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Thank you all for the pics and interview translations from Singapore :D  It's interesting to read the different interpretations and it seems there is always something new for me to learn about my fav actor - I have never heard before about his interest in soccer/football or that he sometimes played it. I have heard about him recently taking up golf :tongue: I wonder if he supports a particular soccer/football team?

@MAROSA_JINThank you for the photos of the Singapore venue - I can pretend to be there ^_^  Please God don't let it rain...I think he (as in Joon Gi :wink:) will already be concerned about that...he won't be happy if his angels have to stand in the rain for him :mellow: although I know they will willingly do just that :wub:

Edited by luvkstyle
Clarification of text.
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Need help on this question. The FM in Singapore is free standing. Doesn't it means if you are early u are in the front? Why is a number assigned to the fans who are queuing? How does the number works? Saw a fan commented online she got number 39..how does it works?

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Quote from www.teenage.com.sg Instagram above -  " We never knew how cheeky the lad was until we met him at the press conference for the HSBC Women's Champions Music Festival -- full of smouldering gazes and flirty antics while dishing out answers."  lol B):tongue::wub:

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170303 by HallyuSG‏ [twitter]
HAPPENING TODAY: #LeeJoonGi Live In Singapore Media Conference!

- [#LeeJoonGiInSG] Actor Lee Joon Gi is here and expresses his eagerness to meet Singapore fans tomorrow at his Fan Meeting!
- Lee Joon Gi says he enjoyed the preparations for his Fan Meet & thinks it wasn't that challenging to sing & dance on stage.
- Lee Joon Gi: I prefer dancing over singing cause I can have more fun on stage!
- Lee Joon Gi shared about his filming experience in "Scarlet Heart", saying that the chemistry was really great on set!
- On Kang Ha Neul's comment about Joon Gi exuding a prince-like feeling, Joon Gi humbly disagrees and says it's the opposite!
- On his favourite sports, the actor says he really enjoys playing & watching soccer. He loves leading a healthy lifestyle!
- It has only been four months since Lee Joon Gi picked up golf. He wishes to improve his posture and be a better golfer!


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8 Things We Found Out About Lee Joon Gi At His Singapore Press Con











Source: http://www.cleo.com.sg/guys/celeb-guys/lee-joon-gi-singapore-press-conference-2017-highlights/

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(x)clusive!: 9 Highlights from Lee Joon Gi’s Press Conference in Singapore




In town to promote his ‘Thank You’ Asia Tour Live in Singapore fanmeet, Lee Joon Gi shared his thoughts on his first visit to Singapore and stories from his drama when he met the media yesterday afternoon.

With his signature bright smiles and never-ending poses that ranged from cute to suave and even seductive, the charismatic actor definitely charmed all present as he graced his ‘royal’ presence at the press conference. All he needed to do was to smile and wave and the flashes in the room will go off like fireworks! (This description may be a little exaggerated but you probably get what we are hinting at.)


#1 – Lee Joon Gi’s thoughts on his First Trip to Singapore

“I would like to extend my apologies to my fans in Singapore.”

None was expecting an earnest apology when the question with regards to this trip being his first was raised. He shared that his first thought upon his arrival in Singapore was “Why didn’t I visit this country earlier, when there are so many of my fans here waiting for me?” and he was really heartened by the warm welcome he received at the airport last night when he touched down. If you need a reason to fall for Lee Joon Gi, his sincerity is definitely one!




#2 – Impression of Singaporean fans?

Having heard so much about our little isle from his fans via his various Social Networking Sites (such as Twitter, Instagram, Weibo), the actor felt that his fans here in Singapore are not only passionate, but also energetic. He shared that he was really looking forward to the fanmeet, where he already had an inkling that he would definitely receive positive energy (from his fans) that he can take back to Korea. He expressed his excitement to create good memories at the fanmeet and hoped that everyone present will think of it as a concert and enjoy their night together with him.

#3 – Lee Joon Gi Previously Planned a Trip to Visit Singapore with his Family

“Actually, before this trip, I had planned to come here with my family as I’ve heard a lot of good things about Singapore.”

Lee Joon Gi confessed that he previously wanted to visit Singapore with his family, so he went online to search on the popular tourist attractions and the “to-go” places. He shared that he wanted to explore that famous street (which turned out to be Orchard Road) and visit Universal Studios Singapore (as he researched that it was one of the most popular theme parks). He also mentioned that as Singapore is an island (surrounded by sea), he felt that there would be a lot of delicious seafood here, so he was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, the schedules within his family did not match, so the trip did not happen. However, despite everything, he is still here in Singapore for his fanmeet so he felt really thankful for this opportunity and want to make good memories out of it. (I’m pretty sure his fans in Singapore wouldn’t mind him visiting again in the near future for his own personal vacation with his family!)




#4 – Lee Joon Gi Thinks that He is NOT Multi-Talented?

Most would not agree on that, but the humble actor said that the reason why he said that he is not multi-talented was due to the fact that as compared to the professionals, he is nowhere near their capabilities. To those that have been supporting him since 13 years ago, the best gift is undeniably to take on an awesome role in a great production. However, at a more personal and intimate level, singing and dancing are things that he really enjoys doing, so he really wanted to treat this fanmeet as a platform to showcase what he really enjoys doing, while bridging the relationship with his fans.

