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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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One thing JE said at SAF caught my attention. When asked what she thought of JG's fan service, her answer was :' I'm used to it' . 

That kind of suggest 2 things to me: 

She must hang around him a lot to need to accommodate this habit of his. 

She's no longer the jealous girl of yester years. Let's admit it, JG's fan service is mainly to win women's heart. But how much he means what he says, no one really knows, except him, and maybe her. 

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2 hours ago, emerald_2 said:


Hahaha ...sorry if i seem to be causing you headache all suddenly... 

Yeah since it was pre-produced and we saw first the wrap-up party, the Cosmo shoot, even before the actual sweet BTS (Jan-July filming) - that's why it was confusing. since they only released these videos in batches later on during airing.

The shadow-puppet scene i think is the last day of filming because they gave him the bouquet of flowers.  Maybe earlier that day they shoot the museum/handkerchief scene also - but they kept that BTS filming secret because it will reveal the lousy ending ..he he he..

Anyway, i was just suddenly intrigued to back track because of his comment on JE's habit during their filming days at his FM... ha ha

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I know only long-time fans / angels of JG can answer this --- is he somehow a moody person? it seems he's really a very transparent person noh? you would immediately know if something is bothering him? cause he is usually jolly and friendly, but the Cosmo mood seems unusual. i guess.


Hello there chinggu! LJG is a guy. Based on my experience, the boys/guys are more transparent than us girls/women. When they are happy, sad, problematic or angry, they will show it to us. So if LJG is sulking on that day, it means something happen to him that he didn't like.

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A DVD release? that would be great.  I'm sure the first original copy is for ehemm..JG & JE....their souvenir ? HA  HA 

1 hour ago, emerald_2 said:


Hahaha...i stated my theories above ...because if you will follow chronological events...the sweet BTS (all those happy moments, hugging, kisses, NGs) happened first before that Cosmo shoot.. so why was he like that in the Cosmo shoot? cold and sulking ? HAHAHAHA


Because he is King Gwangjong and he will and can "sulk all day"  all he wants  mwahahahaaa :grimace:

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56 minutes ago, pie0808 said:

Okay!!! Sinc3e, we were talking about that "TIMELINE" Well, my theory is or rather are:

First that comes into my mind is the song of LJG "NOW" it says there:

I Like Your Smile

Remember All The Things

We've Been Through

Again, Lets Give It A Go

The Lyrics has double meaning it can be Modern WangSo Song to HaeSoo or it can be LJG Song for LJE (of course my mind and heart chose the real life scenario). I think in reality they have really have that rough time for them to show to us their true feelings especially for the Medias and Knetz and Haters. They need to analyze first what to do before doing an action. But recently, I am so proud of them. I think they are ready to face everything and have that courage to show the world that "This is My Girl and I am her Guy" LJE is still very careful in some ways (we cant blame her coz she is like the Money Maker of her Agency and always thinking that its her responsiblity to protect people like her staff, dancers, manager, employees etc) but when she is with LJG, she is being brave and doesn't care anymore whatever other people think as long as she is with him coz she feels secure. Well, that is what I love about them they taking one step at a time and I can feel they are doing this for everybody's sake not only for themselves. And I pray that everything will turn out well (their relationship) because they are doing their best not to hurt other people (esp the Fans) I wish them to have a happy, healthy, strong, successful and peaceful relationship as a couple coz they really deserve it. :heart:


Sorry to hear that LJE is the moneymaker of their agency. Cannot blame them but I have something for them that needs clarification. If she is like that to them, then shouldn't they stopped her for having a relationship with JKH? Because she entered a couple relationship. What is the difference between JKH and LJG if IU decided to be with the latter? The only difference I see between them is the latter is an actor ( and of course, more manly, sexier, more handsome, more energetic/hyper and many more....) I am not biased. Just stating the facts.:phew:

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Still not finished backreading your posts today but I just want to comment about Ji Eun's behavior during Joon Gi's appearance on her concert. I know all of you already mentioned it though :phew:

I thought I saw a very different Ji Eun on that day. Is this the same girl who have many reservations when it comes to guys? It felt like she had no wall to hide from because JG already managed to win her heart. She was very ecstatic, like a girl seeing her crush. She was practically glowing that night. I loved how she reacted when JG came from her behind. When she was positioning herself, she looked like she can't wait to do the epic umbrella scene with him. And she was smiling although they were supposed to be serious. LJG was so damn serious as Wang So there but she was all giddy and smiling widely for pete's sake! Haha. I love this girl so much. :wub:

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7 hours ago, scarletcryz said:

ummm.. is criminal drama famous in korea ? jus thinking about the rating again in korea... coz korea likes romcom 


OK! Korea likes rom-com and even JG said he would like to play in a rom-com drama... but... this would be more risky (considering how many international fans has JoonU couple). How many of us would like to see him in a lovey-dovey story with another actress even she's an A++++actress? I think it's less risky for him to take this kind of drama (action/cop with less romantic development), even if this kind of drama is not very appreciated in Korea. Anyway it looks like the complaints started to flow even if we don't know if he will accept or not this drama.

