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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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I'll just get to the issue in today's episode75

MH after being suspicious of MS, MH tells her father to get the cctv recording of the day when she thought she saw HJ at the hospital. Later the cctv confirmed that HJ walked into DY's room and MS walked out right after her.

She later questioned MS, but i can't be sure of what they were talking. As they were conversing, the caretaker called to tell MH that DY is waking up. She gets up to go but did not tell MS about it.

At the hospital DY is stabilized, MH was talking to the doctor. He was telling her something, can;t be sure about it. I assume that he is telling her that DY might regain consciousness. MH tells the doctor not to tell MS. 

At home, MH gave the ahjumma her salary and tell her they won;t be needing her for now. MH then created some excuses with MS and tells her she is needed at home with HR and that she doesn't need to be at DY's bedside.

The other issue is HJ interview with the media.

HJ was telling MH that there one thing that MH is afraid people might find out, ie 'who is the father of HR'. In trying to stop HJ from giving the interview, she met up with JW.

At the hospital the caretaker was half asleep at DY's bedside. She then decides to take a break got up and left the room. DY opened his eyes, i think he knows what is going on. He tries to reach the hp on the side table but it dropped. MH's father walked in saw the phone and picked it up without thinking and hand it over to the caretaker...fuhhh!

JW then ran after HJ to try and stop her. Can't be sure of the dialogue. Later MH receive a call that the interview was called off and breathe  a sigh of relief, but she then switched on the TV and it seems the interview is on, and she sees HJ's face on the screen as the anchorman introduces her.

In the teaser: Mr Nam met with HJ and DY wakes up and hold MS hand. 

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The other important strand (leaving the usual silly stuff aside) is the confirmation JW provides  that Det Jang is still in Korea and so, presumably, is GO. JW and HJ realize this means that Jang must be acting independently of MH, and that MH may be telling the truth when she insists that she's no idea where GO is.

JW reassures HJ that Det Jang appears to be a good hearted guy, so she shouldn't worry too much, earning a fierce rejoinder "A good-hearted guy?! He kidnapped my child twice over?!" JW really ought to notice those Blades of Steel earrings she's still wearing and be more careful about what he says in case she incinerates his woolly jumpers with her welding torch.

HJ apologizes for her outburst, and JW thinks he's in with a chance to soften her attitude. "When you've found GO, will you drop your revenge plans against MH?" he asks. "I'd be really glad if you would. I'd like to see you and GO living happily together." 

That leads HJ to rebuff him again, saying that she's intent on seeing that vengeance through to the end precisely because that's the only way she can be sure she and GO can live in peace and safety. MH and her family need to be completely ruined and discraced, otherwise GO will never be safe. She asks JW to carry on looking for GO using the same contacts as before. But she herself is going to embark on a new course in the hope of getting her son back. She refuses to tell him what that new course involves. She'll achieve it on her own in her own way without his knowledge or help.


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10 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

Thanks @baduy for that 'other important strand' i left out. 

One thing i was curious about is, while JW and HJ were talking right before the closing scene, HJ's phone was ringing. I wonder if its DY calling her before the phone dropped to the floor.

I think it's the call from the TV station since the programme was about to start with her nowhere in sight.

I think DY still pretty weak that's why the phone fell to the floor. He probably needs therapy since he was in coma for quite a few months.

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In the scene intercut with the HJ/JW confrontation, the studio assistant was trying to call HJ since she was late and wasn't getting an answer. Hence the producer's panic and the false info fed to MH from one of her spies on the scene that HJ was a no-show at the studios

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1 hour ago, baduy said:

HJ apologizes for her outburst, and JW thinks he's in with a chance to soften her attitude. "When you've found GO, will you drop your revenge plans against MH?" he asks. "I'd be really glad if you would. I'd like to see you and GO living happily together." 

That leads HJ to rebuff him again, saying that she's intent on seeing that vengeance through to the end precisely because that's the only way she can be sure she and GO can live in peace and safety. MH and her family need to be completely ruined and discraced, otherwise GO will never be safe. She asks JW to carry on looking for GO using the same contacts as before. But she herself is going to embark on a new course in the hope of getting her son back. She refuses to tell him what that new course involves. She'll achieve it on her own in her own way without his knowledge or help.

Thanks @baduy  Is Jw complety delusional to MH.. He wants to protect HR but damn GO he got a lot of nerves he still don't realize what a mother is capable of doing to protect and get her child back.. If HJ got to threaten to expose HR parentage to get GO bak I say go for it..

