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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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OMGSH. That kiss scene is getting more and more HQ! LOL

I can't help but to stare at JJ's strained neck in the kiss scene :P

Thanks for sharing!! ^^

crazy-girl: Yeah... No Falling in Love for Hyojoo ><

But like I've said before, Dong Yi is like.. a HUGE opportunity! It's not everyday an actress her age is chosen to star in a sageuk this big.

And I'm the same as you.. I've only watched one historical drama, Iljimae, but that was a fusion sageuk.. haha I only watched that drama for Hyojoo :P

But I'm definitely interested in this big-budgeted sageuk~ Can't wait to see Hyojoo with long hair again :P

fujiwara no sai: A majority of us don't really like sageuks :P

But it's cool that we're all going to give Dong Yi a try for Hyojoo~ keke XD

And yup! Definitely excited for the 9th! 4 days away T_T lol

I hope Hyojoo looks pretty at the presscon :)

I hope she wears extensions like she did for the Soul Special presscon 8D

YunKyo: I KNOWW!! My dream is coming true!! 8D

I can die happily now! LOL jk

I hope there'll be a lot of JaeJoo interactions! But I'm going to put my expectations low, because it has been a year since they've filmed HP, so who knows if they've kept in contact since then. But I still hope there's a lot of squeal-worthy moments! Hyojoo usually is bubbly at presscons and does a lot of cute poses with her costar so.. XD lol

LMAO JJ looks like he's going to strangle Hyojoo any second! LOL No wonder she looks so reluctant haha

But you can see he's trying to be a bit tender with his thumb stroking her jawline. It would've been better if he had put one arm around her :) I bet all Hyojoo's thinking about are the Cassies haha! I'm really shocked about the open-mouthed kiss though :o I wonder if the PD really called for it to happen or if it just happened.. lol I'm hoping for the latter XD

sandixbabo: I'm still giggling over that rumor! It's so silly! haha

But yeah.. Maybe they were just jealous of her hair :P I know I was jealous! lol

I loved her hair in Spring Waltz~ So long and wavy 8D

Haha, yeah Hyojoo's already exhausted.. She's been working nonstop since BL started :( Poor thing..

I think she had a small break in between the end of filming for HP and the beginning of filming for BL~

Seriously do not want to read about Hyojoo being rushed to the hospital a third time the past 3 months T_T

I hope she takes better care of herself!! Especially during Dong Yi filming since it's so long.

Hmms... The Hyojoo 5 years ago.. During Nonstop 5 days? lol I'm not sure.. I think she's been looking the same to me haha

But yay! You're going to give Dong Yi and HP a try!! 8D 8D

*high five!

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Cant wait for the press conference!

&ofcourse I will watching Dongyi even if I might not like historical dramas much.

Lol I cant believe I didnt recognice Ji Jin Hee. I friggin watched a couple episodes of He Who cant Married. Bad Memory :[

Kozuesan: "I don't think the director asked JJ to kiss like that. He just did it like that."

Oh My. Seriously? My Jaejoo fondness is growing o:

I needa start catching up on Soul Special x: Im late by a couple of episodes! D:

I needa prepare myself for HP gahh. Its in a few days! :lol:

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I KNOWWW!! XD Press con! Finally 8D

I hope Hyojoo is super pretty that day :) And that she doesn't curl her hair too much that day =.=

Or better yet.. I hope she wears extensions like she did for the Soul Special presscon ^^

Yay! Looks like we're all going to give Dong Yi a try! :D

It'd be awesome if that kiss just happened ;)

I'm behind on Soul Special too.. It's okay lol. I'm waiting for English subs ^^''

HP Presscon in only 3-4 days!! AHHHH XD

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Cindy, yeah, hoping for the best and preparing the worst haha

But I think after 1 year, JJ would seem to be shy towards HJ lol he's a reserved guy and maybe HJ would be the one who cheer the atmosphere up :) Hope that :D

About kiss scene, many Cassies were surprised and hurt also :) They think JJ's not the good kisser lol I think, so. I bet after this kiss, he will think a lot of it lol Unlike HJ, she kisses so much for her work requirement, it's the 1st time JJ joins an official movie so he will brings a lot of memories in his life :D

And...it's a long time he kisses a girl (even a beautiful girl) lol

Yeah, I can't understand why it is changed the date to broadcast of HP :| I like Nov. 12th :(

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Q-Girl: Thank you for sharing the video! ^^

I uploaded it too but it wasn't in HQ quality :P so it's awesome to see it in this quality~

I also hope everything will go well at the press conference :)

I'm ready to read articles on HP breaking records! haha XD

YunKyo: Seriously so freakin' excited for HP but omgsh... I'm going to have to learn how to take deep breaths when I see any type of negative comments on Hyojoo :P

I'm hoping Hyojoo will be the mood maker as well ^^ She always is~ haha Like at the BL press conference when she and Lee Seung Gi had to pose with one another and she was messing around with him and reenacted the scene from the trailer where she punches him XD haha It was so cute!

