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[OFFICIAL] Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple) | The King's Affection


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I just watched that last day of from king clip where JBA did this “cute” face while KSW was  doing the peace sign for pictures. He was completely not affected by JBA cute face which made remember during the TKA TMI video where PEB showed KSW her signature farewell to each drama series pose and he was so submersed in watching her do it and was literally staring at her she had to smack him LOL. It was so innocent the both of them and so cute. 

Ok I need to go watch it again LOL

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1 hour ago, Yuen10 said:


KSW was honest in his replies during the TKA era.  Even wrote on PEB’s post “because of you your majesty, I was happy”.  I think in one of the interviews he even said sometimes his company lets him do whatever maybe I think they can’t control him? I am not sure.  I think he is follows his heart just like the during imperfection concert where he jumped the fence and climbed out into the audience.  That was also bold and I am sure not allowed. 

He’s got this strong values I guess from his family. I’ve watched HOW when he said he’s very close to his family, he talks to his mom when things are difficult and wanted to spend more time with his dad. He said that his dad told him to think/imagine how he would want himself as a dad (in the future). I’m glad to have seen that clip from HOW, I got to know a bit of him personally. I feel that he was taught and raised well, I’m sure that’s why he knows what he wants, he knows his heart and he wants to live his life in his own terms, for people to see him in a deeper sense as an actor and how good as a person he is. He’s such a neat freak, too! He’s reserved yet talkative in the right environment, gentle and humble same as PEB. They surely will go places and achieve more! 

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3 hours ago, woobin said:
3 hours ago, Yuen10 said:

Woah! I didn’t even know about this.  That’s a tricky question and he has to be honest to himself, to PEB and his fans.  That answer is like music to my ears.  He was asked tricky questions just like when he was put on the spot to pick his favourite character where he did give an interesting expression then picked his DWY character and elaborated with because TKA is in the pass.


Here’s the link:




I haven’t seen that one though. That was literally putting him on the spot. Funny that he had to explain his answer hahaha 

Edited 3 hours ago by woobin

For your reference how Rowoon rate his chemestry with PEB in TKA:



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Thought to share this here. Not sure if this has been shared here already and if this is true. 

The three lines (2nd to 4th line from top) read as:


Good Job

Jeongiru (jung il-woo) Yuri


Songkang (Song Kang) Han Sowhi (Han Sohee)

The Kings Affection

Roun (Rowoon) Pak Eunbin (Park Eunbin)


Can’t read Korean so I asked my friend who can and that’s what she gave me. She’s not into K drama by the way so she doesn’t know them. 


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On 10/14/2023 at 7:36 AM, rnie said:

Hi it's me again.. I've been thinking a lot these days, I don't know if I should share my thoughts but since it has stucked in my head I just decide to go for it.

Until now I have to say that Rowoon makes me really confused. He is the one that get me on this ship and I will never doubt about his affection towards Eunbin, but he has been behaved really weird on social media since June this year:
1. First of all is the following thing on Instagram: He used to follow only the members of SF9, which was totally reasonable because I saw lots of idol-actor doing it. But then he unfollowed all of them, which made all the Fantasys really panicked. And if I'm not mistaken then just one (or two) day later he re-followed them, and bonus all his past and present co-stars.  Maybe Ahn Hyo Seop was the exception because they had never collapsed until that time. This is the very first time I've seen a SK celebrity has a kind of action. I have watched K-drama since I was in 6th-grade and I started using instagram in 8th-grade, and I have to say this is very unusual. All K-actors and idols I know usually remain very stable with their following list. Some follow others (their members, collegues, friends,..) but IN THE FIRST PLACE, some don't follow anyone. With actors, they start following their partner right when the drama is filming (like Chae Jonghyeop, Kang Tae Oh,.. follows Eunbin; Park Hyung Sik and Han Hyo Joo follow each other, Jung Hae In follows Jisoo,..). Like I've said before, I can't even understand why RW made that change? I mean yeah, it is absolutely normal with a normal person, we can follow then unfollow then re-follow whoever we want to blah blah,... But he is a celeb! Especially SK celeb, not Chinese or Thai. His account has millions of followers already, and he should aware all of his actions will cause attention!

