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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Heyy, guysss!! Ok, so from what I see (either on IG or on this thread), it seems that JG's reality show, MEC with PMY become hot discussion (and somehow little (yeah, just lil') disturb my shipper heart calmness). There were a lot of pirates and bombs on our right an left of our ship. Be careful! LOL!!

So, I'll share my two perspectives (negative & positive) of my opinion (Sorry, this is solely my opinion, don't have any bad intention):

I think, somehow, must admit it, I'm lil' worried about JG here. I dunno... Somehow watching a part of MEC clip (Yeah I don't wanna ruin my mood, watch that reality show fully. LOL!), he has one weak point of JE's ideal man that she mentioned before, that is, He is NICE with everyone. LOL! I mean, yeah, for a jeolousy girl like her, she prefer a guy who is quite cold toward everyone, except her. I think what JE mean here, she want to be someone special for him, the only one that he cares about. I dunno if in this MEC he was acting, scripted or not. Hopefully, it was. LOL, though so far (from MEC's clips that I watch randomly), he hasn't showed any special feeling to PMY as mush as his attention to JE (Thanks God!). And to be honest, let's be a logical adult here. If JG was attracted with MY, why he didn't feel like that when he met with her at first? And didn't maintain any contact with her before? And even forget her, and couldn't remember her? (When MY said something like they were close, even they could feel each other warmth or something. (Oho! What a nice way to catch a guy, girl)). In my opinion, it was because she didn't leave any "extraordinary" impression for him, (so that "ordinary" impression got forgotten by him). Sorry no offense here, I don't hate her. Really, I think she is a nice girl (Maybe, just know her from City Hunter that even I didn't finished watch it. LOL). But I think I must let out my logic opinion here to differentiate what it called "attraction" & "chemistry" here. I mean, you could just see, just from the very beginning of script reading 'till now (and you can't deny) that JE gave an EXTRAORDINARY impressesion for JG (and JG to JE too) . I mean, why you must satisfy your shipper so much with so many clues, even prepare an event to visit each other concert, for SoHae lovers?? Kekekeke~ Such a big gifts for us! I mean, if they didn't have any close relationship, I hesitate they will do that. Even, JG just met with her for the first time, we couldn't deny that eyes of him always following that tiny girl. It feels really different, really. That excitement of him when he near her or after he kissed her, or when he just teased her. From what I see, when JG met MY, I dunno if it just a moment, but we could feel an awkwardness atmosphere there. So that, JG just wave at her, he was being considerate, here, of course, to not touching her (Because they were not close enough? And worry she would feel uncomfortable). It's different with JE, of course, their comfort level is already on another level, thanks to Moon Lovers. We could see that JG was so touchy on SAF (when they went to back stage after receive best couple award), or even on JE's concert when he escort her, hold her hand. Yeah, that's what my opinion are. You could agree or disagree with my opinion, it's up to you. Just share what I think. I'm not forcing JE & JG to be together. It depends on their fates & themselves. If JG or JE found someone else (other than them) that they think he/she is the best for him/her, it's okay. But for me, they are match made by heaven. I think this ship really fortunate and sailing so smoothly. They got A TON of similarity and "coincidences", that make me really think that God really make them as a pair. So don't hindrance me as long as one of them haven't already married. Cmon, girls this internet world have a liberalism systems, everyone have their opinion! LOL!! If you think JG & MY have a chemistry, so your "what-so-called-chemistry" concept is different from mine. There's no need to debate it further. Buhbye! LOL! Btw just a random talks:


How could SK's entertainment world so narrow??? I mean, when I did a lil' investigation of PMY, I heard she was going out with LMH?? (Dunno if that just a gossip or what) after their filming of City Hunter. She said something like that she couldn't forget him. And you know whose LMH's girlfriend now. And now, she was filming a romance reality show with JG? And we've already know toward who he showed a lot of attraction. I mean really...FATES!!! YOU GOTTA TO BE KIDDIN' ME?!! LOL! I think, Suzy and JE could easily relate to each other feeling (besides, they are bestie in real life, of course.) And have "someone" that they could talk about, if you know what I mean?;) LOL!!

