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[Drama 2017] Reunited Worlds 다시 만난 세계

Go Seung Ji

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53 minutes ago, andy78 said:


HS have chest pain near MJ Dad, so I think MJ Dad killed HS. But I don't know who kill the boy at school. And I agree, MJ Dad protects somebody, maybe protect someone the real killer. and YJ saw it? Maybe? 

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@andy78 @cherrycokez I have the impression that CMJ's father will put the blame on YJ. In my opinion, the father believes that YJ was the culprit. This is based on his words he said to YJ at the café. So from my point of view, the CEO asked YJ for a favour. YJ would say nothing about the hit and run but the CEO would remain silence that YJ was there at school and had no alibi for the murder. I don't think that YJ is the culprit. However, I think that YJ accepted the deal because he knew that if he had no alibi, he would become the prime suspect. He had been bullied by the victim, he had no alibi and had no connection to protect him. This would explain why the CEO supported YJ for all these years. 

Nevertheless, I am expecting that YJ will redeem himself, once he realises that So Ji needs an organ transplant. He will be the one revealing it to YM and the others or he could become her donor.

I am hoping that the family from YJ's fiance is somehow involved in the murder because so far, they are not really important and don't add much to the story. 

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Reunited Worlds: Episodes 19-20

by LollyPip


There’s a lot of cuteness and sweetness in this episode, and yet there’s also a feeling of urgency that’s beginning to follow Hae-sung as he accelerates his search for the truth. As much as I want him to unearth his killer and discover why he was framed for murder, I also want to tell him to slow down and take his time. The closer Hae-sung gets to clearing his name, the shorter his time back on Earth becomes, and I’m just not ready to watch those who love him face losing him a second time.



reunitedworlds1920-00004.jpg reunitedworlds1920-00019.jpg

At the Changho Foundation event, Hae-sung follows the pain in his chest to the VIP room, where he finds CEO Cha sitting alone. Knowing that he’s finally found his killer, he reminds CEO Cha who he is, then asks angrily, “Why did you kill me?!”

CEO Cha puffs up and goes on the offensive, asking why he would kill Hae-sung, but Hae-sung isn’t finished. He states what he’s sure is the truth: that CEO Cha was driving the car that killed him, then he made his chauffeur, Driver Hwang, take the blame.

It must be close to the truth, because CEO Cha freezes, and Hae-sung asks if he killed him in order to frame him for murder. CEO Cha just says that he has no evidence, so Hae-sung roars, “I am the evidence!” CEO Cha dares him to reveal himself and tell the police, but Hae-sung says that now that he knows the identity of his killer, it will be easy to find more proof.


=== Read more: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/08/reunited-worlds-episodes-19-20/



Oh, this is getting good. I can’t wait to see what the boys have up their sleeves — whatever it is seems to scare the pants off CEO Cha, enough that he readily confessed to being the one driving the car when it hit Hae-sung. But apparently CEO Cha knows some things as well, things that are probably going to keep him off the hook for a while longer. I have a feeling that he’s going to say that someone Hae-sung loves killed the bully that night, and I still think that it’s probably Young-joon.

When CEO Cha told Young-joon that “that could happen to anyone,” it seems to me that he’s referring to Young-joon killing the bully accidentally. My theory is that Young-joon was defending himself against another attack, that he accidentally injured the bully then ran, and in his flight, he witnessed CEO Cha hit and kill Hae-sung. CEO Cha probably offered to put Young-joon through medical school, and in exchange both men would remain silent about what they knew. It would also explain why Young-joon cut himself off from his family — deep guilt and shame for letting Hae-sung take the blame for a murder he didn’t commit.

I just love all of the characters in this show so much, and I wish we had more time to spend with each of them. I particularly like Hae-chul, whose journey from a hotheaded thug to a responsible single father is so heartwarming and sweet that I kind of wish it were its own drama. I love stories about daddies and daughters, especially when the daughter, in essence, saves her father’s life simply by existing. Hae-chul is really growing up and maturing since Hae-sung returned, doing his best to be a law-abiding citizen and keep a job so that he can live full-time with Gong-ju. I was so proud of him when he walked right past Gong-ju’s mother and left her in their dust — she abandoned them, and she had no right to try to walk back into their lives with no consequences.



