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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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19 hours ago, LyraYoo said:

And viola, the teaser for Ear Candy is out

Ok I have to say that his voice is super sexy. The way he speaks... mmmm :wub: Imagine hear that voice on the phone! Or murmuring something in your ear... *swoons*


Oh btw the twitter fun fact says Joon Gi can say "thank you" in 7 languages. I had to think in how many languages I can say "thank you" and I counted 10 languages. Go me! :D

7 hours ago, MAROSA_JIN said:

Shower time :lol::kiss_closed:

You know? In his next drama I'll expect long, hot, sexy shower scene! :D If he does THAT during concerts... 

My heart...

My poor, poor heart...


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@junejungki Woa dirty tricks eh...you would have been gutted :angry:  I'm glad you got a good view of our perfect man :D  I've just been watching it on the Facebook video but with about 45mins to go it's run into some problems and I can't see anymore.  I'll have to have another try :(

@Silvermaine Ooooh are you in trouble with your Mum ???????  :blink: The things we will do for Joon Gi eh :wink: 

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1 minute ago, cedarwood said:

Ok I have to say that his voice is super sexy. The way he speaks... mmmm :wub: Imagine hear that voice on the phone! Or murmuring something in your ear... *swoons*


Oh btw the twitter fun fact says Joon Gi can say "thank you" in 7 languages. I had to think in how many languages I can say "thank you" and I counted 10 languages. Go me! :D

You know? In his next drama I'll expect long, hot, sexy shower scene! :D If he does THAT during concerts... 

My heart...

My poor, poor heart...


I am glad I recorded his full version of shower scene. So that is for me to drool :yum:

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3 minutes ago, luvkstyle said:

@junejungki Woa dirty tricks eh...you would have been gutted :angry:  I'm glad you got a good view of our perfect man :D  I've just been watching it on the Facebook video but with about 45mins to go it's run into some problems and I can't see anymore.  I'll have to have another try :(

@Silvermaine Ooooh are you in trouble with your Mum ???????  :blink: The things we will do for Joon Gi eh :wink: 

yeah!! cheap trick to knock down your opponent. hahahaha!! I have his full length shower scene video. I am going to keep this treasure video for myself. kekekeke!

Latest news, our soompian friends already at the airport and some still on the way to send JG. So hard working eh? 

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37 minutes ago, luvkstyle said:

@junejungki Woa dirty tricks eh...you would have been gutted :angry:  I'm glad you got a good view of our perfect man :D  I've just been watching it on the Facebook video but with about 45mins to go it's run into some problems and I can't see anymore.  I'll have to have another try :(

@Silvermaine Ooooh are you in trouble with your Mum ???????  :blink: The things we will do for Joon Gi eh :wink: 


Surprisingly (or not really), I'm not. She's not suspecting anything and the last thing she probably thinks is that I smuggled myself out of the country for two days. :D it was an exhilarating experience.

Don't worry guys I'm already working and of legal age. I'm just a single Asian so.............................

@junejungki You can adjust the resolution on Youtube. :) 

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1 hour ago, Silvermaine said:

Don't worry guys I'm already working and of legal age. I'm just a single Asian so.............................

....................I was just going to ask about it. Phew! I'm relieved. :)


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1 hour ago, Silvermaine said:


Surprisingly (or not really), I'm not. She's not suspecting anything and the last thing she probably thinks is that I smuggled myself out of the country for two days. :D it was an exhilarating experience.

Don't worry guys I'm already working and of legal age. I'm just a single Asian so.............................

@junejungki You can adjust the resolution on Youtube. :) 

Ah!! Well, mothers are like that, arent they?? My youngest sister is same age with Jun Ki & yet my mother so adamant not allowed her to  go to Europe for holiday with her friends. Not until I interfered. heheheh!!

Ok, never mind about the video. :)


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23 minutes ago, Lynn11 said:

:bawling:. Can anyone of you see this? We arn't his angel. He is our angel.


so sweet. He so concern about his angels well being :love:

Our soompian friends reported in Whatsapp group about the chaos at the airport. The security team has to form human barricade because of the pushing and shoving. Goodness!!

