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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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30 minutes ago, latinoona said:

Lee Joon Gi Reveals He Wants To Be In A Romantic Comedy But He Never Gets Any Offers

This article supports a theory I've had for a while that MEC is LJG's calling card to casting directors, more than it is anything else. He wants more mainstream, big box office roles (which he totally deserves) and, in all likelihood, every move he makes in the foreseeable future has been strategized with that goal in mind. He may speak of "showing sides of himself to his fans," but, really, he is networking like mad, to change his image within the drama and film industries. (Recall how impressed the tvN director or producer had been, once he started working with LJG on this project. This accomplishment is exactly LJG's intention, in my opinion.)

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16 minutes ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

This article supports a theory I've had for a while that MEC is LJG's calling card to casting directors, more than it is anything else. He wants more mainstream, big box office roles (which he totally deserves) and, in all likelihood, every move he makes in the foreseeable future has been strategized with that goal in mind. He may speak of "showing sides of himself to his fans," but, really, he is networking like mad, to change his image within the drama and film industries. (Recall how impressed the tvN director or producer had been, once he started working with LJG on this project. This accomplishment is exactly LJG's intention, in my opinion.)

That's.... Actually a really good theory!

Now everyone's raving about him being flirty and perfect for a RomCom. 

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Just come back from the 'other side of the world'..haha..

MLSHR cast still in touch with each other.  Their bond and the memory of MLSHR still strong in their mind i guess..  I saw a few glimpse of Baekhyun, z hera and Jieunie tweets at Jisoo and Nam Joo Hyuk twitter (more in prince jung's actually..maybe due to last episodes of MLSHR). But must find their right twitter account if you want to peek at the messages...just normal messages...  So sorry if you peek at the wrong one bcos you won't get wat i mention here... Yeah, while waiting for crumbs it's no harm to check side activities of our OTP right? right?...Life is so colourful..Love is so beautiful..

I just want to point out that during my journey into their twitter's world.  Yes...i backread mind you..haha...  JE's gud nite wish to prince 14 at this particular pic.  How adorable JE kept blind eyes...bcos my puppy left proof 'mark' there?..haha....  Aish Jieunie..whyyyyy you pick at that pic???...  NOOOO..don't jump to any conclusion before you check it by yourself.  I won't tell bcos i love my puppy and his twin..

Ok stargazers...just share wif all of you what i encountered..  Pls don't ask me anything because i may not read your messages...missing again to the other side of the world and at times come back to check wedding news of our Joongi and Jieunie..Aish..palli you two! 

BBJX MIRACLES PLS..PLS..PLS..COME TRUE!  :heart:   Ok..roger out!!  Love Peace..


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1 hour ago, jgje said:

Just come back from the 'other side of the world'..haha..

MLSHR cast still in touch with each other.  Their bond and the memory of MLSHR still strong in their mind i guess..  I saw a few glimpse of Baekhyun, z hera and Jieunie tweets at Jisoo and Nam Joo Hyuk twitter (more in prince jung's actually..maybe due to last episodes of MLSHR). But must find their right twitter account if you want to peek at the messages...just normal messages...  So sorry if you peek at the wrong one bcos you won't get wat i mention here... Yeah, while waiting for crumbs it's no harm to check side activities of our OTP right? right?...Life is so colourful..Love is so beautiful..

I just want to point out that during my journey into their twitter's world.  Yes...i backread mind you..haha...  JE's gud nite wish to prince 14 at this particular pic.  How adorable JE kept blind eyes...bcos my puppy left proof 'mark' there?..haha....  Aish Jieunie..whyyyyy you pick at that pic???...  NOOOO..don't jump to any conclusion before you check it by yourself.  I won't tell bcos i love my puppy and his twin..

Ok stargazers...just share wif all of you what i encountered..  Pls don't ask me anything because i may not read your messages...missing again to the other side of the world and at times come back to check wedding news of our Joongi and Jieunie..Aish..palli you two! 

BBJX MIRACLES PLS..PLS..PLS..COME TRUE!  :heart:   Ok..roger out!!  Love Peace..



OMO! You did it again Chingu! I m puzzled now and don't know where to find that twitter accounts...:huh:

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Yes..i come back again...  info share (don't know whether anybody already mentioned this)..