Also was MH trying to move DY without his mothers knowledge. ?


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After MH has sarcastically congratulated HJ on the business report she's just delivered to her office, she demands to know why HJ sought out HR, asking her was that meant as some kind of threat. HJ blithely asks in return why MJ is so anxious about her meeting HR. "After all, I'm not planning to take her away and make her disappear".
She bends down closer to her ear in a conspiratorial fashion (fortunately it's a little-earring-day in MJ's wardrobe department) and continues "That's just what you're hoping I'll do, isn't it? You'd like me to do something bad to HR, wouldn't you? That way I'd become a social outcast and you could bury me completely and all your many sins along with me."  She straightens up again and smiles mockingly. " But there's no way I'll do that.  Because I can see right through what it is you're hoping for."

MH puts a defiant face on it. "You don't have the guts to do anything like that anyway, " she sneers. "Fortunately. . Threats like this are as far as you'll go."  But HJ won't let that pass "You think I've no alternative to criminal actions?  I know what terrifies you most of all -- that people may find out who HR's father is." 

Though visibly taken aback, MH keeps up her patronisingly self-assured tone. "Seeing how your'e aware of that, you must realize that you're done for where JW's concerned. He's the one who's backing you to the hilt right now, so how could you defend your position if you made him your enemy?"  But HJ has the last word. "Even if I said not a word myself on that matter, there are a lot of people around you who would be keen to spread the story about.."  "What?" asks MH, now plainly flustered, and at that very moment one of the people HJ has very much in mind barges in, demanding to know when MH is going to keep her promise to promote her son...

The interloper is outraged when HJ addresses her in the proper form for speaking to one's father-in-law's second wife (though that's meant as a barb aimed at MH) and she starts to turn her ire on HJ as soon as they're outside the office, but HJ replies sweetly that she's been hoping for a private word anyway, since she intends to see that  Tae Yun is promoted to Team Leader within her division because of his obvious abilities and his family connection. The hare-brained Mama is briefly overcome with grateful delight at this news, but then instantly changes her tune again when she reflects that her benefactor is the woman who stole the position that was her son's by right.  But then she gets a phone call that moves her and us into the silliness strand, so we can take a little nap...


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MH is not smart enough and continues to perform faulty actions, I mean to prevent MS from seeing his son now that he is recovering. If she was intelligent she should have given instructions to keep DY sedated so that he does not regain consciousness, but it is already late fortunately, MS is going to protect DY as a lioness to her cub, even above HR.

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@iamgreatgal, @baduy, @seoyounglby, thank you so much for the info on tonight's episode and the teaser for tomorrow. I am glad that DY woke up in MS's presence! JW is still so soft on MH! (sigh) I guess it is to be expected since she is the mother of his daughter!

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10 minutes ago, ross27 said:

@iamgreatgal, @baduy, @seoyounglby, thank you so much for the info on tonight's episode and the teaser for tomorrow. I am glad that DY woke up in MS's presence! JW is still so soft on MH! (sigh) I guess it is to be expected since she is the mother of his daughter!

I would add two more aspects to your comment, about JW: still has feelings for MH and weak character, the latter is not consistent with the profile of the character and some followers of this thread, have pointed out.

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MS already knew who the  real enemy is - MS is the person MH should be scared of the most. 

JW - is he setting his foot back in the lion's den?  Glad that HJ kept on reminding him about her threat when she accepted his offer to help her. 

Big Nam - welcome back - AGAIN!!!

The writer is really making MH the evil of all evils -- it is sometimes hard to watch her planning and ordering crimes.


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59 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

Thanks @baduy  Is Jw complety delusional to MH.. He wants to protect HR but damn GO he got a lot of nerves he still don't realize what a mother is capable of doing to protect and get her child back.. If HJ got to threaten to expose HR parentage to get GO bak I say go for it..

Also was MH trying to move DY without his mothers knowledge. ?


I was wondering that also.   Hopefully now that DY's mom realizes that he is awake she won't leave his side.

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Once we've put in our due spell of People Behaving Daftly, we get back to the actual drama

JW comes into HJ's office (apparently without knocking) to find her on the phone to a TV producer, thanking him for taking up her suggestion of an interview, and stressing it's very important to her that the interview should out live.  JW wants to know what that's about, but HJ brusquely tells him it's nothing important. He doesn't take the hint, so when he remarks that she seems to be keeping a lot of things secret from him lately and inquires is this interview something he isn't allowed to know about, she bluntly confirms "That's right.".

