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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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@farida1012 thank u for sharing IU vids, can't wait for the translation in IU's Taiwan vid.. :) 

found this, no doubt IU wil be a good wife and her future husband will be so lucky to have her, but pls don't retire JEya..i think Oppa wouldn't mind :D

Dear God..let the lucky guy be JG pls...bbjx miracle comes true :wub: 


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1 hour ago, postnihilism said:

After watching that short Joongi interview I've concluded that, potential romancing aside, the JoonU friendship is a beautiful and miraculous thing. Despite his seniority LJG actually treats Jieun as an equal. And it looks like he finally found a co-lead who can actually keep up with him/keep him in check. :D  (Mutual teasing!! Jieun poking fun at him at every opportunity!!! :wub: :wub:)

And it's a long shot that IU and LJG would be cast together again, but if it happened I have a strong hunch that their chemistry would be even more sizzling and electrifying the second time round......

Also, I understood little of the IU TV vid, but every time she calls LJG "oppa" my soul leaves the building. 


Yes, the friendship is beautiful. ^_^ A genuine affection and admiration.   


Thank you @cherrynea @Silvermaine and more for trying to translate that part of IU TV.  She was the cutest talking about him. Thank you @NoonaE for your explanation about the variety show. :)

EDIT: Sharing because she looks super pretty here. Seems something from the concert DVD.


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5 hours ago, cherrynea said:

Jieun was talking about when joongi came to her concert.

when she finish singing ,she can already feel tht joongi was behind her..doing the the bat thing

and then when she take a look at  jg, she saw that jg is acting cool and into the character like that she don't know what to do..'ohh i shouldnt do like this" haha

 she take a look again at jg,and see jg looking at her giving a smile.that's when she thought jg is different.  

then she said she wants to do well today and didn't drink beer yesterday.manager ask her about her neck and she do that little dance.. (so cute)

she's  said she really thankful to jg about yesterday concert and how can she repay him back.the she said jg smile like in the picture saying

JG;'no~~jieunah,i had fun too" 

JE;but still oppa,reallyy i'm thankful i'll repay for it

JG: no..(if you come?)..hahahahah

JE ; oppa always said like that..

        oppa really the best..see you later


p/s:that's the best i can do..hehe



Thank you chinguu :wub: this mean a lot while we waiting video subbed... I love the end part, look how she's can't stand to share her happy laugh when she told how Joon Gi oppa so nice to her and willing to do something she asked without want to repay it or maybe oppa want she repay with other thing... chu~ LoL

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annyeong yeorobun..

I'm a newbie on this thread. I've known this thread about a month ago and keep reading all your conversation about JoonU. I love it so much. It has been an addict to me that I have to read this thread again and again wkwkwkw. Anyway, I'd like extend my big thanks to all chingu here, who are very loyal and maintain the high spirit for lovely JoonU. To be honest, all the discussion, pray and sharing on this thread have cheered me up and give me hope on them. I feel like having a group of people who have the same mind like me hhehehe..once again, kamsa hamnida..i will join you all to pray for JoonU cos i believe what they have together is real, love is in the air..fighting!..:wub:

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32 minutes ago, berny said:

That IU TV - clip

She does acknowledge it right ? that JG calls her "Jieun-ah"

And she calls her "Oppa "...

awwww... sweets :wub:

and when she tried to imitate the way he spoke to her (the 'aniya, Ji Eun-ah' part) with that soft way of speaking... lol... so he really spoke to her that way, eh? so cute the two of them :wub:

She also mentioned something like: 'oppa is always like that' (?)

Yes, we understand Ji Eun-ah... you know oppa so well already! no need to mention the name either, right, we know which oppa you're talking about! hehehehe... :D

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Hope everyone has a great Friday or weekend!

