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On 9/18/2016 at 8:26 AM, dejun said:

@sukbin The fact that this drama has large financing and pre-produced but yet didn't turn out so well received really makes me ponder what really went wrong, don't you think?  Am not impressed by PD's track record.  So I really have reservations about this drama cos of him. :D I managed to finish DOTS but it's so overrated that I'm stunned at K audience and am regretting I have downloaded W but thankfully MDBC I only downloaded 2 eps cos I thought I was downloading MLSHR.


@dejun Yes, that's the question mark to me also. Read somewhere that there was a leak on the script that led to some script changes and therefore delaying the filming as well as shifting to earlier broadcast date which further jammed-packed the schedule. Hence, I think the production team had to work in a rush and not having enough time. To be honest, I never watched any works by PD KKT but he won a Baeksang for IRIS and the drama was such a blockbuster hit reaching up to 40% ratings and TWTWB is quite popular though ratings is just mediocre. That is why I said, LJK did not make a wrong career move judging that the PD's record is pretty impressive and the drama is based on a solid writing material. It was just unfortunate that the PD experimenting on this drama with the modern hangul language instead of saeguk and K-pop OST. So true, DOTS really is overrated. I gave up after episode 1 but did attempt to give the drama a second chance, only to hate it even more. I guess because I never like the writing by KES and at the same time, I don't like both the male and female lead. W is quite good since I like HHJ and ok with LJS and the writing is quite impressive, only that the beginning was too good that the later half became uninteresting (in fact, I hope our dearest LJK will do a drama written by the writer of W because I can picture him fitting well to her genre - though her writings may not get high ratings, but always critically acclaimed). MDBC is directed by the PD of DOTS, so I can see the traces of elements of DOTS there and maybe  I am just tired of the cross dressing redux and surprisingly, I dislike KYJ despite how much in the beginning I wanted her to portray Haesoo (so you see, if you come to watch a drama with critical eyes, you can definitely find even the most illogical things to hate. I guess that was the injustice suffered by MLSHR). Couldn't care less that the Koreans prefer MDBC than MLSHR, I still love MLSHR to the core and dare to say that at least, China and SEA appreciating it so much which means, MLSHR is in fact a wonderful good drama.


Edited by LyraYoo
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About the ratings:  after watching so many kdramas that were sooo good with poor ratings and others not so amazing with such high ratings, my conclusion is that there aren't many  rational reasons to explain this. It is definitely just a matter of preference! There isnt (in my opinion) anything wrong with ML! It is just that the audience connected with something else. We should enjoy ML as much as we can because after it is over we might have to wait a long time to see LJG! So I tried to ignore the ratings and enjoy the show.

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15 minutes ago, sukbin said:

@dejun Yes, that's the question mark to me also. Read somewhere that there was a leak on the script that led to some script changes and therefore delaying the filming as well as shifting to earlier broadcast date which further jammed-packed the schedule. Hence, I think the production team had to work in a rush and not having enough time. To be honest, I never watched any works by PD KKT but he won a Baeksang for IRIS and the drama was such a blockbuster hit reaching up to 40% ratings and TWTWB is quite popular though ratings is just mediocre. That is why I said, LJK did not make a wrong career move judging that the PD's record is pretty impressive and the drama is based on a solid writing material. It was just unfortunate that the PD experimenting on this drama with the modern hangul language instead of saeguk and K-pop OST. So true, DOTS really is overrated. I gave up after episode 1 but did attempt to give the drama a second chance, only to hate it even more. I guess because I never like the writing by KES and at the same time, I don't like both the male and female lead. W is quite good since I like HHJ and ok with LJS and the writing is quite impressive, only that the beginning was too good that the later half became uninteresting (in fact, I hope our dearest LJK will do a drama written by the writer of W because I can picture him fitting well to her genre - though her writings may not get high ratings, but always critically acclaimed). MDBC is directed by the PD of DOTS, so I can see the traces of elements of DOTS there and maybe  I am just tired of the cross dressing redux and surprisingly, I dislike KYJ despite how much in the beginning I wanted her to portray Haesoo (so you see, if you come to watch a drama with critical eyes, you can definitely find even the most illogical things to hate. I guess that was the injustice suffered by MLSHR). Couldn't care less that the Koreans prefer MDBC than MLSHR, I still love MLSHR to the core and dare to say that at least, China and SEA appreciating it so much which means, MLSHR is in fact a wonderful good drama.

