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2 hours ago, glassnokamen said:


















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2 hours ago, JGiGrande said:

To all active members and lurkers here sympathizing jhb and blaming JG fans who were against of this rs...

Did you ever consider the situation from his place.. from his vibes given to media, us and jhb fans since this July? I was someone who disliked her for him, and worried of him not knowing the true colours of her and her gang. But as time went by, I began to realize he knew about them all and was fighting them back cleverly.

We all know he's a responsible person with sincere good manners. How you could miss his actions to speculate his motive.. You needed to aware why he stayed silent without protecting her, how he gave cringey look when asked about her at CM presscon, why the breakup news were released right before MLSHR anniversary; the news was first released from sports seoul (not a media that namoo agency close to), how he didn't hesitate to show his unburden look (and was generous to give his autographs to numerous fans showed up at fans' catering project despite his hectic schedules) to everyone at the set on the day the news broke, not only that.. he celebrated happily to ML anni without caring those blaming him being a "Narcissist who chose fame" over gf, how he waited long and decided the timing to release something related to one of his most special FMs- the encore Thank You.. and how he did those unfollowing activity into 2 groups without consecutively following all with no time gap? He took more that 8 Hrs for the time gap for his intention to be noticed, however, unfollowing all was his original plan which is to protect his privacy more.

Did you think these happenings were all coincidences or his inconsiderate acts? Exactly no.. he's not someone being controlled by the agency. He even could ask them work for him without contract last year. Why his unfollowing idea was suggested by someone.. Also he likes managing and has been leading teams for his activities.. which mean he planned all the timing and actions for hinting his mindset to his fans. Believe he is a very detailed man.

Hope you try to see these logics with clear vision.. rather than blaming to fans opposing the rs or voicing out her shadiness. Those who are believing he loves her and seeing her as a victim also require to suspect his potential grudge towards her based on those moves of his.

i don't want to comment on JHB or discuss further about his intentions etc. But one thing I completely agree with you is that I believe he is a very shrewd entertainer; one has to be in order to survive in the industry for so long. 

so i advise not to build too many fantasies around this debacle or worry about him feeling down or stressed. We don't know if the things we see are the truth or simply what was intended to be shown to us. I also believe that in time to come, we will even get to hear the truth, or at least his version of the truth right, from his own mouth. When the timing is right. 

This is probably an unpopular opinion, especially for die-hard fans to whom his innocence and dorky-ness is a religion. But I am thankful that he is who he is, if not, he would have left the industry long ago and we wouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy his works and performances anymore. 

<insert Sean Bean meme picture>




Edited by chickenchopflipflop83
changed 12 to 16 years of legacy.
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32 minutes ago, chickenchopflipflop83 said:


i don't want to comment on JHB or discuss further about his intentions etc. But one thing I completely agree with you is that I believe he is a very shrewd entertainer; one has to be in order to survive in the industry for so long. 

so i advise not to build too many fantasies around this debacle or worry about him feeling down or stressed. We don't know if the things we see are the truth or simply what was intended to be shown to us. I also believe that in time to come, we will even get to hear the truth, or at least his version of the truth right, from his own mouth. When the timing is right. 

This is probably an unpopular opinion, especially for die-hard fans to whom his innocence and dorky-ness is a religion. But I am thankful that he is who he is, if not, he would have left the industry long ago and we wouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy his works and performances anymore. 

<insert Sean Bean meme picture>


I agree your povs. Regarding about fantansies you inserted, there's none. I dropped here the facts and his actions to ponder if one took of her as an innocent victim. And of course, I don't worry him anymore after seeing how he handled this mess.

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1 hour ago, JGiGrande said:



To all active members and lurkers here sympathizing jhb and blaming JG fans who were against of this rs...




Did you ever consider the situation from his place.. from his vibes given to media, us and jhb fans since this July? I was someone who disliked her for him, and worried of him not knowing the true colours of her and her gang. But as time went by, I began to realize he knew about them all and was fighting them back cleverly.




