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@xinabu, welcome to "Lord Sang Woo Inner Court" unofficially name of the club, founded by @Shinobu, the Captain and supported by the ladies, especially by the Most Excellent Insider @Gemmie :D

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aww, j3di you're too kind.  You make it sound I really did something important.  I did not but I recall it was pretty hard to get insider Gemmie to visit the inner court.  I had to bring my shovels back here a few times to dig it up.  It's all good though.  Gemmie the insider always has goods stuff.

So I started watching Horse Doctor a bit and I'm not feeling too hot about it.  The story isn't very interesting nor does it feel epic but I think it should be better when the lord appears.  He looks too damn hot in hanbok.  I like what I'm seeing so far with pics and all.

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@shinobu - you are here.  I too have to echo on your statement on watching epi. 1 - I too was like "ho hum".  I guess i am waiting for "that dude" to show up and then maybe I will get into the drama. 

How have you been @shinobu?  I have been in/out of this forum but never miss any of @Gemmie picture of "him".  See you in a couple of weeks when "that dude" shows up.

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Oh dear kaciemom, great to know that you're still visiting.  What are ya watching?  I'm so out of stuff to watch now.  I haven't watched more of Horse Doctor since ep 1 but I heard the adult actors will appear next week and hopefully that includes Lord Sang Woo.

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I think I was sharing on another forum (I really don't remember which one) that since Feast of the Gods, I really was so disappointed in that drama that I told myself I needed a break.  So I stay away from watching any drama for a couple of months.  It was after I started watching "to the Beautiful You" that I got my "groove" back.  Then when I start the 1st episode of "Horse Doctor", I was thinking - do I really want to watch this drama (even though the "dude" will be on it).  So unless the adult actors start getting this drama going, I might have to skip this completely (sorry by "dude"). 

I do come over to the forum just to catch up on who is still here and also seeing all the dreamy pictures of the "dude".  Hopefully @Shinobu you still have all the excitement to watch this drama.  Like I said, I am waiting to see what he can do to rescue this drama.  See you next week.

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I haven't watched HD yet, but my sister did, and she said it's quite interesting. I will watch HD start from ep. 5, and skip the child cast :D, it's great they didn't drag to long on the child story. I hoped LSW would appear on ep. 5. [-O<

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Hey @shinobu and @gemmie, I think our "boy" will be showing up in episode 7.  I saw on the "Horse Doctor's forum" the drama was rolling up the credits for epis 6 and saw "him".  So with that said, hopefully this drama will get better with "him" in there.  

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Hi ladies,

I don't know how to upload vid  :D, below is the link from Youtube, at Paulbey, credit : glassesshead.

Sang Woo seem so friendly when he gives the ball :x, handsome as always with Megawatt Smile :D

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Oh, finally LSW will appear in HD. Can't wait for next week. 
Was rather busy these past few weeks, but i always make sure to drop by Lord Sang Woo Inner Court to check on him :D. Thanks @Gemmie, @Shinobu, @kaciemom, @j3di for updating this thread.
Found this BTS for one of episode for First Wives Club, and check out his action around 00:30sec.....lol  Poor boy has to film in such hot condition :))http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/VbFbBaPh-08/?FR=LIAN

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@gingerine, yup, can't wait for next week :)) . I've noticed from HD thread, not just Sang Woo's  fans waiting for his appearance, a lot of HD viewer exited too :D. @Gemmie, really miss you!!! :x

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Yo yo yo ladies of the court, thanks kaciemom, gingerine and j3di for the heads up.  And where art thou insider Gemmie?

oh j3di, that's a nice vid.  It confirms to me that lord Sang Woo is definitely the one for me.  ;)

well, I watched some subbed of HD ep 6 and it's so boring.  Heck, I don't know how much I'll like this one (even with the lord and all.) 

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@Shinobu, Saeguk genre is not my cup of tea, well if it's still boring, it's mean a lot of skipping and FF Button :)). I'm a little bit  worried about our Insider @Gemmie :( , are you okay, dear ???

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Saeguk Formulas,

- a lot of BORING evil conspiracy scenes

- a lot of BORING endless conversation scenes

- a lot of BORING the courts and the king scenes

- a lot of EXHAUSTED running from the assassin at the night (:|

HD Saeguk Formulas,

- a lot of LSW with his Megawatt Smile

- a lot of LSW with the heroine

- a lot of LSW tears because heartbreak :P

Wait a minute, why your HD formula not same with mine???? Oh, geez... Sorry, I'm skipping a lot and used to many the FF Button. :D

But I will watched HD, with a lot of snoring, maybe... ;;)

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I had peek HD raw ep.8, Sang Woo appeared too short :(( but the both guys have chemistry with Lee Yo Won, and I'm feel sad for the animals :D, they were suffered and not paid for their roles as Cameo in this drama, tsk..tsk...tsk :P

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@j3di, i uploaded the images to  image hosting website, such as photobucket, and  just copy & paste the link it generates for forum.
Like this:  web site link

Frm Baidu
While filming Horse Doctor, our babe went to guest star in Kim Soo Hyun's new drama - Childless Comfort (soompi link:http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2008072/drama-2012-childless-comfort-%EB%AC%B4%EC%9E%90%EC%8B%9D-%EC%83%81%ED%8C%94%EC%9E%90). She's the writer of Life is Beautiful and Thousand Days Promise. According to Baidu source, LSW will act as a bad guy who has to leave his girlfriend, not knowing she was pregnant, and meet again. He will appear in Ep. 4-8.
Can't wait to see him acting as bad guy, although judging from the pics posted, the only thing that looks bad is the flowery tie :D

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