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Guest nyquist

As for the checkered shirt, I'm not sure about the rest she wore as photos are not so clear to me.. I'm quite sure these two are different .. they have different pattern ..

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Some info about Park Shinhye 2014 FM in Korea:

Date - 15th Feb. 2014

Time - 4pm - 6pm (KST) (the FM estimate time scheduled for 2 hours)

Venue - Naru Culture & Arts Centre



Others are related info on how to join the FM.

Translation cr: @tmoontsun

Original info from Starlight angel


[2014 박신혜 팬미팅 신청&입금 공지] 안녕하세요.박신혜 공식 팬클럽 별빛천사 입니다.

2014년도 국내 팬미팅 신청 공지입니다 .

- 날짜 : 2014년2월15일 오후 4~6시(약 2시간동안 진행 예정)

*오후 3시까지 공연장으로 오셔서 티켓 배부 받으시면 됩니다.

- 장소 : 나루아트센터(서울특별시 광진구 자양동 227-344)


- 신청 및 입금기간 : 2014년 1월 16일 20:00~ 입금

(20:00 이전 입금시에는 가장 뒷좌석으로 배정될 예정입니다. 입금 시간에 유의하시기 바랍니다.)

- 참가비 : 1인 30,000원

(참고로 해외팬분들은 Paypal hrkim072@hanmail.net 계정으로 1인 30달러씩 입금하시면 됩니다.)

- 입금계좌 : sc스탠다드차타드 : 637-20-067750 김시우(별빛천사)

* 예비 신청하신분은 반드시 입금 신청자 이름으로 입금해 주시고

예비신청을 하지 않으신들은 신청서 와 함께 입금해 주시면 됩니다.

입금시 신청자 이름으로 입금해 주셔야 확인이 가능합니다.

그리고, 환불 불가한점 양해 부탁드립니다/

팬미팅 신청 접수는 e-mail : shinhyestar@naver.com


제목 - 2014년 생일파티 &팬미팅 신청합니다.

내용 - 별빛천사 회원 ID/닉네임/회원등급(정회원,4기회원등)신청자 이름/전화번호

별빛천사 비회원의경우 본명 전화번호 성별 (3가지 꼭남겨주세요)

(해외팬의 경우 국적 이름 이메일 전화번호 )



메일제목을 ([2014팬미팅관련 문의])로 해서 shinhyestar@naver.com 로 보내주세요. :x :x :x

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Midnight interview with You’re Beautiful’s sleep-deprived but happy castby javabeans | November 9, 2009

The following video clip (watch below) and interview caught the cast of You’re Beautifulin a rare spare moment as they filmed busily — time is scarce and it looks like they’re in the thick of live-shooting by this point, with just three more weeks left till the series wraps. The cast also seems unusually close and always in good humor, based on the behind-the-scenes clips that have been released.

(Basically, my principal reaction to the interview was, “Jang Geun-seok and Park Shin-hye, just date already!!” Seriously, it seems like they’re always flirting, and it’s too cute.)

In the clip, Park Shin-hye starts by explaining the cast’s nicknames for each other (which are explained in more detail below), and then starts reciting one of her lines when Lee Hong-ki appears. Hong-ki takes over and imitates one of Mi-nam’s lines from the scene in Episode 1 where she’s drunk at the party, and Shin-hye acts Jeremy’s part. Jung Yong-hwa arrives and Shin-hye recites his line from the Towel Scene. And then everyone imitates Jang Geun-seok.

They only sleep one to two hours a night and are wrestling with last-minute script pages, but the You’re Beautiful team was asked for a short interview. The clock read 1:30 am. The reason the interview went longer than asked is because of those unstoppable “pretty boys.” At times serious, at times playful, their moonlit chatter doesn’t stop. This is the unstoppable relay between Jang Geun-seok, Park Shin-hye, Lee Hong-ki, and Jung Yong-hwa.

How would it be having a girlfriend like Go Mi-nam?