Seem Jieunie bought jisoo a birthday gift.. 

While we're at this twitter things...i wonder why i don't see Joongi, HJH and KHN..  Are there young group and senior group in MLSHR itself?  Mmmmm...:blink:

cmiiw..bcos i don't go to senior group twitters to check...haha...


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4 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

This article supports a theory I've had for a while that MEC is LJG's calling card to casting directors, more than it is anything else. He wants more mainstream, big box office roles (which he totally deserves) and, in all likelihood, every move he makes in the foreseeable future has been strategized with that goal in mind. He may speak of "showing sides of himself to his fans," but, really, he is networking like mad, to change his image within the drama and film industries. (Recall how impressed the tvN director or producer had been, once he started working with LJG on this project. This accomplishment is exactly LJG's intention, in my opinion.)

I like this theory! 

So, there will be another episode (i'm not sure if it's just behind the scenes or a full episode) but anyway, I take it as a good sign that the show is well received in Korea and knetz. And I enjoyed watching HanteoTV/IUTV. IU & her manager are both cute & funny! (hoping to see her other manager next time) :D 

Regarding IU's video message for Jisoo, it was so nice of JiEun to greet him!^_^ I think, it was recorded while she was filming her MV? coz of the clothes she wear in the video. (?) @moonlovers maybe, the applause wasn't caught on camera. (?) Anyways.... never mind that. hehe I am Glad that MLSHR casts are still keeping in touch with each other. ^_^ 

1 hour ago, jgje said:

i wonder why i don't see Joongi, HJH and KHN..  Are there young group and senior group in MLSHR itself?  Mmmmm...:blink:

Sorry to cut your post, chingu. I'm not familiar with Jisoo,NJH, HJH & KHN's twitter but I do know JG & JE. on your question: Maybe, there is. Maybe, there isn't. I think it's normal, if there is a young and senior group. (Even I, do that. coz there are things you can & can't talk/share with a certain group so you have to sort of separate them. Like you can't talk about kpop songs to senior/older people unless they're listening to it, too. More likely, you are to talk about kpop on younger group.. LOL Same interest = same group of people). Anyway, JG & IU isn't active on twitter, from what I've noticed. I only see JG's tweeter post if he posts something on his IG. And so far, I haven't read any recent post from JE's tweeter yet.

I'm really looking forward to seeing JiEun on JG's encore, along with other SHR casts! **praying for this everyday** If that's not possible, a video greeting from her would be fine & i hope he will post it on his IG! :D He can mix it with other video greeting from his close colleagues, if ever.. :wink:

Edit: Looking forward for JE's second song this week, too!! (how could I forgot!! this is already on my timeline of events!lol) perhaps, Criminal Minds confirmation news, too... It's April already and still, no news abt it or something. 

Edited by WH
added something I forgot ^_^
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i just watch Jieun BTS and i really would like to comment about how happy and playful she is in this bts.. Jieun is like an open book even more than JG for me cause as far as we all can point out where exactly JG level of attraction Jieun just showing her sign after SAF award ( the obvious one ) so its not weird that her fan can see when she down or when she genuinely happy... but whether she have something going on with JG or not she really are in a great place and knowing JG he make sure of that.. she totally his closest co worker that he ever have anyway.. 

another thing even when the rumor between them is so severe and to be honest still going strong notice that JG actually keep liking her insta?? knowing him that so afraid of rumor its just really shocking for me that in a way he doesn't care and keep showing their interaction even in public.. talking about subtle right??? lol 

i don't ever doubt their friendship cause what we seen all this time is really are a sincere and deep relationship.. that's never going to change anytime soon unless they take it to another level.. also my friends point this out to me.. IF they have something going on i don't think we will know unless they the one who announce it seeing how private they are.. 

both JG and Jieun seem in a great place right now.. career wise and personal wise so i'm hoping its because of each other... *crosssing my finger*


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5 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

The meeting wasn't anything fantastic, and I'm looking at this at a purely objective way lol. Joon Gi had a friendly reaction that was somewhat partnered with reserveness and mild playfulness ("Bunny Bunny?" + double hand waving). One would think that it'd actually be smoldering chemistry, but it isn't.