I really adore Tae-hoon and Young-in’s budding romance. They’re just so cute together, and I know Hae-sung would love it if his friend and his sister ended up together. But I also worry that there will be problems when Tae-hoon discovers that his father is the one who killed Hae-sung. They live in a society where a killer’s family members are considered culpable by association, which is why Hae-sung’s family has struggled in the wake of him being labeled a murderer. And Tae-hoon is such a strait-laced, moral guy that I fear that he’s going to take on a huge burden of blame for his father’s involvement and feel that he’s unworthy of Young-in. I’m anticipating that Tae-hoon and Young-in are going to have to fight if they want to stay together, once the truth of Hae-sung’s death comes to light.


The reluctant one-sided bromance between Min-joon and Hae-sung continued in this episodes, and I just think they’re the most adorable things ever. Min-joon loves playing the hyung and showing off to Hae-sung, even though it keeps getting him in trouble, and Hae-sung can’t help but relax and enjoy himself with Min-joon even while he’s grumpy knowing that Min-joon likes his girl. Seeing them eat their way through all that food was hilarious — where did they put it all? Mostly I just like how they fulfill a need in each other, even without realizing it. Min-joon gives Hae-sung the guidance and care he never got while acting as the head of his family at such a young age, and Hae-sung takes the place of the little brother whose name Min-joon was never even allowed to know. They’re just so good for each other.

I feel sort of bad now for suspecting Min-joon of being sinister or hiding something, because it seems clear in retrospect that he really is just that nice of a guy. It was so sweet and generous of him to give the hair ribbon back to the family of the accident victim after taking good care of it for so many years. He has no idea how that hair ribbon connects back to Jung-won and Hae-sung and their shared past — he just returned it out of the goodness of his heart.

But how adorable was it that after all those years, and all that angst, and the roundabout way the hair ribbon was finally returned to Hae-sung… after all that, Jung-won didn’t even like it! Hae-sung’s “You’ve got to be kidding me, lady,” face was hilarious. This show continually throws cute little reversals like that at us, and I love how Hae-sung and Jung-won are so honest with each other, even when they don’t like something. They really are meant for each other.




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Can't wait for the next episode to come. The story is getting exciting. Find Mr Cha more charming every scene. Smitten by him. 

When was CCTV invented? Don't they have CCTV in schools 12 years ago? 

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@bebebisous33 thanks, I think that is the story, slowly it will be unfolded, hopefully for next week episode

1 hour ago, ate said:

Can't wait for the next episode to come. The story is getting exciting. Find Mr Cha more charming every scene. Smitten by him. 

When was CCTV invented? Don't they have CCTV in schools 12 years ago? 

Maybe it is at countryside, don't have CCTV. In my country 12 years ago, school and roads don't have CCTV :D

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It is so bitter sweet and melancholy. Every week I hesitate to begin watching it because I feel so sorry for him. I know he is going back. He has to remove the stigma from his family and heal JW's broken heart and guilt.  

I hope the x-wife doesn't try to get custody of Gong Ju.  Hae-chul is really compelling I hope he meets someone really nice who would care for Gong Ju, hope he doesn't get back together with her.

All the actors are doing a great job.

 Ahn Jae Hyeon is so thin I don't know how he stands upright.



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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching




  • Reunited Worlds: Why is everyone so readily accepting of the fact that Hae-sung died twelve years ago, and yet completely unaffected at being confronted by him now, in the present, in the flesh? This has been bugging me all series long but it wasn’t as bad when it was more like a secret held by a few close friends—but now he’s revealing himself to everyone, including his killer, and they’re all, “Oh, you’re back, huh.” I’m pretty sure if someone I saw buried came back into my life, I’d be feeling more along the lines of terror, confusion, and chaos rather than “Yay, you’re back from the dead! Let’s go to the movies!” Or “Yeah, I killed you, so what?”



  • Reunited Worlds: Erm, I’m disappointed. This show promised me healing, but the plot is so lame that any healing I would’ve experienced is marred by that annoying voice inside my head going, But… you’re dead and you have limited time to be here! Stop buying knife sets for your chef job and start doing things for the people you’re leaving behind!



