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Guest WithYunHo

OMG!!! Yume's smile totally killed me!! It's so sweet!

It shows more of an innocent side of him :) He always

look so serious and just simply smiles...I love that picture!

Aww...he looks so cute @ the airport. *waves*

Thanks so much for sharing!!

I hope it's YOOHAK MV! I would love to see!

I haven't read any translation to their lyrics. Has anyone

translated YOOHAK? Where can I read it?

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Guest shaaaron

^You can find it in the 2nd lyrics topic in Headlines at Cynostar. It's closed, but you can view it. Translations had been added a while after it was posted.

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XING's Sched

29th (Saturday) - Event - 6:30PM @ KimpoBoolo Middle School at the field

My Girl and Yoohak... And more? You can see them live

30th (Sunday) - ZEN Event - Korean Hapkido Competition @ Jamsil Student sports centre from 10:30AM

You can see ZEN's martial arts performance with the other members of his sports centre

30th (Sunday) - Radio - SBS Power FM 107.7 (So Yoo Jin's Love love) from 12AM (midnight)

You can listen to XING's live songs and fresh acapella

Credits: XING.TV + double_love123(trans) + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not take out of Soompi without permission!

And there's another YTN special Event of the 16th of October.

>_> Gah I don't like YTN.

I'd rather be deprived of performances than knowing there are performances but we can't get to them. ;_;


At the Middle School event they performed:

My Girl


In The Still Of The Night

(NEW ACAPELLA) The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Lucky people. D:

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Guest Jesus_Lover

So new vids are up on www.xing.tv.

One is of the updated and new Lotte World My Girl MV. Another is of Xing at one of their radio broadcasts. So great! Gotta love them.

So if anyone knows how to put them up here, you should! Cuz i sure dont know how.

God bless you xing fans you.



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Guest loveprint


The Lotte World MV has been up at Cynostar for.. I don't know, 2 weeks? Perhaps not that long, I can't remember.

And we will have the Radio Show up ASAP.

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Guest shaaaron

The radio was awesome. They all sang really well. :D

HyeSung's parts in the Korean Forget Our Memories... daaaaang. He owned.

Feel better soon Yume. T_T <3

And they made The Lions Sleep Tonight sound even better. Dude they surprised me. o_o

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Guest Jesus_Lover

^ loveprint: the music video for Lotte World that is on Xing.tv is different than the one that's up on Cynostar...just to let you know. It's the UPDATED version like i said in my post.

Anywho. I loved the Lion King song. Kevin was so brave to hit those high notes!

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Guest sungieluv

omogsh! THE PICTURES!! dude i want more lol haha

YUMEE *DIES* hes so hot. that glasses picture. just holding thoes glasses like that. thats smexi lol

thanks for sharing!! :)

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Guest canityo

SORRY! Everyone for such delays in uploading and whatnot I was capped and yeah. I'm uploading the Radio clip from So Yoojin's Love Love and the OFFICIAL version My Girl's Lotte World version right this moment. And I'll try and get it up on YT asap. T_T I'm so sorry for such delay!! It was horrible being capped.


Kimpo Bullo Middle School

th_11xing.jpg th_02xing.jpg th_13jh.jpg th_12jh.jpg

th_10jh.jpg th_08jh.jpg th_07jh.jpg

Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET


Ireland Film Studio!

th_EC9584EC9DBCEB9E9CEB939CECBC80EBB98.jpg th_EC9584EC9DBCEB9E9CEB939CEC9881EC-1.jpg th_EC9584EC9DBCEB9E9CEB939CEC9881EAB2B.jpg th_EC9584EC9DBCEB9E9CEB939CEC84B1EC889.jpg

Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET


ZEN in Ireland


Credits: Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET


*Phew* I'll be back with more stuff once I finish uploading new pictures and yeah. =_=

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Guest loveprint

^ loveprint: the music video for Lotte World that is on Xing.tv is different than the one that's up on Cynostar...just to let you know. It's the UPDATED version like i said in my post.
I apologise. I did not watch it, so I didn't know it was different.

Anyway, guys, don't rush us. We definitely will have everything we can get our hands on uploaded for you guys. Cynostar gets about 50% more, but we give you guys all of the important and juicy stuff. :D

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Guest maizakichi


anyways..sharing another yume gif..

where the heck did they get the video to make this gif from?!


CREDITS to Cyworld & cynostar.net

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Guest canityo

^ In that gif thingo, it's when they were shooting in Ireland. (:


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

Dude, I love that bit of the Official Lotte World MV. It's SOSOSOSOSO cute.

I wish they didn't cut and replace PD's singing bit with just him. Him + chipmunks were very cute!

A lot more Kimpo event pictures are being posted up at Cynostar right....this...minute. XD

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Guest jia_li

I wish I lived in Ireland Im jealous at those fans

thanks for the nice photo's

I really have to see My Girl Lotte world version 2 ^^

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Guest shaaaron

Maybe that gif was made from a fancam? o_o I don't know. And said fancam was never released for the owner's own personal.. er.. pleasure? Hahahaha.. that's weird whatever. But dude, he sticks out so much. He's all preppy and there are a bunch girls in casual clothing around him. And he's the only Asian looking one. LOL. <3

I am so looking forward to the MV. :D

And JinHyun's hair looks really good in the picture with the two young fans.

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