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@berny at least it's what has been told in Korea and Japan, so I hope that statement means Taiwan (and HK) as well. And that we get it. Still not over the fact that there's no Scarlet Heart DVD... At least give us that happing ending please?

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3 minutes ago, chelleshawol said:

Still not finished backreading for your posts today but I just want to comment about Ji Eun's behavior during Joon Gi's appearance on her concert. I know all of you already noticed it. 

I thought I saw a very different Ji Eun on that day. Is this the same girl who have many reservations when it comes to guys? It felt like she had no wall to hide from because JG already managed to win her heart. She was very ecstatic, like a girl seeing her crush. She was practically glowing that night. I loved how she reacted when JG came from her behind. When she was positioning herself, she looked like she can't wait to do the epic umbrella scene with him. And she was smiling although they were supposed to be serious. LJG was so damn serious as Wang So there but she was all giddy and smiling widely for pete's sake! Haha. I love this girl so much. :wub:

Can I add more? I think LJG done something to prove to her that she's a woman and he's a guy falling in love (with her). I will speak for myself, I am a woman but sometimes some of my male friends and even my brothers doesn't see me that way. They still respect me but sometimes do you feel that it is a sweet thing if a guy will do something that will let you remind yourself that we are a woman? For example, give you flowers even in an ordinary day or lift your bag even though it is not heavy or helping us crossing the roads to the opposite side. And many others. They say that male and female are equal but sometimes woman tend to forget that some things are needed to be done by males. Sorry for the misunderstanding that I am saying right now but maybe you understand my point of view. Thank you.

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10 minutes ago, chelleshawol said:

Still not finished backreading your posts today but I just want to comment about Ji Eun's behavior during Joon Gi's appearance on her concert. I know all of you already mentioned it though :phew:

I thought I saw a very different Ji Eun on that day. Is this the same girl who have many reservations when it comes to guys? It felt like she had no wall to hide from because JG already managed to win her heart. She was very ecstatic, like a girl seeing her crush. She was practically glowing that night. I loved how she reacted when JG came from her behind. When she was positioning herself, she looked like she can't wait to do the epic umbrella scene with him. And she was smiling although they were supposed to be serious. LJG was so damn serious as Wang So there but she was all giddy and smiling widely for pete's sake! Haha. I love this girl so much. :wub:

I will add her action in joongi fan meeting

When he went to her upstairs , she cant wait to see him , then when joongi stares at her , she smiled widely, when he offer his hand, she hold it immeedddiatelyyyy without second thinking. ( or maybe this is fanservice included lol) , when the time he compliments her she smiled again, then the start of their talktime is where IU is different... She keeps on giggling, laughing. Dont know what to say, rattling, smiling , she almost forgot the interpreter coz of too much compliment to joongi, she makes jokes she is sooooo HAPPY ...HAPPY HAPPY.... 

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16 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:


OK! Korea likes rom-com and even JG said he would like to play in a rom-com drama... but... this would be more risky (considering how many international fans has JoonU couple). How many of us would like to see him in a lovey-dovey story with another actress even she's an A++++actress? I think it's less risky for him to take this kind of drama (action/cop with less romantic development), even if this kind of drama is not very appreciated in Korea. Anyway it looks like the complaints started to flow even if we don't know if he will accept or not this drama.

For me, I think he will accept the drama. Why? Because he is an Aries. He likes adventures or something that will make him think. And I think on his personality, he likes to try new things. Unless, someone will change his mind. :phew:

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my opinion is whatever JG feeling on the photoshoot for Cosmo have something to do with Jieun.. i mean this is the guy that always try to make people comfortable and happy around him and this is actually my first time seeing how reserve and quiet he is that day.. also the fact that he kinda not acknowledge Jieun that day also disturb me.. because we seen how he treat her on BTS so if its not related to her i don't think JG will do that... but everything seem fine later when they having wrap up dinner party and to be honest thing just escalated so fast from that...

they seem so close now compared to before...

i think JG and Jieun both will be careful to choose the project that they will do (acting) now because MLSHR already give them the platform of popularity international wise so both of them need to grab domestic wise too... the project that JG being offer seem cool and actually will show off his talent because its a complicated series and needed a top notch actor like JG to make it successful..

in term of pairing.... both JG and Jieun knew that they well loved and their chemistry is really up until now unbeatable so that's why they want to work together again.. and also just because they want to be around each other again.. kekekke

its really hard for their future leads because fan will only compared them to JoonU and SoHae pairing and we can see how much both JG and Jieun fan love them together...

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11 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

LOOK! One of SoSoo's famous fan artist with a calendar set of SoSoo art!

Mommy, I want it too!!! :wub:

Goodnight and sweet dreams everybody!!! Tomorrow again and God bless!!!

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote images!
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10 hours ago, riuenu said:

Actually this is a really good drama for him to take on, I wanna see FBI Joongi..HEY @chi13lou, SEE, I GOT FORESIGHT!! THAT WHY I WANNA RECRUIT HIM AS MY FBI HEAD!! 

Foresight? I still believe you have other intentions, my dear and it ain't to further investigations but personal!LOL

If he takes the role, you have to watch it to learn more about how to conduct your investigations.

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