Meanwhile, MH and her father are horrified to see on the CCTV, not only HJ visiting DY's room, but his mother obviously deliberately leaving her alone with her son. The idea of checking the CCTV came in the first scene, when her father reported that Big Nam had surfaced again and shown up at the hospital. This worries MJ not so much in iteself, but because she hadn't been told about it, and it makes her realize DY may have been getting other visitors she doesn't know about. In particular, maybe she wasn't mistaken after all on that occasion when she thought she spotted HJ at the hospital. Hence her demand that her father procure the CCTV footage they're now watching, leading to her horrified discovery that her mother in law has been deceiving her. "Surely she can't have joined forces with HJ?" she gasps. Then she reflects that various LK directors have kept visiting DY's hospital bed. She'd thought they were merely putting on a show of concern, but now she fears they may have been there not to visit Do Yun, but as cover for plotting with his mother against her. "Then we're in big trouble!" exclaims her father, thus strengthening his case in the Kdrama Daily Blindingly Obvious Statement Award competition. So she decides that DY (to answer @sava2sava's question) need to be moved somewhere where the directors won't find it so easy to assemble. Step One in that move is to call MS and demand that she goes home at once to meet her. But no sooner has MS left than DY shows signs of waking up.

At the mansion, MH is cross-examining MS about visitors to DY's bedside. She says many people from the company have been calling to show their concern, and Big Nam showed up recently too. "And is that all?" MH presses her. "I can't think of anyone else, " stalls MS. "Then let me jog your memory," says MJ. "A few days ago..."  But then her phone rings and the carer-spy tells her DY has regained consciousness. Without letting on what the call is about, MJ says she'll be right over, and not to tell anyone else about this development. She lies to MS that she has to leave on urgent business, and insists that MS stays in the house to so HR won't  be on her own.

At the hospital the famous Dr BadNews is on his top type-cast form, doling out the gloom with suitable grave compassion. DY did indeed come round briefly, but he's unconscious again now, but no longer in a deep coma, more like a prolonged sleep in which he may have some level of awareness.  So how long is it likely to be before DY is able to talk and move about, MH wants to know. No-one can say for sure, is the reply (yes this is one of those write-it-yourself bits of scripting) . In that case, MJ insists, no-one must be told of today's apparent onset of recovery, especially not DY's mother, otherwise she might get her hopes up and be badly disappointed.  She slips alone into DYs room and asks him is he really in the process of waking up?  "Why?!!"  Clearly, she's determined to match her father's awards triimph by winning the Incredibly Silly Question Award.

So it's off to the drop-in-whenever-you-like jail to get advice from Mama. And here there's a bit of a puzzle. During her previous jail visit, it seemed pretty plain from the dialogue (which was why I quoted crucial words verbatim in the Korean) that MJ's mother didn't know that the child DY was chasing after at HJ's request was his own. But now we have MJ saying to her mother in so many desperate words: 그 사람 자기 아이 찾다가 사고 난 사람 이에요. "He had his accident as a consequence of chasing after his (own) child." and continues "Maybe he knows everything there is to know. So who can say what he'll do to me if he recovers."

Are we meant to think that his is an inadvertant revelation, but he mother takes it solidly on the chin and doesn't reprove her daughter for concealing this fact until now? Whatever, her mother orders her to pull herself together and asks where is DY currently hospitalized. She knows the answer to that of course, but she wants to hear MJ saying it's a hospital controlled by their family foundation.  She follows up by asking who the Director of that hospital is. MJ, knowing what's behiind that "who" duly answers not with a name but with "he's one of Father's people."  Which leads to her mother's third question. Who is the Chair of the LK Group right now?"  The point of the questions dawns on MJ: "I am", she replies. So, her mother replies, even if DY comes round the situation can still be kept under control if she keeps her nerve. In that event she must make it her top proiority to find out before anyone else exactly how much DY knows and just what he remembers. His fate at her hands will depend on the answers to those questions...


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Thank you all for your thoughts and input re episode 75 and preview for episode 76. I got so nervous when DY reached for the phone and MH's father appears. When he opens the door, I'm saying "DY don't let him see you awake"!!!. Thank goodness, he didn't. Whew, now I can breathe!! 

