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Guest sixth.

Murder uni has so much better food than curtin :-(

hahaha that's the first time i've heard that. everyone i know complains about our food every time they come to visit :phew:

i wanted to go to the open days but i reckon it'd be kinda weird since i'm already in uni lol.

murdoch had birds of tokyo perform :(

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Guest nikkila

does anyone know any good cocktail kind of dress shops? not too formal, but pretty and unique? about knee length. arghhh i have a dinner dance coming up and i dont want to be too dressy but want something different and nice. eeeh. perth is too small.

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Guest kappow

hmm.. try going to "george" in subi.. or maybe "Sana" in clarmont. Have u tried Freo? they have heaps of vintage stuff. If u can afford expensive ones try going to Alannah Hill or maybe just claremont in general + David Jones or in the city.

Btw to those who went to curtin! how was the food? got ne freebies?

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Skybombers came to my school fot the 'Rock The Schools' thing. It was really bad >< Mainly because the place they played at was too small so it was wayyyy too loud. We couldn't even hear the singing and I was deaf for half an hour after -______-

I felt sorry for them though, the singer guy was going like "YEAHHHHH DANCEEE lalalala..." But most of us just stood and stared. Got a few pics of the stage though hahaha

Too bad lunch is only 25 mins -______________-;;

They had a workshop for the music kids and apparently they asked if anyone wanted autographs, and no one did. I kind of wanted to get one, so if they make it big time, I could sell it on eBay or something xD Oh, and they were at JB Hi-Fi after that as well. On Thursday.

Uni fees are that much O_o T_____________________T How am I gonna cope?

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Thats why I work my butt off so I can pay my uni fees up front. In my last year (next year) I'll probably let them go to hex so that I can go to hong kong and korea for a holiday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest TrainDriver

^don't u get a discount if u pay ur fees upfront? btw, any of u year 12's going to the revision seminars on the hols? i'm probably going to the econs one at rossmoyne. i'm kinda scared now, i might get less than scaled 50 for english and my info sys mark is gonna destroy my whole TER. i should've chosen human bio as a 6th TEE, but now its too late.

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Yes you do. my fees are $1566 a semester but with out the discount its $1958.

So if you pay it up front it's the discounted rate, if you let it go though to a hex/help debit then it's the non discounted rate.

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^don't u get a discount if u pay ur fees upfront? btw, any of u year 12's going to the revision seminars on the hols? i'm probably going to the econs one at rossmoyne. i'm kinda scared now, i might get less than scaled 50 for english and my info sys mark is gonna destroy my whole TER. i should've chosen human bio as a 6th TEE, but now its too late.

i'm going to the UWA revision seminars. $100 for one subject though... so expensive >< but i heard it was worth it

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Guest TrainDriver

^wahh :( mine was $180 but i got 10% discount, haha ridiculous pricing. u guys doing anything for leavers? soompi meet after year 12 hahaha

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wahh $180? O__o

i paid $400 altogether for the UWA revision courses. hopefully it will be worth all the money ><

lol im scared im gonna get under 50% for english too. I heard its gonna get scaled down heaps. That means i have to try really hard in music to bring my mark up ><

im not sure if we're doing anything for leavers, but a few of our friends are planning sleepovers at people's houses :P we should have a soompi meet up too haha

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Guest TrainDriver

^yeh, if u do 3A/3B its around 6% at my school. i'm around 56% haha so dodgy, but my english teacher said if the uni really wants u they won't care. my info sys is crippling my mark, the teacher is so useless and i don't want my mark to drop but the last few tests and assignments haven't gone well. ontop of that its -10%..... my predicted TER using semester 1 results after scaling was 96, my top 3 subjects probably haven't changed by more than 3%, but as info sys is my 4th best, its probably gonna drop big time after Mocks.

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woah 96 is really good O__O mine was 92 ><

im doing english 2b3a so i have no idea how that's gonna work :S

im gonna really try and do better in calculus, since it gets scaled up alot, but damn studying for calculus gives me a headache ><

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Guest TrainDriver

^really? our school it gets scaled down haha, everything does actually except for Lit. i'd be happy with anything 90+ :D its good how private schools don't allow the really below average students to sit the exams, that way they don't screw up the scaling for every1, wish they did it for public schools :( hmm i wonder if any1 here would participate in a perth meet up, wat to do as well

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Guest mystique

omg our english 3a3b got scaled down 10%! xD and art got scaled around 20%.. can u believe that, TWENTY!!! -_- everything got scaled DOWN i think.. even some of the super 6 =\

our school is 'advising' some students not to sit TEE so they dont drag us down... hopefully then dont :D haha

soompi meet up... KARAOKE!!! ;)

nah.. do soemthing where people would feel comfortable. lets go to the zoo!! haha jkz

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holy crap 20% O_____O

i dunno if my school doesnt let under average students sit the TEE exam... hopefully they do cos i dont want our school mark to get scaled down >< >< >< i hope the subjects im doing wont get scaled donw as much :( i know music already gets scaled down :( :(

LOL karaoke would be fun :P i hvaen't gone in ages rofl. and we'll get some bubbletea too xD

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For you guys in year 12 I just want to give the following advice.

-English is scaled down so much it's not funny. This needs to be your best mark.

-When picking your courses from TISC make sure you pick a variety of courses, and always pick at least one "Low ball" so that if the worst happens you can still do something like teaching at ECU or something.

-Remember that ECU takes your unscaled English mark where as every other uni takes the scaled mark. See above.

I'm a Curtin student and didn't follow the advice that I have just given but even though it didn't matter in the end, it would have saved me a lot of stress if I had put a low ball in my selection.

I would urge all current uni students to support the year 12s here as we all remember what it was like and for me it was some of my darkest days and everything turned out really well in the end for me. I can't imagine how the people felt who didn't make it.

About the meet up, the zoo would be cool. Don't worry ongi I'll turn up but I'm white.

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me and my friends were remembering when we were back in highschool.

our year was voted "most anti-social" but we were the best gov. school that year, so i guess it was worth being nerds?

just remember that there are other options available, and DO YOUR BEST. you can't ask for more than that.

Best wishes to all ^_^

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question!! is it true if you do a language.. u get 10% more TER or something ?

and im planning to do english 2a/2b .... Hope it gets scaled up

btw i can come to the meet up too??? lol!! ive been living here for 7 years and havent been to the zoo.....

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