Anyway, it is still quite heart fluttering purely from the buildup and PMY's surprised reaction. Oh, and because Joon Gi's hair was brushed up and he was WEARING A FREAKING BLACK COAT.

I just saw bits and parts of it on IG and JG did look so handsome in it. I guess they've changed the show's format and now have both parties meeting each other after their conversation. Kind of hoping to see JE on the show now and see what ancient words of wisdom this mountain god will share with her candy. Also, something less scripted if possible please. I was happy to see her doing aegyo again in the latest IUTv. Too precious! Anyway, this crazy shipper self will forever react salty to whatever project this OTP will take part in that doesn't involve them together (feelings...can't help it :crazy:) but will always cheer them on in everything they do. rabbit%20(25).gifrabbit%20(26).gif

And can I just mention again how handsome JG looked in that meeting scene with PMY? I think the majority of the feels came from seeing him looking mighty dandy in the crowd. His usual mop hair doesn't do him justice and his hairstylist did great this time, seriously reminiscing his SAF look now where I think he looked his supper best.  

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yaaaaa oppa looked damn handsome :heart: *dont mind this crazy ahjumma lol

ok i watched their met up and they looked adorable. just like long lost friends meet up i tell u...PMY looked uneasy being informal but since oppa said its ok just talk like in-candy-mode and she was kinda agree but still i feel she was uneasy? :blink: *imo

owh before that. i think after oppa know his candy is PMY he sounds a bit different. not so flirty but more like friendly and oppa-ness errkkkk :crazy:

btw, how old is Hanteo?

the same manager for IU since her debut?

JE looks happy and relax in BTS which is great *oppa send flying kiss chup chup muahahaha :blush:


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I just watched the Joongi/Minyoung meeting and here are my deep thoughts:

1) First and most important, Joongi is fine as hell and deserves to have everyone in love with him. 

2) Minyoung is entirely adorable and lovely.

3) Despite these first two points... Lol, a Descendants of the Sun OST =/= fireworks and rockets' red glare. LJG and PMY look good together, but aren't approaching what I'd call chemistry.

For the record, this is my idea of chemistry (minus skinship, for a fair comparison):



Who knows, maybe Joongi/Minyoung will get more comfortable around each other and provide more legit competition! For the moment, however, the thirst is not real. JMHO!

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4 hours ago, marimari00 said:

I just saw bits and parts of it on IG and JG did look so handsome in it. I guess they've changed the show's format and now have both parties meeting each other after their conversation. Kind of hoping to see JE on the show now and see what ancient words of wisdom this mountain god will share with her candy. Also, something less scripted if possible please. I was happy to see her doing aegyo again in the latest IUTv. Too precious! Anyway, this crazy shipper self will forever react salty to whatever project this OTP will take part in that doesn't involve them together (feelings...can't help it :crazy:) but will always cheer them on in everything they do. rabbit%20(25).gifrabbit%20(26).gif

And can I just mention again how handsome JG looked in that meeting scene with PMY? I think the majority of the feels came from seeing him looking mighty dandy in the crowd. His usual mop hair doesn't do him justice and his hairstylist did great this time, seriously reminiscing his SAF look now where I think he looked his supper best.  


Chinguu, sorry not to reply soon yesterday as i'd offline and you've watched it right... I'm so agree his look reminiscing of his SAF look, more handsome with his coolness. I thought yesterday was the last episode, but there're still another episode.

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29 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


Chinguu, sorry not to reply soon yesterday as i'd offline and you've watched it right... I'm so agree his look reminiscing of his SAF look, more handsome with his coolness. I thought yesterday was the last episode, but there're still another episode.

Indeed! And guess who he was with when he is at his most handsome self :wub: Hopefully, no more extended meetup scene lol 

And I just wanted to share ma_stella's IG post about the JG-PMY meetup. Her posts always cheers up my shipper heart!!!


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Look at this video in 2:47 JE/IU said to Hanteo "Be confident and you'll be able to get girlfriend this year" why she said that, don't you just broke up with JKH? Do you chingus know when she make this MV? In 2017 after taiwan concert?