Based on the script, MLSHR got the first rank of the content power, so for me , MLSHR is better than MDBC , 

But what makes MDBC more popular is which in my opinion is that the story is lighter than MLSCR which has more complicated story. People tend to watch fun and light hearted romance stories such as Syunkyunhwan Scandal. While MLSCR has a heavy serious stories.

MDBC only focuses on the two main cast romance with the obstacle , unlik MLSHR, the love story is more complicated and there many princes with their own problem, 

People put a very high expectation on MLSCR becoz of Lee Jun ki and Kang Ha Neul , and getting upset with the rest main cast which are models, singer.

While MDBC has two rising stars which are really actor and actresses.

People keep on comparing the acting of the two leading female cast, kim yoo jung and IU. 

I love both drama tough.

Lee Jun Ki is the king of Saeguk, but seemed that his big name can't help the other cast acting  ( except Kang Hae Neul is a very great one also )

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@dejun like Leesopark said, the director's cut is already availabe not in DVD. It was a re-edited version of ep. 1-3 which is better than orig, they deleted some scenes that unnecessary and change the music that killed the feeling of the scene. (Everytime I heard the "baby baby boy song".. I really want to throw my speaker).

 I also dropped IRIS, I don't like the story. A love to kill is my first PD drama and Padam Padam, he improve very well, but in ML I don't know what happened to this PD, I feel like he became obsessed with his style rather than use with functionality. 

His C movie is now showing, entitled Never Said Goodbye. It's out in youtube, it was posted here in previous pages.


You may try Signal and Age of youth, that's the only 2016 drama that I manage to finished.


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I like MLSCR, I'm in admiration from playing LJG. I'm in frustration from existence of different versions. But, I know well that for our LJG this drama is a plus. IG grows, the character is played excellently, the international support amplifies. I very much want, and I pray for our LJG have suggested to play in the full movie. I just know that this drama is intermediate in his expirience. Further everything will only be better for LJG. :):wub:


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Drama viewership ratings for the week of Sept. 12-18, 2016




Moon Lovers has been dropping steadily since its premiere, but at least seems to have settled at just below 6%—at least it’s not dropping any lower. The numbers are certainly not what the production team likely had in mind, but it is what it is sometimes. Maybe we’ll see a change in the coming weeks, though it seems unlikely that anything will be able to stop Moonlight’s domination.


(skipped unrelated.).................


Monday, Sept. 12      
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds 7 KBS 20.4%
Monster 46 MBC 10.6%
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 6 SBS 5.7%
Drinking Solo 3 tvN 2.5%
Tuesday, Sept. 13      
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds 8 KBS 19.7%
Monster 47 MBC 10.3%
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo 7 SBS 5.8%
Drinking Solo 4 tvN 3.3%



LINK here : http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/09/drama-viewership-ratings-for-the-week-of-sept-12-18-2016/

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On 9/17/2016 at 1:31 PM, dejun said:

From the last few pages of posts I read, looks like MLSHR is not up to par and sounds bad so should I continue to download this drama only for JG's sake?  Lately, the Kdramas I have watched are mediocre at best.  I can't believe that the highly rated DOTS was such a letdown for me.  Was looking forward to JG's drama but viewers said it's messy and badly edited.  Well, when it was announced who the PD is for MLSHR, I know I will expect lower quality drama so was hoping JG will not accept the offer but the choice is his, of course.  I hope he learnt his lesson so in future he has to see who is PD for future drama of his choice.  Still I will check out for myself first over bad reviews of this drama if it's really that bad.  And will continue to stick to Cdramas due to good storyline and better plot as compared with current Kdramas.