Hong-ki: “Go Mi-nam is a really pure and kind girl, although her appearance is boyish.”

Geun-seok: “I think I’d feel burdened. If we dated, I’d feel like she might get dirtier.”

Hong-ki: “I’d feel too sorry to her to date. She’s so kind that even if I did something wrong, she’d keep forgiving me. I like fun girls. Someone where we build up a lot of memories and affection by going through a lot of problems and incidents together.”

Geun-seok (in rapid interview mode): “Hong-ki, do you have an ideal woman among celebrities?”

Hong-ki (very seriously): “I do. Song Hye-gyo. What about you, Geun-seok hyung?”

Geun-seok (momentarily pausing): “I don’t. Um… Aside from Park Shin-hye, I don’t have anyone. Keke.”

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watch the expressions... these two are in sync, perfect !  hilarious Choi Young Do!. can't stop replaying n laughing off my seat  
tumblr_mz0iykbHd41siqvhio1_250.gif tumblr_mz0iykbHd41siqvhio4_250.gif
tumblr_mz0iykbHd41siqvhio2_250.gif tumblr_mz0iykbHd41siqvhio3_250.gif
source: the inheritors tumblr
Hope a lot of fans can make it to the fans meeting.  Thank u @snowhninpyae. I'm reposting part here...."Some info about Park Shinhye 2014 FM in Korea:

Date - 15th Feb. 2014
Time - 4pm - 6pm (KST) (the FM estimate time scheduled for 2 hours)
Venue - Naru Culture & Arts Centre "

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watch the expressions... these two are in sync, perfect !  hilarious Choi Young Do!. can't stop replaying n laughing off my seat  

source: the inheritors tumblr

Hope a lot of fans can make it to the fans meeting.  Thank u 

@snowhninpyaeI'm reposting part here...."Some info about Park Shinhye 2014 FM in Korea:

Date - 15th Feb. 2014
Time - 4pm - 6pm (KST) (the FM estimate time scheduled for 2 hours)
Venue - Naru Culture & Arts Centre "

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class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 48px; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"Jang Geun Suk and Park Shin Hye Interview with Mook 21 class="entry-title" style="text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"

translated by the Park Shin Hye International Community 

Mook: We heard that you guys are very close, do you see each other often?

Jang Geun Suk (JGS): Actually if I walk from my home to Shin Hye’s, I only need 5 minutes. However no matter how many times I have said, “Come to my house to play!” she doesn’t come.
Park Shin Hye (PSH): I didn’t say that!!
JGS: My mother loves Shin Hye very much.
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PSH: His mother really likes me, next time I will visit his place for sure.

class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"


Mook: I understand that you two had worked together once before because of a famous cosmetics brand’s CF. Do you still remember how it was like when you first met?

PSH: I remember that the first time we met was at the costume fitting, but before that CF, oppa and I already had starred in a mini drama before. From a long time ago, I had already heard that he “has a very handsome face, is very hardworking at learning how to act, and is a very friendly person.” When we first met, I was a little nervous, but Geun Suk oppa was very friendly to me.
JGS: Actually when she first saw me, I think she must have thought that I didn’t have any image at all! (laugh)
PSH: I did not! He was very handsome, therefore I was very shy and didn’t know what to say or do.
JGS: Why?
PSH: Because you’re too handsome!
class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"

JGS: Hmm… you’re not kidding are you?

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Mook: So during this time’s filming, have you found anything new about each other?

PSH: Oppa has a perfect image, but he also has some easily-spotted defects.
JGS: Haha.
PSH: But he is really outstanding at acting. However busy he is, he never takes a break from learning acting skills. So I am really thankful that I have a chance to work with him. Moreover he always takes care of the younger ones.
JGS: But I also frequently forget my lines.
PSH: Sometimes when I saw that he had forgotten his lines, but still talk on the phone at the filming venue, I would scold him angrily.
JGS: (laughs) I was always being scolded.
PSH: During the filming, whenever there was a free time, oppa would text a certain someone nonstop. So I was trying to stop him from using his cell phone at the filming place.
JGS: (serious) No, I was actually discussing with the producer about my character, but was always said by her that I was doing this doing that. Ah I couldn’t tell her everything that I was doing, right?
class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"

PSH: Don’t lie. I am sure that person was not the producer.

class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"


Mook: After seeing the filming venue, did you have a completely new outlook?

