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[OFFICIAL] Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple) | The King's Affection


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Hey hey new comie is here ^_^

as my father is on human behaviors studying’s work field. am also interested in that particular area, eventhough am myself is pursuing another major perse. 

And those kinds of interaction between them which all the members mention here, certainly do not need rocket science to analyze.


Anyway, just putting sweet sauce to the day, please have a look on KSW IGTV today, he sang Park Hyo Sin_Lover. 


Go translate the song..it talked about it starts with a small light..


We know what does it mean..^_^



back in earlier shooting drama EY, KSW had interview with..(I forget which program :D ), around early 2019 perhaps.  He mentioned that recently he liked to listen to Park Hyo Sin_Goodbye ..because it related to what happened to him, he talked about sorrowful parted with someone. He mentioned that he can portray his feeling thru that song. 


few years later, he still listens to Park Hyo Sin, but to Lover. 

which….he can portray his feeling thru that song. 


Now, go spell the beautiful words to these two! ^_^



Edited by Acer Saccharin
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2 hours ago, Acer Saccharin said:

Hey hey new comie is here ^_^

as my father is on human behaviors studying’s work field. am also interested in that particular area, eventhough am myself is pursuing another major perse. 

And those kinds of interaction between them which all the members mention here, certainly do not need rocket science to analyze.


Anyway, just putting sweet sauce to the day, please have a look on KSW IGTV today, he sang Park Hyo Sin_Lover. 


Go translate the song..it talked about it starts with a small light..


We know what does it mean..^_^



back in earlier shooting drama EY, KSW had interview with..(I forget which program :D ), around early 2019 perhaps.  He mentioned that recently he liked to listen to Park Hyo Sin_Goodbye ..because it related to what happened to him, he talked about sorrowful parted with someone. He mentioned that he can portray his feeling thru that song. 


few years later, he still listens to Park Hyo Sin, but to Lover. 

which….he can portray his feeling thru that song. 


Now, go spell the beautiful words to these two! ^_^



Welcome :) and thanks to the new insight. Love it :fullofhearts:

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5 hours ago, Acer Saccharin said:

Hey hey yeni comie burada ^_^

babam insan davranışları üzerine çalışıyor. ben başka bir büyük perse peşinde olsam bile, ben de bu özel alanla ilgileniyorum.

Ve tüm üyelerin burada bahsettiği aralarındaki bu tür etkileşimler, analiz etmek için kesinlikle roket bilimine ihtiyaç duymazlar.


Her neyse, sadece güne tatlı sos koyuyorum, lütfen bugün KSW IGTV'ye bir göz atın, Park Hyo Sin_Lover söyledi.


Git şarkıyı çevir. Küçük bir ışıkla başladığı konuşuluyor.


Ne anlama geldiğini biliyoruz. ^_^



Daha önceki çekim draması EY'de, KSW ile röportaj yapmıştı.. (Hangi programı :D unutuyorum), 2019'un başlarında belki. Son zamanlarda Park Hyo'yu dinlemeyi sevdiğini Sin_Goodbye. Çünkü başına gelenlerle ilgiliydi, kederli bir şekilde birinden ayrılmış olduğundan bahsetti. O şarkıda hislerini canlandırabileceğinden bahsetti.


birkaç yıl sonra hala Park Hyo Sin'i dinliyor, ama Lover'ı dinliyor.

ki....o şarkı boyunca hislerini canlandırabilir.


Şimdi git bu ikisine güzel kelimeleri hecele! ^_^



where and when did he song ''lover''?

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it's a wonderful timing for PEB to send Rowoon this coffee truck as the recent incident caused by his SF9 teammates must have affected him! fnc must have done something to avoid the news from breaking out before the concert. it would be so devastating for him if something had happened to the concert!

his outfit in the pic is similar to what he wore in the concert! it's also interesting that he had the same pose as PEB, his back facing the camera! i vaguely remember in the blind date cafe var prog, he talked about (or liked) one of the guys throwing out a ball at a very high speed to a girl and this guy only needed a matching player (girl) to catch the ball! i kinda feel that they are now in the same pace of their friendship! PEB is not afraid of the speed of the ball and is willing to catch it and not avoiding it!

