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[OFFICIAL] Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple) | The King's Affection


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14 hours ago, Kwiz said:

@Pen GYou made some good points. I agree that Rowoon has done a lot in a short time and his acting continues to improve. Another indicator of A list status for me would be who is the top billing on the project. For example, for TKA, PEB was listed first and then Rowoon.  For Tomorrow,  Kim Hee Sun is listed first and then Rowoon and for DWY, Boah is listed first then Rowoon. I have not seen him listed as the first actor on the project but I could be wrong.The actors I consider A list are listed first on their projects and are the key selling feature of the project and are usually the first person to be selected for a project and other actors are then selected.The other sign for me is of a top actor is they are the first to introduce themselves when doing promotions/ press cons etc. and usually speak the most. I don’t think A list , B list, D List status is very important. What I do think is necessary for Rowoon is to be offered great projects with great actors/ staff where he can show his versatility and acting range. This will allow him to have a long and interesting acting career. To me, focusing on longevity not popularity is the key….

That is so true. In fact, when I saw the billing for DWY (at least with how NF listed it) with JBA as first. I was like: WHAT???????????? Then, maybe I thought Netflx does its billing in ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Like PEB comes before Rowoon alphabetically and JBA comes before Rowoon alphabetically, Kim Hee Sun also comes before Rowoon alphabetically. I have to check how WJA is billed on Netflix if it is also alphabetical. 


I understand during promos it is the one being introduced FIRST. During that JTBC DWY promo, wasn't Rowoon introduced first? Because I saw him go up to the stage first, then JBA was announced SECOND. I just saw the video not the audio but it would be odd to call JBA's name first and then Rowoon came up the stage FIRST? hahahahha. Am I wrong?


Well said. Yes, that is true. I thought about it and I think Rowoon:

1) does not necessarily think rankings and veiwership are very important

2) during the Hanna Volume Up radio interview. He just wanted to be patted on the shoulders and be told" "Great job". So, a lot of people have really complimented him on his range of acting in DWY, regardless of what the viewership ranking is.

3) You are right. He is more about LONGEVITY. He does not want to be just a "flash in the pan".

12 hours ago, Betty Liu said:

Yeah, right.  I found that EB always praised SW's appearance and personality.  She always affirmed him.  However, WJA (the FL of SWNK) &JBA just sort of tired of SW's self-indulgence of his appearance.  Lol. 

Oh you think so? hahahahha. That is funny. WJA and JBA got tired of self-indulging on Rowoon's appearance. hahahha.


They can tire of it. But we won't. :lol:

14 hours ago, Kwiz said:

I think the role requires Boah  to act cute and sweet but the acting is not convincing… I think she is playing it too over the top and she should  have toned it done a bit…. It’s what I think separates good from great acting. Being able to use body language and “eye acting” effectively to convey thoughts and emotions of a character helps the audience connect. Essentially, leaving things unsaid that the audience still understands and reacts to. 

That is true. Restrained acting to me is better than over-acting. She was quite over-acting. She could have restrained herself. Even if her character is supposedly one who has never had a BF and is therefore giddy. She still is supposedly an Associate Director Civil Servant for Onju City. There is "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" but there should also be a basic, baseline minimum expectation in acting of what your character is.


Eye acting, body acting separates the great from the good. And then her voice acting sounding like a 4 y/o was what got me. It drove me crazy! Maybe she should have toned in down just a little bit. hahahahha. I just could not stand it. I had to lower the volume. hahahahha

5 hours ago, Penny said:

Here is my delulu theory:

I think Robin start dating after the surprising FT of Rowoon. That was a very important event, openly puting couple pictures (this is never happen with other Korean actores) supose that FNC has blame him doing this crazy action. But surprisely EB response the FT in the same way, which means she accept his love. This is the reason that he was so happy when he receip the response FT, and even go twice to the place and check the picture again and again. From that moment EB starts to change her interaction with the hanbada team of WYW. I read someone complaint her, that she not use to stay with them during shoot off time. Some fan says that the reason is bacause she has to study her text for the following scene. In my analysis of Korea People behaviour is, when you are dating and your boyfriend is a bit jelousy guy, you have to avoid potential contact with other man. As most of us agreed, the FT of Rowoon intetion is mark the place. And also he mentioned that he will avoid watch Kiss moment of his girl friend. Si I suspect that Rowoon is a typical jelousy Korea boy friend. Opposite of our european thinking, a jelousy boy friend in Asia means fidelity and love you much. 