Sory bad english

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Have a great Sunday! May we be given crumbs in five days when IU releases her next song.


:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT TOGETHER! :heart:


speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant


1. Another Perfect All-Kill (PAK) for IU's next song. cheering-smiley-emoticon.gif

2. Jieun to guest at JoonGi's Seoul FM on April 15, and if ever, to sing Good Day, as he mentioned during his Taiwan FM, and/or Through the Night, as requested by @q4q4. singer-smiley-emoticon.gif

3. JoonGi and Jieun to do a duet at his April 15 FM in Seoul.

thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292  thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292

4. JoonGi's hair stylist to buy a new comb because the one she is using now has broken teeth, causing his hair to part in the middle. tearing-hair.gif  (For this chant to be a success, his hairstyle on his next live appearance shouldn't feature the curtain look. LOL)

5. Release of news related to JoonGi's IG post with the Universal Familyreading-newspaper.gif

6. Resumption of emoticon-filled and/or cryptic message posting by JoonGi in his Instagram logo. *** 


drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

7. Jieun to keep posting in her Instagram logo and be online more often. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle

8. People who love dropping bombs on the thread to live in an island with no Internet and electricity.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces) 

9. JoonGi and Jieun to continue proving to us that love is stronger than hate and more powerful than public opinion. Love Heart Hand animated emoticon

10. JoonGi and Jieun to continue to staunchly support each other's talents and projects, as good colleagues.  Heart playing guitar animated emoticon**

 emoji11. NO LOVE LINE or KISS SCENES for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds, should he accept the role.

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

  12. More SHR cast get-togethers so JoonGi could talk to Jieun and see her become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif

 14. Magazines toilet-reading.gif and CFs tv-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png to feature JoonGi and Jieun together.

15. Rom-com casting for JoonGi and Jieun in 2017 or 2018. movie-director-smiley-emoticon.gif

alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

 16. Release of SHR Season 2/spin-off/film in 2017. eating-popcorn-smiley-emoticon.gif

 17. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life. true-love-smiley-emoticon.gif


dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

   BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif

ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 


Credits -

* @sublimelyheureuse and @marimari00

** @sublimelyheureuse

*** @meahri_1

Instagram for logo

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2 hours ago, darker91 said:
Look at this video in 2:47 JE/IU said to Hanteo "Be confident and you'll be able to get girlfriend this year" why she said that, don't you just broke up with JKH? Do you chingus know when she make this MV? In 2017 after taiwan concert?

Sory bad english

It's just casual conversation between JE and Hanteo oppa.. she was just suggested him to talk and act confidently in front of camera so he can get girlfriend this year. This MV filmed around mid of March after her trip to US.

33 minutes ago, teta2710 said:

It seems JG's intention from MEC to get romcom offer is quite successful... Look at the comments on the latest episode articles below..



Meanwhile... uri JE is doing autograph session now... Here's a glimpse of her appearance

hhmmmmm... what's wrong with her yellow dress... -__-

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14 hours ago, jgje said:

Yes..i come back again...  info share (don't know whether anybody already mentioned this)..

Seem Jieunie bought jisoo a birthday gift.. 

While we're at this twitter things...i wonder why i don't see Joongi, HJH and KHN..  Are there young group and senior group in MLSHR itself?  Mmmmm...:blink:

cmiiw..bcos i don't go to senior group twitters to check...haha...



what twitter r u talking about chingu?? as far as i know, the last time IU used her twitter was when Corrine Bailey, her idol mentioned her. And i think that was 2015/ 2016. 

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1 hour ago, meeibe16 said:

It's just casual conversation between JE and Hanteo oppa.. she was just suggested him to talk and act confidently in front of camera so he can get girlfriend this year. This MV filmed around mid of March after her trip to US.

hhmmmmm... what's wrong with her yellow dress... -__-

Look like JE went shopping with her BFF:D


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1 hour ago, iliveforsosoo said:


what twitter r u talking about chingu?? as far as i know, the last time IU used her twitter was when Corrine Bailey, her idol mentioned her. And i think that was 2015/ 2016. 

Yap JE's last twitter activity is last year around Oct 2016, before she came to watch CRB's concert in Seoul.


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