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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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She is wearing their couple jacket, buying toys and boat ride.



Edit: Ok, i change my theory again hihi. After i saw cutefairy ig, Somin put #Busan so i think her picture on a  boat  is in Busan, but  maybe the pictures when she selecting the toys is with Lee Joon. Because why she want to wear cap and mask like she wore it in her Dispatch picture. And its like she don't  want people to recognize her.The other Busan picture (in the cafe), she not wearing mask or hat. And my theory might be wrong ,  but who knows right :tongue:





Bonus picture :wink:


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18 hours ago, irisariadne said:

She is wearing their couple jacket, buying toys and boat ride.



Edit: Ok, i change my theory again hihi. After i saw cutefairy ig, Somin put #Busan so i think her picture on a  boat  is in Busan, but  maybe the pictures when she selecting the toys is with Lee Joon. Because why she want to wear cap and mask like she wore it in her Dispatch picture. And its like she don't  want people to recognize her.The other Busan picture (in the cafe), she not wearing mask or hat. And my theory might be wrong ,  but who knows right :tongue:



Actually she went to Busan during early March with her two bff Dianne and Eunbi. 

This is sc of dianne ig story, there's only three of them and they also dine with Somin's grandparent who lives in Busan at a famous tower located near to the cruise pic.  She's enjoying her Girl's Only vacation:D I also don't think LJ have his vacation yet, his division is a bit stricter and with the least vacation from other division according to info gathered by @iamoutoftime

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:tounge_wink:I can't keep silent after reading the posts from  @shsuand  @irisariadne 

Um... for this post, some points of view are based on my own experiences to make analysis ( ~haha ~:w00t: hope it will not be too subjective)


I am same as LJ which is a typical " Aquarius ".


My own experience

  • I am lack of sense of security since my childhood . I always ask same question repeatedly from different ppl which i am highly-believe in, in order to get feedback. Actually, I already have my own decision but why i still need to ask again and again?   it is because getting "positive support" is so important and it will enhance my "confidence" via its repeated "confirmation'.If there is 99% agree with me while only 1% disagree, I STILL tend to focus on "negative" comments rather then the "positive" comments.  I will keep to think my "mistakes" or "failure" repeatedly, finally result in heavy stress.  (In fact, no one force us but we will push ourselves to the corner and feel sad):tears:
  • If can choose, i refer to have better preparation before starting any tasks. I am not interested in trying any challenging games and dislike people arrange me to do anything suddenly which haven't plan or done before.:crazy:
  • I hate to be a "focus" in front of the others. For example, 1 ) I got an award during my school- life but need to go on the stage to receive this "honor" in front of the whole school, Finally, I was absent that day...  i am too afraid to go on stage and ONLY willing to get my prize privately 2 ) All people like 'lucky draw" and would like be the one of getting those presents during some events, but i still not enjoy this kind of "luck" and avoid to be that 'lucky one" in front of the public until now.:sweatingbullets:

I KNOW it is so STRANGE :ph34r: But Aquarius-born"  is really sensitive and always lack of "self-confidence".:confounded: 

Our mood is easy to go up/ go down every moment.

We can present "positive" in verb but act "negative" in action:sweatingbullets:   We can also present "negative" in verb but our mood is still "positive",

Lots of people regard  "Aquarius-born" as a weird and couldn't follow up our mindset:sweat_smile:

That why I could understand why LJ is easy to get nervous or SOMETIMES keep "negative" thoughts:huh:



For example,  some comment that Joonie was a control freak towards his ex- girlfriends, since he persists in knowing his lovers' past love experiences and he could dial 140 times of phone calls to find his ex-lover. Um... i think it is not a kind of control...:( In contrast, it is mainly due to his sense of insecurity... :blush:  But i highly believe that Jonnie has changed a lot now. He becomes more mature compare to his previous younger ages , and he know that when a one DEEPLY in love with you, she will ENJOY to tell you everything actively , It is  no need you to ask and focus her to get an answer. It is what Real Love is!!!!:wub:


On 2018/3/23 at 7:50 AM, shsu said:

When JSM showed up at his seoul fanmeeting, he looked so shocked and tried to hide his emotions (keep putting his head down). I feel that is the moment he felt he really don't want to lose her And the love confession came after the fanmeeting. I think the thoughts must been lingering on his mind for long time and that courage move that probably 100 times harder than most of people. Actually I feel so touched just imagine it.