So, in conclusion, my heart shipper won't be deterred till one of them married. I don't care if one of them, in the future, will going out with someone else or what. Whatever... I've already in that position (of shipping before, remember JE had a BF before? LOL). I'll just believe in fates, hand it over to fates. Que sera sera. Whatever will be will be. I'll just continue to hope that what I think the best for them is the best for them too. If that wish not happened, well that's a bummer, but well, I'm not a God anyway. LOL! Just shipping with a light heart!

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2 hours ago, Joseph Lim said:
A different translation for the song title? Well have to wait for Friday to see what the official title of the song is.

To be honest, if i could be a shipper, just based on their voices, I'll be "IU-Oh Hyuk" shipper, for sure! LOL! Their voices matched really well!! But of course, for JE's real life romance based on each's experiences, personalities, attraction, comfort, and chemistry level, JG still completely on another level. Kekekeke~ 

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Hahaha..why do i feel this is kind of funny..are JG and JE try to compete with each other.. like who can make the other person jealous more? JG with candy and Jieun with Oh hyuk..and dont forget the double syllable similarity..JG has bunny- bunny..Ji eun has jam-jam...:D

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more memes for intermezzo :D 





as for MEC I do agree that JG-MY had a good chemistry but it only co star type of chemistry, both of them did their best for the show, whether or not it was partially/fully scripted. this being said i don't think JG is attracted to PMY based on their interactions on the show alone, its tv show afterall.

Even on last night episode I was prepared JG did more than just stood still and gave a friendly waves like a hugg maybe to gave the show justice; im glad he didn't and hope he wouldn't for next week episode lolz...however i don't see his cool gesture because of nervousness, i've seen when JG was nervous on mlshr bts when he was with JE (if only i could insert the clips). JG gesture shown he was being polite but still friendly since it was him n PMY first encountered  after 10 years and he already knew who the candy was.

For me what JoonU has is on another story and level. they not only have strong on screen but also strong off screen chemistry (which is what most important to me) that i can classified as lover chemistry and so far nothing can compare to it. also how can we forget abt their long lists of "coincidences", besides after MEC JG continue to shows who is in his heart; he wore gold earrings (which is outside his usual habits), sang "for u" and posted on IG, posted video with the bgm "nothting on u",keep liking JE pics despite the rumors, changed his vlive color to JE's fav colors and choosed JE over Baekhyun even without a second thought n his voice changed to gentle when talked abt her.

I really think JoonU is a soulmate who fated to each other, and hopefully we are right. thats why i will continue shipping them, keep praying n chanting for their eternity happiness (wedding bell)  but of course i'll be prepared if it not the case *knockonwoods.


ps: oops..i posted the second meme without realizing it has been posted, since i can't delete it so mian..chingus :D 

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@caramelovers75, I agree that LJG's and PMY's on-screen chemistry in MEC is different from LJG's and LJE's chemistry, both on- and off-screen. Much credit is due to a certain someone's Instagram account, which made viewing of much more of Episode 7 possible. One really does need to see the flow of conversation between LJG and PMY to understand how and on what level they are connecting. The one-minute or three-minute, translated snippets that are floating around the Internet can give the wrong impression, since they are taken out of context. If you have a chance to see the build-up between LJG and PMY, you can track how they are both creating suspense and interest in the unfolding of who each one is to the other. LJG, in particular, takes an active role in setting up the moment of surprise on PMY's face, when they finally do meet, and he does so masterfully. As a friend, he could probably be quite the straight-faced prankster.

What comes through, in a 40-minute viewing, is that he cares for PMY, as a fellow actor and as a hoobae. I think he is sincere when he tells her to be happy and live a lighter, more carefree, and in-the-moment life. A genuineness permeates his manner of speaking with her. At the same time, he is clearly playing with her emotions, just a bit, and for effect. Does she know the score? I believe so. LJG very purposefully crafts the level of surprise that causes PMY to run and hide behind an object, when she turns at his voice and sees who is speaking. She is stunned, because she is not expecting to see him then. Both of their reactions I found to be friendly and caring, but not sparking with heat. Would they be great in a drama together? Most likely, and I would definitely enjoy watching them. In truth, I grew to appreciate PMY very much during this show, more so than I have in any of her prior productions. LJG and MEC seem to have had a positive effect on her outlook, and I hope she continues to carry that optimism with her.