2. His interaction on instagram is very weird: well until today I have no doubt about it.

- He has no interaction on instagram with his past co-stars and then suddenly followed them and went to every place to left likes and comments. At that time, he still had the contract as an idol with FNC so I don't think we can blame the company for this. 
- In the whole time DWY was promoted, he didn't like any of Jo Bo Ah posts even the one with couple magazines or teasers; but I saw he liked various of other co-stars and past co-stars posts - both male and female.  And then today, when DWY has ended for two days - he went to JBA account to like her lastest post, which was a commercial posted on 5/9/2023??? I mean wasn't JBA supposed to be the person he has to interact the most when DWY was on air because she was his partner??

- He started following this Kim Min Ha girl at the middle of the night (maybe it was early morning in Korea) when DWY was still broadcasting? Yeah of course it was his choice but I still feel really weird for an actor to follow another female celeb when the drama was still promoting. If RW and Kim Min Ha really have something of an item then he will be the first SK celeb ever that follows his gf when the drama is still going on. Of course I hope he was not that unprofessional.

- Again, when DWY is broadcasting, instead of posting pictures to promote he posted an old picture of him back when he was in Japan with Ahn Hyo Seop?? It was not even a commercial or something at that current time, which would made me feel much more reasonable than a casual pic of him hanging out (and even from months ago). 

3. The pictures: okay after DWY ended then  I'm 100% sure his choice of picture is OBVIOUSLY deliberate. In DWY era he even uploaded much more a lot than TKA era (about the number of pictures), but he DIDN't post a single picture with JBA. If you take a look at his instagram, at what he has posted then you will get why I said his choice is deliberate. As a Robin shipper, it would be lying if I said I wasn't bother at all if he posted with JBA, but I do really question why he did that. If RW and EB are not in a relationship right now so why he still doesn't post anything with other female leads? What was the reason? Is he just simply doesn't like them as much as EB, or he doesn't want the shipping thing with Bo Ah to go too far...? But isn't that means he is giving us a hope and confirming EB is very special to him? If you guys have other answers just go ahead because I really want to know. I hope you aware that DWY was his first romance drama (which has a male and a female lead) ever since TKA ended, and he went back to his tradition of not posting any couple pics with his parner just like he did with EY and SWNK. Actually I'm not the only one who has questions about this, I saw lots of his shippers with Boah got frustrated when he didn't post anything with her (but in the meantime he still liked and commented on the couple picture in director's account?). Yeah I thought I could stay delulu but then today our man decided to stalk Boah's instagram and left a like. For God sake I wish I was him so I could know everything I need to know instead of sitting here and get confused times after times. 

I really do not want to think bad of him because he is a very smart, sophisticated and especially he has very good taste, which is very nice. I just hope that I'm not defending the wrong person


I can not answer all your q's. But think about this.


1) Pretend you are a man and you have a pubic account with 50 Friends and 50 Family members. Everyone of them can see what you post. You LIKE a certain girl in this group of 100. Would you post a picture of yourself with other girls on your public account?


If no, then I think you got your answer.

If yes, then you are a shameless, hopeless, unfiltered flirt of a man. hahaha.


I am not sure if this is exactly what you are asking? But I hope this helps?

On 10/14/2023 at 9:46 PM, Yuen10 said:

Woah! I didn’t even know about this.  That’s a tricky question and he has to be honest to himself, to PEB and his fans.  That answer is like music to my ears.  He was asked tricky questions just like when he was put on the spot to pick his favourite character where he did give an interesting expression then picked his DWY character and elaborated with because TKA is in the pass.

I mentioned this 50% with JBA vs 100% with PEB. Back on page 130 I think? hahahahaha. I guess no one reads my posts? hahahaha


But here is the NF YT of Rowoon:



The 100% (or 10 out of 10) starts at 0:40. He is so handsome and healthy here. His cheeks were still full and he seems visibly VERY HAPPY! I wonder why? hahahahaha

On 10/14/2023 at 10:15 PM, woobin said:

He’s got this strong values I guess from his family. I’ve watched HOW when he said he’s very close to his family, he talks to his mom when things are difficult and wanted to spend more time with his dad. He said that his dad told him to think/imagine how he would want himself as a dad (in the future). I’m glad to have seen that clip from HOW, I got to know a bit of him personally. I feel that he was taught and raised well, I’m sure that’s why he knows what he wants, he knows his heart and he wants to live his life in his own terms, for people to see him in a deeper sense as an actor and how good as a person he is. He’s such a neat freak, too! He’s reserved yet talkative in the right environment, gentle and humble same as PEB. They surely will go places and achieve more! 