Yes,  I agree with you and it is same as my view which have mentioned from my 2nd analysis.Some fans think that Joonmin have started their love relationship secretly during their shooting time around July or Aug  (which means before FIS ended) , but i don't think so. :vicx:  Per my understanding, LJ must need a lot of time to familiar with a person , let alone to "fall in love" with someone,  8 months is a suitable period of time for  LJ to know deeply about SoMin and to ready himself if  "getting in" a relationship :wub:  (" Aquarius" REALLY require enough time of "observation" towards someone before falling in love :phew:** I also need at least 6 months to start my love relationship previously)

It is no doubt that LJ makes LOVE confession to Somin after this fan meeting and start their love relationship officially in OCT.





LJ's expression shows me that he really didn"t know Somin will come, he is so shocked at first but later its excitement comes from his heart immediately.  At that time, Joonie is not only keeps putting his head down , to calm down his quick heartbeat and emotional feelings... He keeps avoiding to have eye-contact towards Somin.:rolleyes: For this video, Joonie's eye direction and his postures only keep facing to his left side - MJW or turning towards the audience.  After a short period of calm down , LJ starts facing back to Somin XD (such a cutieB)) .
Somin 's support REALLY touchs Joonie a lot :heart:  BUT LJ knows that he is so transparent and It is "easy to catch" his "LOVE" if looking at Somin face to face directly that time. And the most important thing is Somin is at his fan-meeting now , he is so worried that his uncontrolled emotions will cause his fans make anti- action towards Somin. 

He need cooling down his real feeling to behave normal quickly.:grimace:



On 2018/3/23 at 7:50 AM, shsu said:

Even JSM is very loyal to him but negative thoughts may sometime flow through his mind "why such a lovely, beautiful lady stay with me? "....

Yes, when i fall in love with my ex-boyfriend:huh: i always wonder myself everyday -  "why he choose me?" , "i am not so good... " , "Does he feel that i treat him not good enough??".   Aquarius-born" always "criticize ourselves" and "think too much" .  Its positive side is " We are all responsible as we will take serious consideration to avoid making mistakes and hurt the others",  while its negative side is "too much thought" finally push ourselves into a dilemma as like as standing along the cliff .:sweatingbullets:


We all can see that LJ smiles a lot and enjoys every moment with Somin in the latest shooting time - July and August. However, If you pay more attention to Joonie's eyesight , it is so obvious that he is struggling to reveal or hide his real feeling towards Somin.B)

HAVE you notice?:no_mouth:


Observation 1:

LJ is really tired during this interview as he is lack of sleep. Somin must notice his uncomfortable and she is trying her best to cheer up JoonIe's mood. Verbally, Somin makes joke on Joonie - pretend to complain that he is totally different when off- screen. He ONLY treats her well with polite manner if there is an camera:tongue: In facts, LJ knows that she is kidding but he reveal his "real side"  unintentionally to Somin via these few seconds..



LJ:  " I am only able to speak in front of the camera"   

Inner thought : I am really quiet in real-life . I am not so energetic and funny...I may fail to make you laugh all the time and match with my "positive" image when on- screen.. if i like that, will you still treat me well?:unsure:


LJ:  " You suffer a lot, don't you?"   

Inner thought :Sometimes, :unsure:  I will sweat a lot, shaking which couldn't control and feel depression...I DON'T WANT TO AFFECT YOU~~ Will you afraid of this kind of me?  (:tears:Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear that may include palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, or a feeling that something really bad is going to happen.) 


Observation 2:

In this INTERVIEW, Joonie says it is great that the drama is ended... (i think this answer 50% is real, 50% is hidden)

50% real for excited: Joonie is a good actor and he would like to show his best towards the others. FIS has 52 episodes, the shooting schedule is harsh and LJ must feel exhausted during this period ( lack of rest, anxious and panic disorder make him as like as a tighten rubber-band). Therefore, the end of drama now could finally provide him to release his stress).

50% hidden for NOT to  let "her" go : We all know that "LOVE SPARKS" have been developed between Joonmin but they are still not confirming that time and kept in a "obscure" situation.  Joonie is a bit nervous and afraid to say something wrong. He pretends that he feel so relax but he is so concerned about Somin's feeling. He knows that Somin is a kind girl and enjoys working with all crews. She must feel sad for the drama ended. Obviously, LJ says he is excited BUT he is afraid that his answer will hurt Somin . He steals a glance to Somin's expression and quick to turn "normal":wub:



Observation 3:

Same as previous, SoMin respects Joonie to let him answer first but we can see Somin already have her answer and nearly comes out from her month. She is hesitating to say... While Joonie also provides his answer with no FACE expression:mellow:

Somin's Inner Thought:   She would like to get the Best couple award with LJ so much... But she wouldn't impose burden to Joonie , she knows it is impossible for him to join the ceremony... She don't want her answer affect LJ's emotions.:vicx:

Joonie's Inner Thought:  Although LJ haven't said that "He would like to get the Best couple award with Somin, too" , but his heart is same as her but he couldn't give false hope. He must go in military services later . Therefore,  he uses his "Forth dimension" to answer this "heartless" question...

