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15 hours ago, giegie said:

Four, I think Wookie didn't make any comeback this year, since some dramas for the end of year already lined up and had the casting progress. @Princi_86 I think he won't be starred at My Ahjussi, I read Lee Sun-Kyun was casted for that. Sigh, it's a bit cruel since he already promised us at the first of his Vlive, he'll be back with a new project for this year :( at positive view, I don't think it's bad decision tho! Many of dramas didn't go well this year, we could count the dramas that got over 20% ratings whereas dramas at first semester 2017 did greater than second half, so I'm just scared if Wookie's drama at the end of the year will also be a miss at rating. So I think it's better if he stays low and be careful of his next project.



Hi giegie, hmmm.......in an interview with High Cut magazine he said that he has turned down a lot of roles in fantasy dramas after his successful run as a grim reaper in “Goblin.” LDW doesn't want to play a similar character from this previous drama. He wants to play a character that’s nothing but real for his next role. I believe this is fair enough, right? And I do understand him. He doesn't want to be typecast with the same role.  :tongue:

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Lee Dong Wook Explains Why He Turned Down All Fantasy Roles After “Goblin”


In an interview with fashion magazine High Cut, Lee Dong Wook revealed that he has turned down a lot of roles in fantasy dramas since his successful run as a grim reaper in tvN’s “Goblin.”

“If I were to play a similar character [to the one I did in ‘Goblin’], taking on the same image, I’d feel like I were digging myself into a hole. I don’t think it would be right to [go about my career that way],” said Lee Dong Wook.

Recalling how people thought he played a lot of wealthy characters despite the fact he’s only played two in the entirety of his career (in “My Girl” and “Scent of a Woman”), Lee Dong Wook said, “If an image sticks to you after just two roles, then I feel I should be careful to avoid that. I actually got offered a lot of roles in fantasy works after ‘Goblin,’ but I eventually turned them all down. I want to play a character that’s nothing but real for my next role.”





‘My next work will be totally opposite to ‘Guardian’’: Lee Dong-wook  http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201709201752545026057_2 same content  but the title gives me the feel that his next project is coming soon 

@Princi_86 it turned out to be the cover what do you think now ?



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\Interview] Wookie has chosen Lee Hyuk as the character which is similar to his own personality among 3 characters he has played in Goblin. Wookie has explained further that in real life, he don't express indirectly (he's more straight forward) same as Lee Hyuk. Also he said it's hard to pretend that he likes smth or being good if he doesn't like it. Wookie is so cool  LEE DONG WOOK IS SO REAL :heart:



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16 hours ago, WookD said:

\Interview] Wookie has chosen Lee Hyuk as the character which is similar to his own personality among 3 characters he has played in Goblin. Wookie has explained further that in real life, he don't express indirectly (he's more straight forward) same as Lee Hyuk. Also he said it's hard to pretend that he likes smth or being good if he doesn't like it. Wookie is so cool  LEE DONG WOOK IS SO REAL :heart:


Hi WookD, also in the interview with this magazine, LDW also said that his confidence dropped after Goblin He explained that it was difficult for him to move on from his character and that it left him with many thoughts. He started thinking a lot about what his next project will be and he also thought a lot about how he should live at 37 years of age as Lee Dong Wook in the future. Depressed? This isn't good..... People go through depression because of many reasons! Just do what you want, LDW! High Cut is for release TODAY, September 21. :tongue:

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@longleg I'm not sure what exactly has happen to Leedongwookaddicts. It can be just occasional cleaning of fan accounts, or it was someone's complain (it's unlikely since there was nothing to complain on except maybe watermarks on pics which have been posted). Another version that it was hackers' attack. The official reason was violation of Instagram's rules. Nevertheless it has gone and even after petition nothing has changed. Working team no decides what to do further since there always will be a risk that another hackers attack will happen but I want it to be opened again since Wookie's Bday is coming and I'd like to launch Bday project from Global Fans and who can help better then LDWaddics. But they won't have followers if they'll start new account. Such an awkward situation when I check IG for Wookie's updates in top posts all Goblin related stuff (either Pichi couple or Gobride couple or bromance) because those accounts which have been active during and after Goblin have got lots of followers same as LDWaddicts sigh. I'd with at least Dwholic was more active in posting. 