We all know he's a responsible person with sincere good manners. How you could miss his actions to speculate his motive.. You needed to aware why he stayed silent without protecting her, how he gave cringey look when asked about her at CM presscon, why the breakup news were released right before MLSHR anniversary; the news was first released from sports seoul (not a media that namoo agency close to), how he didn't hesitate to show his unburden look (and was generous to give his autographs to numerous fans showed up at fans' catering project despite his hectic schedules) to everyone at the set on the day the news broke, not only that.. he celebrated happily to ML anni without caring those blaming him being a "Narcissist who chose fame" over gf, how he waited long and decided the timing to release something related to one of his most special FMs- the encore Thank You.. and how he did those unfollowing activity into 2 groups without consecutively following all with no time gap? He took more that 8 Hrs for the time gap for his intention to be noticed, however, unfollowing all was his original plan which is to protect his privacy more.




Did you think these happenings were all coincidences or his inconsiderate acts? Exactly no.. he's not someone being controlled by the agency. He even could ask them work for him without contract last year. Why his unfollowing idea was suggested by someone.. Also he likes managing and has been leading teams for his activities.. which mean he planned all the timing and actions for hinting his mindset to his fans. Believe he is a very detailed man.




Hope you try to see these logics with clear vision.. rather than blaming to fans opposing the rs or voicing out her shadiness. Those who are believing he loves her and seeing her as a victim also require to suspect his potential grudge towards her based on those moves of his.




Indeed, JG is indeed a smart man and it can be seen clearly from all his works and interviews. He listens to others but whatever actions he took must be from his own decision. That is what I respect of him. His sincerity and passion for acting and thus made all of us adores him :)










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Are there fans blaming him for not protecting his relationship? I thought they are not JG fans but fans of some other actor. - not 100% sure though as I only read few comments from those fan group and I can't make a generalisation out of that.

Has anyone been familiar with Moon Hae Joon of HOT? He acted like a knight in shining in armour by publicly defending his wife. The result: The whole fandom issued a boycott for all his activities.  He ended up issuing an apology to shut the angry fans. 

In JG  case, I don't think his ex-gf participation in that variety show was a good idea. I think she joined the show solely for her own good without regard of LJG.  That is why  I find it absurd for any LJG fans to blame him for not protecting the ex. In my own perspective, she was actually indirectly attacking JG ---whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally. Btw, have we heard any k-celebrities who's too vocal about their recent struggles esp caused by on-going relationship? Mostly just kept silent- after a week everything just died down. And to those who decided to open up publicly--well we witnessed what happened to few of them.Another thing, I happened to lurk at the shippers thread and found out of her following IU on IG and posting about slimes... well she definitely did that for a reason and I must say geez she is fighter.  Having said that, I also don't agree with those who were bashing her. 

For a side info, JG has been in the biz for 16 years since his first gig in the industry excluding the time when he was still trying to get an agent to represent him. 

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55 minutes ago, missmaudy said:


Are there fans blaming him for not protecting his relationship? I thought they are not JG fans but fans of some other actor. - not 100% sure though as I only read few comments from those fan group and I can't make a generalisation out of that.

Yes, a very few expressed their disappointment in comments under her ig. Not sure though whether or not they are ones disguising as his fans. But I called ones blaming him as "those", didn't describe as his fans.

55 minutes ago, missmaudy said:


Has anyone been familiar with Moon Hae Joon of HOT? He acted like a knight in shining in armour for his and he publicly defended his wife. The result: The whole fandom issued a boycott for all his activities.  He ended up issuing an apology to shut the angry fans. 

I mentioned the facts of his actions, many more than not defending her.

55 minutes ago, missmaudy said:


In JG  case, I don't think his ex-gf participation in that variety show was a good idea. I think she joined the show solely for her own good without regard of LJG.  That is why  I find it absurd for any LJG fans to blame him for not protecting the ex. In my own perspective, she was actually indirectly attacking JG ---whether she did it intentionally or unintentionally. Btw, have we heard any k-celebrities who's too vocal about her recent struggles esp caused by on-going relationship? Mostly just kept silent- after a week everything just died down. And to those who decided to open up publicly--well we witnessed what happened to few of them.Another thing, I happened to lurk at the shippers thread and found out of her following IU on IG and posting about slimes... well she definitely did that for a reason and I must say geez she is fighter.  Having said that, I also don't agree with those who were bashing her. 