(So poor of them:cry:  to lose the Best couple award)

But never mind !!!!!!!! :love:   You all regard each other as YOUR "BEST LOVER" in real life as like as now is the most important!!!!)



Observation 4:

At the after party,  LJ reveal his real smile from heart when MJW says Joonmin will be the most popular and the sweetest couple throughout FIS. It shows that Joonie really enjoy coupling with Somin and feel grateful in double times if getting "positive" support from the others... (**same as an " Aquarius-born"  )



There is no doubt that LJ is always STRUGGLING with the following thoughts inside his mind AROUND 1xx times :no_mouth: when finding himself "fall in love" with Somin

  • want to GET CLOSER with Somin /  KEEP DISTANCE from Somin
  • make confession (but DON'T want this good girl to wait him for 2 years) / LET HER GO ( but Somin is very important to him)
  • Somin also like me and will accept me ( smiles and treat me well) / Only regard me as a best friend and will reject me (lack of self-confidence)
  • don't confess now but i will say after MS ( then she need not to wait me / but the risk is she may TAKE AWAY from the others ==)

We seems like a "CRAZY":sweat: RIGHT? Yes , we are!! This is the common trait of all Aquarius "-

The more emphasis you are, the more afraid to get in

Um...  LJ is still not building-up his decision clearly until Sept , but he couldn't hide his real desire. :relaxed:

This interview is held before his fan meeting started ,LJ still didn’t know Somin will appear later.From this interview, all Joonmin fans are satisfied with Joonie's answer - LJ says another female actresses to hide his real heart, but Somin is the first one in his mind and he really want Somin to visit him in the MS .

Apart from this, i think another important message is followed by his next answer.

LJ :Jung So Min.. says she will come... Go Ah Sung, Im Ji Yeon....etc  ..

 If really could come, it will be a great power to me:love:

This statement is really sweet!:wub: 

No matter what their relationship FINALLY will be ,  Somin already plays

an important role inside LJ's heart and he needs her warm support!!

Animated GIF


HOW'S ABOUT our lovely Somin??

Somin's thought is same as LJ. No matter what their relationship FINALLY will be , she is willing to change her shooting schedule and only slept 2 hours to provide LJ both physical and spiritual support.  This action is just follow by her heart,  no need any rewards...


Joonmin are really amazing!!!!

The earthquakes in Mexico remind LJ that you cannot predict what will be happened next second... you may lose someone or something...:warning:

Somin's sincere SUPPORT touches LJ a lot and encourage him to make confession in Early Oct before MS .

LJ strongly don't would like to lose Somin  - the girl which he really loves . i think he does not have this kind of feeling for a long time ago.. He would like to treasure this girl:wub:

Thanks GOD that don't let this Perfect couple to miss each other and START their Forever LOVE !!




On 2018/3/23 at 2:29 PM, irisariadne said:

Now i know why LJ said that he don't like meeting women in Radio Star , maybe his panic disorder is one of the reason. :(


From my view, "Panic Disorder' is a mental illness and need time to recover, but don't enlarge its effect and too worried about it.

I think LJ still don't like meeting women EASILY if none of "Panic Disorder", it is because his insecurity and sensitive mainly comes from his inner personality.


Why Meeting women will be a burden

  • He konws that he is super shy and slow-warm-up. Meeting new friends will spend him a lot of time , let alone to meet women.
  • LJ does not have enough sleep time after being an idol , he will choose to rest if having time xd
  • During MBLAQ time, GO and Seungho also comment Joonie is a cautious peson .As a public figure and become more famous, meeting with unfamiliar one may be a danger to the celebrities. Recently, there are lots of women took legal actions towards some Korean male celebrities about sexual violence or sexual scandals. (some are real, some are fake).  it shows that dating someone has its potential risk.
  • Assure that woman is kind and nice , but rumors will come Out easily if taking photos by the media. LJ is a responsible man and don't want to affect the others..