:heart: WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:


So while patiently waiting,

speaker phone leafLet's do our daily chant


1. News related to JoonGi's IG post with the Universal Family to be released.reading-newspaper.gif

2. JoonGi to resume posting emoticon-filled and/or cryptic messages in his Instagram logo. *** 

(Our FBI investigators really enjoy solving jigsaw-puzzle-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png.)   

drum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mousedrum pink mouse

3. Jieun to continue appearing in public with her good friends. happy-friends-smiley-emoticon.gif

4. Jieun to keep posting in her Instagram logo and be online more often. working-on-a-computer-smiley-emoticon.gi

menial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottlemenial milk bottle

5. People who love to hate to live in an island with no Internet or wi-fi.  Castaway emoticon (Nervous smiley faces) 

6. JoonGi and Jieun to continue proving to us that love is stronger than hate and more powerful than public opinion. Love Heart Hand animated emoticon

7. JoonGi and Jieun to continue to staunchly support each other's talents and projects, as good colleagues.  Heart playing guitar animated emoticon**

 emoji8. NO LOVE LINE or KISS SCENES for JoonGi in Korean adaptation of Criminal Minds, should he accept the role.

crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020crazy monkey 020

  9. JoonGi to organize an SHR cast get-together since they are good friends, so he could talk to Jieun and see her become more beautiful right before his eyes. drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif

10. Jieun and JoonGi to do a duet and collaborate on a MV. partying-smiley-emoticon-1.gif

 11. JoonGi and Jieun to be featured in magazines toilet-reading.gif and CFs tv-smiley-emoticon-emoji.png together.

12. JoonGi and Jieun to be cast in a rom-com in 2017 or 2018. movie-director-smiley-emoticon.gif

alarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mousealarm pink mouse

 13. SHR Season 2/spin-off/film in 2017. eating-popcorn-smiley-emoticon.gif

 14. JoonGi to continue meeting Jieun in his dreams, sleeping-and-dreaming-smiley-emoticon.gi and in real life. true-love-smiley-emoticon.gif

 15. Jieun to write a song for or inspired by JoonGi. love-song-smiley-emoticon.gif

dong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion headdong onion head


and our ultimate wish,

   BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif

ritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier babyritual soldier baby 

Credits -

* @sublimelyheureuse and @marimari00

** @sublimelyheureuse

*** @meahri_1

Instagram for logo

@yasminmuctar Welcome to the thread! Hope you enjoy your stay with us. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on JoonU.

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14 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

and when she tried to imitate the way he spoke to her (the 'aniya, Ji Eun-ah' part) with that soft way of speaking... lol... so he really spoke to her that way, eh? so cute the two of them :wub:

i think so... even when he not spoken to her directly but about Jieun his tone drop a notch and the way he called Jieun is really soft... i can't imagine how JG talk to her directly though... but we have a glimpse of it from Jieun herself.. kekekekeke

i like how Jieun just casually said what JG will said to her in that situation.. she knew and understand him enough to act like him.. their relationship is really cute and to be honest i never seen Jieun so openly talk like that about her male friend unless they are really close....

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6 hours ago, postnihilism said:

After watching that short Joongi interview I've concluded that, potential romancing aside, the JoonU friendship is a beautiful and miraculous thing. Despite his seniority LJG actually treats Jieun as an equal. And it looks like he finally found a co-lead who can actually keep up with him/keep him in check. :D  (Mutual teasing!! Jieun poking fun at him at every opportunity!!! :wub: :wub:)

And it's a long shot that IU and LJG would be cast together again, but if it happened I have a strong hunch that their chemistry would be even more sizzling and electrifying the second time round......

Also, I understood little of the IU TV vid, but every time she calls LJG "oppa" my soul leaves the building. 

I love your post, chingu! And oh, my gosh. Could you imagine them acting together again??? :crazy: *Faint*

From Lee Joon-gi's interview, I also took how important it was to him that Lee Ji-eun carried her own weight on set and that her work ethic was so strong and her ambition so great. Those personality traits seemed to free Lee Joon-gi to more fully be Wang So. Because he no longer felt the strain of having to carry an entire production on his shoulders - and carry his leading lady's performance, as in the past, apparently - he could let loose and just act. No wonder LJE is so important to him: she helped him to create Wang So as much as he helped her to create Hae Soo. With such similar senses of responsibility and industry, the age difference is irrelevant. He would treat her as an equal; in every way that could matter to him, she is a match.