Good you've agreed on her as such person. She's actually more than fighter though, she had been showing shady actions with her friends to his fans who knew her shadiness. How JG appreciate his fans is undoubtful.. but, of course bcz he's known her true colour and the agency siding her. Provoking his fans is same as provoking him. Remember his puching ig post till the sandbag fell down.. on the day after she victimized against his fans in articles. 

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On 07/09/2017 at 2:54 PM, violina said:

How can someone not be emotional when you see something like this:

Now, its one thing to see him crying in movies or dramas.But the feeling is different when he is crying in real life.It just cuts so deep inside.Anyway, can we set the record straight , especially for the lurkers and the people who didnt watch or attend this FM.Of course, given the time this FM was held, people would naturally conclude that he was crying, because he was sad and stressed, with how everything went down that time.It most likely was part of it.But I do believe he was also crying out of gratitude.The fans had made a video tribute of his career for his birthday.If you watched the video, it would tug at your heartstrings too.I would like to think he was so moved by the love of his fans, that even when things were messy at that time.They are still by his side.Cheering for him and showing him their love in the best way that they can.

But then, I wish he never has to cry like this again.Even when he is feeling thankful.I wish he would always smile and feel the love and that he is receiving all this adoration because he deserves it.This guy is too humble.Even here though he is smiling,  he is wrinkling his face to hide his emotions;


  Reveal hidden contents


I love this too. How can anyone doubt the sincerity of such a man:


Note:As for those non fans who continue to question his sincerity.Il just say people will believe and see what they want to see.Its hard to break perceptions.Even when the truth is presented to them.If you try to tell them, they could be wrong.To them, you are just a delusional person, who is seeing the world with rose coloured glasses.Or as they say in kpop, you are an "oppalogist".We just need to continue supporting him in the best way we can.Conquer hate with love, they say.

Also about him changing his brand and stuff, nah dont think anything is being chipped away.JG will always be JG as we know him.I dont think he is gonna change in the way he interacts with fans.What has and will change  is that, he will even be more protective over his private life and acquaintances than before. That is all.After all that has happened, I dont think anyone has the right to blame him, for doing the needful to draw the line.This whole fiasco seems overwhelming, because it has happened within a short time.One after another.But all this will pass.Around this time next year.It will just be a memory.The world is too fast and busy, for the media and people, to focus on just one person's issues.

15 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

I also think he cried because he was touched by the love of his fans... you could feel it! the love i mean. it was a beautiful moment. and he is the most beautiful person... not only his looks but his heart his feelings. that's why i love him so much, because i can feel his love. those gifs are love but they made me tear a little :tears::wub:

We had TBDW/CM comparision and now TW/CM and MLSHR/CM  comparisions :heart: i'm sad you need to avoid RL but now that pyou are on it... what about his other dramas :tongue:

Thank you so much for the account... he must had been so tired... he must still be tired!.. i'm sure he stopped to greet and shake hands with fans out of gratitude and love (plus the required certification as you said) but i also think that he did it because he gains energy by doing so :heart:


I cannot agree with the both of you any more on those highlighter statement. I could feel the gratitude he has for his fans, how confuses and all that overwhelming feeling he has on that day pouring out of him in that silent cry went the video was played.. I cannot held it but cried with him at that moment. His career and reputation are all at stake. 

The JG I know will never fall to provide the best fan service no matter how tired he is and as long as the crowd is manageable. 

Please do set the record straight, with facts and accounts many thanks!

22 hours ago, ishogai said:


I don't come often here, but this doesn't mean i am away from matters related to JG. I read all latest post and can't stop wondering why people spend so much time in asking why he is doing this, why follow or unfollow some people, people related to his professional life mostly. The reason he unfollowed everyone is simple, he did it so this way none will make "news" and will pair him with x or y actress, he simply want privacy. The moment he liked or commented under someone's post ...many created already speculations, that he did this or that because this or that. He won't delete account as many feared, i know him for long, i am fan since 2009, and i know how much he love to communicate with fans, but if he will be less active and use ig only to promote work...is fans fault. I guess he is tired to be dragged in many post that are ridiculous. Let's respect his privacy, his right to interact with people they way he want, only thing fans should do is support him and let him do whatever he thinks is best for him in his private life.

