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[Movie 2020] Call, 콜


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Netflix review: Time-twisting Korean thriller 'The Call' will keep you on the edge of your seat

Fred Hawson

Posted at Dec 05 2020 06:30 A

In 2020, 28-year-old Seo-yeon (Park Shin-hye) just moved into an old house in the village. Once she got the old landline phone connected, she began receiving several calls from a frantic female caller who said her mother was going to kill her. Curious for her constant calls, Seo-yoon decided to speak to the other girl, who introduced herself as Young-sook (Jeon Jong-seo), who was also 28 years old, but she was living in 1999


"The Call" is Park Shin-hye's second Netflix horror film this year, as she was earlier seen in the zombie-thriller "#Alive." Park's versatile acting skills served her well in this role of the confused and tormented Seo-yeon. Her co-star Jeon Jong-seo's career immediately rose with her debut role in the acclaimed film "Burning" (2018). As the mentally unstable Young-sook, Jeon underwent a transformation of character that kept us on the edge of our seats.


The whole concept of a phone connecting the lives of two women 20 years apart was already very interesting. When their conversations were translated into real events, then the plot further thickened into something more compelling. When Seo-yeon told of a household accident that claimed the life of her father, Young-sook went to prevent it from happening.


From time-travel movies, we all know what can happen when the course of history is altered.





Young-sook lived with a sinister-looking step-mother (Lee El) who was apparently a shaman. She performed elaborate exorcism rituals on Young-sook, believing the girl was cursed. To return the favor of bringing her father back to life, Seo-yeon's online research revealed the date when a certain shaman murdered her step-daughter back in 1999. Forewarned, Young-sook was able to escape her death, now we know hell is really going to break loose.


All of this happened within the first 20 minutes of this two-hour film, which meant that there was going to be so much more time-twisting going to happen, as the present conditions of Seo-yeon would change with everything sinister Young-sook was doing at her end in the past. Director Lee Chung-hyun did well to keep the parallel two timelines distinct from each other, and delivered the multi-layered story clearly with all the chills and thrills it held in store.


This review was originally published in the author's blog, "Fred Said."

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무슨 얘기든 들어드립니다

서연이의 고민 상담 콜센터

여러분이 남기고 싶은 이야기는 무엇인가요?
#콜 #시그널 #응답하라1988 #슬기로운의사생활 #스타트업 #넷플릭스 #Netflix 


We will listen to anything  

Seoyeon's trouble counseling call center

What is the story you want to leave?
#Call #Signal #Reply 1988 #Wise Doctor #Startup #Netflix #Netflix




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박신혜X전종서가 녹차 떡갈비만 먹은 이유는? 언니동생 케미 폭발! <콜> 인터뷰  

Why did Park Shin-hye x Jeon Jong-seo only eat green tea tteokgalbi? My sister's younger brother, Chemie, explode! <call> interview


@cine_play_  https://www.instagram.com/p/CINdP32FDDH/





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Daily Sports

[Interview③]'Call' Park Shin-hye "Short hair, action, swear words... change is always fun"

Park Jeong-sun Input 2020.12.06. 15:49


Park Shin-hye

Park Shin-hye



Actor Park Shin-hye has changed.

Cha Eun-sang, who was acting in a romantic comedy with a sad expression, no longer exists. Park Shin-hye, a 30-year-old actor, now digests the scene of intense struggle with short hair and desperate swear words. On the 27th of last month, the movie'Call', which was released through Netflix, contained this change intact.


'Call' is a mystery thriller film about a mad obsession that begins when two women in different time periods connected via a single phone change their fates. This is the debut film of director Lee Choong-hyun, who swept through various awards ceremonies with an experimental short film'Body Price', which was filmed for 14 minutes in one long take. It was prepared for the release by holding a production briefing session in March, but due to the corona 19 pandemic, it did not shine for 8 months. In the end, it was released to the world by choosing the Netflix platform, not the theater. It is a familiar material, but it is well received by solving it in a new way. In particular, Park Shin-hye, Jeon Jong-seo, Kim Seong-ryeong, and Lee L, and other actors received a hot response.


