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I am afraid that things have really gone crazy and far beyond what is considered normal or even logical. Things that seemed wrong have already escalated. This ship is now a target for anyone to attack so kindly brace yourselves chinggu-deul.

I'd like to call an emergency meeting to address the issue but how do we go about this?

It freaking breaks my heart. :bawling:



one commenter said this:

Netizentown @Netizentown 2h2 hours ago

Can at least the weirdos from that shipping section on soompi forums leave this woman alone? You're an embarrassment to actual fans.


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Hello, I am new in this thread, but since the dating news came out in April I have been reading and entertained with his page
I am  LJG fan since last year (from last December when I saw Arang drama)
I am a Latina girl from Guatemala. Many times I thought to join the thread even got sad when many of you decided to go underworld to continue commenting and express yourself in regards of the ship or news about that some of you have access.
But today was the day, I have decided to join the thread, because it is sad but really sad to see how our poor beloved beautiful LJG is going though

You should see how LJG are and IU at the neizerblog are almost destroyed by the unspeakable woman name fans.
I am becoming to realize, that she did all this because probably LJG broke up with her and since the news can´t be released until both (hers and his) dramas are done and just for revenge she organized all this. But the thing that bother me, it is that she should be worried about her drama (her carrier also is in danger) even that she is not important in that drama (just a support actress.... it is not me whose saying so, the critics are saying that...) why she does not keep quiet and concentrate on her drama all this could affect  the drama where she is and may other people too

Anyhow, I don´t watch her drama at all, even the principal actor of that drama is a good one, but since I just don´t like her I don´t watch that drama

I don´t like her not because she is dating  our beloved, beautiful LJG, it is something inside of me says she is not transparent person, she is a double face person

I now understand my dog´s feelings.. my dog never but never liked my ex-boyfriend, he hated him so much (and I have tried that both of them be friends and my dog never but never ever accepted him, also my boyfriend either liked him.... anyway my dog was really but really right not to like and trust my ex-boyfriend)

This girl really, but really is a clever woman and knows how to play the victim card, she knows exactly what button to touch, just like a boxer knows to punch the weak zone

In the SK society (if I don´t mistake) LJG is almost obligated to marry this woman to cover everything and she knows it very well. Because the celebrities live are under perception and this is not good for LJG, and now his drama could be affect badly way at the public eyes, and since he's also Is trying to get into film world in S Korea, it could be difficult for him because most of his past films are copartner or has Chinese investors or partners and with a Chinese government band that narrow his film project in Korea

But other situation is that, since he stayed with Namoactor agency, maybe the other agency is making LJG goes doing into the mud + his weirdo gf helping him so much that is making our beloved beautiful LJG´s life horrible.
From my point of view I believe he is not going to pop off the news of the break up because of this, he will have to wait at least 3 months more to do so or until the things get less heat up and try to control his weirdo gf or keep her calm until the first opportunity. because the unspeakable woman's name is fighting hard to be with him by force, and the way I am seeing things this woman is like in Spanish will say estas conmigo o sin nadie (with me or nobody else

I am saying too that if is not with IU, he chooses to be with, it could be another woman, but this woman (I don´t know her past, neither I have seen her almost nude picture, everybody deserve a second change tho) has something inexplicable bad vibe, una Mosca muerta (sneaky woman) fake personality


I think that if he could have had a time machine, he would have traveled and say to himself please don´t unstressed with her or have any informal or formal relationship with her because it will cause you a lot of pain

I hope if you decided to go into private chat allow me to get in there….. please
And sorry for my bad English

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Hi guys!

I'm new here in soompi but actually, I am also one of the few people who lurk here your the forum, simply because, like you I am a JoonU fan. To be honest with you, I'm not really into Korean Drama and Kpop. I began to develop this fascination because of the my block mates addiction in Goblin, but what makes me to take deeper in loving Kdrama and Kpop is the SHR's  soundtracks and storyline. As you may thought right now, I wasn't a fan of in any of them  but, as 1 month passed, I began to be a fan to our King first, before our Queen. I wouldn't say that I began to be a fan of his this year (yes lovelies, I watch the SHR this year), but I was a fan of his for a long time when I remember him as the third wheel in the MY GIRL series. As for our Queen, I began to become a fan of hers not because of her music, but her strong character and being a kind heart person.

