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[Drama 2017] Suspicious Partner, 수상한 파트너


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16 minutes ago, Dhakra said:

I knew it! I knew that you would name her!

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No, she doesn't ring a bell. Because she never was evil in the first place. At the beginning she just did it because she wanted to save her boyfriend, to whom she was very loyal to and whom she loved. Since the marriage was arranged from her father it was pretty much the only option she had. Everybody in her situation would have done the same. Her boyfriend killed for her, to protect her mistake. She was desperate and she ended up in this situation. The moment JI turned her back on her and tried to set her up, she decided to play a role in this corrupted world. She didn't want to see her father going down to protect her, she stand up from the siteline and wanted to play the game that everyone else around her was playing. 

That was the moment she became evil and did shady things. And this I can't and won't defend. 

But at the start she wasn't evil and in the latest episode she redeemed herself a little, because she watched her this life leads to. She chose the important person of his family over money or career. She didn't change, she probably was a nice daugter and loveable person from the start. But we didn't see prior to the event at the fishsite. All we can is guess.

And if I would guess, ah...you know how I would guess. Women that can smile so beautiful like that can't be evil.


I hope so, a few more days and we should see some progress in their relationship. I mean, of course she's not inconvenient to him. 

When you have a woman where you can do something like that during breakfast, are.....and I'm going to repeat myself: (my) Relationship goals.


Still interested to know how exactly she will work for him. I hope somehow that he will found his own law firm.


hhhhhhhhhh we know each other well!! :lol::wink: 


at least...at least!! I'm happy, I'll take what I can take!! :lol: 

yeah, she could've been and her father wanting to plan her life for her made her rebell on him!!

ohhhhh, so this 2nd female doesn't have a pretty smile that can make you unsee her wrongdoings?!! :lol::tongue: 


I'm so excited for their "fake" girlfriend-boyfriend act!! :w00t::wub: and surely she's not inconvinient, even after making him her slave for her hurt anckle that wasn't hurt because of him!! :lol::D 

yes he will!! :D from the preview he resigned and his boss (who is more like a friend) asked hm knowingly if he's going to make his own firm!!  


love his small smile when she told him that and ha was "Really?" I was "Really!!" :wub: 

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…I like you.

cr: addictingkdrama

have to go now!! 

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3 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:

hhhhhhhhhh we know each other well!! :lol::wink: 

We certainly do by now :D 


<_<You take all you can get, as if I would so persistent.

Well, even if she has, cheating on someone is a thing that I can't forgive. She could smile at me like she wants, it wouldn't affect me or change anything. Cheating is one of the worst things somebody can do to another person. And the pain that comes with it is something I don't wish anyone. 

The moment she cheated she was dead to me. -_- Even a smile won't revive her.


Well, exactly this is what I don't want to see. I can't express that too much, but I don't want them to have a "fake" boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. I just don't want to see them pretending being a couple just to scare off his ex-gf. That won't work and only create more pain and suffer. Not only for BH, but even for him aswell. He does love her and when something like this will become a things, both of their feeling will just become way more complicated. You can't differ anymore. 

This is what I really, really don't want to see. Don't meme being a couple. This would bother me so much.

I think I didn't watch the preview. Can you link it by any chance? So he will create his own firm with BH as employee. This is going to be great. 

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I am enjoying this drama soooo much!!

Episode 4 (7-8) had me rolling on the bed laughing :lol:
From Bong Hee's fangirling, to Ji Wook's "I don't want to get involve but I worry so much" attitude towards Bong Hee....and the way he calls her name :love:
I love the vibe of this drama, one moment they are serious, and in a split second that very moment will be a laugh fest.
I also like Ji Wook's boss and his frenemy lawyer (sorry I forgot his name) he is cute! I like the scene in men's toilet :lol:

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5 hours ago, season_goong said:

Hello everyone!

This is the first drama of Ji Chang Wook that I've watched. I guess I am the only one :))

Anyway, I start raising interest in this drama, just pray that the plot is develop well and consistently. Writers have disappointed me so much in all recent dramas that I've watched



Me too,a JCW newbie here! (i know i missed out a lot). and over the years, i always get a bit anxious whenever i start a new drama. that's why most of the time, i watch ep 1-2 then wait till dramas are halfway already before i pick them up again.

if we'll really have a "fake boyfriend/girlfriend" plot here, i can't wait. i dig this fake relationships and whatever hijinks they do in dramas.

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@Dhakra preview fr sbs

Lol i love it she gave it back in good measure. Have some of his own medicine.

Have a lot in my head aft rewatching 2 eps last nyt. Be back to jot them down.

I cant say enuf how much i love Eun Bong Hee, shes vy refreshing n how can someone in such a pickle still be such a vitamin. A rare gem indeed. Treasure her Noh Ji wook

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The OTP’s character is awesome! JW trying to be nonchalant towards BH but he cares so much for her! (Especially the bar scene it’s so obvious to EH!)  He is really sweet and attentive man.
 I like that BH stands up for herself and given the desperateness in her current situation she turns the visitation lawyer role down! (Way to go girl!)  

The scene whereby BH blurts out “Did we sleep together” and JW turn to ask if they sleep together was hilarious he couldn’t bring himself to ask in a direct way like how BH did.
Not to mention that it seems like his insomnia is gone when BH is around, he slept like a baby.

I like EH character too so goofy and the toilet scene I’ll love to see more of his story too.