Park Shin-hye played Seoyeon in the play. Seo-yeon is the person who encountered the murderer Young-sook (Jeon Jong-seo) in exchange for returning the past. If Jeon Jong-seo as Young-suk makes the audience nervous with indescribable madness, Park Shin-hye takes the center of the film by expressing Seo-yeon, which is gradually changing. As Jeon Jong-seo said, "Without Park Shin-hye,'Call' was dangerous," he showed the talent of the 17-year-old actor with a new face that he had not shown before.


Park Shin-hye

Park Shin-hye


-It seems to enjoy external changes. "External change is always fun. To express Seoyeon, I wanted to show a little cold and unfamiliar appearance. If I had adhered to long hair, I wanted to be as cut as Seoyeon. I wanted to express Seoyeon that is cynical, rough, and not soft. I boldly changed my hairstyle with a single hair. I showed the temperature difference through a change of hair style and clothes. Such a change is pleasant.


-As a female actor, do you feel the thirst of a female character that is not exhausting? "All actors will feel it. Many people continue to challenge themselves. Among them, I think that we are working together as'Call'. I think I hope there will be more opportunities like this in the future."

-There was a fierce struggle, but are you greedy for action acting? "I have a longing for action. At least once I thought I wanted to show that kind of image. It's about a taste of'Cole' and'#Alive'. It tastes sweet for me too. I thought that it was the same. There is a story about it. There is a situation that takes place within it. You struggle to survive in it. Actions different from Seo-yeon'Call' come out. After the drama is released, you will be able to see it. "I want to meet a movie or a drama about a sincere woman in her 30's after turning to her 30s. I want to meet a work that can capture the feelings of life."


-'#Alive' topped the worldwide charts for Netflix movies. I'm curious about your impressions. "Honestly, I didn't feel it well. I couldn't feel it even after hearing that'#Alive' ranked first in the world. The score of the movie can be confirmed by the number of spectators and the stage greetings. ) The stage greetings were gone, too, because I couldn't feel it with my skin, so I was embarrassed, I said,'Really? You said that you ranked first? It's amazing.' I was really grateful, it's a pleasure. Sometimes overseas fans regret when a movie is released in Korea. Dramas can be viewed on different platforms, but it's hard to watch movies separately. I can enjoy it by many people at one hour a day by opening it. Rather, I personally like the fact that I can show it to fans who like me at the same time rather than my grades."


-What kind of evaluation do you want'Cole' to receive? "As it is released all over the world, I want to be a movie that is expected to the power of the Korean film industry. I hope that it will become a (Korea) movie that more people will be interested in. I hope it will become a representative work of Korea."


-How would you like your evaluation toward Park Shin-hye? "I don't choose a work for some evaluation. I have a thirst and longing for something different. I want to do something new, and I want to do something fun that I haven't done before. I choose a work out of curiosity. Watch out for some results. Anyway, thank you. I will accept it. I think it would be nice to hear any reactions and stories."



Reporter Park Jung-sun park.jungsun@jtbc.co.kr Photo = Netflix




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The Fact

[TF Interview]'Call' Park Shin-hye throws a mask called'Roco Queen'

Input 2020.12.07. 12:00 am
“I was worried that I would look awkward after acting for the first time.”

[The Fact | Reporter Yoo Ji-hoon] Park Shin-hye in 2020 is a little different from the face that the public remembered. After fiercely surviving in the movie'#Alive', a world infested with zombies, this time he returned to the suspense movie'Cole', where even a sense of fear is felt. The image of'Roco Queen' gradually fades, and instead the lines of smoke gradually become thicker. Some people may feel this change harshly, but Park Shin-hye is only free.

Park Shin-hye recently participated in a round interview to commemorate the release of the Netflix movie'Call' (director Choong-pyeon Lee). In the aftermath of Corona 19, the interview was conducted by video. All of the reporters turned off their cameras, so she felt lonely. After a polite greeting, he smiled and asked, "Can't you please turn on your camera?" Park Shin-hye is still the owner of a lovely and healthy charm, just putting down the modifier'Roco Queen'.

“I watched'Call' at home. There was no offline event, but it was different because I felt nervous and thrilled at home as if I was at a premiere. There was also an article saying that it was better to be united. There are certainly some regrets as an actor, but I feel good and feel like something has been resolved.