After I watch the series, I hesitate to ship them because, I know the pain of being a shipper and the a news that King has already a girlfriend. To be honest with you, when I discover that he had a girlfriend (and may I remind you that it is my first time in entering and admiring a Korean actor/actress and has no idea of their culture), I was happy for him but surprisingly, I feel this pain in my chest. I wouldn't mind who will end up with any of my favorite actors, and wouldn't feel any pain but to him, I was totally confuse why I felt that and that pain is no ordinary one. In the end, I kind of set it aside and plan to watch the BTS. As I watch the BTS, I observe the KINGS behavior towards Queen, especially in the episode 16 shadow playing scene. That scene caught my attention because, after filming the scene and they kinda clap hands for the successful shoot, he was REALLY STARING AT HER while the latter was looking at everyone. I tell you, the way he stares at her is the same stare  I saw one of the celebrity male here in our country when he look at the girl he loves, now currently his proud gf for 2 years.

Because of that scene, it makes me question about his relationship, but then again, I let it slide until I stumble upon the SAF awards video in youtube. After seeing that video, that's the time I began to be very suspicious. If you already have a relationship for  2 years and kept it secret, what's the deal with this skinship in the awards night (I kinda discover this strict skinship from a friend of mine after watching that video.)? Why do you have to go beyond that? For fan service? I'm sorry but that a very LOW way of trying to gain fans that way and very disrespectful for your girlfriend, IF that's the reason of the skinship. But, a skinship + a gentle loving gaze + assisting her + smiling eyes +ALMOST holding their hands TWICE! is equivalent to increasing my urge to be very suspicious with his status and the girl. With that said observation, I, again sold myself again to this ship, which it level up to OTP.

Due to that, I try to gather some infos where their relationship began until I stumble upon some infos about his gf. They were nasty once from the posts of some Kings fans in IG which I kinda take it seriously and was blinded by my judgments and I felt very ashamed of myself about the way I jump to conclusions. Now, this current situation happen and the way they generalize that us, the shippers are the prime suspect of this mess and JG's fans, I had enough and I want to speak up, for my fellow stargazers and innocent JG fans throughout the world.

To the stargazers/lurkers/haters/IU's fan and JG's fan, please read the spoiler box. It's all for you:


Listen here and listen well.

First thing I would like to do is to APOLOGIZE. Yes, I will apologize NOT because we ship them but because of our fellow stargazers and fans out there for there wrong doing and trying to bully her, but PLEASE DO NOT generalize that all of us are bullying her. 

Second, If you think that if you will try to disband us ALL here in soompi, THINK AGAIN. There are other ways that we can still communicate and do our ship. HELLO! This is 21st century and anything is possible, people. As for our fellow stargazers, be strong. We'll make it through from this storm and from the attacks of the pirates. Remember, this is just a challenge and every challenge, there is always a solution and it stays TEMPORARILY. Criticize us as much as you want, but before you do that, better look yourself in the mirror first and ask this, "do you have the right to judge people?"

Third, for my fellow fans of JG and IU, I want you all to CALM DOWN, especially the once who were very 'rampant' due to her slime post. What you are doing right now, telling her to STOP imitating queen, demand her to RELEASE him and INSULT her by posting bad pictures of her, increases the angry flames as of this moment. And for heaven sake, by doing that, you are making her HAPPY and looking like an INNOCENT VICTIM (which I know you guys hated it), haven't you realize that?! My God, I'll bet she is ECSTATIC right now on what she was doing to you.

YES people, you were under her SPELL and if you don't want to, simply ignore her and go on with life, because the way they portray fans in the news, are bullies and uneducated people, which is one of those things I hate them to think about US. Trust me, you don't wanna be labeled a bully from her fans. So please, just ignore and do her stuff. If you guys thought I defend her, NO. I don't  defend her, but simply, I want you guys to realize that what you are doing is wrong and there is a possibility that JG's carrier will go down due to this mess and...... a possibility that he will stay her side FOREVER and IN MARRIAGE (and I tell you, that is a very ugly situation cauz I have a vision that in their wedding, there will be a revolt in Korea and in the different parts of the world) which I know you guys don't want to happen.

And as for JG's fans who were trying to tell him to break up with her. Please, stop it and let him decide, because he has his choice.  Just believe in him and support his drama the way you guys did before she enters the picture.


IF King will end up with his current gf, then, let's just be happy with him (and don't do the revolt thing, please) and if he ends up with Queen, then that will be our glorious day. Just continue what we are doing for them right now; support them, chant the BBJX chant, pray for them (sincerely) and of course, Keep Calm and be a Fabulous Stargazers.