Hyojoo always looks so happy at press conferences ^^

I think JJ's kissing is awesome! Makes me giggle nonstop LOL It's not a good photographic kiss scene though :P Not used to seeing open-mouthed kisses in Kdramas/movies haha. But he's a newbie so it's okay ^^

And seriously.. Hyojoo is probably so used to kissing hot guys now! The only difference with JJ is that he has like a gazillion fangirls lol I'd be reluctant to kiss him too! And I used to be a JJ fangirl :P I still like him though but my love has shifted wholeheartedly to Hyojo <3 ^^

Gosh... thinking about it.. Hyojoo's kissed like.. 10 men? LOL

1. Lee Wan

2. Tablo

3. Seo Do Young

4. Park Hae Jin

5. Lee Young Hoon

6. Lee Junki

7. Jaejoong

8. Lee Seung Gi

9. The random guy in Soul Special who's had a crush on Mi Ah since forever

10. Kim Dong Wook

What a portfolio.. lol

Maybe the new date has to do with the DBSK ultimatum thing? But then why would they change 19's date..? That has nothing to do with that o_O

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Heaven’s Postman 15s teaser

A 15-second teaser for Jaejoong's drama has been released and grabbed the eyes of netizens. Because Jaejoong has been MIA from Korea for awhile because of the feud regarding TVXQ/DBSK/Tohoshinki's contract with SM Entertainment, it's nice to see him part of something again.

The drama doesn't seem like a romantic comedy nor does it seem like any type of comedy at all. The piercing line, "You idiot! Why did you die?" by Han Hyo Joo definitely lets us know what type of drama it'll be.

It also shows a little bit of Jaejoong's OST and makes his fans even more excited for the start of the drama. It will hit theaters on November 12th in Japan and the drama will air in Korea on television.

source: http://www.allkpop.com/index.php/full_stor..._15_sec_teaser/

People thought Heaven's Postman was a romantic comedy? Wuht? lol

Not meant to offend any JJ fans reading this but his enunciation is kinda bad, lol. Which is weird because he's a singer. Yoon Eun Hye suffered from a lot of criticism because of her enunciation in MFL too~ Anyways, it's normal in newbie and young actors, so it's not that big of a deal.

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This is what I found about Choi suk-bin, the character which Hyo joo will portray in Dong Yi

Choi suk-bin

There are no records of her life before she became Sukjong's concubine. She was a water maid in the palace. One night, she was praying in her chamber for Inhyeon's wellness when Sukjong, who was crossing outside after a trip outside of the palace, heard her and, moved by her kindness (Sukjong was having his regrets at that time), made her his concubine. She became suk-bin after the birth of a son in 1694 and Princess Yeongsu.

She was given the posthumous title "Lady Hwagyeong, Royal Noble Consort Sook of the Choi clan" (화경숙빈최씨 和瓊淑嬪崔氏).


I don't understand what her title means. But if I'm not mistaken, she is th mother of the main character in the series Yi san, King Jeong jo, who became Joseon's 22nd monarch.

And I now understand why it is Ji Jin Hee. He's the king at that time and his character will be alot older than Hyo joo's

Bashful, I'm glad you are also looking forward for this.

You are right about this being Hyo joo's great opportunity.

And really?...the PD said that about Hyo joo becoming the next LYA?...that's so much pressure for her...

I'm kind of nervous for her but I think she is casted and I think what he meant when he said something about tranquility was like how the Iljimae's PD said about his decision on choosing HHJ as Eun chae.

HHJ can project that gentle look.

Hyo Joo can play someone who is meek and kind. But judging from her character ( and a concubine) I am a 100% sure that this will be a lot more challenging than Eun chae.