There is suspect that he appeared in EB Seoul fanmeet. And lot of rumours in dispatch of them, that few days after are deleted. 

This year 09 of April, we suspect that the secret FT to Rowoon is from EB, which all the messages are very simular style as well as the last year FT on response of Rowoon One. 

As you mention, the interaction betwee BoAh and rowoon in the DWY BTS is almost nothing, only shown their filming moment. Not like TKA has lot of reheasal or break moment that Rowoon always wants to stay with his noona. In DWY seems Rowoon enjoy more with others staff. 

The only point that confuse me is the BoAh FT to Rowoon. The pictures and message seems like she is flirting with him, and this is not common in SK if he really is dating with someone. Hope that this FT is come from the DWY production team. 


Just want to expose delulu thought, only the time can confirma if I'm right or not. 

Your theory makes absolute sense because it follows facts that we already know and it is not merely speculation.


JBA sending that FT with her own picture instead of Rowoon's picture is to promote herself. I guess that was the theory of most of the people here in the forum. Most people accepted that she was trying to promote herself. Because in South Korea you send a FT with the picture of the one you are supporting. It is not to support YOURSELF. It is to support the fellow actor/actress. So, the MAIN banner should be a picture of the one you are supporting. Am I making any sense?


So it is possible that the DWY production team sent that FT to Rowoon. But if it was the DWY team, why put  ONLY JBA's picture on the Main Banner? Right? They should have included Rowoon's picture on the Main Banner. So, personally I think it was JBA to promote herself and the DWY show.

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15 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

Still puzzled about the food truck KSW received where he gave signalled the “I love you” hand sign language.  Apparently not a common thing to display. 


That is sooooooo funny. I have been thinking about that mysterious FT sent on 4/9/23 to Rowoon for the past 5 days. Some suspect it was PEB, as a reverse of her B-day 9/4/23.


And yes, that "I love you" sign back. Ooofffffff. Breaks all the supposed "rules of behavior". hahahahaha.


Now tell me, who is has been recently close to Rowoon that he obviously likes, enough for him to publicly send an " I love you" sign back? Anyone, would like to make a guess? hahahhaha

15 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

Completely agree and I think that is his ultimate goal.  To do what he loves for a long time and not just a star that shines very bright for a short period of time and dies off.  

Very well said! "A star that shines very bright for a short period of time and dies off."


How profound and true!

On 9/29/2023 at 9:54 PM, Yuen10 said:

100% agree so that why the why she was with KSW was that much more special.  Maybe they were together and it didn’t work out. Of course I wish that is not the reality.  

Another things that caught my attention was that PEB deleted or hided pictures and I believe not too long after KSW did the same 

The "good thing" about breaking up is that they can always "get back together". Didn't Rowoon sing about "getting back together"? hahahahahhaha

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10 hours ago, mktgkat said:

Yeah.... i know... sadly, their "formula" did not work... it worked for other celebs but not him?


i dont understand why writers and directors dont understand that many kdrama viewers now want substance.. haha.. i mean we love PEB for all that she's shown in her kdramas. Mostly, girl power. Strong woman. Overcoming the odds. 


I feel bad for Rwn actually. Tomorrow didn't work. Dwy didn't work. What could be the formula or role that will be his springboard to the top?

Hello and welcome to the forum @Betty Liu yes i agree it feels so fake... 


I know... the writer and director have big responsibilities in making the drama work.. if it is well written and directed, the drama will shine... sadly DWY is just a drama that has all the cliche... nothing really new and interesting about it.. that's probably why they put a lot of kiss scenes to hopefully "attract" viewers..

Ahahaha yeah I noticed jba getting annoyed and tired of rwn's rant about his hair... and his nuances during charades promotion when he was laughing about a song ahaha

Maybe normal people who has real chemistry will find those nuances cute? ahaha but jba is getting tired of it.. heheh

Like hye-yoon with rowoon.. she's annoyed with rwn a lot of times..

