junejungkiThanks for your sharing with us :D A time you will always treasure eh and not without it's dramas :tongue:  Did you have a clear view of everything? And what time did the show finish? 

Joon Gi's last Instagram post came through this morning at what must have been 3am Singapore time haha.  He must have been up partying very late B)  I'm waiting for his airport departure pics now - I'm too greedy :tongue:

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On 3/4/2017 at 10:55 PM, luvkstyle said:

@junejungkiThanks for your sharing with us :D A time you will always treasure eh and not without it's dramas :tongue:  Did you have a clear view of everything? And what time did the show finish? 

Joon Gi's last Instagram post came through this morning at what must have been 3am Singapore time haha.  He must have been up partying very late B)  I'm waiting for his airport departure pics now - I'm too greedy :tongue:

yeah, his flight is tonite.  Some of our soompian friends still in Singapore but they have 2 heart about to or not for his departure. Perhaps everybody was too tired. The show started at around 745pm and ended nearly 10pm. It was a little bit over 2 hours but I didnt feel like 2 hours. It was short. huhuhuhu!! Yes, I can see him clearly because I was at Superfan zone. He so perfect.  I dunno what else to say. 

Just to let you know, @Silvermaine sneaked out from her country to Singapore without telling her mom. You know how overprotective Asian mothers are. hahahahaah!!

I wanted to add a little bit more at the end of the show Jun Ki throw his towel to the audience. I can see it coming to my direction and ready to grab the towel. But someone from the back or from the side, not sure which one pulled my head scarf  & I tumbled. So I missed the towel. :bawling:

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