What you mention above is sad but so true. His IG is going to be cold again...  Can some of this "you know nothing" fan, please do some homework before they post ??? now others like me have to suffer...  miss his long msg...:confounded: luv him since 2008 and counting.

18 hours ago, Linda Gunawan said:

Ya I wish to know more about this. Anyone have some insight?

I'm not a long time fan of JG but looking at all his interviews and interactions I felt his sincerity and respect his privacy. I cannot comprehend why people angry at him for keeping his privacy... It's sadden me to have him go through this challenging year and hopefully all this RL drama of his is over :)


His RL drama is already over... one can feel the different him in CMK's BTS... now all he need is to gain his credibility back from the non-fans. PMY statement to back JG up, is still not enough apparently... they are just hard to please. pffff...

16 hours ago, joonloca3 JG said:

After April, I must say I am very surprised how some fans can rude.

Do they want someone do same way to themselves?

Just respect other's personal life.

I hope that he can protect his privacy from some "fans" and shippers.

Lee Joon Gi is an actor, in my opinion, the acting in his drama is important than his follows and likes in his insta.

So, I don't wanna focus on it. I am happy for that he unfollow everyone. and If he wanna cancel his account just likes many actors, I will support it.

BTW, I enjoy EP14 yesterday.

Dear Chingu, the day he shut down his SNS will be the day, he is signaling to us (fans) that he all ready to retire. Get your tissue ready... otherwise he is losing his touch... not a good thing too... cause he build his fandom that way (he like to hint/tease us via sns).

He mention many time before he likes to read our msg to him and he love the energy he received from there. It keep him going... keep the msg going on his work...

14 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I really have been avoiding delving into comments on IG because it can be so vitriol in there.  I cannot believe the negative energy and unbridled disdain for any personal feelings/consequences that some posters have.  That is why I am disheartened to believe that their negativity campaign was "successful" in their eyes.  Champagne congrat posts?  No words. 

To me, it's all speculation as to why JG's IG made changes. Yes, timing of posts, and timing of unfollows can be analyzed...but who really knows who did the posts...who did the unfollowing....who decided the changes...the actual reason why, etc.  Yes, I am not a long time fan like some of you but I'd like to think I am a fan who wants JG to be who he wants to be.  And love who he wants to love. And be dorky when he wants, and be flirty when he wants and be serious when he wants and enjoy performing and pleasing his fan base when he wants.  Not due to external pressures or confines. I enjoyed the JG from MLSHR and BTS.  I enjoyed JG during his Asia Fan Meets. I enjoyed JG in MEC. I enjoyed his brand of interacting on IG before April. His website reveal was a fun process.  I am thankful he or his entourage will still share pics, videos and BTS during his CM filming.  I look forward to his completion of CM and I am excited to hear what he plans to do next.  

And I cannot wait to see the latest VLive translated.  http://www.vlive.tv/video/41129

@cwngf Thank you for the Fan Support news. 

For some reason, I cannot post in the CM thread right now.  I keep getting EXO errors. (Not the Kpop Band).  

True a celeb need the public to enjoy or love their work/craft.  If they fall not big deal, just stand up and learn from it...  

The career life of a Korean celeb is very different from many counties, they cannot effort to be carefree (example living the lifestyle of Leonardo DiCaprio) and are heavily judge by public to the extend that some artist choose the easy way out... (one cannot even smoke, hell that is their life, pffff) The k entertainment industry itself is also less forgiving, they have no lack of talents... Simply loving and enjoying their works by Korean standard is also not enough...  It have to translated to action, this is where fans support comes into play via drink/food/meal support on filming set and etc.. To show the industry that this artist is well love.  JG's beloved Korean fans have been there loving and supporting him through all the thick and thin with action, until more international fans join in the game.

The famous MEC is so love by us, yet so hated by the all so powerful non-fans that the broadcaster have to kill the whole show.... the entire show stop, the crew and other artists involved would have hated him, as they are out of job or they do not get to see the fruit of their labor... opps I think got carry away again.. I shall stop ranting on this...  my bad... 