Can you send a insta or twitter link of the FT please?

But you have to remember that Tomorrow and DWY are HITS on NF. Is it possible that Rowoon is more popular and more accepted worldwide than in SK? If that is true, he should probably start thinking of moving out of South Korea and move to the USA to act/work here. If he is not accepted there. WE WILL GLADLY ACCEPT HIM WITH WELCOME ARMS HERE! We will be the FIRST ones to hug him tightly at the ariport. hahahaha.


You also have to remember that Rowoon is still young and he will MAKE IT BIG. He is already showing so much promise and potential now, what more in the future? Winning awards and whatnot. I really think The Matchmaker and TakRyu will be different. More so TakRyu. With Rowoon playing a villian is something WE LONG ANTICIPATE. If he is showing a wide range in his acting now. Imagine in TakRyu! He just needs THAT ONE PROJECT. The same way it was for PEB with TKA and EAW.


So maybe, DWY was produced/made to attract screaming girls then? It was not made for substance? Maybe, we criticize it because we are older, more sophisticated, more knowlegable and more experienced fans BUT DWY was made for those who are not particularly discerning? Maybe, DWY was made for Rowoon as EYE CANDY? Because I hate to admit it but I do watch DWY just to stare at Rowoon's face and compliment his acting. hahaha.


I think the supporting actors/actresses have to be GREAT not just good in order for a show to be successful. The wrting has to be solid, directing has to be solid, acting has to be solid. Everything has to be solid. It does not have to be PERFECT but solid enough. And yet, with everything being solid it is still not a guarrantee that a show will be successful commercially or otherwise.


Yes, PEB transcends all these mere mortals in acting. hahaha. And her choice of projects have deeper meaning. Strong Woman, Challenging Roles and Exemplary Acting seems to be winning her awards and more meaningful projects.






12 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

It will be interesting to see how PEB will promote her new series.  I notice thé ML for castaway diva is already liking PEB’s post but that is not surprising and from my knowledge they are only one year age difference.  

Her CAD ML or close to a ML was with her in Hello My Twenties. If there was any attraction, should there have been some attraction in HMT in the first place. Of course, they didn't have to have attraction then, but that does not mean they won't have any attraction now in CAD? Especially with PEB being so populart? hahahaha

10 hours ago, daisy D said:

Hello and hi everyone. 


I completely agree with this statement and this was successfully done in TKA by PEB and all the casts. We as viewers can feel all the emotions and carried away by their excellent acting.  Even the antagonist characters were perfectly done by Hwi's grandfather until i was very scared whenever he was around.

PEB's eyes expression in every emotions were so deep and that's why i couldn't help to fall in love with her, ending me up in this forum :lol:

You are so very, very right. PEB's grandfather in TKA was so scary that even without yelling or screaming just the words he was saying was evil. It made me shudder in fear.


That my friend, is great acting!

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10 hours ago, Penny said:

Here is my delulu theory:

I think Robin start dating after the surprising FT of Rowoon. That was a very important event, openly puting couple pictures (this is never happen with other Korean actores) supose that FNC has blame him doing this crazy action. But surprisely EB response the FT in the same way, which means she accept his love. This is the reason that he was so happy when he receip the response FT, and even go twice to the place and check the picture again and again. From that moment EB starts to change her interaction with the hanbada team of WYW. I read someone complaint her, that she not use to stay with them during shoot off time. Some fan says that the reason is bacause she has to study her text for the following scene. In my analysis of Korea People behaviour is, when you are dating and your boyfriend is a bit jelousy guy, you have to avoid potential contact with other man. As most of us agreed, the FT of Rowoon intetion is mark the place. And also he mentioned that he will avoid watch Kiss moment of his girl friend. Si I suspect that Rowoon is a typical jelousy Korea boy friend. Opposite of our european thinking, a jelousy boy friend in Asia means fidelity and love you much. 

There is suspect that he appeared in EB Seoul fanmeet. And lot of rumours in dispatch of them, that few days after are deleted. 