PSH: When all ANJELL members got together getting ready to film at the 5m deep swimming pool, Hong Ki, Yong Hwa and I thought that there were safety equipment and measures around, so we were pretty relaxed. But Geun Suk oppa was asking around nonstop about things like, “What if accidents happen? What should we do?”
JGS: I was preparing for any emergencies, because I thought I was responsible. The three of them didn’t think about these kinds of things and were yelling: “Let’s go play happily!” while jumping into the pool. So I was frantic and thought that I must analyze the potential dangers before getting in. In case something dangerous happens, like those in movies, I could give my oxygen tank to others.
PSH: Sometimes he looks like a top student, but sometimes he also surprises me with his silliness.
JGS: Ah…haha.
PSH: This also led me to give bonus points to oppa, and has increased his charisma and attractiveness. I resent people who are too perfect. Although Geun Suk oppa is very perfect, he is also very silly sometimes – this resembles Hwang Tae Kyung. After meeting oppa, I feel that under these circumstances, oppa becomes more attractive. This is a compliment.
JGS: Thank you for earnestly complimenting me. Before this, many people recommended letting Park Shin Hye to take up the role of Go Mi Nam. Actually, when I heard that it was confirmed to have Shin Hye starring as Go Mi Name, I started to look forward to it. Surprisingly, she let me see many shining opportunities and talent, so I felt very secure working with her. Among the ANJELLs, Shin Hye is the only girl, we thought that she would find it hard to fit in, but she fit in seamlessly and could portray her character very well. Thanks to her, everyone could happily finish the shooting.
She is hardworking and an earnest learner. She is much better than me at this. I remember that she would give me scary glares when I was goofing around. Looking at her serious attitude at acting, I admire her. I told myself that I had to work harder at portraying my character – couldn’t let Shin Hye defeat me.
PSH: (putting on an adorable face) I was only looking at oppa’s face, wanting to catch up with him.
class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"JGS: Whoa! What a scary kid! class="entry-title" style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 15px 0px 0.3em; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"
Mook: During the filming at the supermarket, Jang Geun Suk reached his maximum exhaustion and slept while standing for the very first time. Are there secrets that are only shared between the two of you?
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class="date-header" style="margin: 0px -15px 1px; position: static; min-height: 0px; padding: 0px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-image: none; background-attachment: scroll; border-top-width: 0px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-top-right-radius: 0px; bottom: 612px; right: 15px; background-position: 0% 0%;"Thursday, November 24, 2011 

Park Shin Hye : at 20111124 Melon Music Awards (performance & MC)..

the “2011 Melon Music Awards (MMA)” was held at the Seoul Olympic Park Stadium with some of the biggest K-Pop stars attending the event.
Hosted by Park Shin Hye, Super Junior’s Lee Teuk, and BEAST’s Yoon Doo Joon.
the event started at 7pm to 10pm (Korean time) and was streaming live on YouTube.


girls band performance (seems like AN.JELL performance) ^^

and this Shinhye dancing performance.. very sexy and hot ! amazing.. ^^hyemelon2011-31.jpghyemelon2011-3.jpghyemelon2011-15.jpghyemelon2011-4.jpghyemelon2011-5.jpghyemelon2011-9.jpghyemelon2011-10.jpghyemelon2011-22.jpghyemelon2011-26.jpghyemelon2011-19.jpghyemelon2011-20.jpghyemelon2011-17.jpghyemelon2011-30.jpghyemelon2011-27.jpghyemelon2011-29.jpghyemelon2011-28.jpghyemelon2011-18.jpg
MC part 1 :hyemelon2011-11.jpghyemelon2011-12.jpghyemelon2011-39.jpghyemelon2011-32.jpg