The burden that LJG typically places on himself to maintain an ideal working environment on set now seems like at least part of the reason for his lack of chemistry with prior female leads (potentially excepting Shin Min-ah): if he didn't trust them to share the lead-actor strain with him, from where would the chemistry flow?

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2 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

I love your post, chingu! And oh, my gosh. Could you imagine them acting together again??? :crazy: *Faint*

From Lee Joon-gi's interview, I also took how important it was to him that Lee Ji-eun carried her own weight on set and that her work ethic was so strong and her ambition so great. Those personality traits seemed to free Lee Joon-gi to more fully be Wang So. Because he no longer felt the strain of having to carry an entire production on his shoulders - and carry his leading lady's performance, as in the past, apparently - he could let loose and just act. No wonder LJE is so important to him: she helped him to create Wang So as much as he helped her to create Hae Soo. With such similar senses of responsibility and industry, the age difference is irrelevant. He would treat her as an equal; in every way that could matter to him, she is a match.

The burden that LJG typically places on himself to maintain an ideal working environment on set now seems like at least part of the reason for his lack of chemistry with prior female leads (potentially excepting Shin Min-ah): if he didn't trust them to share the lead-actor strain with him, from where would the chemistry flow?


Thanks for the rational and sobering post chinggu yah. I think I'm going extremely delulu again from lack of crumbs I've been poring over BTS scenes for JoonJi interactions. While I always think that the JG chemistry with JE flowed out from natural feelings, what you just explained is a logical explanation behind what we saw from them onscreen. JG was able to let go and focus on creating the WangSo as we know it without having to carry JE's HaeSoo all the same. And this is why I am really hoping and wishing that Moon Chae Won accepts the CM role so we can test out this theory of yours. MCW is perceived "worthy enough" by JG fangirls to equal his acting prowess and I am extremely curious to know how well this translates into chemistry. If rational logic wins, we get this explosive chemistry that could very well blow our JonnJi OTP out of the water and we will all be lounging at HMS JoonChae's ship in the future instead of here. We may also get some important crumb depending on how this pairing pans out. Regardless, I sincerely wish JG's new project to do extremely well. He needs a homeland hit so he can relax and hopefully focus on his personal life more.    

It also baffles me how K-netz can be so unforgiving of JE's acting. I see so much potential in her that I can't wait for the day she will rise up to Seo Hyun Jin's caliber and have these bashers clamor to partner her with their worthy oppas. I am objective enough to admit that she had some cringe-worthy moments in MLSHR predominantly a few of her comedic scenes but it wasn't so glaring like some of the ones I've seen before (hello, Boys over flowers) She tends to do drama and poignant emotions really well. The SoSoo prison scene? the makeup scene? The Lady Oh scene? The SoSoo confrontation after burrito's death? No matter how frustrating HaeSoo's decisions and actions were becoming I was with her through and through. Even when HaeSoo left the palace under the premise of burrito's death, I rooted for her knowing what she has gone through and suffered. She just carried those emotions well that you had no choice but to be on her side no matter what. If anyone wants to see what bad acting is like in the face of poor character development and bad editing, please watch Hwarang. for comparison. I believe Go Ara and JE had acted in Producers before and have had more experience under her belt compared with JE yet somehow her character was both equally frustrating and unrelatable I was frequently forwarding through her romantic parts and couldn't care if she gets a happy ending. Safe to say, i didn't have any basher blinders on when I was even rooting for her character before the drama started. I hope JE won't shy away from acting in the future. I'd like to see her in a saquek again and continue to hone her acting skills because boy, those chops are not acquired overnight. 


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25 minutes ago, marimari00 said:


Thanks for the rational and sobering post chinggu yah. I think I'm going extremely delulu again from lack of crumbs I've been poring over BTS scenes for JoonJi interactions. While I always think that the JG chemistry with JE flowed out from natural feelings, what you just explained is a logical explanation behind what we saw from them onscreen. JG was able to let go and focus on creating the WangSo as we know it without having to carry JE's HaeSoo all the same. And this is why I am really hoping and wishing that Moon Chae Won accepts the CM role so we can test out this theory of yours. MCW is perceived "worthy enough" by JG fangirls to equal his acting prowess and I am extremely curious to know how well this translates into chemistry. If rational logic wins, we get this explosive chemistry that could very well blow our JonnJi OTP out of the water and we will all be lounging at HMS JoonChae's ship in the future instead of here. We may also get some important crumb depending on how this pairing pans out. Regardless, I sincerely wish JG's new project to do extremely well. He needs a homeland hit so he can relax and hopefully focus on his personal life more.    