Sorry for the long intro in here.


Your fellow stargazer

P.S if you decide to go underground, can join to :D?

Edited by BIvy_Sangre
lack of words
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Hello to @latinsecret1 and @Blvy_Sangre (sorry I can't search ur name) I'm still here! I also only watched ML in Jun 17 after Goblin and fell in love with ML. Though I've noticed King for 10 years but I never was his big fan until now. Just pretty busy these days with watching Swwtn and in love with Kim Sung Yeol (yes I'm fickle don't kill me Wang So lovers). A big welcome and enjoy the ride. 

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41 minutes ago, summer2017 said:

Hello to @latinsecret1 and @Blvy_Sangre (sorry I can't search ur name) I'm still here! I also only watched ML in Jun 17 after Goblin and fell in love with ML. Though I've noticed King for 10 years but I never was his big fan until now. Just pretty busy these days with watching Swwtn and in love with Kim Sung Yeol (yes I'm fickle don't kill me Wang So lovers). A big welcome and enjoy the ride. 


Thank for welcoming us here in your forum. 

And don't worry, I'm also frickle when it comes to leading man Characters :D

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10 minutes ago, soereey said:
  Reveal hidden contents



rough translation of the article title: JG JE shippers attacked JHB's IG

the fire has definitely reached here. for the sake of JE, i think it's best to refrain from posting anything related to shipping &  JE. at least we can try our best not to add more oil into the ablazed fire.


I agree with you, but can we stop other fellow shippers in the insta. As what I look at, they are very stubborn and won't stop posting about them. Plus, tagging them. 

We have to do something...

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hi @soereey thanks for the link! are you Indonesian? me too.

Too bad even the content of this so-called 'news' is not that accurate lol... the dating confirmation year was wrong... even the 1st rumour was in 2015. But anyway... I do agree that we should refrain from posting things which will harm both JG and JE. If you guys happen to know personally those other shippers outside this thread, please kindly send them a private message.

we CAN still post MLSHR related stuffs... after all it's a very popular drama which is loved by a lot of people around the world, too. However, maybe tagging #shipper or #JoonU should not be done at this moment. At least until everything cools down. MLSHR anniversary is coming, it'll be sad if we can't post things related to the drama!

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My point is, fingers are already on us shippers (I always said that I am not a shipper, but for the heck of it, since I am always here, I might as well call myself one). Soon those fingers will point to JE. That is what I really worry of.

I don't have any IG account, and I do not wish to make my virginal jump into IG world to scold people. So please please... Anyone here who knows any shippers on IG, can you please reach them out. Just like @NoonaE  said, if you still insists to post stuffs on IG, just put anything under MLSHR.


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Hi fellow stargazer I'm a silent reader here, I've been reading discussions here since December, I just figured out how to use my account. Let me first introduce myself before writing what I wanted to write here, I'm a professional teacher got my license last year and currently I also manage my own business which is selling construction materials. Why do I need to introduce myself this way because I need to prove the FANS of that girl that the ones who are writing blogs here are also professionals and won't do any idiotic posting to attack that girl. Recently we were generalized by those commentators at a site where they discuss the Bullying of JHB okay I named her already although I don't want to. But the funny thing is their also bullying IU, Moonlovers Cast, IU's fans and LJG fans and praising her as if she's too perfect. 

In this case I can't stand it anymore, I feel the need to comment because some of them doesn't even know where this whole thing started and they are the ones who commented worst and below the belt. I just explained every single detail why SHE got all the hate, but I also said that its not proper to post her pictures and humilate her, I also reported some of those accounts that were attacking her and I said don't generalized all the Moonlovers fans, IU fans and JG fans, actually my post was more of an explanation and to my dismay it was reported as spam. I said What? but some of the comments where you will find criticisms to IU fans, LJG fans specially Moonlovers fans and JoonU shippers they were using below the belt comments they were not even removing it. Another, one of my friend send me her post in that site she was also reported as spam because she posted some facts about JHB saying that she rejected Haha many times on Haha's wedding day that Haha's bride needs to reply her on twitter that's why she was called conceited by other fans, and she also explained the slime thing, my friend said that the slime posting is not the real issue but she uses IU's name as hashtag and to think that IU was recently link with her public BF will create misunderstandings, she beg not to drag IU with this and you know what her post was also reported as spam. Theres really something bad going on here. They don't want other people to know where the whole thing started they just want the netizen to think that the only main reason that, that WOMAN is being bashed because she is dating LJG and LJG and Moonlovers fans can't accept the fact that their Oppa is with her. Like what the heck!Arrggg...This people are just to unreasonable.