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class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 25px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 24px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.2; font-family: Geneva, 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Verdana, sans-serif;"[MAGAZINE] Park Shin Hye for Cosmo, Talks About New Drama class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 25px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 24px; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.2; font-family: Geneva, 'Lucida Sans', 'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Verdana, sans-serif;"

We have seen her behind-the-scene shots for Cosmopolitan Magazine. Now, we shall see Park Shin Hye’s new look for Cosmo! She is now hotter, bolder, braver! Shin Hye said goodbye to her cute and innocent image for a while and showed off a more sophisticated and mature look, with her red lips and intense eyes.


Shin Hye also spoke about her character in her much-anticipated drama "넌 내게 반했어"(You Fell in Love with Me/You’re Into Me). “My character is a bit quirky, humorous, and optimistic; and we’re alike in many ways. I’m looking forward to working with Jung Yong Hwa again.” Shin Hye worked with Yong Hwa in their 2009 hit “You’re Beautiful.”


credits: Cosmopolitan Magazine + PSHIFC

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 Park Shin Hye denies rumors about her and Jang Keun Suk/Jung Yonghwa

e0fc2375595cd172d42af1ae.jpgActress Park Shin Hye transforms into art college student representative with her elegance and fresh charms.

In a set of drama stills revealed today, Park Shin Hye is seen singing with sparkling eyes and fresh smiles. Her body language expressed through her pose shows her passion and enjoyment towards singing.

Park Shin Hye plays gayageum prodigy Lee Kyu Won in MBC upcoming drama 'Heartrings'. Through her character, Shin Hye's astounding talent in music, dance and acting can be seen by viewers.

Staff of the drama said 'Park Shin Hye is an actress who devotes a lot of passion to her job. She practices her lines word by word, and diligently learns her songs. All crew members are wowed by her performance. Please give a lot of support to Lee Kyu Won and Park Shin Hye.'
6a3c425f85f6ced8e950cdaf.jpgAlso capturing a lot of attention are the rumors between Shin Hye and her ex/present costars Jang Keun Suk and Jung Yonghwa. Many people speculate that the actress is dating either one of the actors. In response to this, Shin Hye firmly denied the rumors and said NO.

'I grew close to both Jang Keun Suk and Jung Yonghwa through our previous drama project 'You're Beautiful" (2009). But I am definitely not dating either one of them.' Park Shin Hye said in an interview with Sports Chosun.
2182a944218153538544f9e7.jpgIn SBS drama "You're Beautiful", Park Shin Hye and Jang Keun Suk play a couple and have a lot of intimate scenes. Fans of the drama often ask 'Are they really dating in real life?'.

As for Jung Yonghwa, he worked with Shin Hye previously in YAB, and becomes her costar again in MBC drama 'Heartstrings'. At the 47th Paeksang Arts Awards, Yonghwa went on stage to surprise Shin Hye with a bouquet of flowers, which further cause people to question their relationship.

"Yonghwa is my good friend. I am very thankful for him surprising me with flowers at the Paeksang Arts Awards." Fans of Jung Yonghwa approve Park Shin Hye with comments like 'If Yonghwa dates Shin Hye, it's ok." To this, Shin Hye said "Because we are both blood type A people, we can get along very well. We can be good friends but not boyfriend and girlfriend."

Shin Hye's new drama with Yonghwa will start its run on MBC this Wednesday, June 29 at 9:55pm.

Source: Nate News
thanks to:PSH Org.
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Guest branwen

Reading that Mook interview again, I realized that PSH may actually be telling the truth. That she and JGS never dated. Hehe. His nonchalant and oh-so-honest answers just tell it all.
It's so cold out here nowadays. When I think about it, most of PSH's dramas were shot during fall or winter.

