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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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13 hours ago, paulina79 said:

Besides Windflower she also sang "Someday". The person who used the word was right in front of her. I just wish king update his ig decribing his feeling during the concert. 

Queen has a special smile plastered on her face tonight shy but happy. 


Hellooooooooo Stargazers!!! @sosooyah19 @desvlo nice to see you again ^^ Sorry i can't join with you all last night, i only updated news on IG. I feel numb yesterday to know JG came to Jieun concert hahaa....stupid me, i'm too happy!! I also agree with you that Jieun looks shy than previous concert Lol then this morning our King bring happiness again for us. How long we've waited for this.... T_T but God has perfect timing, He's Good


Here's the other translation for JG caption





I think it has deep meaning hmm... :D 

I'm latee hahaa...ignore it, thanks

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Wow chingu @ShaiKeun I'm thrilled >< I just came out of the meeting and got your mention. This definitely made my day!


Joongi's smile...how long has it been since the last time we saw him this happy and smile so genuinely like this? I reckon it was JE's concert and his fanmeet in Taiwan earlier this year, was it not?


I hope I will get to celebrate with everyone on more special occasions to come. *group hugs*


Edit: Also his caption on the couple pic, it sounds like JE really did inspire him in many ways. It's quite deep and intimate more than just mere friends or ex-collegues.

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2 hours ago, saphire_D said:

Hi all,  need to stop from my work for a while and dang!!  Our delulus granted by GOD. Hug hug... 

I am crying but gotta back to my RL

It is already 4:00 in the afternoon here but I can't  get over from last  night until this morning yet.  Pinch me chingu so that I could go back with you. :dizzy:


anyways, i like your profile gif vanilaz_wI like how the fingers of JE playing in the chest and collar of JE. 

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8 hours ago, glamlove123 said:

Btw, i m so clueless at times, what does it mean by JG having the 1st generation light stick? The design? Colour? 

IU open her 1st official Uaena Fancafe this year after 9 year since her debut. That means those who join this year are call 1st generation Uaena.


There are two type of membership, the normal membership and the plus membership. The silver light stick are exclusive to 1st generation plus members only. The white light stick can be purchase by anyone. There is another limited edition purple color light stick similar to IU mic. This can't be bought and is given via lucky draw at her concert.


So if you see anyone holding IU silver light stick you can tell that they are 1st generation plus Uaena.

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Hi everybody!

Phewww... it's been a looong while that I didn't come here lol. I saw new IDs I don't even know... so a big 'Hi' to all of you new ones here! *waves*

Happy with current happenings?


Lol... my precious JG oppa is slowly slowly coming back to life after the whole sh** he had to deal with earlier this year... yesterday night (and today also) was a proof of it.

Anyway, I saw this on IG and now I can understand JG's IG caption better... about the 'emptiness' part, he actually 'responded' to JE's words before singing Dear Name (aheum!). He's very attentive indeed, uri JG oppa :D

I know there are a few not-so-nice comments about his presence at the concert, like there's this somebody who literally wrote a comment like: "he broke up with his girlfriend but he had time for IU"; I'm telling you: the heart wants what it wants. Shipping aside, I am truly happy that he genuinely enjoyed last night's concert and got recharged afterwards. As his fan, nothing hurts me more than the thought that he's having a hard time, just like the past few months. Now that he's got his eye-smile back, he's been hanging out with friends and sibling, he's going to his friends' concerts, traveling a bit and even sneaking to dive (and film/ shoot something) in Okinawa like he did a few days ago, it makes me super super relieved. He deserves that kind of life, too. Moreover, he has obviously adored and respected JE for quite a while now and nobody has the right to blame him for choosing his own friends (and relationships).


Anyway, it's nice to see that this forum is still alive and kicking despite the current 'sway' to GDragon- IU hahaha... you guys are so (delusionally) sweet and positive, as always. Before I'm going back offline again, let me share this one post by a fellow JG fan who translated a tweet by a Korean journalist talking about JG's personality after seeing his short clip of Sexual Violence Awareness campaign a couple of days ago. This is the JG I have always admired these past 5 years and I know there's no turning back :). I hope he'll find his 'Mrs Thank You' (seeing this term somewhere, here or on IG? hahaha... please forgive this forgetful eonnie) soon. You all know my preference and I do hope it'll come true one day. Have a great day, y'all! Stay happy and healthy :wub:



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1 hour ago, NoonaE said:

Anyway, I saw this on IG and now I can understand JG's IG caption better... about the 'emptiness' part, he actually 'responded' to JE's words before singing Dear Name (aheum!). He's very attentive indeed, uri JG oppa


@Paulina79 and @deori , I enjoy @NoonaE 's thoughts too. Hers is very straight to the point. A JG  fan who really wants the actor to be happy.


What JG wrote in his IG caption in response to JE's words before Dear Name. I purposely copy paste 2 translations for they differ a bit.


Translation 1

I guess after touring for such a long period of time, she must be feeling empty... But when we (as artists) pour our heart and soul into something, we then fill the emptiness inside of us with many other things.^^ Recently, I have been feeling emotionally detached, but her concert filled me with so much emotion that it was like raining down on me. 


Translation 2

It must feel empty and vain to wrap up such long schedule. As she was spilling out what had filled her, we leave fully loaded with so many things ~^^ I had been sentimentally dry recently but I came home soaked as if i was caught in shower. 


JE's words in bold and JG's responses in italic.

As NoonaE has said, JG was attentive, listening carefully to what JE said and thus his respond. If it is read in Hangul, it may be a bit poetic or can be a part of a lyric, but since it is translated, the wording may run out a bit. I like the way JG put in 'emotionally detached/sentimentally dry' and 'raining down/caught in a shower' parts. I bet that was how he felt the last few months, and we can see the changes/happiness he felt during JE's concert and even after it. Gosh...what with his second IG update for the day?

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@glamlove123 i like the translation #1. 

@saphire_D At first, I would like to say that she is floating somewhere in limbo. But no, I retract it because I want her to see how happy JG in JE’s concert. How we, stargazers jumped for joy. I want her to witness that our delulu is not a delulu anymore. I want her to clench and grit her teeth while listening to our jubilant cries. And that Joon + Iu = JoonU nothing more, nothing less. 

@NoonaE please do drop by once in awhile. Don’t worry, all stargazers here will take good care of this thread professionally and gentle even to those who dislike JoonU. We will set JG and JE as an example. 

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