I watched that but I think I missed the part when he said that his dad told him to think/imagine how he would want himself as a dad in the future?

On 10/14/2023 at 2:43 PM, Wiz said:

Hello Rnie,

Thank you for sharing. I think Rowoon probably began following people on Instagram such as friends, his staff and colleagues because he may not have previously had control of his following list since he was in a group and is transitioning now into a solo performer and focusing on acting.  My opinion on why he likes what he likes is a bit strategic, it demonstrates to the public that he has a good relationship with his former and current colleagues when he likes and comments on their posts and it may be a quick way for him to stay connected and maintain good relationships with them. I have noticed that Korean actors tend to work with each other more than once on different shows.  They also share information about who is good and not so good to work with in their industry. Remember how Rowoon shared on different interviews that he had heard PEB was a good person to work with. I think having a good reputation in the Korean film industry is very important and you have to maintain a good reputation to keep getting good roles and to work with good writers, actors and directors.  Rowoon appears to be like most of us who use Instagram and he likes random posts and makes random comments, likely in between his shooting schedules and other commitments.  

Yes, true. And that is true in ANY business and ANY nationality/country? Right? We usually hire or work with people who have a good reputation, someone we know/worked with previously or have very good feedback from other people. They have to have good networking for REPEAT BUSINESS.


Even in the US: Yes, there is an audition for most shows and movies. But for the most part it is word of mouth and recommendations.



On 10/14/2023 at 5:29 PM, NTTD said:

It seems like Rowoon has some downtime so he's checking out his friends' Instagram posts and liking their endorsement ads.  I think he's probably happy for them and supporting their ads as a friend.  He liked JBO, Yura, and KHY's ig ads to name a few.  I think it's innocent and nice.


To be honest, I have absolutely no fear if there's anything going on between him and JBA.  If you see the BTS of TKA, he and Peb were joined by the hips!  They even sat and leaned on each other while waiting to shoot and they're always stealing alone time!  One thing I've noticed is that his kisses are much more aggressive with JBA and  WJA (She Would Never Know) than with PEB.  For example, in the afternoon joyful kiss scene where PEB pushed him to sit on a rock, he barely opened his mouth and PEB did most of the work!  My interpretation is that if you're comfortable and have no romantic feelings for the other person, you're more free to just go for it.  With PEB, he was definitely more cautious and nervous.  Then again, PEB is a pro and so seasoned that it may be intimidating.  I also see that happened to KTO in WYW kiss scenes.  


Yes!  We're all here because we want to see them together but for me, I rather they have a super strong friendship where they can keep in touch and rely on each other.  I think it'll be more sustainable if they have a project together after Rowoon's military service and then hopefully become a couple.   This ship may take a while to sail!


But then again, if Rowoon is erratic and he's starting to flirt and be all over the place then of course this will be over for me.  PEB deserves better!  Still waiting to see if and when he'll reciprocate the FT to JBA.  Like @Pen G mentioned before, if he sends a FT to JBA with couple photos or signs of affection, then THAT'LL BE IT FOR ME!  

Woobin is right. I remember there was one post, not sure if this was on YT or this forum. She said she loved TKA but she felt that the kisses were NOT too romantic. She was probably comparing the kisses to modern day kissing on SWNK.

But I replied that probably the PD directed it that way, since during 1392-1910 the Joseon Dynasty people did NOT kiss that way.


Also, this is coincidental. I jus watched the BTS of TKA kissing of Rowoon on PEB's cheek in that secret garden that they frequent. During the BTS he was visibly nervous. Even the Korean commenter of the one who makes the BTS (probably the TKA production team) observed that Rowoon was so nervous kissing PEB's cheek. And mind you!!!!! That was just a PECK on the cheek!!!! And he was nervous. hahahaha


Contrast that to the BTS kissing scene in the park grass with JBA in DWY. MimiShu shared with me the Eng translation. Rowoon said: "Stop giggling. Hurry up!". He was hurrying up the kiss scene with JBA. hahahhahahaha.