This year 09 of April, we suspect that the secret FT to Rowoon is from EB, which all the messages are very simular style as well as the last year FT on response of Rowoon One. 

As you mention, the interaction betwee BoAh and rowoon in the DWY BTS is almost nothing, only shown their filming moment. Not like TKA has lot of reheasal or break moment that Rowoon always wants to stay with his noona. In DWY seems Rowoon enjoy more with others staff. 

The only point that confuse me is the BoAh FT to Rowoon. The pictures and message seems like she is flirting with him, and this is not common in SK if he really is dating with someone. Hope that this FT is come from the DWY production team. 


Just want to expose delulu thought, only the time can confirma if I'm right or not. 

Wow- this makes a lot of sense. The FT having more meaning than we thought and confirming their feelings for each other publicly. It seems like PEB was a support system for the EWYW actors since a few of them were rookies. It doesn’t seem like she had many people she could lean on in the cast like in TKA.  I really do believe the stress of the role is what primarily kept PEB isolated. PEB is very good at maintaining boundaries and I think she may have liked someone during that time ( Rowoon of course! Lol).   It would be unlikely that Rowoon or PEB would tell colleagues that they are dating someone. Could Boah have been teasing Rowoon with the FT and not have a romantic intent?Just my thoughts….Thank you for sharing. 

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Pen, I have another theory that answer your question about why Rowoon says he is not popular enough. 

Long time ago EB mention that her ideal men is Kim Soo Hyun. He is one of the most popular actor in Korea, with long term acting creer. PEB had been doing a cameo in one of his film. I saw One tiktok that he even gave her a toy during the premier. Also they did a AD when EB was young. Even thought nothing happen between this two, you can figurate out how high is the ideal men standing of EB. 

At the begining of this year EB was invited to work again with Kim Soo Hyun. My delulu is maybe she reject this project because Rowoon ask her, and instead of that convince her to accept Castaway Diva, which he can help him more in the aspect of singing. These days I re watch again TKA BTS, my feeling is his look completely different when he is with EB, he behave all the time like a elder man protecting his girl friend. In the rest of moment in other drama, he look like always cute, like younger brother 

 I would like that my imagination could became real. :1646639759_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1):

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4 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

I have similar delulu thoughts too.  I am thinking if they were dating it wouldn’t be until after due to many factors and one of them is KSW probably wanted to wait for a successful wrap up before launching his feelings in case they get rejected and that would just be weird during filming.


Like I said before, the way she returned the FT was interesting because she didn’t have to include couples but she did and even included a hand written message to his manager too on one of the photos.  


This makes me still giddying especially if I’m dispatch and deleted. 

Aside from the many kissing, hugging and the almost kissing scenes during the BTS rehearsals, my observation from the promotion games was that KSW was more calm compared to what he can be and JBA was more “loud”.  I Hope i am using the right words and hope you understand what I mean.  Especially in Jenga game with JBA I noticed he really seems to keep the boundaries even though he was so being nice to make it less obvious 


This makes a lot of sense. You’re right, professional actors really shouldn’t date while being in the middle of a project because it can cause unnecessary problems and be viewed as unprofessional by some.  Some people who bought the blue ray of TKA said that PEB and Rowoon had the same chemistry as the BTS and promotion and the filming of the blue ray was after the FT were sent.  it’s not like Rowoon can openly  say, I’m not interested because I have a girl friend or am dating someone.

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1 hour ago, Pen G said:

You also have to remember that Rowoon is still young and he will MAKE IT BIG. He is already showing so much promise and potential now, what more in the future? Winning awards and whatnot. I really think The Matchmaker and TakRyu will be different. More so TakRyu. With Rowoon playing a villian is something WE LONG ANTICIPATE. If he is showing a wide range in his acting now. Imagine in TakRyu! He just needs THAT ONE PROJECT. The same way it was for PEB with TKA and EAW.


So maybe, DWY was produced/made to attract screaming girls then? It was not made for substance? Maybe, we criticize it because we are older, more sophisticated, more knowlegable and more experienced fans BUT DWY was made for those who are not particularly discerning? Maybe, DWY was made for Rowoon as EYE CANDY? Because I hate to admit it but I do watch DWY just to stare at Rowoon's face and compliment his acting. hahaha.

