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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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This guy has been playing all of us, even if he denies it I know for a fact he has been dating her... They were rumors before in 2015 and  he denied it all (twice)... Dispatch exposed him because he was acting all single and that on that Candy program... why did he go on that dating program when he is in a 2 year relationship?? If anything I feel sorry for the girl .. he caused this himself because if he didn't go on that program no one would have exposed him.. Guys please don't say but why did he say this and that about IU, he is an ACTOR after all ... any actor/actress that's in a relationship should not go to a dating program simple as that ....

Edited by xoxogkxoxo
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Still remember the time when JG suddenly appear onstage and spread his cape to protect IU, who's all smiles and giggling all the time. That kinda seal the deal for me. I remember after that I went ballistic.

Well. Our OTP owe us nothing but FEELINGS. Thank you for crushing my hope to the ground and give me the chance to finally move on. At least their end aint open ending like SHR! Ha! *Sobbing*

As I typed these JG's interview sessions appeared on TV. This is so awkward LOL. 

Edited by akinahana89
Mod Edit: No profanity~
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What richard simmons me the most is that 4/5 top news in naver is about lee joon gi and the fact that even his fans are criticising him! is it wrong for some one to be cautious and slow in his relation ship? he has already stated that he prefers his personal life and dating to not go public until they plan for marriage. However I think, wanting to have a private relation ship is not a sin! he's a grown man c'mon. it's not like he's a child. he thinks carefully through everything that happens or may happen to him. I'm amazed at how much of a "fan" his fans are. people say he's "betrayed" them... LMAO! they're certainly drowning in their hallucination thinking life of a celebrity should be as public as a movie poster, thinking it's their right to know every little detaill about them. and don't you think you're acting so much, pitying another girl like IU? she's a grown woman too, their job indicates them to think everything thorough and make their decisions careful. So it's not like she's a teenage high schooler betrayed by someone she "loved" we're not even sure about whether she had feelings for her at all, we just judged based on mere superstitions that were overvalued by some mere facts that happened to be there, not even correlating. (I'm talking about myself as well, this was OUR fault) so every one should have prepared themselves for a day like this (If you're going to believe the news and decide to judge them not even waiting for the actors statements themselves). In the end, with things people are saying the actors and actresses are the only one who get hurt, whether in their career or emotionally. Plz consider this too. 

PS: things he have said "like I fell lonely" can happen to any one, even a married man. (he's not married though) so it was your own fault to interpret his sayings as "he needs love" or "he needs some one to date"


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:bawling:group hugs to all of us.IT HURTS.BADLY.I already prepared my heart to hear this unexpected news whether from JG or IU but i'm not going to lie that i'm sad of this news.I love both of them equally and i wish for the best for JG and JHB.IU is stil young and beautiful,still  have a long way to shine and be a great artist before she settle down.I'm not regret that i'm one of stargazers..love u all:bawling:

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21 minutes ago, rozhin mohammadikian said:

What richard simmons me the most is that 4/5 top news in naver is about lee joon gi and the fact that even his fans are criticising him! is it wrong for some one to be cautious and slow in his relation ship? he has already stated that he prefers his personal life and dating to not go public until they plan for marriage. However I think, wanting to have a private relation ship is not a sin! he's a grown man c'mon. it's not like he's a child. he thinks carefully through everything that happens or may happen to him. I'm amazed at how much of a "fan" his fans are. people say he's "betrayed" them... LMAO! they're certainly drowning in their hallucination thinking life of a celebrity should be as public as a movie poster, thinking it's their right to know every little detaill about them. and don't you think you're acting so much, pitying another girl like IU? she's a grown woman too, their job indicates them to think everything thorough and make their decisions careful. So it's not like she's a teenage high schooler betrayed by someone she "loved" we're not even sure about whether she had feelings for her at all, we just judged based on mere superstitions that were overvalued by some mere facts that happened to be there, not even correlating. (I'm talking about myself as well, this was OUR fault) so every one should have prepared themselves for a day like this (If you're going to believe the news and decide to judge them not even waiting for the actors statements themselves). In the end, with things people are saying the actors and actresses are the only one who get hurt, whether in their career or emotionally. Plz consider this too. 

PS: things he have said "like I fell lonely" can happen to any one, even a married man. (he's not married though) so it was your own fault to interpret his sayings as "he needs love" or "he needs some one to date"


Well I totally support him for being careful and cautious about his private life .. however, saying things like let's date to IU and apprearing on a dating show is a no no for someone in a relationship... he did this to himself.... Someone who is in a relationship shouldn't go in a dating show .. period 

Edited by xoxogkxoxo
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46 minutes ago, Sharine Phinisia said:

So now the ship has drowned. Clean cut. Just like that.

My mom said they don't match. LOL.

That one bomb that destroys all the fanfic, coincidences, gestures, speculations etc etc and suddenly those became non-existent like. 

