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The Hairstyle Tutorial Thread

Guest xosweetie

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woah.. i just found this new thread.. thanks so much for the tutorials everybody.. and the trans prettykorean07. i'm so bored of my hair.. gonan go try some now ^^;

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Guest prettykorean07

^ can anybody translate the first pic into english? or even better: all the pics? lol ><;; i know i might sound stupid for asking that question since all the pics have step by step guidelines right by the big pics, but some of the stuff is confusing: like the 1st pic, which is the big poofy ulljjang style hairdo that all the relaly cute ulljjangs do, but i don't get it: are you putting the hair in the bun and then pinning it? or pin as you go???? (oh and orengi no prob w/ the trans ^^)

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I posted this in the hairstyle thread, might as well post here : D



credits to naver

(images are really big o_o)


1st picture: Grab your hair and put it in a ponytail high on your head. Don`t tie it! Just put your elastic on your right hand.

2nd picture: Twist your hair, until shown like the picture.

3rd picture: Are you twisting it good? ^^ It should look like those cinnamon roll twists (XD)

4th picture: After, make it in a circle shape keeping the twist like the picture.

5th picture: Tie it with your elastic that you have on.

6th picture: Tie it around twice, and make it loose. Fix it to fit your satisfaction. ^^

7th picture: On both sides, pull out some hair (not a lot) so it looks natural.

(From here it's optional)

8th picture: Put in an Agatha (or anyother) pin in your hair.

9th picture: The side view..blahblahblah. :]

Sorry, I can`t really translate well XD

They use words like 뱅뱅 (baengbaeng) which really has no meaning..>_>

So it`s kinda hard to put in straight english lmao

It`s pretty popular in Korea at the moment.

It`s called 똥고머리; cute despite it`s name lmao XD (trust me you don`t wanna know the translation..)

A lot of ulzzangs do it (and perfectly too -.-) and it`s reallly cute when you do it correctly. : D

Have fun lmao :3

ahahaha koreans have such funny names for things...they have this and then there's "mandoo muh ri" xD

i love the ones where you curl your hair but...i`m too impatient to curl my hair.

omg i just pulled out a gazillion hairs trying to do the chopstick thing x_x and i FINALLY did itt...hard work ;-;

there was another really cute one -- you put your hair in a ponytail and then stuck the ponytail through the ponytail....uhh i`m confusing myself. i really lieked it, i`ll see if i have a pic.

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Guest nutella

^What kind of wax are you using? The good(not cheap) wax will help it stay up and it also helps to use a blowdrier and if neccessary hair spray.

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Guest ejpadua

hmm some joico one i bought at my hair place

and i thought hair drying your hair when its dry, ruins your hair..

i could try hair spray though xD

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Guest nutella

^Well any heat-styling tools are damaging wet or dry (although drying with extremely wet hair is THE worst to do) if you're worried about that you can use hair products that protect against heat, most of them come in cremes that you use when your hair is still damp.

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hi!!! i have done successfully the hair bun and the chopstick one but can anyone post some hairstyles that looks good one people who doesnt have slanted bangs coz i need it for our vacation and meeting with important people..... thank you!!!!!!!!

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