The mask called'Roco Queen', which grew up by tearing up at the breakup and overcoming that sadness, has already been thrown a long time ago. Since then, genre travel has been successful. In the two outstanding works on Netflix, he showed a wider range of acting, and the extension of 'Sisyphus' is also ahead of its first broadcast. Park Shin-hye wants to untie another knot. Even that, "I want to talk about someone who is a little honest and unfamiliar", so I am curious about the new mask he will use in the future.




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"그야말로 연기로 찢어버렸다:scream:"
여러분의 한 줄 감상평을 댓글로 남겨주세요
총 10분을 선정해, <콜> 굿즈를 선물로 드립니다.
*당첨자 발표는 개별 DM으로(~12월 14일까지)

#콜 #thecall #넷플한줄 #넷플릭스 #Netflix


"It was really torn with smoke :scream:"
Leave your comments in a line in a comment
A total of 10 people will be selected and <Call> goods will be presented as a gift.
*The winners will be announced by individual DM (until December 14th)

#Call #thecall #Netflix #Netflix #Netflix

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2020.12.07 @sarahmoon0217 IG updates

Shin Hye's friend posted her pic on her Instagram when they're watching #TheCall together with Shin Hye



니가 웃으면 나도 좋아 움하하 보람차다
깜짝 이벤트 준비하면서 내가 더 신남ㅋㅋ
반전케이크에 꺄르르 하는 영상 올려주고 싶었는데
더 예쁘게 찍어주지 못해 뚁땽해ㅠㅠ
주변에서 영화 재밌다고 얘기해서 내가 다 뿌듯!!
#영화콜 #CALL #netflixmovie

I like it when you laugh. Hahaha, it's worth it.
I'm more excited while preparing for the surprise event.
I wanted to post a hilarious video on the twist cake.
I can't take a better picture of you.
I'm so proud that people around me say that movies are fun!

Trans on the cake


“Our Actress ParkShinHye who we always trust, please do well through Netflix and be successful all over the world.”~trans by minozstarlight1







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박신혜 인터뷰 속 블라우스&데님 어디꺼?

메종마레 (#maisonmarais)
- COWL NECK BLOUSE [IVORY] / ₩ 168,000
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: 넷플릭스 (@netflixkr)
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Park Shin Hye has achieved amazing results in 2020. For many years, she is considered the queen of ratings of the Korean screen.


Queen of ratings Park Shin Hye

Queen of ratings Park Shin Hye

The Call is currently one of the hottest movies on the Netflix platform and film forums. After nearly 3 years of absence on the screen, Park Shin Hye has an excellent comeback. The role of Seo Yeon – a young girl fighting for her life against the villain female Young Sook (played by Jeon Jong Seo) is fully expressed by the queen of advertising.

This is the second time Park Shin Hye has challenged herself with thriller drama. Last June, she and actor Yoo Ah In bombarded the Korean box office with her zombie thriller #Alive. “Park Shin Hye has taken a big step in her acting career,” commented Naver after witnessing the actress’s success.

Queen Of Ratings Park Shin Hye: Rise To Fame At The Age Of 13



Park Shin Hye’s innocent beauty in  Stairway to Heaven

According to Chosun Ilbo, Park Shin Hye initially was not aiming for an actor when she entered the entertainment industry. Born into a family with artistic traditions, her father is a saxophonist while her mother is an ocarina flute player, and her brother is a skilled guitarist, Park Shin Hye was soon expected to follow the success of her family.

At the age of 12, with her musical talent, Park Shin Hye easily passed the Dream Factory audition to officially join the professional artist training.

However, before becoming a singer, she soon became famous, making a mark with the public through the teenage role of Han Jung Su‘s character in the classic movie Stairway to Heaven.


Queen Of Ratings Park Shin Hye: Height Of Acting At The Age Of 30

Queen of ratings Park Shin Hye

Park Shin Hye in The Call


2020 has witnessed stellar acting chops and a dramatic change in Park Shin Hye‘s characters. The beauty has officially removed the pure image and stepped into complicated psychological characters. And she is enjoying success.

In The Call, the female star plays Seo Yeon, a 28-year-old girl confronted with serial killer Young Sook. She faced with difficult choices: helping the villain to preserve lives for her and her family or fighting against murder and lost her beloved ones.

With her natural acting, she fully portrays the angry, painful, and unstable spirit of the character. In particular, her face and eyes expressions gave the audience a convincing, honest, and sympathetic performance.






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