@WookD Idk what to think but as I said before it's either he's preparing himself and crowd for comeback (or at least announcement) and it's sort of PR and background for his upcoming announcement of new drama, or he's still in demand to be featured on cover even when he doesn't have any upcoming projects. Looking at High Cut's covers history all covers (at least recent year) have featured either idols/actors who have announced their comeback already and cover is sort of promotion, or they have ongoing projects or they have recently finished their projects/comeback. There were no stars who're in the middle of choosing their next project. In any case I'm proud of Wookie that he has made the cover when Goblin's effect has almost gone and he hasn't announced next project. but I still hope that the reason of his cover is sort of "hey, people, do you remember me? Keep your eye on what I will choose. I will announce it shotly" and not  "hey, people, do you remember me? Keep your eye on what I will choose but I don't know when it will happen". 


I honestly don't see any potential nearest drama for Wookie which is preparing for casting already. There are lots of dramas announced like the one from Secret and Mask writer but no news at all. And all more or less potential dramas are getting cast like it has happen with "My ahjossi" as @giegie has mentioned. But I agree with you chingu that it's better to wait and choose good script then to take smth just to be in game. He needs to join big game. And most of recent dramas have achieved such an average results. Even Temperature of love has started from quite low ratings although they're first in their time slot. What I don't want is his next drams to overlap with Hong sister's drama and then KES's and NHK's.

Ideally I want him to choose his next role by himself and even apply to production team as he did with Goblin. If he likes smth but he doesn't get offer for it (instead he gets lots of others which are good but similar with hi previous ones) then I wish him to do the same as with Grim Reaper's role and get it for himself. 


I want Wookie to play with Shin Min Ah or Gong Hyo Jin since they both are free and they'd match perfectly...but for romcom and Wookie doesn't look for it. Both ladies don't take serious genre dramas. But who knows maybe they'll challange themselves this time. SJH would be perfect match for Wookie if he'd like to take romcom. But he's looking for smth serious, our true actor. HHJ will be an option for more serious drama (even though knetz still hate her), but she's in movie as I heard.

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11 hours ago, Princi_86 said:


I want Wookie to play with Shin Min Ah or Gong Hyo Jin since they both are free and they'd match perfectly...but for romcom and Wookie doesn't look for it. Both ladies don't take serious genre dramas. But who knows maybe they'll challange themselves this time. SJH would be perfect match for Wookie if he'd like to take romcom. But he's looking for smth serious, our true actor. HHJ will be an option for more serious drama (even though knetz still hate her), but she's in movie as I heard.


Funny you should mention Shin Min Ah, I was just going to suggest her! She DOESN'T do heavier dramas!? But I JUST finished a VERY HEAVY melodrama with her nearly a week ago, A Love To Kill (a MUST WATCH btw!). Still reeling from that one, even more heavier than the usual melodrama, in fact someone in real life got very concerned/thought I was majorly depressed when I was still crying over the drama, such huge effect it had on me. At one point got really concerned for the actors because watching it you'd realize all they did around the clock for many weeks straight was not to only cry but do so utterly despair despair despair on all scenes from then on; like the despairing Wang Yeo wandering the streets type except much more frequent/longer lasting/long work hours of ONLY despairing. Poor them. Could even tell at one point that the actors where tired of it/it started to slightly affect their acting for an ep or two. Now a huge fan of Shin Min Ah, she not only did an extremely heavy and depressing melodrama but she was very good at it too! Before this I also saw her in a very dark movie. So yeah SHE DOES DO AND CAN IN FACT HANDLE HEAVY drama. She has to be one of the most convincing ones at acting out love especially, such extraordrinary believable and expressive eyes! So I second that, I really want her to act with Wookie. And yes, she's currently not busy either.

 VERY expressive eyes which is great


for an actress and seems like a total sweetheart irl, aka. easy and fun for Wooks to work with. Watching BTS of her you can tell her every thought every second easily, such an honest see through-face person, like Wookie!