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3 hours ago, AlexandraReid said:


Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching




  • Reunited Worlds: Why is everyone so readily accepting of the fact that Hae-sung died twelve years ago, and yet completely unaffected at being confronted by him now, in the present, in the flesh? This has been bugging me all series long but it wasn’t as bad when it was more like a secret held by a few close friends—but now he’s revealing himself to everyone, including his killer, and they’re all, “Oh, you’re back, huh.” I’m pretty sure if someone I saw buried came back into my life, I’d be feeling more along the lines of terror, confusion, and chaos rather than “Yay, you’re back from the dead! Let’s go to the movies!” Or “Yeah, I killed you, so what?”



  • Reunited Worlds: Erm, I’m disappointed. This show promised me healing, but the plot is so lame that any healing I would’ve experienced is marred by that annoying voice inside my head going, But… you’re dead and you have limited time to be here! Stop buying knife sets for your chef job and start doing things for the people you’re leaving behind!




I think that both of these point of views are things I have and do think about watching the drama.  

javebeans:  Yes, same thoughts exactly, however the nature of the mysterious theater and drama is that the dead and the living can be all together as if in a our dreams. There is a dream like texture to the show which I can accept. He appears there as he was so many years before, a high school boy, just like Jw would think him in her heart or dream of him at night. The killer is also confronting him as a ghost emanating from his conscience. It is a psycho drama like that. If he really was alive and with her,then why is Jw still so sad? They would all be fighting to get him a real ID and to clear his name. Which is being done but unofficially.  Its a dream within a dream, an altered universe.

girlfriday:  I agree but still enjoy the drama. Some of these antics are fudging, but there also to give us some fun, as we see how the world has changed for him after 12 years.  I do think the story is dragging different parts, and it is a bit of fudging. I think though their romantic feelings are the most difficult to deal with for them, because how will he ever end loving her, and her him? They can't.  Can she in the living world fall in love again and let him go? How will that happen? That is the storyline for me.

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@maddymappo Actually, I have to disagree with girlfriday's and javabean's comment.


Stop buying knife sets for your chef job and start doing things for the people you’re leaving behind!

For me, HS has always lived for his brothers and sisters. Why should he keep acting like this all this time again? He has always acted like their father hence he has never got the chance to do what he wanted and to experience things (like dating). Sure, he needs to correct the situation of his siblings caused by the circumstances of his death. However, I don't think that returning to the human world was just to help his family and friends. The wish of the ahjussi was to help his son and spend more time with him which actually happened before he returned. His wishes came true. As conclusion, HS was sent back to do things he never got to do. He wished to become a chef. Remember that JW is actually living the way HS wanted. If HS can become a chef, then she doesn't need to do any more. In my opinion, she should focus on drawing. She never got the chance to visit art schools. So if he can achieve his goal, create new recipes aso, he is actually helping JW in a long term. Then with CMJ, HS is able to feel like the younger brother. So far, no one has ever taken care of him as a sibling. He was the father to the other siblings, but deep down you could see and sense that HS was tired of this role. He also wanted to be treated like a brother, let someone take responsability for him. Once HS and JW have done many things together (first kiss aso), it will be possible for JW to move on with her life, once HS is gone. HS will have no regret as he was given the chance to do the things he wanted and JW won't blame herself for HS's death, once the identity of the real culprit is revealed.


I’m pretty sure if someone I saw buried came back into my life, I’d be feeling more along the lines of terror, confusion, and chaos rather than “Yay, you’re back from the dead! Let’s go to the movies!” Or “Yeah, I killed you, so what?”

First, the CEO did freak out. He fainted due to shock. Then why should the culprit feel guilty in the end? It is the same guy who abandoned his own son and hid his past to his other son. As we can conclude, this man is quite cold-hearted and I am sure, he will reveal to HS that YJ killed the student in order to remain untouched. So he feels no remorse at all, he only started getting nervous, when he realized that his hideous action could be unveiled. He knows how TH liked HS. He doesn't want TH to discover the truth. However, YJ didn't freak out so much like a guilty person, when he met HS. In fact, the problem is elsewhere. I believe the killer of the other student is unaware of HS' return. Moreover, through HS's return TH will finally realize the true personality of his father. So far, TH is idealizing so much his parents and especially his father. So when he hears that he has a half-brother whom his father abandoned and that his own father killed one of his best friends, he will distance himself from his own family. 

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