Yup...im being impatient... hahah

Of course.. cheering for rowoon as always.. :sparklyeyes:


Hahaha i would guess its like eye candy... there were so many scenes where he would stay still for longer than usual.. i would think its not a "normal pace" coz they will freeze the scene.. which i think does not happen TOO MUCH in other kdramas.. like its being excessive in DWY... and im getting a bit annoyed because i watch kdramas for substance... and you know how rowoon pleaded to directors to think of him seriously as an actor and not just focus on his looks or appearance.. i feel that for him... like make his talent shine, not just his looks.. what was the director thinking? During the first few screen freezes of rwn i thought my internet connection had a problem... coz i was watching on very low volume, maybe i was even on mute coz everyone's asleep already.. i didn't know what was going on then i realized that it was just really like that... 

so yeah... i would guess it's for that effect... yeah he probably has a lot of young screaming girls as fans hehe i remember the video clips i saw on his birthday... girls were almost running after him... its crazy..

8 hours ago, Penny said:

But surprisely EB response the FT in the same way, which means she accept his love. This is the reason that he was so happy when he receip the response FT, and even go twice to the place and check the picture again and

Oh... okay... i didn't see it that way that it could be an acceptance of one's feelings.. so the FTs... one is confession(rwn's) one is acceptance(peb) but yeah... it makes sense.... coz of course one would normally reject a gift if they dont reciprocate any feeling..of course she cant send the ft back if ever she does not reciprocate the feeling... but then peb even sent an FT back.. so it could be that she accepts the feelings of rwn... it makes a lot of sense now.... thanks a bunch!!

so that's why so many fans were so angry in the the other dc something forum.. okayyy... 

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Hello Guys .. I’ve been on a long break but have been reading your posts. 

No disrespect to anyone .. just thoughts..


Regarding KIM Rowoon. 

In interviews, he did admit hitting rock bottom last year but have managed to work through it. With what has transpired recently, I FEEL, it had everything to do with his finally deciding to leave his group SF9. 

I am thrilled he did, leave that highly TOXIC wretched environment, fanatics and even some of his group members who turned on him when he got more successful and expected him to continue carrying the fame load to propel the group inspite of his back issues which deter him from performing as well as back in their PEAK days. He was in a Damn If You Do and Damn If You Don’t situation for about 2 years. Even during TKA days, he already confided with PEB regarding his pain and dreams. 

TOMORROW was a global hit and so is DESTINED WITH YOU. Kim Rowoon is NOT a local flavor, he is the son of Netflix and global platforms, he is VERY popular in Asia, South America and Latin countries. The moment he went back to work this year, he has THREE drama projects back-to-back so how can people say he is a failure. WHY - bcos of poor local ratings? then explain TOP 10 in Netflix and other platforms. His drama The Matchmakers will only be shown in Viki Rakuten to promote SK platform. KBS biggest saeguk budget ever. 

Just don’t expect his LOCAL high ratings haha.


I FEEL he and PEB are still solid in whatever relationship they are in. They don’t play games and are both sincere. They are both in the acting business, they know the expectations on them. With PEB interaction with her ML in EAW, I think it was PEB herself who set boundaries based on who she is. Rowoon is as broad and open minded as she is, he will never dictate on PEB. And if he did, then PEB agreed to it. PEB is a mature individual who will not be swayed against her wishes by anyone .. also she feels Rwn is worth it.

We are all here in this forum bcos we saw how special they are to each other .. UNDENIABLE.


DESTINED WITH YOU .. To my surprise, it is his most popular and where his acting got noticed and appreciated. I thought TKA was his break-out role but it is DWY. His acting was outstanding and he was yummy handsome as most of his fans described him. He had a certain EDGE and boldness about him, his aura exuded confidence which made him more handsome. HE WAS FREE to express Jang ShinYu .. while filming that drama, he has already DECIDED and his agency supported him to become a FULLTIME ACTOR .. freed from his hellish chains which restricted and choked him.


We all saw his latest photoshoots right, he is ready to go big or go home.