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On 10/14/2023 at 6:40 PM, woobin said:

Hi! It’s been a while, been quiet in my own bubble just lurking and reading your shared thoughts here. It’s good to see other’s point of views, you make me think more from a broader perspective. Thank you :) 

Isn’t a good sign that KSW can now follow, like and do his own thing in his instagram? In my opinion, it’s much more healthy knowing that he’s more in control now of his following, liking and commenting to whoever, whenever he wishes to. It’s his social media anyway and I respect him being that way regardless of his reasons. If I support a person, I trust his judgements and his choices. In the first place, I would not support a person had I seen a red flag, in the same way that my choice (of supporting whoever) is a reflection of my own choices. 

I admire people who have a solid ground of their values and what they want, who are not scared of what people would think and say about them while remaining humble and kind. And I’d like to think KSW and PEB have such quality based on what I’ve read about them, their answers on their interviews and my own observation. 


I find KSW wiser than his years same as PEB. And together, they glow differently as if their light combined illuminates my own light within. It’s just so positive that I always want to see them together - just proves how strong their chemistry is. And they’re aware of it, coming from the fishes’ own mouth proves that they could also see and feel it. Perfect chemistry as they said, intense! I’ve seen a clip where Rowoon was asked how he would rate his and JBA’s chemistry, and I was surprised when he answered 50 out of 100, the other 50 would then be filled by the fans LOL what a bold yet honest response! As PEB can’t lie so as KSW :D 


Whatever’s happening behind their social media, with all that they’re going through beautiful, horrible, happy or sad, I’m sure they got each others back. I think and I feel they have mutual respect to each others own growth in their career and that they have a solid friendship, special or romantic, I don’t care, as long as they remain “good” friends. Any strong romantic relationship grounds and started from friendship (I can strongly say this as I’m married to my “boy” friend 20 years now :) ) SO I pray for their friendship to grow more and maybe blossom to a more beautiful relationship in the future (if not yet bloomed lol) But before that, I really wish and pray for another drama together, even a last one before they come out and share a beautiful news with us :D 


Much love and light to all of you here! :heartxoxo:



On point! Can’t compare :D The professional KSW (DWY) from his normal self (TKA). So much difference. I’m sure everone can relate to such kind of feeling. There’s a difference between working-while-being-at-home-with-good-people and merely working-professionally-with-good-people. He surely knows how to draw the line, he’s a private person. But would you agree that it’s more of how you feel, what’s in your heart that holds you or makes you cross the line? :)

Love this! So hard to explain that you have to see the difference with their behavious for you to fully understand :) You don’t only see it, but you can really feel it. It makes you feel things! :D

"And together, they glow differently as if their light combined illuminates my own light within. It’s just so positive that I always want to see them together - just proves how strong their chemistry is. "


Yes, RoBin "chemistry" transcends "chemistry". It is beyond "chemistry". But what you said about their LIGHT. WOW! That is the most profound truth I have read today! Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

On 10/14/2023 at 10:07 AM, Yuen10 said:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I too found his actions a bit erratic lately.  Perhaps he might be is getting a bit backlash for completely not liking JBA’s post or comments.  


From the BTS I don’t see anything that indicates more than colleagues who trust each other and they are in character.  

My delulu thoughts are, if I was PEB, I would not watch DWY if I was PEB and I’m in a relationship with him.  From one of the talk shows he was in he did express that he would be jealous of his girlfriend for kissing scene and probably not watch those scenes.  I think he would think twice for his girlfriend as well and be considerate and protect her from what she might be hurt watching. She can choose not to watch DWY or he can for-warn her not too but she may not be able to stay off his instagram page.  His instagram page outlives his drama so he is being sensitive to he posts on his instagram page.  Having said that, he cannot completely disregard JBA cause that would also be disrespectful.


But I get the confusion and I can’t even use the excuse that he is too busy because in he is commenting everywhere else.

since DWY is selling the couple and it’s chemistry, he could have pushed that to another level by creating BTS chemistry too but his Promotions and BTS still to me seems very proper. 

Another thought is because he has back to back drama, he might not be able to push the marketing for DWY because it may affect viewership and shipping of his next couple in the Matchmaker.  