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9 hours ago, junejungki said:


Let me tell the story right from the beginning I arrived Changi airport and go straight to the hostel. I got lost on the way to find my hostel. So my meeting with @Silvermaine @NoonaE & other soompian which I forgot her nick delayed for 30 minutes. 

We finally found them at the Harbour Front shuttle bus station to Sentosa at 1230pm. We arrived at the 1st entrance gate and was told to wait. Wait for what, I dunno because basically we stand there for 3 hours plus under the rain and no one know what was going on. @Kiin, @LadyOne, @SGAhjumma, @Polaris1965 @zi4r came at 0930am. They kept updating us on the progress of how many people already waiting in the queue etc. I think the number system mentioned above was to make sure no one cutting lines when the other person go to the loo. But I guess it doesnt work because I heard China fans and HK fans were arguing. Gosh!!! Heard claws were out as well, ready to scratch whoever tried to snatch their spot.  I am grateful I wasnt there. Grown up adult fighting like school girls?? euw!! I am not going to stoop that low.  2 girls tried to cut cue in our lines too. Another girl on my left side asked that 2 girls, why are u cutting lines? But they ignored her and slowly trying to move forward. But guess the girls in front not going to give way either so they moved to my spot. I asked one of the girl who tried to steal our spot, what are u doing here?? You should go back to your own spot behind. So they return to their original spot. This happened while we were standing for 3 hours plus under the rain.

Another story, my sister started to cough. She already got high fever even before she came to Singapore a day earlier. She has to lean on the rail and with watery eyes and all. We were worried if she can make it. I did asked her to return to our hostel but she insist she's fine. The funny thing was, the moment Jun Ki came out, she started jumping and screaming. No sign of sickness at all. Then she return to her original state ie sick when we were waiting for the shuttle bus after the show.  We were laughing at her and I am sorry because I also laughed so hard instead of feeling bad for her. You see, Jun Ki is like a drug. He can heal any sickness. 

While watching his show,  I was very excited and of course I jumped, screamed as loud as I can and sing along. But I didnt realized I was screaming so loud near to the ear of the girl standing infront of me. That girl turn her head to look at me & rubbed her ear.  :flushed:

Also, there 5 girls in front of us that I really hate so much. They brought along their heavy stuff, bags containing like 10 mineral water, mat, baloon and God know what. They use that bag as buffer. We cant move to the front because otherwise will have to step on their stuff. I did asked them to remove it, but that bloody selfish richard simmons pretend not to hear. I wanted to slap them right there n then but I hold myself not to do that. 

I cant remember if there's anymore. My head stil spinnning. I was very very tired. I slept at 330am this morning after returning from the show. I overslept and nearly missed my flight. I'll post more if I remember anything.  When I arrived Kuala Lumpur, my whole body was aching. hahahaha!! Last nite  I didnt feel anything because I was having a good time. Jun Ki was very funny and cute too. He looks exactly the same in real person as you see him in TV or picture. He is perfect!!! He conversed mostly in English with Korean here n there. His is English is good and I love his pronunciation. Very cute :love:


BTW, I got videos too but more or less the same like what was posted here in this thread. Not sure if I should post again. 

I must say thank you to our hard working and dedicated soompian friends who patiently waiting for us the late comers. The support system was excellent even though we never meet before. I am so happy to met these fan girling fans. Now we can fan girling together :kiss_wink:

Ahh...great to hear your perspective.  Thanks for sharing.  Any song he didn't play/dance to that you missed?  What JG merchandise did you get?  Did you get the stuff I hear was being handed out? 


4 hours ago, Silvermaine said:


Videos from @junejungki. She didn't know how to upload them so I helped out. Anyway, please wait for my fanmeeting account a few days from now. :D I'll also be uploading pics and vids. I'm really excited to tell stories about it. For now, gotta work haha. I love you all!

