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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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9 minutes ago, meeibe16 said:

that's right!!! poor uri IU... every article with Voldy there's always IU's name mentioned.. ooohh come on reps, it's more like Voldy use IU's name for publicity.. though I know Voldy is not that kind person..

You seem to know Voldy very well.

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23 minutes ago, starcandy0516 said:

To be honest, I never like Voldy since he keeps mentioning IU's name when he was promoting his album. I was neutral before. At that time, IU was trying to hide from public attention by filming MLSHR. It was after her huge controversy which is basically because of witch-hunt and reporters who twist her words. But, he keeps mentioning her name everywhere he goes. People said it was because MC who keeps asking him. But you know .. there's script and you can make prior-agremeent with PD and staff, if you don't want to mention it. Moreover, after he said he had difficult time dealing with IU's fans at Chungang Festival. Seriously .. he lost all my respect for him .. Sorry ...

i put omy opinion on spoiler for good sake kekekeke


and im to be honest... i never like Voldy since the first time i heard about their relationship came out to public.. just like U chingu I was neutral before with trying to accept the fact "oohhh okay so he's the man that IU loved, okay im happy as long as IU happy with him" but that was when i was tying to deal with my mind but my heart still cant lie that i dont like him to be IU's bf. and as many uaena said to me that Voldy is actually such a good guy, decent guy, smart guy (graduated from Seoul Univ cmiiw) and bla bla bla bla but i donk know i just dont like him hhahhaaa no it's not like im trying to bash him okay..i just dont like him and more after he keep always mentioned her name during his album promotion and plus i heard about his statement at Chungang Festival...

20 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

You seem to know Voldy very well.



hhahhaaa actually i always trying to avoid the news related to him (honestly everytime i heard about the news of him it's always make my blood boiling bcs there's alway IU's name mentioned lol).. but u know that there's always my uaena friends that always inform me about him (some of them is IU&Voldy shipper, and it's annoyed me but i keep silent for good lol)


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2 hours ago, starcandy0516 said:

He doesn't mention IU. He seems gaining some weight. When their relationship was revealed to public, I saw a lot of knetz said Voldy was managing his look by losing some weight to make him look younger. So, he can balance with JE. But, nowadays I saw him looking more like Ahjussi (Sorry ... Recently I watched his VLIVE, but he indeed looks like that) and he gained some weight too. While our JE looking skinnier and glowing just like JG. And, don't you think that JG looks younger nowadays? :wub:

Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets: Yeah ..  코피 means nosebleed. So, JG means JE's nose would've bleeding if he had knocked so hard on her forehead. I'm sure IUteamstarcandy made a mistranslation.


Thank u @starcandy0516 for the enlightenment :)

This is my first comment, and the first time I joined this shiper forum. Happy to see all the good opinions and supports for both Joon Gi and Ji Eun :)


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Whoah the title of that Voldy article is just... blah :wacko:

@starcandy0516 thanks so much for translating the comments! you're such a treasure in the thread when it comes to another 'Voldy' storm and insights to the K-news hehe...

I honestly feel bad for Voldy. Even if it hasn't been his intention of 'using' JE's name for the sake of his career, it seems like media keeps on doing so and it results more negatively for him in the end. It must be hard to be acknowledged more as somebody's partner than for your own accomplishment. Voldy and his band won an award recently, right? too bad lately the entertainment news has been occupied with the power couple Rain/ Kim Tae Hee's wedding so his achievement might just go unnoticed... unless such an 'eye catching' title is given to the article :wacko: *oops*. If we compare it with Joon Gi's recent news with RE Premiere and his Singapore Event... really there's no need to gain people's attention by mentioning JE's name here and there. The only thing when JE is mentioned in a recent JG's article would be related to their Taiwan events when both appeared to support each other.

Anyway, on the brighter side of the article, from some of the comments we can be a bit 'relieved' that if one day our JoonU couple decides to have a public relationship, they won't face the similarly hard 'fate' of being seen as an unequal couple :). If being friends like we assume they are now already gives them the benefit of being able to support each other publicly, it will be even more so when they are officially an item. JG has become slightly more diplomatic when it comes to media interviews after the hard lesson he learned for being the most hated celebrity by the media back in his younger days... therefore he won't just say or do stuffs carelessly even when he's cornered with questions related to relationships.