Just some thoughts.


i think by the way that his instagram actions have been quite unstable, it is probably himself actually managing it and deliberately doing things including deliberately having PEB has the only female there for now because I think if a manager is managing it would be as sporadic 

I actually thought about the same thing. If he said in that talk show that he would get jealous if his GF had kissing scenes. If he and PEB are indeed in some kind of relationship. Shouldn't Rowoon be sensitive to PEB's feelings, too? And he didn't EVEN just have kissing scenes. He had a BEDROOM SCENE. WOAH!


So these things come to mind:

1) He told PEB and forewarned her about his bed scene (like what you said).

2) He is probably NOT in that kind of a relationship yet with PEB.

3) PEB does not care what he does when he works. She is confident about herself that she is not that insecure. And she trusts Rowoon.

4) RoBin talked about it and they agreed that this would launch his career as a MAN and no longer a BOY.




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1 hour ago, Pen G said:

I can not answer all your q's. But think about this.


1) Pretend you are a man and you have a pubic account with 50 Friends and 50 Family members. Everyone of them can see what you post. You LIKE a certain girl in this group of 100. Would you post a picture of yourself with other girls on your public account?


If no, then I think you got your answer.

If yes, then you are a shameless, hopeless, unfiltered flirt of a man. hahaha.


I am not sure if this is exactly what you are asking? But I hope this helps?

I mentioned this 50% with JBA vs 100% with PEB. Back on page 130 I think? hahahahaha. I guess no one reads my posts? hahahaha


But here is the NF YT of Rowoon:



The 100% (or 10 out of 10) starts at 0:40. He is so handsome and healthy here. His cheeks were still full and he seems visibly VERY HAPPY! I wonder why? hahahahaha

I watched that but I think I missed the part when he said that his dad told him to think/imagine how he would want himself as a dad in the future?

Yes, true. And that is true in ANY business and ANY nationality/country? Right? We usually hire or work with people who have a good reputation, someone we know/worked with previously or have very good feedback from other people. They have to have good networking for REPEAT BUSINESS.


Even in the US: Yes, there is an audition for most shows and movies. But for the most part it is word of mouth and recommendations.



Woobin is right. I remember there was one post, not sure if this was on YT or this forum. She said she loved TKA but she felt that the kisses were NOT too romantic. She was probably comparing the kisses to modern day kissing on SWNK.

But I replied that probably the PD directed it that way, since during 1392-1910 the Joseon Dynasty people did NOT kiss that way.


Also, this is coincidental. I jus watched the BTS of TKA kissing of Rowoon on PEB's cheek in that secret garden that they frequent. During the BTS he was visibly nervous. Even the Korean commenter of the one who makes the BTS (probably the TKA production team) observed that Rowoon was so nervous kissing PEB's cheek. And mind you!!!!! That was just a PECK on the cheek!!!! And he was nervous. hahahaha


Contrast that to the BTS kissing scene in the park grass with JBA in DWY. MimiShu shared with me the Eng translation. Rowoon said: "Stop giggling. Hurry up!". He was hurrying up the kiss scene with JBA. hahahhahahaha.

Hello Pen G,

Thanks for sharing, I agree that in any industry/ country networking is important  and used SK’s film industry as an example to illustrate that point.  I think that we tend to forget that actors work in the film industry and they have maintain good relationships with a variety of people in order to be successful. I think social media is one of the ways that actors connect with their agents, staff, peers, future colleagues, fans etc.  I also agree that kissing scenes are directed and choreographed.  The type of kiss must fit the story and you must have consent from the actors regarding what they are comfortable doing on film while maintaining professional boundaries on a film set. 




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4 minutes ago, Wiz said:

Hello Pen G,

Thanks for sharing, I agree that in any industry/ country networking is important  and used SK as an example to illustrate the point.  I think that we tend to forget that actors work in the film industry and they have maintain good relationships with a variety of people in order to be successful. I think social media is one of the ways that actors connect with their agents, staff, peers, future colleagues, fans etc.  I also agree that kissing scenes are directed and choreographed.  The type of kiss must fit the story and you must have consent from the actors regarding what they are comfortable doing on film while maintaining professional boundaries on a film set. 