Thanks for posting those for her.  And I CANNOT wait to hear your stories and see your pics.  Go be responsible first!   :D

4 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Ok I have to say that his voice is super sexy. The way he speaks... mmmm :wub: Imagine hear that voice on the phone! Or murmuring something in your ear... *swoons*


Oh btw the twitter fun fact says Joon Gi can say "thank you" in 7 languages. I had to think in how many languages I can say "thank you" and I counted 10 languages. Go me! :D

You know? In his next drama I'll expect long, hot, sexy shower scene! :D If he does THAT during concerts... 

My heart...

My poor, poor heart...


Go @cedarwood.  I'm impressed.  

And if JG ever coordinated with an App developer to make a phone app which let's you hear his voice saying all kinds of phrases...just saying.  

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I'm not racist or xenophobic, but man... Chinese fans are so unruly. I'm so sorry. That kind of attitude in front of oppa just makes me upset because I'd never want to put myself in a compromising situation in front of him. He's already stressed enough as it is. What more if fans shove each other and purposely make a scene. 

Or maybe I'm just missing him a lot so I'm being extra sensitive lol.

Anyway I've uploaded the videos. Will update you guys tomorrow. I hope I can finish the fan account tomorrow too.

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3 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

Go @cedarwood.  I'm impressed.  

Actually it's not impressive at all when it comes to me. This is only "thank you". But there are languages I'd love to know. :)

I may list my "thank you" languages. :wink:


1. Dziękuję (polish)

2. Thank you (english, of course)

3. Danke (german)

4. Spasiba (russian; no idea how to write it in cyrillic, sorry!)

5. Dekuju (czech)

6. Xie Xie (chinese)

7. Kamsahamnida (korean)

8. Arigato (japanese)

9. Merci (french)

10. Gracias (spanish)


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@junejungki Thank you SO much for sharing your experience! An yeah, JG is definite the best medicine for any sickness or discomfort! He's is THAT awesome! such a blessing to be his fan <3 <3 <3 

5 hours ago, junejungki said:


I wanted to add a little bit more at the end of the show Jun Ki throw his towel to the audience. I can see it coming to my direction and ready to grab the towel. But someone from the back or from the side, not sure which one pulled my scarf  & I tumbled. So I missed the towel. :bawling:

Oh noo, that sucks. but dear, if it didnt happen now, it could happen next time! <3 <3 <3 faith moves mountains!!!

5 hours ago, Silvermaine said:


Videos from @junejungki. She didn't know how to upload them so I helped out. Anyway, please wait for my fanmeeting account a few days from now. :D I'll also be uploading pics and vids. I'm really excited to tell stories about it. For now, gotta work haha. I love you all!

OMG! thanks so much ladies for sharing this awesomenss!! I already saw the full performance, but seeing these videos recorded and shared by our fellow Angels-Soompiers, makes it so much more personal! I almost feel I was there! kyaaaa!!!!!!! OPPAAAAAAA!!!!!<3 <3 <3 

1 hour ago, junejungki said:

so sweet. He so concern about his angels well being :love:

Our soompian friends reported in Whatsapp group about the chaos at the airport. The security team has to form human barricade because of the pushing and shoving. Goodness!!

What whatsapp group? I feel excluded -_-....


And OMG! I found this Japan FM video on youtube!! 50 minutes of Pro Shot! =D


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(Found at DC gallery)

I'm looking forward to seeing the photos from the photoshoot after his Singapore interview where he is wearing the white ripped jeans.  

@Christabelita GREAT find! And What'sApp is a free app where traveling people can message/call each other (using internet connection, not wireless) to avoid fees. I bet the traveling Soompiers used it to communicate before and on this trip. Hopefully, they will all come back in here.  :)

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2 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

GREAT find! And What'sApp is a free app where traveling people can message/call each other (using internet connection, not wireless) to avoid fees. I bet the traveling Soompiers used it to communicate before and on this trip. Hopefully, they will all come back in here

I know what whatsapp is ^^U I have it on my phone. I was wondering about what whatsapp group ^^U.

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