Well anyway I will still support this ship and to those persons who are blaming it all on us bring it on. We already had to many hardships from the start when we are being criticized of being too delusional and some called us crazy drama shippers well to tell you honestly people, I started shipping IU and LJG during the released of BTS and SAF, so therefore I shipped them after the drama has ended. And believe me I have asked my husband to be if what do you think of LJG's stares and actions towards IU he just answered me a phrase "That's definitely love but I'm not him so don't expect that I'm right" and I asked why do you say that its love "Because men are not that good in hiding their feelings, so usually it reflects to their eyes like when they are sad, angry unlike girls they are good at hiding their feelings," that's an opinion from a 30 year old masculine guy.

So I strongly believe that this chaos will never end if some of the fans keeps hating that WOMAN, I don't really like her and I will never will but as a good Roman Catholic I beg those people who went beyond limits of hating her, please stop. Eventhough you think that she is not good enough we have no rights to humilate someone and call her names, she has also a heart that can be hurt and you know what a person with a broken heart can do just to fight back so be considerate of her also too much is too much so STOP all those ridiculous posts, we all don't know what's going to happened. 

Lastly for her fans that keeps mentioning IU and this site and to those people that are spamming comments that have facts that may end this fuge God forgive you that you are creating a massive distraction just to gain sympathy and popularity, in the end we are just fans we just need to watch and observe everything in peace.

I'm sorry for my long post, captain I hope you come back to ease the pain of some stargazers I may not post here in every discussions that you guys shared but I'm always here to defend this ship when ever it is needed. I love all the people in here they are good and has never done any harm on anyone they are all considerate to the relationships of those two and just wishing something but not to the extent of ruining the relationship itself. They are just persons that has seen the word LOVE so I think they, WE don't deserve the hate we are receiving right now. Thank you and may God Bless you all.

Edited by silentjoonu
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@soereey I got your point very clearly and I think most of us here also agree that we should not do stuffs that will just make things worse than they are now :). This thread- contrary to the popular belief (and accusation) out there- is the nicest shipper place, IMHO *waving to lurkers trying to find another scapegoat*.

Yeah I still saw some JoonU shippers posting shipper stuffs... I hope they won't get attacked related to this current incident. I don't post fangirling or shipping related stuffs on my personal IG either, but let me see if I can ask for help from some fellow friends who are doing their fangirling stuffs on IG.

Have a good Sunday, everyone :)


Edited by Guest
edited for the Stargazers' world safety! I bet you've all read the original content so please enjoy the cute gifs instead!
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10 minutes ago, silentjoonu said:

In this case I can't stand it anymore, I feel the need to comment because some of them doesn't even know where this whole thing started and they are the ones who commented worst and below the belt. I just explained every single detail why SHE got all the hate, but I also said that its not proper to post her pictures and humilate her, I also reported some of those accounts that were attacking her and I said don't generalized all the Moonlovers fans, IU fans and JG fans, actually my post was more of an explanation and to my dismay it was reported as spam. I said What? but some of the comments where you will find criticisms to IU fans, LJG fans specially Moonlovers fans and JoonU shippers they were using below the belt comments they were not even removing it. Another, one of my friend send me her post in that site she was also reported as spam because she posted some facts about JHB saying that she rejected Haha many times on Haha's wedding day that Haha's bride needs to reply her on twitter that's why she was called conceited by other fans, and she also explained the slime thing, my friend said that the slime posting is not the real issue but she uses IU's name as hashtag and to think that IU was recently link with her public BF will create misunderstandings, she beg not to drag IU with this and you know what her post was also reported as spam. Theres really something bad going on here. They don't want other people to know where the whole thing started they just want the netizen to think that the only main reason that, that WOMAN is being bashed because she is dating LJG and LJG and Moonlovers fans can't accept the fact that their Oppa is with her. Like what the heck!Arrggg...This people are just to unreasonable.