I hope he get back to his 100% of his dorky self soon... I think I enjoy the BTS now more the the drama... opps I did it again.. please don't hate me for this CMK fans... haha I am also a CM original fan. 

Chingus 친구 please feel free to share with me, if any of the above details or observation are wrong I wish to get my fact right and learn from it.. Thank you... 

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1 hour ago, JGiGrande said:




Yes, a very few expressed their disappointment in comments under her ig. Not sure though whether or not they are ones disguising as his fans. But I called ones blaming him as "those", didn't describe as his fans.



I mentioned the facts of his actions, many more than not defending her.


Good you've agreed on her as such person. She's actually more than fighter though, she had been showing shady actions with her friends to his fans who knew her shadiness. How JG appreciate his fans is undoubtful.. but, of course bcz he's known her true colour and the agency siding her. Provoking his fans is same as provoking him. Remember his puching ig post till the sandbag fell down.. on the day after she victimized against his fans in articles. 




I know right. I saw something on 416 which almost made me exploded, her doings, with my own eyes.I couldnt believe it, thumbs up to her. 

Rooted to the ground, jaw dropped


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I am here to shade light on yesterday HK & TW support. He was not tired, and in a jovial mood.There was a lot of interaction between him and  the fan support reps who were present. He talked long with them.Everything about him was excellent, his mood and mentality. It was almost back to normal, and they shook hands with him several times.


From today BTS released by namoo, we could see the usual naughty jg back, compared this bts vid to the past few bts, isn't this a big difference? I'm sure old fans have their own good judgement, but new fans please filter the information wisely and rationally.Believe your eyes.

Pls feel free to ask, I will be a more regular visitor here from now on :blush:


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3 hours ago, chickenchopflipflop83 said:



i think i have a logical reason for why he unfollowed the first batch of 20 accounts, and basically what started this entire fiasco.  bare with me here, i'm usually quite sharp and good with my speculations:







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he sat on his phone without locking it. 















u underestimate his intelligence.u know what he did? how fans know so quickly he mass clean up his ig following list? it was reflected in the feeds he followed kjd, which was absurd, since he has been following him since he created the ig account, so fans went to check and discovered he axed 20 accounts.




Can I say that is his announcement to us, as a form of alert?



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Many of new fans didn't had chance to know...yet... :) much about JG and many that speak don't know him also and speak only for sake of giving opinions, but dears, he is a very intelligent person, down to earth, not a funny playing kid as we can see in bts videos. I am sure that everything he did, he did it planning exactly what we saw. It's clear that he always used ig to communicate with fans and the way he decided to clean list show what he wanted to say, i am sure is not a coincidence that he followed a precisely group, followed that people we know he likes.  And he had his reasons, for sure. Those that followed story, saw what people from 1st block have done and in my opinion the article that blamed his fans...was the trigger, last drop in his glass of patience. He is a very responsible person, many times he took blame for quilt was not his, then why he didn't protected his gf? Fear of angry fans? JG? The one that doesn't fear risking his life when shooting dangerous action scenes? I won't believe such.




Make me sad to read how some "fans" doubt his love and sincerity towards his fans and i was more than sad, i was mad to read how he was blamed for cheating fans, many did so after 4.4...so far away from truth and wrong! I saw him, i saw how careful he is with his fans, i witnessed how he protected a fan to not be hit by a car, i saw him working 10 full hours, no break, checking everything...in cold weather, yet...he still found strength to smile and sign for fans...i saw parents of a young fan becoming his fans after saw how kind and humble person he is. The most shocking thing for me was when he treated fans like ...neighbor, like old friends. I saw him leaving stage, after FM...with heavy heart that must leave, but really happy that could share moments with fans and create precious memories. This is JG, this is true JG and no matter what others can say...i wont doubt him, because i trust what i saw. 



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5 hours ago, chickenchopflipflop83 said:



<insert Sean Bean meme picture>


BWAA!!  Word! <<<although I wouldn't mind him starring with Sean Bean. >>>

Maybe our mantra should be...have faith in Lee Joon Gi! 