they are having fun through their posts on ig and possibly through their phone calls or msg, and it's good that they are not too worried or conscious of what the world thinks. they are both busy with their projects and dont let this so called busy schedule affect their friendship! do believe they have the maturity to keep up the friendship despite their busyness! hope they can take some breaks and catch up with each other after they finish their projects! :dontwanna:


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Why it's feel the CT was for us instead. I think we might waiting for that CT more than Rowoon himself. Hahahah. Regardless you are one lucky guy, Rowoon ssi. HAHAHHA. You just blocking any new candidates coming for Eunbin.. you just breaking Eunbin wall. A presence like a comet . arhh can't wait for cafe imoi updates. 



btw,guys if you have extra pocket money, do apply for blu-ray DVD. tbh DVD is pricey and not everyone can afford but the best thing is to gather 5-10people to buy for one DVD. 


they at risk right now since some already withdraw due to some content are missing plus the content usually not subbed. But they trying to fill the content with couple, group commentary as well as main couple taking exam about Yeonmo. Since the actors themselves adore this drama so much.  If it possible then please chip in for DVD purchase .



check out this tweet 




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@Jessie29after i shared my thoughts earlier, i was wondering if they actually talked about this incident, and hence this coffee truck was sent to Rowoon! i believe PEB will eventually send him a ct but this one was sent jst after the recent news so i think he must have talked to her about his disappointment and his feelings! With Rowoon's personality, he needs to let out his disappointment and PEB is someone with whom he always shares his thoughts and struggles! And that is so lovely and wonderful, meaning that they always connect with each other even though they are busy and PEB has taken the time to listen to him and to support him when he felt down! :fullofhearts:

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I think it could be general as well. 

As rowoon and eunbin used to talk on sets, she might want him to be happy and cheerful. And not due to the incident 

I think she choose that day because it was korean new year i think it was. 

But i could be wrong. 

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I just wanna drop a quick observation :)

Can't help myself from thinking about this one particular picture, the one in the fortress, where the famous first HwiWoon break-up's scene were taken. 


I believe we all see this picture so many times, on both KSW-PEB's ig, staff's ig, as one of the photo-bombing picture,  and last was in one of couple pics on KSW's ct for PEB.

Somehow, I feel that KSW is quite attached to the pic or most probably to the loving memory of both of them there.

He mentioned it too in the W-Korea iv, when they were asked abt the memorable filming location (he forgot the name of the place then he asked PEB as he once told her how he liked that location  :) ).


I think what he really treasured is not the place but the memory behind it. Because, out of hundreds pictures of their roles in TKA, he chose that special picture as one of their couple pic and put it on the CT for PEB  :blush:.

I don't know whatever memory they shared there, but one thing I know is that we tend to connect and relate an unforgettable memory or occasion with some special respective pictures. Well, it's just how feel, but am glad anyway that I could share this with all of you here. What do you think guys?   :) 





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I just recently watch variety show and Lee Dae Hee x Seven couple just getting my attention. They are in 8th year of relationship... Anyway they are idol and actress couple. I always thought it's impossible to find an idol and actress pair. An idol and actor couple a lot easier. So.. i always has this thoughts is it possible for PEB and Rowoon. I mean idol life is harsh. Look.. . Even 2nd generation idol can't freely date as to date... Look at Super Junior. They either announce marriage right away or get caught by Dispatch. 


With Rowoon still building his career, they journey won't be easy. But a friendship indeed a solid base. 


Anyway i just wanna point out how Seven put his hand on LDH shoulder the same Rowoon had done to PEB before. Hahahaa they reach that level of comfortable ... Since this is first appearance of LDH X SEVEN as couple on variety show, they still find it's awkward to interact. Just a little clip for you to enjoy. 





And there one time during bts i find Rowoon rather a bit jelly person. When Park Ki Woong make appreance,peb and him seem closed discussing.. pkw also showing his care for PEB hand during that punch scene. Hahaha right after we saw Rowoon sticking next to PEB and even catch her punch when she supposed to throw the punch on camera. And he keep wanting for her attention. Not to forget when he was watching PEB and Hakyung that their self cam.. hahahah... ROWOON eyes 99.9% of the times spend on PEB.  And it's show if he found a competitor. 

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