Tree of Heaven
credit to owner

Flower Boy Next Door. The only drama I've seen where the casts actually wore winter jackets and clothes.

credit to askkpop.com

Oh, The Heirs sometimes let them wear winter clothes too.
credit to dramarecap.com

You're Beautiful

It was so cold and windy that day... brrr...

PSH is used to the cold shooting hours. I hope she always stays healthy in future projects.
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class="pane-title" style="font-family: CenturySchoolbook; font-size: 24px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 13px 0px; padding: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-bottom-style: none; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); line-height: 22px; direction: ltr; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); text-rendering: optimizelegibility;"Park Shin Hye says she's a favourite among mothersMay 3, 2013 3:07 PM by Straits Times.com
 Park Shin Hye has her pick of hot leading men, but says she is really a favourite among mothers

In South Korea, actress Park Shin Hye is often described by the media as having "saved a country in her last life".

The expression, often used in envy, alludes to having a blessed life.

After all, the 23-year-old has shared the small screen with some of South Korea's hottest stars: actor-singer Jang Geun Suk, 25, in You're Beautiful (2009); rock group CNBlue's leader Jung Yong Hwa, 23, in You're Beautiful andHeart Strings (2011); and up-and-coming actor Yoon Si Yoon, 26, in her latest drama Flower Boy Next Door, which is currently airing on Channel M.

Girl next door: Park Shin Hye (left) with co-star Yoon Si Yoon in the TV drama Flower Boy Next Door. -- PHOTO: CHANNEL M

Next up - she will star opposite heartthrob Lee Min Ho, 25, of Boys Over Flowers (2009) fame, in a new drama series, The Heirs.

When asked which of her swoonworthy leading men she shares the best chemistry with, Park replies: "If I had to choose one, it would be Jang Geun Suk. He's been acting for a long time, so it was comfortable exchanging lines with him in scenes."

Park previously revealed on a Korean variety show that Jang's mother is a big fan of hers. In fact, she is a hit with mothers in general.

In an e-mail interview with Life!, she says of her fans: "I think there's quite a good range of age groups, generally between 10 and 30 years of age, but it does seem that I'm a favourite among mothers. I'm really thankful for that."

It is understandable, given the string of sweet and demure roles she has played. She established her status as the girl next door when she played angelic daughter-in-law Hana in Tree Of Heaven (2006).

In Flower Boy Next Door, she plays the shy and quirky Go Dok Mi, who spies on her handsome neighbour, played by Kim Jung San.

When asked if the real Park Shin Hye is sweet or quirky, the actress says: "I don't think any of the characters I've acted thus far are completely different from my own character. Be it demure or lively, I think they all contain a part of me."

It may be hard to believe, but the fresh-faced beauty is practically a small-screen veteran, having made her acting debut 10 years ago in the popular tearjerker Stairway To Heaven (2003).

She won the Child Actress Award at the 2003 SBS Drama Awards for her role as the younger version of the lead character Han Jung Suh.

"Stairway To Heaven was the first drama I worked on, and You're Beautiful was the drama that brought me beyond Korea to meet fans from other countries. That is especially meaningful to me," reflects the actress, who is studying drama and cinema at Chung-Ang University in Seoul.

Park has also appeared in movies such as romantic comedy Cyrano Agency in 2010 and the heartwarming melodrama Miracle In Cell No. 7, which was released last year.

The latter broke records just 52 days after its release and is now the thirdhighest grossing Korean film in Korea.

On the difference between dramas and movies, she says: "It's easier for dramas to reach out to audiences, since dramas can be viewed at home. But films are different because one has to go out, look for a cinema and buy the ticket to watch the film.

"I think I still need to work harder at cultivating the ability of bringing audiences out of their homes into the cinemas."

Flower Boy Next Door airs on Channel M (mio TV Channel 518 and StarHub Channel 824) on Mondays to Thursdays at 6.50pm.

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@branwen hello. yes, i agree with you. after reading about the dating article that @NileRose posted, i realized too, PSH was always straightforward with her answers, and does not appear to be the type to beat around the bush in all her interviews.

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