All of the above also explain that why our Jooine is so charming but only having few love experiences:w00t:


Recent weeks,I have watch back the WGM between LJ and Oh Yeon Seo, to compare their interaction with our Somin. In facts, Although WGM is so popular in HK previous years, I haven't watch this variety show before. This kind of "LIVE SHOW" is not my cup of tea..:huh: Um... It is too difficult to believe those "couple" are interacted naturally with their "real feelings" WHICH is recording every moment throughout the show. Not to mention it has script or not,  to record a broadcast show must need cameraman and a shooting crew... large side will include 10--20 ppl while the small size at least will include 3-5 ppl... Is it possible to develop a "real relationship" with saying sweet promises or some physical skinship in front of so many ppl!? <_<


Some fans comment that LJ and OYS have good/sweet interaction during the show but I couldn't found any LOVE SPARKS between them.. They are really don't match with each other:sweatingbullets:



I do not have any negative feeling towards OYS , just in a neutral mood to express my view..:o

1) LJ 's ideal type : simple, kind girl with a petite body . 

OYS is older than LJ a little, but her style is so mature and she is so tall (170cm) which compare to Joonie. After watching all episodes , OYS is as like as a noona towards Joonie, and I think LJ "respect" her rather than "like" her:tongue:

2) Aquarius Born " prefer "love in a gentle and everlasting way".

Joonie enjoy knowing a person step by step. He likes to observe a person from details such as his/her expressions, behaviors as times go by.. But OYS is a "fast-paced" person.. some of her behavior and talking style as like as the elder sister in FIS:lol:

3) Joonie likes his lover to love him so much

LJ is a manly person which same as Somin's comments. He likes taking good care to his girlfriend but sometimes he acts like a cute boy and would like to have fun with his love one. OYS often think our LJ is naive and her imposing manner mostly head over him :ph34r:.


If their part is not ended with such an embarrassment , i think LJ and OYS may become good friend which same as Joonie with lm Ji-Yeon . OYS also is a straight-forwarded person which can have " brotherhood" friendship with LJ. Unluckily,  the timing of OYS falls in love with someone is wrong:( LJ feels sad is definitely not because he loves OYS.... It is because he respects his work so much and would like his teammate - OYS also could cooperate with him as a team, to make their part to have a "good ending"... However, LJ could't express his view at that time and he still have to "act" under other control. He understands that loving someone is not OYS's fault.  His tiredness and audiences" negative comments really affect his emotions. He is totally disappointed , that why he reveals poor expressions during the last few episodes and already couldn’t move “naturally” when interacting with OYS.


Anyway, Somin is really a PERFECT GIRL with Joonie.  :love:zrwPJeadgULg.jpg

"Smile " , "Brightening" and "Bliss" is all around our SWEET Joonmin Couple!!!


At this moment, I would like to deliver some message to LJ and Somin via this thread:) (haha~ although they couldn't read)


Message to Joonie 

Thanks a lot for your first move and make LOVE confession towards Somin  :heart: 

You are really powerful!! Trust yourself and don't need to think too much~

Please treat yourself better:)  Don't need to hide your emotions alone.

Your girl is always at your side and willing to be your listener:wub:

Enjoy your SWEET LOVE with Somin forever!



Message to Somin 

Thanks a lot for your Patience and Warm supoort towards Joonie  :heart: 

You really get the key to open his heart and enter into his inner world

Please always express your appreciation towards Joonie :)  He is a bit easy to lose his self-confidence.

But YOUR BOY will try his best to treat you well and you are his only one:wub:

Enjoy your blissful life with LJ forever!



Some LJ's fans comment that SoMin is a lucky one to capture this innocent man's heart.

Some Somin's fans comment that LJ is the most happiest man to have this girl .

Everyone is all equal inside a relationship.

No one could take advantages from each other.

:heart:"REAL LOVE" need mutual contribution and receiving.

Joonmin Couple is a good example ! :blush:



Let's share a good song to you all. I always listen this when reviewing Joomin's post and photos :thumbsup:

All lyrics is as like as describing our Joonmin Couple!  Please enjoy:w00t:



Till the End -David Tan
All these precious moments, With you by my side 
Must be a gift from heaven, That's holding me all night 
I don't know how I found you, I'm thankful that I have 
Now that I have a love so true, To hold, to keep, to share 
*In my heart I can no longer hold inside 
All of the love I used to hide 
I'll always be with you until the very end 
In this world there is no place I'd rather be 
You are my life, my soul, my girl 
And through it all I know 
That "you've" come to see that you're the one till the end 
All my friends around me, Say you'd be gone too soon 
Baby I'm gonna make them see 
We've found our way back home 
We'll always be till the end 


Joonmin MV sharing - First LOVE

Credits: Smily_Ryu from Bilibili.com


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@firebird88 Thank you for your insightful post as always, if I can thumbs up for thousands time I'll do it :D I find myself very enjoy reading it:blush: and I mostly agree with all of it due to the evidences you piled with it.