You know...I don't know many of you (who have arrived in here again) from any other source...and it's only human to question a source, thought, intent, reality etc.  Unless I hear these specific charges/actions/choices from an original source (actual people in question-not secondary or tertiary sources) with clear words and intentions (not suppositional evidence), I am a naturally skeptical human being about most everything I read/see online. Please understand. 

I came into Soompi and JG's thread to share in the adoration of an attractive actor.  I've learned about some of the nature of the beast of KEntertainment.  I was hoping to find a supportive base to share in the :wub: of JG and to spread the love & get him more support/attention.  It's been a labor of love and a creative outlet. I want to be inspired by JG and his acting choices. 


But now I have a Cat 4-5 Hurricane barreling down on my home...so priorities need to come into play.  


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I couldn't quote the latest post of @joonloca3 before deleted. 

Seems many fans were mislead from the thought of their quite long rs duration released in news,,, even took he loves her only based on his fan letter.. 

7 hours ago, cwngf said:


I know right. I saw something on 416 which almost made me exploded, her doings, with my own eyes.I couldnt believe it, thumbs up to her.  Rooted to the ground, jaw dropped

As Cwngf mentioned, jhb wasn't even judged groundlessly just from her sns activities. Her social media appearances and how some fans could prove with own eyes are evidences to her true nature. So I told you "who calling out some fans being rude and the source of their split-up" about his moves (rather than those accts in agenda spreading her activities or posting her nasty photos) to think up from his perspective on how he considers her and her gang. This suggestion is vital since you've been claiming how a person's mentality/personality can't be judged without knowing in person.

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9 hours ago, JGiGrande said:



1.) I mentioned the facts of his actions, many more than not defending her.

2.) Good you've agreed on her as such person. She's actually more than fighter though, she had been showing shady actions with her friends to his fans who knew her shadiness. How JG appreciate his fans is undoubtful.. but, of course bcz he's known her true colour and the agency siding her. Provoking his fans is same as provoking him. Remember his puching ig post till the sandbag fell down.. on the day after she victimized against his fans in articles. 



1. About my Moon Hae Joon reference, I meant it that defending her publicly was the most foolish move and not because he was afraid of angry fans. You can never please everyone in the public. No matter what, there are those who only listen to whatever they want to listen and those haters will always be hating.

Besides, 'she' did not need to be defended nor did she want to. "She" was fast. She did her appearances from Happy Together guesting to School of Life variety show for many weeks, then IG and media exposure for her drama,  so on. But objectively speaking, I don't mean she did wrong for herself. She did what she could and what she thought is right for her career.


2, "the agency is siding her' part. I am really curious about fans saying that the agency is siding her? These two are adult talents/artists and have their own visions for their own career. While Namoo is an agency that represents both of them and will execute matters on their clients' behalf "as per instruction".



9 hours ago, LadyOne said:



1. What you mention above is sad but so true. His IG is going to be cold again...  Can some of this "you know nothing" fan, please do some homework before they post ??? now others like me have to suffer...  miss his long msg...:confounded: luv him since 2008 and counting.

2. The career life of a Korean celeb is very different from many counties, they cannot effort to be carefree (example living the lifestyle of Leonardo DiCaprio) and are heavily judge by public to the extend that some artist choose the easy way out... (one cannot even smoke, hell that is their life, pffff) The k entertainment industry itself is also less forgiving, they have no lack of talents... Simply loving and enjoying their works by Korean standard is also not enough...  It have to translated to action, this is where fans support comes into play via drink/food/meal support on filming set and etc.. To show the industry that this artist is well love.  JG's beloved Korean fans have been there loving and supporting him through all the thick and thin with action, until more international fans join in the game.

3. The famous MEC is so love by us, yet so hated by the all so powerful non-fans that the broadcaster have to kill the whole show.... the entire show stop, the crew and other artists involved would have hated him, as they are out of job or they do not get to see the fruit of their labor... opps I think got carry away again.. I shall stop ranting on this...  my bad... 

4. I hope he get back to his 100% of his dorky self soon... I think I enjoy the BTS now more the the drama... opps I did it again.. please don't hate me for this CMK fans... haha I am also a CM original fan. 