Agree. I think you are also in the US. But there has been some debate here in this forum about how much an actor knows about their kissing scenes or bed scenes prior to the show. Folks here state that in SK they only get a portion of the script. So, maybe once they sign the contract with that Production Company they are on the hook for whatever happens as they slowly get the rest of the script? hahaha.

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1 hour ago, Pen G said:

I watched that but I think I missed the part when he said that his dad told him to think/imagine how he would want himself as a dad in the future?

In HOW KSW shared that when he was little his dad asked him what kind of father he wants him to be. And KSW replied that he wants his father to be a like a friend to him.

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25 minutes ago, Wiz said:

Hello Pen G,

Thanks for sharing, I agree that in any industry/ country networking is important  and used SK’s film industry as an example to illustrate that point.  I think that we tend to forget that actors work in the film industry and they have maintain good relationships with a variety of people in order to be successful. I think social media is one of the ways that actors connect with their agents, staff, peers, future colleagues, fans etc.  I also agree that kissing scenes are directed and choreographed.  The type of kiss must fit the story and you must have consent from the actors regarding what they are comfortable doing on film while maintaining professional boundaries on a film set. 




I am in the United States but I was not born here and I have traveled quite a bit, even to SK…. I think consent is an important conversation no matter where you are in the world. I think that even without knowing  the exact number of kissing scenes or intimate scenes they may be required to act out beforehand that the actor should be able to voice their concerns if they are uncomfortable doing something on set or that could be viewed as a form of coercion… I hope that in any country that has a film industry that these conversations are happening and that there are some  protections in place for actors while they are on set to comfortably voice their concerns and state their boundaries when acting out intimate scenes. I know that may not be the case but it should be… just my thoughts. I always appreciate the dialogue and conversation. 

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4 minutes ago, Wiz said:

I am in the United States but I was not born here and I have traveled quite a bit, even to SK…. I think consent is an important conversation no matter where you are in the world. I think that even without knowing  the exact number of kissing scenes or intimate scenes that the actor should be able to voice their concerns if they are uncomfortable doing something on set or that could be viewed as a form of coercion… I hope that in any country that has a film industry that these conversations are happening and that there are some  protections in place for actors while they are on set to comfortably voice their concerns and state their boundaries when acting out intimate scenes. I know that may not be the case but it should be… just my thoughts. I always appreciate the dialogue and conversation. 

Same here. Asian but now lives in the US.


Agree. But being Asian. I think the desire to conform, not rattle the cages especially if the PD is senior and more experienced supersedes any right to voice their concerns. In our culture (Philippines), because they are afraid of confrontation or to offend someone. They will say YES even if they mean NO. Not sure, if it has changed through the years?


Likewise, nice to have intelligent convos about seemingly mundane things. Thanks as ALWAYS!!!

14 minutes ago, MimiSchu said:

In HOW KSW shared that when he was little his dad asked him what kind of father he wants him to be. And KSW replied that he wants his father to be a like a friend to him.

Ahhh! Got it!!!! Thank you kindly as always!!!


Thanks for all your thoughts and input on this forum. I appreciate and respect your even-keeled thoughts and opinion.

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1 hour ago, Pen G said:

mentioned this 50% with JBA vs 100% with PEB. Back on page 130 I think? hahahahaha. I guess no one reads my posts? hahahaha

Hahaha @Pen G are you kidding me!! I love reading your posts.  But I guess during that little period I had been really busy with work so I end up skimming a lot of of them.  :blush:

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25 minutes ago, Pen G said:

Same here. Asian but now lives in the US.


Agree. But being Asian. I think the desire to conform, not rattle the cages especially if the PD is senior and more experienced supersedes any right to voice their concerns. In our culture (Philippines), because they are afraid of confrontation or to offend someone. They will say YES even if they mean NO. Not sure, if it has changed through the years?


Likewise, nice to have intelligent convos about seemingly mundane things. Thanks as ALWAYS!!!

Ahhh! Got it!!!! Thank you kindly as always!!!


Thanks for all your thoughts and input on this forum. I appreciate and respect your even-keeled thoughts and opinion.

Hi Pen,

I understand, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about conformity and respect, you made excellent points. We are all entitled to our opinions, feelings, thoughts and ideas. I like hearing other people's thoughts, opinions and ideas especially when they differ from my own because it gives me an opportunity to self-reflect and learn something new.  It is nice to have a place where we can do this in a kind and respectful manner while supporting our RoBin shipping, Lol.  