Hi everyone! :D

It’s been a long time since I last posted at HHJ’s thread. Thanks everyone especially Cindy for all the latest updates, news and providing so many links to watch HHJ in action (Soul Special is indeed something new to me - need to watch the remainder episodes to understand the storyline....) :rolleyes:

I am glad HHJ has finally confirmed her next project, "Dong Yi", a sageuk drama. After reading Kozuesan's post, I realize there's some relation to the drama, "Yisan – King Jeong Jo" who reigned from 1776 – 1800, Joseon’s 22nd Monarch which was played by Lee Seo Jin. Lady Hye-Kyeong is King Jeong-Jo’s mother who married Crown Prince Sado (Jeong Jo’s father) at the age of 15, but after Sado's death, she lost her title as crown princess. I read that in history, she wrote a book called 'The Memoirs of Lady Hye-Kyeong, which contains important facts about the latter Joseon era. So, I guess from what has been posted by Kozuesan, this story will be related to Yisan, ie. focusing on the love-development of King Jeong-Jo’s parents. Well, it seems a bit confusing since in Yisan, Lady Hye-Kyeong’s husband died quite young (think he was around 30-40 years old). Anyways, let’s not get confused over the history and the drama. :D

Somehow, I think I can relate to HHJ’s character which could be like Han Ji Min’s role in Yisan, who also later became King Jeong-Jo’s concubine. I enjoyed their love story and theirs were so endearing that you could feel “love-is-in-the-air” everytime they locked eyes. :P Hope the same can be felt with HHJ playing the love interest of JJH.

Btw, who is the PD in charge of this drama? I hope Mr Lee Byung Hoon, the PD of DJG and YS will play a part in this drama. :)

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Hello! Welcome back! haha

And it's no problem for the updates :)

Yeah... I still don't get the storyline of Soul Special LOL I think it would've been better if it was an hour longer because the beginning was kind of draggy, but the ending felt rushed to me..

Omgsh.. your history lesson had me so confused :( LOL

Sorry to say but the king in Yi San is the 22nd Monarch of the Joseon era, Hyojoo's character gives birth to the 21st monarch.


19th Monarch - King Sukjong

20th Monarch - King Sukjong's eldest son, King Gyeongjong (mother is Jang Ok-jeong)

21st Monarch - King Yeongjo, Choi Suk Bin's son

22nd Monarch - King Jeongjo, King from Yi San

I hope the romance between Hyojoo and Ji Jin Hee is believable even though he's OMGSH freaking 16 years older than her! LOL I did not know that until now >< Wowwww.

And yeah, PD Lee Byung Hoon and scriptwriter Kim Yi Young are pairing up again for Dong Yi ^^

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You're so quick Q-Girl! :o :o lol

Thanks for constantly updating us with new HP photos!

Like I said in the HP thread, this new set makes me super happy! haha

And omgsh! the Cherries again!! I wonder what's the significance of them because it's obvious they're everywhere on Hyojoo! Even on her nails! LOL Btw.. she has pretty hands doesn't she? :P A bit bony, but pretty nontheless :)

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[TRANS] 091106 YoungWoong Jaejoong... Fanclub Movie Preview

TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong will be watching a movie with his fans.

'Heaven's Postman', starring YoungWoong Jaejoong and Han Hyo Joo, will be holding it's preview screening for fans on November 9th, 7:30 pm at the CGV WangShip-li.

'Heaven's Postman' is the story of a love between Jaejun (YoungWoong Jaejoong), a special guy who send letters written by those who cannot forget their deceased loved ones to Heaven, and Hana (Han Hyo Joo), a woman who cannot forget her deceased lover.

This production has been garnering attention as it marks YoungWoong Jaejoong's first attempt at acting.

The planned preview screening give people the chance to watch the movie before it is officially released and is specially catered towards fans who have waited to watch the movie since YoungWoong Jaejoong was cast in it. YoungWoong Jaejoong plans on showing his appreciation for his fans on this day by appearing at the preview. The official release date of the movie is November 11th.

Source: [newsen+DNBN]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

LOLL I wonder if that's really a good idea... To put Hyojoo in the same room as JJ's fans while screening HP.. Only God knows what'll happen during the kissing scene or any romantic scene :P haha

Hope Hyojoo will have some security and body guards ready to protect her that day~ *coughsSoJiSub.

So the presscon and the preview screening are on the same day, but 3 hours apart. Presscon starts at 4:30, preview screening starts at 7:30. Guess that's why they chose to have the presscon at a CGV theater in Seoul. Three hours is enough to have the presscon and then set up the CGV theater.

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