Regarding WGM series, it's very unfortunate for both LJ and OYS, the show is very popular internationally and I've seen many idols' career getting more known and famous because of wgm, both internationally and locally. LJ and OYS wgm was the shortest ever recorded in wgm history, due to lack of professionalism from certain side, and LJ was deemed as "National Loser" because of that show. As his fan of course I'm sad for him, he didn't do anything wrong but his image was shattered by that show. People also called him as fake, even though we know the wgm show is scripted and fake, but LJ is mostly honest and didn't really follow the script, if you guys watch it, you can see LJ didn't even pretend he likes OYS in a romantic way, and that resulted in their shippers' theory saying only OYS is interested at him but he's not, you can read it at JoonSeo soompi thread which is now archived. Differs to his interaction with Somin, even though it's just a few minutes bts, we can really see the love spark forming between them, and how it's coming from both sides. Their eyes can't lie. 


About LJ's possible controlling his gf because he made 140 miss call to his past gf, and I remember someone here also worried by his possessive/obsessiveness, you don't have to. During sesame player mblaq, in their 'toilet interview' (LOL) when they were asked which mblaq members do you think will live under complete control of his woman, both Seungho and G.O answered LJ when they were asked that in their interview. You can watch it at 6:18. Joon is not satisfied with that answer and have G.O penalty, G.O then continued, "Hey! I've seen you completely whipped!" Joon just laughed at that, and G.O still continuing, "You remember that time right? When we're trainees, you were completely whipped!" Joon replied to him ,"Please be quiet" :lol:

I think it's really true he's had that experience of being controlled by his girlfriend, and he's lucky now to finally meet a kind and nice woman like Somin who is very rational and can tolerate him, be able to understand him well :wub: no more queen control ex girlfriend lol

 At 8:20 Seungho also answer LJ as the member who will be in complete control by his gf. 

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She's been very busy this week, no wonder there's no new drama project yet. Hopefully we'll be getting more beautiful pictures from Bali:tongue:

This video is a cut from WGM, when Kwanghee asked Joon and Julien Kang, what if your wife having kiss scene? surprisingly, Joon is very understanding, :D, watch this video it's fun and we get to know how Joon really is if his spouse has to film kiss scene with another actor. 

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Lee Joon Moves From Active Duty To Public Service Due To Panic Disorder


Lee Joon will finish the remainder of his mandatory service as a public service worker.

On March 30, his agency Prain TPC released an official statement to announce that the actor will be transferred to reservist duty on March 23.

They wrote, “Under the instructions of the Military Manpower Administration, Lee Joon will complete his mandatory military service as a public service worker.

“Lee Joon, who enlisted as an active-duty soldier back in October, consistently received treatment for his panic disorder while carrying out his military duties. However, because his condition was not improving, he went through legal screening procedures in the military and was deemed unfit for active duty.

“Lee Joon is currently waiting for a draft notice from the Military Manpower Administration. We apologize that he’s not able to show his healthy side. He will do his best with his remaining military service.”

It was previously revealed that the actor had panic disorder symptoms during his acting career, but he voluntarily enlisted due to his strong personal will to overcome it.

We wish him good health for the remaining of his service!


That's okay Joonie. You already do your best. Your health is more important. 

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Lee Joon transferred from active duty to reservist status, due to his persistent panic disorder

On March 30, Lee Joon's label Prain TPC announced in an official statement that the singer/actor will be transferring from his post as an active duty soldier to reservist status. 

The label said, 


"We notify that actor Lee Joon has been transferred to reservist status as of March 23. From here on, Lee Joon will be carrying out his mandatory military service as a public service worker, per the Military Manpower Administration's order. 
Lee Joon, who enlisted back in October of last year in the ROK army, received continued treatment for his panic disorder, which he suffered from since before his enlistment. However, his conditions did not improve, which led to a revision of his status by military regulations, and he was determined unfit to serve as an active duty soldier.
Lee Joon is currently awaiting his summon letter from the MMA. He feels apologetic for not being able to show his healthy side, and he will do his best to fulfill the rest of his mandatory military service once he receives his summons."


Lee Joon revealed that he was diagnosed with panic disorder in February of 2017

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