Now let's continue chanting our BBJX miracle to come true in the end! JoonU to be the next happy 'power couple' ! *insert @chi13lou 's cute chanting emoticons here hahaha*

Have a great Friday and weekend, fellow Stargazers :wub:




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10 hours ago, caramelovers07 said:

Guys, actually about that leaked kiss scene pic, I found out something in the middle of editing my FMV from BTS. But can't sure if that kiss scene was part of forced kiss or another kiss scene that had been cut.

But I'm sure this leaked kiss scene was filming at the same place as forced kiss scene.


yeahh.. i pretty sure it was from the forced kiss also since in the forced kiss, we can see her hands was on wang so shoulder because she hit him to release her and after a while, she lost and close her eyes. and thats when the pic as per the monitor looks like. it indeed seems like a mutual kiss tho and we all know the real emotion in this scene. keekkekekee.. i cannot forget the  dashi dashi. :D


9 hours ago, NerinaC said:

Part 5

  Reveal hidden contents

“Will you be at home around 8 later?”

“I will, are you coming unnie?” Ji Eun was still at her company, they were on early stage of discussing her upcoming concert plan.

“Yep! What do you want  for dinner? Chicken and beer? Pizza?Jokbal?” Inna unnie said jokingly.

“Unnie.... are you trying to make me fat?” She could hear her laughter and she giggled along.

Inna Unie been calling her often, since she knew about the break up and she came whenever she was free. She would stay for the night whenever she didn’t have any schedule, cooked her some quick meals or just brought some take out, she never let her alone too long. Ji Eun felt so grateful, she know how much Inna unnie worried about her, she really took care her. Beside her, Ha Na unnie also took her out sometimes, since that last episode at the ladies room, she was practically showered her with her attention. She would chat her in private messages or in group chat. Han Na Unnie never asked her on what happened that night, and Ji Eun respected her for that, eventually they got closer. 

“How about Ice cream?” Inna unnie brightly suggested the idea.

She laughed at her bright tone, “I think that’s what unnie want, don’t use me as a decoy.”

“Yah... just play along will you?”

“Arrasooo, ice cream it is! See you later unnie”

“See you”

“Oh wait Unnie, there is something I forgot.”

“Oh what is it?”

“I love you, Inna Unnie!”

 “Aigoooo, cheesy.... Love you too Ji Eunni.” 

 Her break up didn’t really took her to the lowest point of her life, with her friends that were ready to hold her in one piece; she was blessed. It had been 3 weeks since her break up, she was pretty sure that no one healed as fast as she was.

 Her phone vibrated, she quickly took it out from her bag, her face brighten seeing the private message.

‘Hello ’

 She couldn’t help to smile, his messages always made her whole day brighter. She felt a little guilt poking in her heart, as if it was wrong in some ways, she shouldn’t be this happy over a guy message, especially when she just broken up.

‘Good afternoon oppa, is it lunch time at Hawaii? What are you having for lunch’she replied. He went for a photo-shoot at hawaii since yesterday, he had been there before with his family, that was what he told her on his last call. Their private messages had escalated to some phone call sometimes, hearing his voice made her sleep better. In fact she actually fell asleep once, she felt so bad  and said sorry for million times; even though Joon Gi oppa just laughed at it and said that her snore sounded cute.

‘I am eating Poke at the moment, they are raw seafood’ He sent a picture along with his message.

‘That looks delicious oppa, you are making me hungry... *sad face*’

‘It is dinner time there right? You should get some *smile, hand, bowing girl emoticon* kekeke’ She looked at the emoticons, puzzled, what is that supposed to mean; but she decided to ignore it for now.

‘I will, on my way home at the moment, Inna Unnie will bring me some dinner. I am spoiled kekekeke *big grin smiley*’

‘You are a princess *glitering crown, thumbs up*kekeke~’ He sent a picture of a beach, the view was amazingly bright, the sea and the sky were striking blue, the colour of the beach sand and some colourful beach umbrellas pops out. It was like a picture that you can only see in travelling catalog.

“Beautiful ...” she  spoke her mind out loud, her manager who was driving turned his head with question in his face. Ji Eun just grinned at her manager oppa and returned her gaze back to her phone.

‘Is that your photo-shoot location oppa? It is really beautiful’

‘It is... *smile face* kind of remind me of SoHae, Oh I got to go, talk to you later Ji Eun ah’

‘Talk to you later oppa’

She looked at their chat with an adoration look, with his busy schedule he always tried to spare his time messaging her, even though it would had been only a short chat or simple, daily talk. She felt some what flattered.