Hi @dejun ! :)

I don't think that you should care about the ratings. Many highly rated kdrama was a letdown for me as well(DOTS, YP etc.) so if you don't feel that MLSHR is your cup of tea now then just wait till it's finished and do a marathon if you are in the right mood. You're going to love JG in it. :D 


I love BBJX, but I am enjoying this version very much. It's nicely done and the editing is much better by now, so just give it a go later on. ;) Btw, I recommend you


LoveO2O if you haven't watched it yet.

I can't wait to see him in a modern drama or in a movie next. 


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@AuroraSky You're right!  JG's portrayal as Wang So really is a screen stealer.  Whenever JG's screen time is few, the show becomes real slow and much less interesting.

@leesopark16 I don't know where to watch the international version of eps 1-3 or so call director's cut. :frown:

@sukbin It's no wonder I find MDBC boring and almost fell asleep watching the first 2 eps.  Now it could be due to PD's or screenwriter's work that's weak.  Comparing the 2 otps of MDBC and MLSHR, I prefer JG and UI who has that charming interactions even if UI's acting is still a bit lacking.

@proudme Ah, this PD still have the directing style I thoroughly dislike but the storyline is still intact and interesting enough.  JG is superb.  I can see his kingly posture as Wang So.  Thanks, for Never Say Goodbye movie update.  I have finished this movie today and was so touched by it.  A really good movie.  Such an unexpected outcome that truly surprised me. The female lead actress is one of the best costars of JG.  And thanks a lot for your recommendation of Kdramas.  Will certainly look into it instead of cracking my head over what to watch next. :D

@Irisz Already watched up to ep 5 currently.  My earlier plan was to wait till later before watching so yeah, will restrain myself till more eps are available so I can marathon at a few eps in one go.  :blush:  Purely curious why ratings can be low nationally when JG's drama is successful internationally.  I only care about ratings whenever it is JG or my favorite actors/actresses are in that play.

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Daebak!! Moon lover scarlet heart ryeo is trending topic on naver and Malaysia

Lookat at the number between MLSCR and MDBC




Uri Jun Ki handsomeness overload, ep 8 is the best episode , jun ki stole everyone hearts...who cares for the rating!

Edited by LyraYoo
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28 minutes ago, elisluvgeunscouple said:

Daebak!! Moon lover scarlet heart ryeo is trending topic on naver and malaysia..

Uri Jun Ki handsomeness overload, ep 8 is the best episode , jun ki stole everyone hearts...who cares for the rating!

I am glad that there is a good news coming from Malaysia. 

My gosh, did you guys watch the scene when Haesoo had the sudden vision that Wang So is Gwangjong. That was really the scene that sent the chill to my bones. Those scene when Lee Jun Ki covered with bloods are nowehere near as scary as when he stood there, with that cruel formidable eyes as Gwangjong. From that scene alone, this man can easily beat any other K-actors out there. Give him a Baeksang's Best Actor by now, please. Gosh, our LJK's acting skill is truly top notch. 

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1 hour ago, sukbin said:

My gosh, did you guys watch the scene when Haesoo had the sudden vision that Wang So is Gwangjong. That was really the scene that sent the chill to my bones. Those scene when Lee Jun Ki covered with bloods are nowehere near as scary as when he stood there, with that cruel formidable eyes as Gwangjong. From that scene alone, this man can easily beat any other K-actors out there. Give him a Baeksang's Best Actor by now, please. Gosh, our LJK's acting skill is truly top notch. 

Thats make the trending, the scene when wang so changed into Gwangjong, they said his eyes were scary and Cold! that was the eyes of the cruel Gwangjong as the history told us. He potrayed Gwanjong cruelness by his facial and eyes



,He should given an awards for this.

He surely the best actor ever


LEE JUN KI ahhhh...love you more and moree, love you to the moon and back.

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