I have go down with this ship. Should I say goodbye to JoonU?

Yes, he always pull that 'a lonely, reclusive bachelor yearning for the one' card, now does he? Now that it came out that charming gesture suddenly looked pretentious... I wouldn't lie, I was pissed for a moment ROFL

Wish you all the best sir. I will browse you again on another hit. But for now, nah.

Yeah.. The fanfics...sigh...

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Indeed an unforgettable day, April 4,2017

Career suicide and loss of respect for him from my side

Feel sorry for JHB

Respect for JE with the way she handles her feelings and her relationships..

I am so pissed off and feel like an idiot. I am gonna rant!!!!

I feel like an idiot for trusting his words when he said "Lets date", "why is she so cute?","wanted to do more kissing scenes with Hae Soo", "she looks so beautiful when drunk","our love passes time blah blah", "admire Wang so as he is one woman man" and who can forget the infamous "TASHI-TASHI"?

when there was excessive skinship and attention on SAF.

Liking JE's pic at 2 AM, giving interviews after interviews on he is single and desperate for love... Only to confirm it now..

I created tones of ID's to vote for them for SAF..voted day and night so that we can see them again for one last time..

No words on MEC,because i hardly saw that show except in pieces.. 


Learnt a lesson to never ship an onscreen couple because they have good chemistry and a possibilities for liking..

I feel betrayed and played..i thought what i see is what i get..but its not the case here..i think 


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19 minutes ago, Nita Fransisca said:

Sorry..we not feel betrayed coz he dating someone else..we feel betrayed due to his interactions,skinship, and lovey dovey..to other girls..while (actually) he already in relationship. If he just start dating recently..i really can accept that and happy for him now. I see a lot of actor that shippable to his co star.. but they keep their off cam interactions as colleagues.. sorry..this is my opinion.. as a person i wont call myself as his fan now.. i respect your opinion too.. thanks


I can agree with this, before i felt my heart prepared if one of them will be married with other but in case the relationship is starting after the MLSHR but what made me disappointed that he already in relationship about 2 years and interaction during bts and skinship on SAF he made. It's just hard to believe...

I don't want to dislike him because of this, but my heart still can't accept him right now...and i hope he can regret to what he's done, it's right timing for him confess his sin to Pope, easter is near...

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40 minutes ago, rozhin mohammadikian said:

PS: things he have said "like I fell lonely" can happen to any one, even a married man. (he's not married though) so it was your own fault to interpret his sayings as "he needs love" or "he needs some one to date"

Yes, it happens, but not everyone says it out loud, and certainly not when talking about "having someone" or "dating someone".  And if a married man says that out loud.....that's a bad thing coz it means there's trouble in paradise.  Feeling it and saying it out loud are two different things.

I don't mind you defending him, coz that's your right and prerogative, but kindly refrain in saying something like the highlighted part.  Interpreting something according to how one sees things is not a crime.  Try to understand that most people here are just hurting.  Let them.  All of us have our own process.  While I respect your love for him and your defending him, kindly respect how fellow shippers are feeling right now. 

Thank you.

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@simplyme_crazyme my bad for using "Your faul" instead of "our fault" because I share this fault the same as others. yes @xoxogkxoxo @Nita Fransisca you are all right about that, but their criticism doesn't just end here, they go beyond that and that is what richard simmons me. but yes for that skin ships and so, though I want to think they were mere jokes between a senior and a junior, I can't blind myself to the wrong he did in his part. I agree with you.

still the only way we all can escape this deadly disappointment we feel right now is to wish this is just a scandal and a "trap" some ill-hearted person has laid for him/her/everyone who is going thorough hardships because of this news. Let's wait for an official statement from either sides. only when he/she confirms/denies this, I'm gonna believe it.


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I will miss the days where i used to come to this place for CRUMBS..urghh!! 

I am not leaving..becaz more than LJG-LJE i fell for Wang Do and Hae Soo..i will cherish the characters forever.. 

I loved spending time here with all analyzing, posting, looking at small details.. Creating memes...i will miss those days..

I will keep coming here for SoHae..i love them more than JoonU..

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Yeah like how we all thought he was rushing back home to Korea (skipped the RE premiere in US) just to be with IU because the break up news with Voldy is released.

When all along he was rushing to be with his gf. 

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30 minutes ago, berny said:

I hope before and above being a great, popular actor ....

Be a good human being first.


Ah...this is how its feel...  I won't lie...  rather than me..my feeling go to Jieunie.  Taiwan.. we can see her abnormal behaviour.  Open...giddy...

She will kept watever her feeling inside of her...watever it is.  Now...i really want Jieunie  to fly high...with her album... 

Ah...i know now...you rushed back to Korea to save your 2 years relationship...  Clear the rumours...its about YOU then.  Silly me..i thought you're such a gentleman try to spread your wing for her...  Yes, silly me to mis-interpret...  I really want to hug Jieunie now...

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