Regarding JoBoAh .. she is a successful & awarded talented actress thus her name is first in billing ahead of Rowoon and he knows it, simple, sweet, goofy like Rowoon AND MODEST. She was very professional and worked very well with Rowoon. THEIR CHEMISTRY is palpable, see this is very complex, some pairings just HAVE IT and some simply don’t no matter what. They can go naked and still no chemistry. 

PEB and Rowoon have this energy about them that enables them to create this chemistry no matter who they are paired with. 

IT IS NOT THEIR FL or ML fault ..


To summarize:

Rwn supporters are ecstatic he is out of that horrid toxic idol industry. For the sake of his health, well-being and SANITY.


He is NOT a local flavor for whatever reason

IT IS WHAT IT IS .. he has THREE PROJECTS when he decided to come back - explain.


I saw a picture of PEB in a car with Rwn’s bestie AHS .. decoy?? going to meet with Rwn?? Fake?


Let us not be hard on their MLs and FLs, it is THEIR JOB to create chemistry for the success of their projects. I believe JTBC sent the CT to Rwn not JBA. Thus DWY couple pics, JBA won’t do that .. she is decent and modest. 


Destined With You is a romcom. It was made to ENTERTAIN not win awards or convey relevant messages like TOMORROW. DWY is a refreshing change from all the violence and hate culture in this world. It is goofy, simple plot, lots of romantic gestures, great cinematography and well-acted by both JBA & KSW. 


Let us support both of them .. darn we have to suffer bcos they are so talented and capable of creating chemistry with their partners. SUFFER!!

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35 minutes ago, sydneygirl2000 said:


Hello Guys .. I’ve been on a long break but have been reading your posts. 

No disrespect to anyone .. just thoughts..


Regarding KIM Rowoon. 

In interviews, he did admit hitting rock bottom last year but have managed to work through it. With what has transpired recently, I FEEL, it had everything to do with his finally deciding to leave his group SF9. 

I am thrilled he did, leave that highly TOXIC wretched environment, fanatics and even some of his group members who turned on him when he got more successful and expected him to continue carrying the fame load to propel the group inspite of his back issues which deter him from performing as well as back in their PEAK days. He was in a Damn If You Do and Damn If You Don’t situation for about 2 years. Even during TKA days, he already confided with PEB regarding his pain and dreams. 

TOMORROW was a global hit and so is DESTINED WITH YOU. Kim Rowoon is NOT a local flavor, he is the son of Netflix and global platforms, he is VERY popular in Asia, South America and Latin countries. The moment he went back to work this year, he has THREE drama projects back-to-back so how can people say he is a failure. WHY - bcos of poor local ratings? then explain TOP 10 in Netflix and other platforms. His drama The Matchmakers will only be shown in Viki Rakuten to promote SK platform. KBS biggest saeguk budget ever. 

Just don’t expect his LOCAL high ratings haha.


I FEEL he and PEB are still solid in whatever relationship they are in. They don’t play games and are both sincere. They are both in the acting business, they know the expectations on them. With PEB interaction with her ML in EAW, I think it was PEB herself who set boundaries based on who she is. Rowoon is as broad and open minded as she is, he will never dictate on PEB. And if he did, then PEB agreed to it. PEB is a mature individual who will not be swayed against her wishes by anyone .. also she feels Rwn is worth it.

We are all here in this forum bcos we saw how special they are to each other .. UNDENIABLE.


DESTINED WITH YOU .. To my surprise, it is his most popular and where his acting got noticed and appreciated. I thought TKA was his break-out role but it is DWY. His acting was outstanding and he was yummy handsome as most of his fans described him. He had a certain EDGE and boldness about him, his aura exuded confidence which made him more handsome. HE WAS FREE to express Jang ShinYu .. while filming that drama, he has already DECIDED and his agency supported him to become a FULLTIME ACTOR .. freed from his hellish chains which restricted and choked him.


We all saw his latest photoshoots right, he is ready to go big or go home.


Regarding JoBoAh .. she is a successful & awarded talented actress thus her name is first in billing ahead of Rowoon and he knows it, simple, sweet, goofy like Rowoon AND MODEST. She was very professional and worked very well with Rowoon. THEIR CHEMISTRY is palpable, see this is very complex, some pairings just HAVE IT and some simply don’t no matter what. They can go naked and still no chemistry. 