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32 minutes ago, Yuen10 said:

Hahaha @Pen G are you kidding me!! I love reading your posts.  But I guess during that little period I had been really busy with work so I end up skimming a lot of of them.  :blush:



I love you Yuen!!!!!!!  :heart:


If you don't mind? Are you in Asia, Europe or the Americas? If you don't want to disclose. I will understand. hehe.

19 minutes ago, Wiz said:

Hi Pen,

I understand, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about conformity and respect, you made excellent points. We are all entitled to our opinions, feelings, thoughts and ideas. I like hearing other people's thoughts, opinions and ideas especially when they differ from my own because it gives me an opportunity to self-reflect and learn something new.  It is nice to have a place where we can do this in a kind and respectful manner while supporting our RoBin shipping, Lol.  

I love you and your thoughts, Wiz!!!!! :heart:

On 10/14/2023 at 10:15 PM, woobin said:

He’s got this strong values I guess from his family. I’ve watched HOW when he said he’s very close to his family, he talks to his mom when things are difficult and wanted to spend more time with his dad. He said that his dad told him to think/imagine how he would want himself as a dad (in the future). I’m glad to have seen that clip from HOW, I got to know a bit of him personally. I feel that he was taught and raised well, I’m sure that’s why he knows what he wants, he knows his heart and he wants to live his life in his own terms, for people to see him in a deeper sense as an actor and how good as a person he is. He’s such a neat freak, too! He’s reserved yet talkative in the right environment, gentle and humble same as PEB. They surely will go places and achieve more! 

I agree. They are a Power Couple. Individually they are good. But TOGETHER they can achieve so much more. Together they can help more people and their LIGHT will SHINE by a factor of 110x (like you mentioned).

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2 hours ago, Pen G said:

"And together, they glow differently as if their light combined illuminates my own light within. It’s just so positive that I always want to see them together - just proves how strong their chemistry is. "


Yes, RoBin "chemistry" transcends "chemistry". It is beyond "chemistry". But what you said about their LIGHT. WOW! That is the most profound truth I have read today! Awesome! Thanks for sharing!





Thank you. I love reading this thread and appreciate each and everyone for sharing their thoughts and feelings about RoBin.

Indeed, both exudes a different kind of light and energy that I don’t normally see from “love teams” or any actor or actress. It really depends on what’s in the inside I guess, and what kind of a person he/she is. Pretty sure you all get what I mean. Hyun Bin and Son Yejin when together are like that, they were a power couple, too and still are. 

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On 10/14/2023 at 8:56 PM, woobin said:

Chemistry is indeed an understatement. No words can describe how I felt when I first watched TKA more so the bts. Even how many times I go back and watch TKA. I’ve watched few bts of other dramas and they were nothing compared to what they showed behind TKA scenes. It was cautious yet genuine. They were respectful of each other’s boundaries but what I and everyone saw was a natural flow of “feelings”(?) They’re careful not to step in the “line” yet they seemed to be at home and at peace when they’re together. Looking from afar it looked like a piece of a puzzle missing then it was finally found to complete it. 


They “know” each other. PEB knows when KSW’s nervous and when something’s cringey for him while KSW knows PEB when she lies, that she couldn’t lie. I guess that’s a step deeper for a friendship between two people. 

How I wish I knew about TKA in 2021! I could have joined this forum early on LOL and I could have ordered the bluray :( 





I’ve read somewhere that KSW will be back in Japan for his fan meeting. Strange that it’s on Christmas Eve. He must have planned this ahead so he could spend Christmas there too (with his family? love of his life?) LOL just teasing my imagination and whoever reads this post. :D 

Same here. I kick myself daily for NOT watching TKA when it aired. I discovered EAW then TKA, a year after on 10/2022.


I read here that PEB wants to take a vacation at Disney. Maybe, they will ALL go to Disney Japan on or before his fan meeting on 12/24?????? It can happen it Delulu World you know??? hahaha.



13 minutes ago, woobin said:

Thank you. I love reading this thread and appreciate each and everyone for sharing their thoughts and feelings about RoBin.