I can’t wait for next week episodes the official return of Nara back to JW life!
BH to the rescue, returning favor to JW = more cute & funny OTP moments. I love the eating scenes in the preview! 

As for the murderer I’m really curious to find out if he is the fake KCSI!
They look alil different to me or it might just be the angle.  






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10 hours ago, cherkell said:

He sure has -- Yoo In Ha in "Five Fingers" (which was his last drama featured on SBS five years ago)  He was the Boosung Musical Instruments Chairman's son and inherited the company... after many illegal machinations on his part. :blink:

BTW, the KNetz are already referring to Ji Wook and Bong Hee as the "Ji-Bong Couple."  CUTE.

Ah... I remember now.. he was the ambitious second lead in the drama.

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JW boss is really cool. Wonder about their good relationship. He seems so supportive towards him 

OTP really have great chemistry with each other. The female lead is a strong character. I hope deep inside JW, he has already fall in love with BH. :wub:

great acting !

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I was not ready to be addicted to another drama so soon after SWDBS. But boy, I am already hooked, line and sinker for this drama! I was going to watch this drama regardless, all for my love for Ji Chang Wook, but I did not expect it to have the perfect recipe for an addicting rom-com. The chemistry between BH and JW was so palpable from the moment they shared the screen and I have no doubt that even if the plot meanders, the chemistry between our leads will keep the show  afloat and leave all of us wanting for more. Thankfully, not only am I enamored with the characters, but I am also intrigued by the plot.



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20 hours ago, intrariver said:

So I just finished eps 3 & 4.

Two words: riled up. That's what these two episodes did to me...or to be more exact, what No Ji Wook did to me.

The first couple of eps he was fine, but now he's just too much! He CLAIMS to care about justice and fairness, yet nearly convicted Bon Hee, despite there being contradictory evidence, which he withheld to the last minute I might add! Then he played martyr/hero who did the "oh so difficult and sacrifial move of sacrifizing his career" for Truth/fairness...The one thing he claimed he fought for. If he TRULY cares about fairness like I do then he wouldn't need to internally debate EVEN FOR A SECOND whether to submit that other knife or not! And he would'nt play victim/hero who bravely "sacrifized" his career, he'd just realize he did the right thing, followed the value of fairness without being smug about it. Next ep according to preview he'll have Bong Hee beg for forgiveness, despite her not doing anything wrong! Verbally abusive Jerk. 

I usually like tsundere stories, but this writer seems to not be able to differentiate between tsundere and jerk characters. There's a world of a difference! I cannot stand NJW's smug mannerisms either, he should be more humble.

So NOT ONLY is this guy not very fair, but he's also a fake! Claiming to value a thing (fairness), then not following up on that value he claims to follow! He needs more self-awareness and genuiness and to get down from his mighty condescending high-horse richard simmons-hole attitude!

Please tell me this gets better & he starts to TRULY actually care about fairness, stops verbally abusing Bon Hee and gets his body language wiped clean of any thraces of smugness! Goodness!!

And please don't tell me Bon Hee doesn't actually start to work hard for his-mighty-that-is-all-this-world-needs's forgiveness! She needs to be a strong chararacter and stand up to this jerk's behaviour!

I might just start to ship her with Choi Tae Joon's character instead. He was one actually on her side.


I get where you are coming from, but I disagree with some points.

First of all, in a utopian world where everyone's actions are driven with the most pure of intentions, your scenario is completely reasonable. I am not condoning dishonesty nor am I implying that honest people do not exist in the real world. But, in my jaded view of reality, we face crossroads in our lives where we need to choose between something that is right but could be detrimental to our goals or something that is wrong but will be advantageous to us. It is especially hard to traverse the right path when the position you are in is something you have persevered to achieve. It would be extremely difficult to  watch everything crumble right before your very eyes. That was the dilemma Ji Wook had to face that led him to conceal the evidence the very last minute. I am not justifying his action as right. I am with you there. That was a douchebag move on his part. Selfish? Yes! BUT, strangely enough I EMPATHIZE with him. The internal struggle that Ji Wook had HUMANIZED his character for me. All he ever wanted was to be a prosecutor just like his dad. He persevered to achieve that dream and became quite a competent and ruthless prosecutor. Until Bong Hee's case, everything was black and white for him. If someone is accused of a crime and there is sufficient evidence -- they will be sent to jail. Unfortunately, with that case, Ji Wook also had a taste of the politicized aspect of his job.  In my opinion, how Ji Wook handled that situation was completely relatable. At the end of the day, Ji Wook decided to take the road less traveled at the demise of his own dreams.

Now, I don't think Ji Wook ever had a victim mentality. He lost his bravado and confidence because he was no longer doing the job that he loves. But, I don't think he was ever regretful of doing the right thing. In fact, I think the reason he did not want to see Bong Hee was because she gave him a rude awakening that he has been doing the right things but with the wrong motivations, all his life.

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I finished all eight episodes! It was so good! It has everything, romance, drama, mystery, comedy, thriller! I love how the storyline, concept, flow goes in flashbacks from the two leads' point of views! It seems confusing but actually, apparently, it's not! The plot is great! I'm enjoying every second of it!

The cast is awesome! Gosh, I love Ji Chang Wook! He's an exceptional actor! And Nam Ji Hyun is perfect for her role! I know she was the third pick but I couldn't imagine any other actress playing her character! Love love this drama!

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