5. Chingus 친구 please feel free to share with me, if any of the above details or observation are wrong I wish to get my fact right and learn from it.. Thank you... 


Thanks to item no. 5 and same message coming from my side.

1. I don't think his IG is cold. I am pretty sure he edited those videos himself. What's more warmer than that? :)  Hot or cold is just once perception and expectation.

2. I am actually amused with that kind of fan support culture they have. If his fans can continue this kind of culture to his 50s, 60s 70s, 80s or even 90s, then it would be even lovelier. It is certainly a mood booster for him. And, JG is a man of gratitude and thankful to everything and to me.. that is one of his most attractive treats. However his gratitude is not a ticket for fans to intervene in his career and personal life e.g. criticising his choice of agency, his choice of dramas and others.

3. MEC didn't pack up untimely. I think you exaggerated a little bit in there. The show went on as it is. MEC only cancelled the planned "extension or special" of JG/PMY segment. But that was only an addition and not part of the original plan.

4. It is sad that you don't enjoy the CMK. I watched the original because it's always on local TV but it's not that great enough to dislike the CMK version. I probably have 3 or 4 episodes that I like per season though as a whole it's an entertaining show. 


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35 minutes ago, missmaudy said:


1. About my Moon Hae Joon reference, I meant it that defending her publicly was the most foolish move and not because he was afraid of angry fans. You can never please everyone in the public. No matter what anyone say, there are those who only listen to whatever they want to listen and those haters will always be hating.

Besides, 'she' did not need to be defended nor did she want to. "She" was fast. She did her appearances from Happy Together guesting to School of Life variety show for many weeks, then IG and media exposure for her drama, then drama and so on. But objectively speaking, I don't mean she did wrong for herself. She did what she could for her career.

2, "the agency is siding her' part. I am really curious about fans saying that the agency is siding her? These two are adult talents/artists and have their own visions for their own career. While Namoo is an agency that represents both of them and will execute matters on their clients' behalf "as per instruction".

I've repeatedly metioned you shall think from JG place based on his "supposed" inconsiderate series of actions towards her to speculate why he could act such that being a responsible person, instead of voicing you disagree of fans opposing her. How she act on social media being right or wrong after 4.4 you said is not relevent to my content.

For your 2nd point, fans who are close to Kr fans know it well. Don't doubt on it, but it doesn't mean he can't handle them.. sure he can on his own seeing how the events unfolded. It can't be expressed in details here.. so take any pov as you like.

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50 minutes ago, JGiGrande said:


1.) I've repeatedly metioned you shall think from JG place based on his "supposed" inconsiderate series of actions towards her to speculate why he could act such that being a responsible person, instead of blaming fans opposing her. What she did being right or wrong  after 4.4 you said is not relevent to my content.

2.) For 2nd part, fans who are close to Kr fans know it well. Don't doubt on it, but can't be expressed openly here.. so take any pov as you like.



1. "Blaming fans"? I hope you were not referring to my post. I am a JG fan myself and I don't take it personally when someone said that JG fans are lambasting JHB on social media. Because it is TRUE. But to make a generalisation that all JG fans are doing it? Well, that is something I don't agree. But we have to admit 'a few' were guilty of it.. whether we like it or not.

2. JG is not stupid. He is one very smart cookie. He is a man of vision and he knows exactly what he is doing. That is why I support whatever he does. That is also why I don't agree with any fans who act ahead of him. As fans we are supposed to be behind him (not ahead of him) to support him wholeheartedly. There is timing for everything. So let him do what he needs to do as things should be done at the right time. If fans keep acting ahead of him, how troublesome it must be for him.

And for Namoo, they were only appointment by JG. They do as per "JG instruction" and as to JHB promo- they also acted as per 'her instruction'. Namoo can only suggest and give recommendation to their artists but bottomline they will act as per their clients' decision. Afterall, Namoo is a business and their goal is to keep both artist. As per my observation of JG & JHB promo activities these past few months, seemed like were planned and conducted independently. That's why it came to mind that they must have broken up during the filming of JHB variety show. It also came to mind that the cause of her depression was the 'break up' itself.

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