Indeed, both exudes a different kind of light and energy that I don’t normally see from “love teams” or any actor or actress. It really depends on what’s in the inside I guess, and what kind of a person he/she is. Pretty sure you all get what I mean. Hyun Bin and Son Yejin when together are like that, they were a power couple, too and still are. 

Don't know who Hyun Bin and Son Yejin are? So sorry? Only faithful to RoBin. hahahaha.


But yes, we appreciate your intelligent and well grounded thoughts!

Btw, I saw your post about the Couples to be revealed on Dispatch. They talked about that extensively here on this forum. With people stating: "Roun and PEB?............. Pretend to be shocked!". hahaha


That was Feb 2023 and Dispatch hasn't revealed their evidence yet. Unless, FNC and Namoo bought out Dispatch pictures to "catch-and-kill" the story. Either that or the talent agencies threatened to sue Dispatch? hahahaha.

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2 hours ago, Pen G said:

I actually thought about the same thing. If he said in that talk show that he would get jealous if his GF had kissing scenes. If he and PEB are indeed in some kind of relationship. Shouldn't Rowoon be sensitive to PEB's feelings, too? And he didn't EVEN just have kissing scenes. He had a BEDROOM SCENE. WOAH!


So these things come to mind:

1) He told PEB and forewarned her about his bed scene (like what you said).

2) He is probably NOT in that kind of a relationship yet with PEB.

3) PEB does not care what he does when he works. She is confident about herself that she is not that insecure. And she trusts Rowoon.

4) RoBin talked about it and they agreed that this would launch his career as a MAN and no longer a BOY.




Whether they are officially a couple or just “close friends with mutual understanding”, I’m sure they’ve talked about the kissing/sexy scenes. Based on how they describe their “friendship”, they confide and share those kinds of worries with each other. I think Rowoon is empathethic especially to his favorite people, but both are professional actors so they would definitely understand the demand of one’s role. Definitely, there’s jealousy LOL. I couldn’t even watch those scenes myself how much more PEB :D  but I’d like to think it’s a healthy kind of jealousy and not due to insecurity.


I’ve seen some bts of those kisses (OMG with that cotton candy kiss scene!!!) I must say they were professionally done, I didn’t feel the giggles, “goosies” effect and tickling kind of feeling from him unlike in TKA. Or maybe it was just me(?) anyone who felt the same? :D

I love that @Pen G his image of being a MAN and not a BOY anymore. A sign of growth in his career! 

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12 minutes ago, woobin said:

Whether they are officially a couple or just “close friends with mutual understanding”, I’m sure they’ve talked about the kissing/sexy scenes. Based on how they describe their “friendship”, they confide and share those kinds of worries with each other. I think Rowoon is empathethic especially to his favorite people, but both are professional actors so they would definitely understand the demand of one’s role. Definitely, there’s jealousy LOL. I couldn’t even watch those scenes myself how much more PEB :D  but I’d like to think it’s a healthy kind of jealousy and not due to insecurity.


I’ve seen some bts of those kisses (OMG with that cotton candy kiss scene!!!) I must say they were professionally done, I didn’t feel the giggles, “goosies” effect and tickling kind of feeling from him unlike in TKA. Or maybe it was just me(?) anyone who felt the same? :D

I love that @Pen G his image of being a MAN and not a BOY anymore. A sign of growth in his career! 

hahaha. Don't know what that cotton candy kiss scene or the bed scene are about because I stopped watching. Not because of the Kiss Porn or anything else. It is just I got so tired with the tired, old, overused tropes like the Rich Girl Slapping Poor Girl. Oh my gosh! I could not stand it anymore. Just my personal opinion. Doesn't have to be anybody's. hehehe.


Agree. Whether a couple or just have a mutual understanding. They probably talk a lot.

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2 hours ago, Pen G said:



I love you Yuen!!!!!!!  :heart:


If you don't mind? Are you in Asia, Europe or the Americas? If you don't want to disclose. I will understand. hehe.

I love you and your thoughts, Wiz!!!!! :heart:

I agree. They are a Power Couple. Individually they are good. But TOGETHER they can achieve so much more. Together they can help more people and their LIGHT will SHINE by a factor of 110x (like you mentioned).

:hwaiting2:ditto- I come on here for fun and share my delulu thoughts about our RoBin couple -


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