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On 22.09.2017 at 10:04 PM, intrariver said:


Funny you should mention Shin Min Ah, I was just going to suggest her! She DOESN'T do heavier dramas!? But I JUST finished a VERY HEAVY melodrama with her nearly a week ago, A Love To Kill (a MUST WATCH btw!). Still reeling from that one, even more heavier than the usual melodrama, in fact someone in real life got very concerned/thought I was majorly depressed when I was still crying over the drama, such huge effect it had on me. At one point got really concerned for the actors because watching it you'd realize all they did around the clock for many weeks straight was not to only cry but do so utterly despair despair despair on all scenes from then on; like the despairing Wang Yeo wandering the streets type except much more frequent/longer lasting/long work hours of ONLY despairing. Poor them. Could even tell at one point that the actors where tired of it/it started to slightly affect their acting for an ep or two. Now a huge fan of Shin Min Ah, she not only did an extremely heavy and depressing melodrama but she was very good at it too! Before this I also saw her in a very dark movie. So yeah SHE DOES DO AND CAN IN FACT HANDLE HEAVY drama. She has to be one of the most convincing ones at acting out love especially, such extraordrinary believable and expressive eyes! So I second that, I really want her to act with Wookie. And yes, she's currently not busy either.

 VERY expressive eyes which is great


for an actress and seems like a total sweetheart irl, aka. easy and fun for Wooks to work with. Watching BTS of her you can tell her every thought every second easily, such an honest see through-face person, like Wookie!





@intrariver I'm not saying that SMA doesn't do heavy dramas at all but look at her recent dramas. They all are either romcom or light melo. I have started to like her when watched her old wovie "The naked kitchen" and it was awesome as well as her acting and charisma (so I'm aware that she can do heavier genre) there then I have followed her dramas starting from "My girlfriend is Gumiho" and I see that she likes to choose more lighthearted dramas. Maybe she's gonna to challenge herself in next role and I'm curious if one of my dream parings for Wookie can work out. I haven't watched her old dramas simply bcs I'm rarely watch old dramas but after reading your impression from A love to kill I have started it (even though I'm not into Rain) and I like it so far especially her character. Let's see if drama gods and PDs will hear our wish and cast them together. If they will Wookie and Minah will kill with their chemistry and visuals. Ofc the writing should be good. 


@theinvinciblered I'm gonna to order few copy for myself as well. ^^ I love the style of this pictorial. I think that it's one of the best High Cut has done with male cover so far. And no one had 17 pages among their recent male actors, idols or groups. Normally they have 13, max 15 together with interview and cover. Wookie is an inspiration haha. 

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Hey there!

I've been following this thread for a while now and it's great to see that LDW has so many passionate fans <3 I became a fan of him a few months ago, all thanks to my lovely little sis who forced me to watch Goblin hehe, and now I'm totally in love <3

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Dear fellow Wookie's fans, Thank you so much for all your support and efforts in bringing back our account @leedongwookaddicts.  As well as thank you for cheering on us and waiting for our comeback! We would like to announce that so far we haven't succeed in bringing back our original account. In order to continue our support towards Wookie and to communicate with you all we have acquired another fan account and from now you can find us here as @leedongwookaddicts_global. 
It will be hard to bring back all followers and of course we have lost all posts, but we will try our best to bring you interesting content and organize games and fan projects. And hopefully together we will build strong fan base again. We will announce our first game tomorrow or later today to celebrate our revamping. Please look forward for it.  As well we kindly ask all Wookie's fellow fan accounts and fans to spread the news about our new home. 
Thank you again for your concern and support. 


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Wookie (as well as Yoo In Na and Kim Go Eun) has been nominated for an award. Best Actor (Wookie NOT GY :o:D ) Let's hope that he'll attend the show and that he'll win/get the credit he deserves!

Award show is soon, on monday 2.10.


...my childish side is happy that Gong Yoo isn't nominated this time. Sorry if any GY fans here, but too tiresome to see LDW living under GY's shadow so much.



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