It also baffles me how K-netz can be so unforgiving of JE's acting. I see so much potential in her that I can't wait for the day she will rise up to Seo Hyun Jin's caliber and have these bashers clamor to partner her with their worthy oppas. I am objective enough to admit that she had some cringe-worthy moments in MLSHR predominantly a few of her comedic scenes but it wasn't so glaring like some of the ones I've seen before (hello, Boys over flowers) She tends to do drama and poignant emotions really well. The SoSoo prison scene? the makeup scene? The Lady Oh scene? The SoSoo confrontation after burrito's death? No matter how frustrating HaeSoo's decisions and actions were becoming I was with her through and through. Even when HaeSoo left the palace under the premise of burrito's death, I rooted for her knowing what she has gone through and suffered. She just carried those emotions well that you had no choice but to be on her side no matter what. If anyone wants to see what bad acting is like in the face of poor character development and bad editing, please watch Hwarang. for comparison. I believe Go Ara and JE had acted in Producers before and have had more experience under her belt compared with JE yet somehow her character was both equally frustrating and unrelatable I was frequently forwarding through her romantic parts and couldn't care if she gets a happy ending. Safe to say, i didn't have any basher blinders on when I was even rooting for her character before the drama started. I hope JE won't shy away from acting in the future. I'd like to see her in a saquek again and continue to hone her acting skills because boy, those chops are not acquired overnight. 


I couldn´t agree with you more! I think Jieun has a lot of potential in acting, and besides, she is a tough worker and self focused person, so I think she is able to do whatever she wants in the future. And that´s what I think Junki realised about her...And is not just him... Here there is a quote from actress Gong Hyo Jin:

Gong Hyo Jin has worked with IU in the KBS2 drama 'Producer' she said, "IU is an elderly adult in the body of a young girl. She had more patience and control than I did. Even when the process got delayed, she controlled herself as if she were simply listening to music."  

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1 hour ago, marimari00 said:


Thanks for the rational and sobering post chinggu yah. I think I'm going extremely delulu again from lack of crumbs I've been poring over BTS scenes for JoonJi interactions. While I always think that the JG chemistry with JE flowed out from natural feelings, what you just explained is a logical explanation behind what we saw from them onscreen. JG was able to let go and focus on creating the WangSo as we know it without having to carry JE's HaeSoo all the same. And this is why I am really hoping and wishing that Moon Chae Won accepts the CM role so we can test out this theory of yours. MCW is perceived "worthy enough" by JG fangirls to equal his acting prowess and I am extremely curious to know how well this translates into chemistry. If rational logic wins, we get this explosive chemistry that could very well blow our JonnJi OTP out of the water and we will all be lounging at HMS JoonChae's ship in the future instead of here. We may also get some important crumb depending on how this pairing pans out. Regardless, I sincerely wish JG's new project to do extremely well. He needs a homeland hit so he can relax and hopefully focus on his personal life more.    

It also baffles me how K-netz can be so unforgiving of JE's acting. I see so much potential in her that I can't wait for the day she will rise up to Seo Hyun Jin's caliber and have these bashers clamor to partner her with their worthy oppas. I am objective enough to admit that she had some cringe-worthy moments in MLSHR predominantly a few of her comedic scenes but it wasn't so glaring like some of the ones I've seen before (hello, Boys over flowers) She tends to do drama and poignant emotions really well. The SoSoo prison scene? the makeup scene? The Lady Oh scene? The SoSoo confrontation after burrito's death? No matter how frustrating HaeSoo's decisions and actions were becoming I was with her through and through. Even when HaeSoo left the palace under the premise of burrito's death, I rooted for her knowing what she has gone through and suffered. She just carried those emotions well that you had no choice but to be on her side no matter what. If anyone wants to see what bad acting is like in the face of poor character development and bad editing, please watch Hwarang. for comparison. I believe Go Ara and JE had acted in Producers before and have had more experience under her belt compared with JE yet somehow her character was both equally frustrating and unrelatable I was frequently forwarding through her romantic parts and couldn't care if she gets a happy ending. Safe to say, i didn't have any basher blinders on when I was even rooting for her character before the drama started. I hope JE won't shy away from acting in the future. I'd like to see her in a saquek again and continue to hone her acting skills because boy, those chops are not acquired overnight. 