As we can see, MH is still playing with JW's emotions re HR and he continues to let her. When will he come to his senses!! She's EVIL, can't JW see that the only way to deal with her, is to bring her down, take everything away from her, and punish her for her crimes?

Judging from the preview, HJ doesn't reveal the secret of HR's identity but reveals that she has a son. So It looks like Chairman Cha may find out that GO's his grandchild and the son of DY. Finally DY let's MS know he's awake. Looking forward to how DY will work with MS and Senior Nam with HJ's help to fight MH, Madam Kim and MH's father to regain control of LK!

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HJ is moving intelligently - she working but not talking.  She knows, and she lets JW knew that MH will continue to use him but he is not listening.  Didn't he tell HJ mom and sister to trust HJ?  Why is he the first one not to trust her?

Looks like MH and her family can't win over their enemy.  They are monsters who are afraid of themselves.

CDB doesn't know anything about GO - let's wait until MS sees the video of GO.  That was a big move by HJ - exposing the identity of her own  child and not someone else's.


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2 hours ago, Mailelei said:

Judging from the preview, HJ doesn't reveal the secret of HR's identity but reveals that she has a son.


I think there's a clue here in two things HJ says about Det Jang. As I already summarized, she fiercely rebukes JW for suggesting that the man who abducted her child twice over has a good heart and mentions that she is about to embark on her "own way" of finding GO, refusing to tell JW what it is.  In the immediately following scene at her house, after she's told her mother and SY of the improved propects of getting GO now that they know he's still in Korea, she tells SY that she expects Det Jang, when he's eventually located to play up the fact that he's the boy's legal adoptive father. 

The rather contrived plot about the initial abduction, then a first adoption by abusive parents (illegal since it was based on fraudulent doumcnets) who abandoned him, then his re-adoption by Det Jang is probably meant to strengthen Jang's legal position, since if he can keep his role in the earlier abduction of the baby secret, he can fall back upon the legal adoption papers he acquired, which give him rights in international adoption law that annul those of the boy's birth parents, even if HJ produces her DNA evidence.  That suggests she plans to use the broadcast to to talk about her lost child and appeal to the public to help her find him, reckoning that  viewers who have seen the child will come forward, and/or that Jang himself will be moved to come out of hiding (especially when he sees that HJ is now a woman of considerable wealth and influence, very different from the pitiful figure she cut before: MH is horrified tor recall HJ echoing back to her her own words that "People pay attention when celebrities speak".  Her hope may be that either the "good heartedness" JW ascribed to Jang, or the pressure of public opinion, or both, will induce him to admit the full truth and return the boy to his mother. My guess is that she will show pictures of GO from the video the psychologist made, and that what DY's father is looking at on his phone is one of those photos on the Internet as part of viewer response to the broadcast (rather than an indication that GO has already been found at that stage).

The public admission that she has an illegitimate child may be the thing that SY, looking at the notes for the interview, was so shocked that her sister was planning to say on live TV, whereas MJ (who has seen only the producer's outline of the questions, not HJ's prepared answers which SY was reacting to)  assumes,  to her well-deserved torment, that the beans HJ is about to spill in response to the questioning about her personal life concern HR's parentage and that HJ is is seeking revenge by exposing HR to shame on national television.  JW is stupid enough to believe him, and HJ is rubbing in his gullibility (knowing he will kick himself in retrospect) by goading him into saying what he thinks she plans to come out with on air. Without indicating that he's got the wrong idea, she challenges him to say why she shouldn't indeed say what he's so sure she intends to say. She offers not to proceed if he can look her in the eye and ask her with a good conscience to stop. The cliffhanger scene shows that he couldn't  bring himself to do that, and that even before the actual broadcast begins, HJ has scored a significant victory over MH in the battle for JW's support.

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@baduy WOW, what an in-depth explanation of Jang, the adoption process, JW's behavior, HJ's interview, and how it will help HJ in her revenge against MH. Truly helps me understand what's going on as the drama goes forward. BTW, have you helped in subbing some old dramas? I saw your name "baduy" in the "Thank you" section. I think it was "Iris", but not sure as I have been watching some older dramas these past few weeks.

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JW's weakness is HR and the fact that he continues to be manipulated by MH is because he doesn't fully trust HJ but i think that will change after the interview in today's episode 76. I'm enjoying see MH being suffocated lol

@viyra the evil of all evils is Mdm Kim. Whenever MH is cornered and at lost she seeks out her mom and that is where all the evil starts.  

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