PEB and Rowoon have this energy about them that enables them to create this chemistry no matter who they are paired with. 

IT IS NOT THEIR FL or ML fault ..


To summarize:

Rwn supporters are ecstatic he is out of that horrid toxic idol industry. For the sake of his health, well-being and SANITY.


He is NOT a local flavor for whatever reason

IT IS WHAT IT IS .. he has THREE PROJECTS when he decided to come back - explain.


I saw a picture of PEB in a car with Rwn’s bestie AHS .. decoy?? going to meet with Rwn?? Fake?


Let us not be hard on their MLs and FLs, it is THEIR JOB to create chemistry for the success of their projects. I believe JTBC sent the CT to Rwn not JBA. Thus DWY couple pics, JBA won’t do that .. she is decent and modest. 


Destined With You is a romcom. It was made to ENTERTAIN not win awards or convey relevant messages like TOMORROW. DWY is a refreshing change from all the violence and hate culture in this world. It is goofy, simple plot, lots of romantic gestures, great cinematography and well-acted by both JBA & KSW. 


Let us support both of them .. darn we have to suffer bcos they are so talented and capable of creating chemistry with their partners. SUFFER!!

SYDNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!

2 hours ago, Penny said:

Pen, I have another theory that answer your question about why Rowoon says he is not popular enough. 

Long time ago EB mention that her ideal men is Kim Soo Hyun. He is one of the most popular actor in Korea, with long term acting creer. PEB had been doing a cameo in one of his film. I saw One tiktok that he even gave her a toy during the premier. Also they did a AD when EB was young. Even thought nothing happen between this two, you can figurate out how high is the ideal men standing of EB. 

At the begining of this year EB was invited to work again with Kim Soo Hyun. My delulu is maybe she reject this project because Rowoon ask her, and instead of that convince her to accept Castaway Diva, which he can help him more in the aspect of singing. These days I re watch again TKA BTS, my feeling is his look completely different when he is with EB, he behave all the time like a elder man protecting his girl friend. In the rest of moment in other drama, he look like always cute, like younger brother 

 I would like that my imagination could became real. :1646639759_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1):

You can DELULU all you want! This is RoBin Shipper's Paradise!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha.


I don't know who that guy is but I think she mentioned that guy many years ago, because he was more like a friend. I think PEB is more comfortable with a friend FIRST, then they can progress their relationship from there. Unless, someone will correct me.


Yes, that makes sense that Rowoon can help PEB in CAD with the singing part or the idol part. In fact, that was what I was thinking of, whether she rejected another project or not. Rowoon can definitely help her out in the IDOL part of her character.


Do you remember what the Kim Soo Hyun project was at the beginning of the year that PEB was invited to? Before she accepted CAD? If you don't remember, that is okay.

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Welcome back, @sydneygirl2000!  


I think the reason Rowoon is not a "local flovor" is because some Koreans still have prejudice against idol actors/actresses.  He has proven many times that he can act and he has been named one of the best idol actors.  Now that his name is no longer attached to SF9 or idol, it just actor Rowoon, he will be taken much more seriously and his potential is unlimited.  


It's a very competitive and cutthroat industry and actors know that BTSs are part of the promo.  I guess we shouldn't over analyze it and see it as another way for them to advertise their chemistry/work.  But personally, I still feel the BTS of TKA is much more natural and both seem to be genuinely attracted to each other. 


As Rowoon mentioned in TKA Blu-ray, he was more influenced by PEB off cam than on cam.

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35 minutes ago, NTTD said:

Welcome back, @sydneygirl2000!  


I think the reason Rowoon is not a "local flovor" is because some Koreans still have prejudice against idol actors/actresses.  He has proven many times that he can act and he has been named one of the best idol actors.  Now that his name is no longer attached to SF9 or idol, it just actor Rowoon, he will be taken much more seriously and his potential is unlimited.  


It's a very competitive and cutthroat industry and actors know that BTSs are part of the promo.  I guess we shouldn't over analyze it and see it as another way for them to advertise their chemistry/work.  But personally, I still feel the BTS of TKA is much more natural and both seem to be genuinely attracted to each other. 