Namoo Actors was quick to point out, a few months ago, that LJG and LJE share a close sunbae-hoobae relationship, and nothing more. After watching MEC, I would say that PMY and LJG share what could become a close hoobae-sunbae relationship, but their connection is NOTHING like LJE's relationship with LJG. Nothing. The two relationships are not on a par, whatsoever. Totally, completely different, in their source motivations:

LJG might enjoy conversing with PMY and sharing moments of mutual support with her, but he wants LJE. Done.

On a somewhat related topic, I've wondered, for a while now, if other Stargazers have noticed LJG pulling back a bit from his fan interactions. He seems to still give everything he has when on-stage or in-person, but he doesn't appear to need to take the same type of energy away from the experiences. Ever since the Taiwan fan meeting, he has appeared to reserve a bit of himself, holding back a part that he might have exposed for validation, previously. Now, that part seems to get its validation elsewhere. What are left are the fun, the energy, the passion, and the dedication, but not the need for connection. MEC seems, to me, to continue in that vein: it is a professional endeavor, and that more private and personal side of him seems withheld, as if it no longer seeks affirmation from outside of itself. Just my perception. :wink:

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9 minutes ago, k-drama lover said:

is it just me or the description of the track might have something to do with IU's relationship with Voldy?? Since this song is about a couple that has lost the fire in their relationship :blink:

Probably... tbh that's the first thought that crossed my mind when i read that translated article but who knows... is it gonna be R&B breakup song?? Let's see and wait... :wink:

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Happy Tuesday to those on my side of the world, and Good Evening to those on the other side of the world.


:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT TOGETHER! :heart:


speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant


1. Another Perfect All-Kill (PAK) for IU's next song. cheering-smiley-emoticon.gif

2. Jieun to guest at JoonGi's Seoul FM on April 15, and if ever, to sing Good Day, as he mentioned during his Taiwan FM, and/or Through the Night, as requested by @q4q4. singer-smiley-emoticon.gif

3. JoonGi and Jieun to do a duet at his April 15 FM in Seoul.

thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292  thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292thank-you-soldier-baby-emoticon.gif?1292

4. JoonGi's hair stylist to buy a new comb because the one she is using now has broken teeth, causing his hair to part in the middle. tearing-hair.gif  (For this chant to be a success, his hairstyle on his next live appearance shouldn't feature the curtain look. LOL)

5. Release of news related to JoonGi's IG post with the Universal Familyreading-newspaper.gif

6. Resumption of emoticon-filled and/or cryptic message posting by JoonGi in his Instagram logo. *** 


drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

7. Jieun to keep posting in her Instagram logo and be online more often. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle

8. People who love dropping bombs on the thread to live in an island with no Internet and electricity.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces) 

9. JoonGi and Jieun to continue proving to us that love is stronger than hate and more powerful than public opinion. Love Heart Hand animated emoticon

10. JoonGi and Jieun to continue to staunchly support each other's talents and projects, as good colleagues.  Heart playing guitar animated emoticon**

 emoji11. NO LOVE LINE or KISS SCENES for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds, should he accept the role.

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

  12. More SHR cast get-togethers so JoonGi could talk to Jieun and see her become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif

 14. Magazines toilet-reading.gif and CFs tv-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png to feature JoonGi and Jieun together.

15. Rom-com casting for JoonGi and Jieun in 2017 or 2018. movie-director-smiley-emoticon.gif

alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

 16. Release of SHR Season 2/spin-off/film in 2017. eating-popcorn-smiley-emoticon.gif

 17. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life. true-love-smiley-emoticon.gif


dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

   BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif

ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 


Credits -

* @sublimelyheureuse and @marimari00

** @sublimelyheureuse

*** @meahri_1

Instagram for logo

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