Well anyway I will still support this ship and to those persons who are blaming it all on us bring it on. We already had to many hardships from the start when we are being criticized of being too delusional and some called us crazy drama shippers well to tell you honestly people, I started shipping IU and LJG during the released of BTS and SAF, so therefore I shipped them after the drama has ended. And believe me I have asked my husband to be if what do you think of LJG's stares and actions towards IU towards he just answered me a phrase "That's definitely love but I'm not him so don't expect that I'm right" and I asked why do you say that its love "Because men are not that good in hiding their feelings, so usually it reflects to their eyes like when they are sad, angry unlike girls they are good at hiding their feelings," that's an opinion from a 30 year old masculine guy.

So I strongly believe that this chaos will never end if some of the fans keeps hating that WOMAN, I don't really like her and I will never will but as a good Roman Catholic I beg those people who went beyond limits of hating her, please stop. Eventhough you think that she is not good enough we have no rights to humilate someone and call her names, she has also a heart that can be hurt and you know what a person with a broken heart can do just to fight back so be considerate of her also too much is too much so STOP all those ridiculous posts, we all don't know what's going to happened. 

Lastly for her fans that keeps mentioning IU and this site and to those people that are spamming comments that have facts that may end this fuge God forgive you that you are creating a massive distraction just to gain sympathy and popularity, in the end we are just fans we just need to watch and observe everything in peace.



I feel you fellow shipper @silentjoonu.  I saluted you and to your wonderful speech. 

Yes, Bring it on Lovies! Like what I said before, if you guys think that you're going to disband us easily, well then, you have to THINK AGAIN. :wink:

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19 minutes ago, marimari00 said:

Hello chinggus, welcome to @latinsecret1  @BIvy_Sangre and @silentjoonu Thank you for your first posts on our OTP, I agree that things are a little bit on the precarious side right now with our ship. It maybe that we have yet to face a bigger storm than we did last April and I, and I'm sure the rest of my chinggus here are trying to figure out how to best weather this oncoming storm. It's not the happiest times to board the ship and I apologize.  I would have love to give my input to all of your posts but right now, silence is golden and the only way I can think of protecting this OTP is by staying quiet in a public platform where lurkers are free to misconstrue words and use it against us.

At this time, it's probably best to go underground and move to a private chat. I've refrained from joining before so I can ship lightly but it's JoonU, all or nothing now and there's no turning back. Please count me in for a private chat group but I highly agree that a certain eligibility should be met to keep it away from unwanted eyes.

BBJX spell come true. JoonU Fighting! Stargazers Fighting!

Thank you for your warm welcome! I think that post of mine will be my last provocative post at this moment I just felt the need to defend this ship, but i will keep silent again until the storm passes. 


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A new week is about to start for our long-running real-life drama! watching-horror-movie-smiley-emoticon.gi


Keep the faith prayer-hands-smiley-emoticon.gif and spread the love! draw-heart.gif

Have a great week!




:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant

1. News we have been waiting for to be released before we hit 1,000 pages! hurry-up-smiley-emoticon.gif(JoonGi, I know that it's still 74 pages before we reach 999 but we are already dizzy from the rollercoaster ride!) dizzy-smiley-emoticon.gif not-available.gif

2. The TRUTH to be finally revealed soon-with-rightwards-arrow-above.pngfingers-crossed-smiley-emoticon.gif

3. Guidance and enlightenment for JoonGi confused-face-smiley-emoticon.gifto make the decisions bright-idea-smiley-emoticon.gif  that will make him truly happy! good-job-smiley-emoticon.gif



4. JoonGi and Jieun to keep posting in their Instagram logo and continue liking each other's posts. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

5. Return of JoonGi's eye smiles. widely-grinning-smiley-emoticon.gif

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

6. Everyone who does not like JoonU and those with evil plans to live together in a snake- and shark-infested and deserted island without electricity and wi-fi.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces)

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle


7. JoonGi and Jieun to prove that things are not always what they seem to be and TRUE LOVE conquers all! love-birds-smiley-emoticon.gif

8. JoonGi and Jieun to always support each other. love-birds.gif

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

 9. Success for JoonGi in Criminal Minds detective-smiley-emoticon.gifdespite  smiley-with-bomb.gif

10. Jieun to upgrade her housekeeping skills to prepare herself for domestic life. sweeping-smiley-emoticon.gif  housewife-cooking.gif     cleaning-windows-smiley-emoticon.gif

11. SHR 2 or spin-off to become a reality, as requested by @WH.

  alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

12. SHR cast to get together frequently so JoonGi can continue to see Jieun become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif 

13. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life.

 dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif


ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 

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