As Rowoon mentioned in TKA Blu-ray, he was more influenced by PEB off cam than on cam.

Hello NTTD! Welcome back, too! Unless, I was the one who was gone for awhile? hahaha. Nevertheless, welcome back!


Since you are in possession of the much-coveted TKA Blu-Ray, we will defer to you. I didn't know that he said that. Thank you for sharing that for those who don't have the TKA Blu-Ray! Yes, you are right. Their chemistry isn't forced-fed. It is natural and genuine.


You are right. Now, that he has been released from the shackles of IDOLSHIP, SK will not longer "hate" him. hahahaha.


Do you know of the same kind of "hate" (not sure if that is the right word here) that Idols get for being IDOL/ACTORS? Could you name just a few?  I just want to make sense of the SK sentiment? If you don't know the data or answer to that, it is okay.


I don't watch other SK actors/actress. Just RoBin shows. I didn't watch that King The Land on NF. But isn't that guy a former idol, too? Did he get the same "hate" or "dislike" when he was an IDOL/ACTOR or moving into acting from being from a boy band, like Rowoon?

34 minutes ago, Penny said:

Oh wow! Did not know this. Thanks for sharing!


Plus, after EAW....... PEB took a break just like Rowoon took a break with only some fan meetings/reality shows for the last half of 2022. She said that EAW was so difficult for her. At any one time, she had 7-8 sheets of script in front of her. She had to memorize LAW/LEGAL facts and WHALE/SEA ANIMAL facts. She said in an interview, she would just end up crying most of the time. Plus, she felt she did not have support from the rest of the EAW cast?


So, if this is true. She probably was so exhausted with EAW that she did not want another project until 2023? Possibly?

Anything is possible. hahahaha

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NO .. I believe only Rowoon got so much hate bcos the hate came from WITHIN, he wasn’t protected, he was bullied from all sides. SF9 fans bullied him bcos he didn’t join SF9 schedule. For prioritizing his acting projects. For taking time to heal his back issues.  


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3 minutes ago, sydneygirl2000 said:



NO .. I believe only Rowoon got so much hate bcos the hate came from WITHIN, he wasn’t protected, he was bullied from all sides. SF9 fans bullied him bcos he didn’t join SF9 schedule. For prioritizing his acting projects. For taking time to heal his back issues.  


Poor guy! You are right. Glad he left that toxic culture, too demanding and unreasonable fans. Not a very supportive FNC management. You mentioned that he also got jealousy and envy from his other SF9 members as well because he was the most successful? Right? 


So instead of understanding, rallying behind him and supporting him. They just hated him across the board? Oh wow!

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They don't "hate" idol-turn-actor, but rather not take them too seriously.  I read somewhere that a lot of agencies would push their idols to act because it's more lucrative.  Unfortunately not many idols have the talent to act.  I think Rowoon is one of a few that acting comes naturally to him.  If he has the right script, he will for sure be like PEB.  Even an amazing singer has to find the right song to make it a hit so it's the same with acting.  



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5 hours ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

saw a picture of PEB in a car with Rwn’s bestie AHS .. decoy?? going to meet with Rwn?? Fake?

Thought that was debunked and it was

actually CAD ML Chae Jong Heop and they were filming at the time.


3 hours ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

believe only Rowoon got so much hate bcos the hate came from WITHIN,

I am not sure where I read it but I think Rowoon felt he had no one to talk to and he was able to share a lot with PEB.  Even SF9 leader says he bottles up a lot inside

3 hours ago, Pen G said:

Plus, after EAW....... PEB took a break just like Rowoon took a break with only some fan meetings/reality shows for the last half of 2022.

Yes they both took the same break period it seems, so that got me giddy but I didn’t realize KSW was going through a terrible time.  

5 hours ago, sydneygirl2000 said:

Regarding JoBoAh

I am not sure about JBA.  Seems weird during the promo guessing game where she pointed to KSW when she had to get him to guess.  Even he asked if it was some if to do with him or he has acted in.  

3 hours ago, sydneygirl2000 said:


After this many years, this group is still going strong.

Welcome back!!!

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