Thank you so much for your post, @marimari00! I had not realized that my last paragraph could read like a rationalization against something special between LJE and LJG. In truth, I meant those ideas to represent one of many aspects that brought LJE and LJG closer. LJG's heavy-lidded looks at LJE during his fan meeting in Taiwan convinced me that he is seriously into her. No doubts, whatsoever. LJE's recently-released description of her conversation with LJG, following her concert in Taiwan, also indicates, to me, that he will go to whatever lengths he has to for her. The fact that she doesn't expect him to do so and her massive appreciation when he does surely compound his desire to keep pleasing her. Personally, I think he's a goner, where she's concerned. (And she seems pretty smitten, as well.) But timing is everything, and they're laying low, now; that's all. 

JoonJi is magic; I can't imagine any other coupling could blow them out of any water. Like the rest of the Stargazers, I'm on this ship all the way.

I really agree with your second paragraph, too, by the way. :)

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4 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

LJE's recently-released description of her conversation with LJG, following her concert in Taiwan, also indicates, to me, that he will go to whatever lengths he has to for her. The fact that she doesn't expect him to do so and her massive appreciation when he does surely compound his desire to keep pleasing her. Personally, I think he's a goner, where she's concerned. (And she seems pretty smitten, as well.) But timing is everything, and they're laying low, now; that's all. 

@sublimelyheureuse @marimari00 I share the sentiments of both of you. When watching JG's recent interview with WOW WOW, the part when he mentioned that they teased each other a lot, I think JG finally felt like he 'belonged'. Previously he's always the 'mood maker' and drained himself to light up the set atmosphere. Even when he did that to 'entertain' his co-star, the reaction that he got from his co-star would normally be like the first reaction of Shin Min Ah back then: Oppa, are you taking drugs? lol... with Ji Eun, she seemed to play along his antics instead of rolling her eyes at him and scolding him for being such a hyperactive being. Remember the bts clip when she smoothly played dead when JG pretended to 'stab' her? and also when she suddenly told him that '4th Prince is so cute' lol... furthermore, we can never forget  their very own 'Annyeong' game either. They both created the atmosphere and clicked that easily. I think JG really appreciates JE for this. From JE's IU TV clip, when she talked about his 'surprise appearance' (though I could hardly understand without the English Sub, I assume that JE's team also anticipated the possibility of JG being too busy to come- hence the manager oppa poorly did the 'rain scene' during the rehearsal lol), I think JE was impressed that JG is someone who would do things without expecting anything in return. Let's just be honest, in our 'professional' life, it's like a golden rule of courtesy that we will have to repay whatever 'colleagues' have done for our sake- just imagine in a world like entertainment world, which sometimes you have to fake kindness and friendships for popularity and career success. JG is apparently not that kind of person to JE and she seems very touched (and giddy- or smitten? haha).

I'm a bit sad to know that it'll be very difficult for two extremely busy and popular stars to have a smooth relationship, but when a thing is meant to be, it will be- so I'll always be around in the JoonU ship to support them. Their bond is so strong and sincere- something which doesn't happen a lot in ordinary life or in a star's life. After the whole '3rd party rumor', they still attended their friend's premiere and JE still included JG's part in her IU TV... nothing can really stop them from being close friends and even more later, this I'm sure by now.

I'll do my daily chant: BBJX MIRACLE, PLEASE COME TRUE! :wub:

Have a good weekend, fellow Stargazers!

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