#5 – The Preparation Work for the Tour is Nothing but Enjoyable

The whole idea of an Asia Tour may seem stressful to many, but to Lee Joon Gi, instead of feeling the pressure and finding it challenging, he really enjoyed the whole preparation journey. Knowing his own limitations and confessing that his singing capabilities are nowhere near the professionals, he practiced doubly hard (for the cover songs of Big Bang and Twice that he performed at his previous fanmeets) because he wanted to do well.
Even though he knows very well that his fans would love anything he does on stage, he wanted to put up a good performance for them. Thus, he placed the emphasis on dance, where his fans can see his effort through his energetic performances. The choreography was tedious and tiring but not difficult for him.
The famous “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” saying by Marc Anthony seemed oddly apt, since the actor felt the exact same way. With this fanmeet as a platform to showcase what he loves doing, while meeting his fans all over the different parts of Asia, every moment is an enjoyable one. He is looking forward to spend time with his fans at the last leg of his Asia Tour tonight, where he cannot wait to show the different sides of him.




#6 – Cause Nothing is More Apt than ‘Thank You’

There is actually no complicated reason behind the tour name ‘Thank You’. While there are indeed a lot of cooler options to choose from, Lee Joon Gi felt that nothing seems more apt than ‘Thank You’ to represent what this tour is all about – for him to express his gratitude to those who stood by him, be it family or friends, and the people whom he met through the many productions he was a part of. The whole notion of this tour is to directly express his thankfulness to everybody who had been part of his life, and these sentiments could definitely be felt and reiterated many times throughout the press conference.

#7 – Lee Joon Gi Wants Another Shot in Hollywood

“I'm a little embarrassed to call it a debut because the role wasn’t major or big – it was more like a cameo.”

Though he admitted at his embarrassment of calling his role in “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter” his Hollywood Debut, he did actually enjoy the entire experience and learnt a lot though the process. It was an inspiring experience for him and he counted this opportunity as a blessing.
Though honoured to be part of the production, he felt that he still had a long way to go so till this day, he still keeps in touch with Milla Jovovich’s husband (aka director Paul Anderson) and told him to keep him in mind for his future productions, so the audience can see him in his future movies. Lee Joon Gi even shared that Paul Anderson joked that maybe this won’t be the final chapter of Resident Evil, and who knows if a reboot series might be created where Lee Joon Gi returns as a zombie or be resurrected!




#8 – Lee Joon Gi did not want the filming of Scarlet Heart to end

“Though most of the junior actors and actresses on set were at least ten years younger than me, I had so much fun on set!”

His initial concern of a generation gap and worry of not being able to interact well with the younger actors and actresses were unfounded, as the chemistry between them was unexpectedly good. When the cameras started rolling, there was good interaction and the younger members actually brought new angles and creativity to the set, which were refreshing to Lee Joon Gi. The whole filming process was nothing but fun and enjoyable, almost to the point that he didn’t want the filming for Scarlet Heart to end. All good things no doubt will come to an end, but we were pretty sure their friendship will stay on for a long long time! #friendshipgoals
When Kang Ha Neul was in Singapore last year to promote Scarlet Heart, he voted Lee Joon Gi as the most “princely”. However, to this claim, the actor felt that it is the opposite – and that he actually has the least prince-like traits. In fact, he confessed that he was actually really inspired by Kang Ha Neul (with his role as the 8th Prince) because he felt that’s how a real prince should be like!
And should Wang So be transported to the modern era, Lee Joon Gi thinks that he would not be a fit in the present culture due to his aggressive and controlling personality, resulting in him not being able to get along with people. The only bonus is the fact that Wang So will most probably still be good looking and have a charming side that attracts people.




#9 – His Favourite Sport is Soccer (and Currently Picking Up Golf)

Like any other guy out there, Lee Joon Gi’s favourite sport is soccer. When it comes to the sport, he admits that he enjoys playing soccer as much as he enjoys watching them, and even confessed that he liked the sport so much that if he were a puppy, he would be constantly chasing the ball if someone throws one at him.
He likes to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle, but as he grows older, he felt that it is getting a little harder as his stamina dropped. As much as he likes to be actively involved in the sport, he felt like there is a limitation now due to his age.
The actor said that it had been four months since he picked up golf and because of the short duration, he cannot say that he is really good at it, as he is still learning to get the posture right. As such, he is really envious of the professionals and the skills they portray on the field. The reason why he picked golf up so late, which he regrets now, was due to him being into active sports. Golf to him was more intricate, something that didn’t require a lot of actions. However after picking the sport up, he is loving it and wishes to continue the golfing journey.


Which of the above nine highlights that happened at the press conference last afternoon was your favourite?


Source: http://x-clusive.sg/2017/03/04/lee-joon-gi-press-conference-singapore-highlights/





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@astrantia and @LyraYoo  Yay :D  Joon Gi is looking really awesome in these photos, fresh and not at all tired. :D  I think his face has filled out a little which I like :wub:

Well the concert should have started now - 4pm Singapore time?  And Joon Gi comes on at 7pm?  It will be midnight then in my country with 5 hours difference so I will be sound asleep-_-  I hope to wake up in the morning to lots of amazing videos and pics of the FM - I'm thinking he might have some different content for us to look forward too :tongue::wub:

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#LeeJoonGiinSG He is so cute with his expressions and he's amazing at fan service, a true star

C6EsCTYUwAA41ds.jpg  https://twitter.com/theseoulstory/status/837999457253765120





On a side note, the moon looks beautiful! It's shining for a member of the Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart cast!






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