“Lee Joon Gi sunbaenim?” Park Jung Hyun shi asked while driving, he glanced at her curiously. It had been 3 weeks ago; her teary face and puffy eyes were making him worry. He tried not to pry, but she openly said that she had broken up with Chang Ki Ha. LOEN company director asked her if she wanted to announce it in public, but she refused it; thinking that it would do harm for both of them, especially to Ki Ha. Even after all that, she still thought of him.

Ji Eun looked at him like a kid caught guilty. She didn’t answer him, but her look already answered his question. He quietly took notes and didn’t pry.


“What do you think of this emoticons mean unnie?” Ji Eun showed his message to Inna unnie, they were eating Al Chigae, in the end no ice cream for dinner.

Inna looked at the emoticon signs, but she wasn’t that curious about the emoticons as much as she was curious to the sender.

“I dont know...., a smile could only mean a smile, hand and bowing girl... “ she thought about it for awhile, when it hit her... she knew what were those mean.

“Ahh I know!” she exclaimed and clapped her hand loud and nodded.

“What is it?”

Inna turned herself facing Ji Eun, raised her hand and put it on her head. She patted her softly. Ji Eun looked at her confused.


“That’s the emoticon means,” she said and smiled.

For a brief moment, when the realisation dawned on Ji Eun; Inna saw her blushed, blinked and cleared her throat. Inna unnie looked at her with suspicious look.

“So what’s the story between you two?”

“Ehh ehh, what story?” Ji Eun flustered at her unnie question, “We are only Sunbae and Hobae, I admire him as my oppa, that’s all.”

“Hmm.... Oppa...” Inna nodded with suspicious tone.

“Unnie...~ “ Ji Eun whined.

“What?! I didn’t say anything,” Inna couldn’t help  her teasing tone, “Oppa it is, Joon Gi oppa.”

 I wonder if I write too fast? I found writing a fluf is harder than sad story... I kept deleting and rewriting this. I stopped when I actually still have some chapter goal I need to fulfil, I guess I will write them on my next chapter. Tell me what do you think of this chapter... I tried my best to not be cheesy, to the point I am worry that you will find it as a flat story line.... :unsure:

(I learn a lesson today, writing is not an easy task at all)


kwaenchana~~~ u did a good job!!!! im smiling to ear already reading this. kyaaaaaaaa.. it seems real and it heal my hunger for crumbs so bad!


2 hours ago, starcandy0516 said:

He doesn't mention IU. He seems gaining some weight. When their relationship was revealed to public, I saw a lot of knetz said Voldy was managing his look by losing some weight to make him look younger. So, he can balance with JE. But, nowadays I saw him looking more like Ahjussi (Sorry ... Recently I watched his VLIVE, but he indeed looks like that) and he gained some weight too. While our JE looking skinnier and glowing just like JG. And, don't you think that JG looks younger nowadays? :wub:

Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets: Yeah ..  코피 means nosebleed. So, JG means JE's nose would've bleeding if he had knocked so hard on her forehead. I'm sure IUteamstarcandy made a mistranslation.


welcomeeee back @starcandy0516!! i miss u and your amazing analysis as usual!!! you are surely daebak and a black horse for anything related to JE. kekekeke. well.. those reporter surely rude by  using IU's name for Ki ha news. isk isk.. way to gain reader. got bashed instead. hahahaha. anyway.. you said all uaena already know the break up? can you elaborate moreeeeeee? i wanna knowwww


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1 hour ago, starcandy0516 said:

I have seen it .. It's usually like that. Nothing to worry. Reporters will use IU name to get click for Voldy photos. If they don't use IU name, no one will click his photo/article. Since, they haven't announced the break up news, of course the reporter will use the chance to use IU's name. I have read the article and all the knetz are cursing at that reporter. This is why I wish the break up news will release faster. Seriously .. most of k-uaena know that they already break up tho .. This is frustating ...

Thank you for the translation. It's so relieve to know that so many Knetizen are supporting JE, especially some of them said she's good with JG. It's so unfair that JE being used constantly like this. Maybe this is the time for Voldy to clarify their status like a real man.

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5 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

Whoah the title of that Voldy article is just... blah :wacko:

@starcandy0516 thanks so much for translating the comments! you're such a treasure in the thread when it comes to another 'Voldy' storm and insights to the K-news hehe...

I honestly feel bad for Voldy. Even if it hasn't been his intention of 'using' JE's name for the sake of his career, it seems like media keeps on doing so and it results more negatively for him in the end. It must be hard to be acknowledged more as somebody's partner than for your own accomplishment. Voldy and his band won an award recently, right? too bad lately the entertainment news has been occupied with the power couple Rain/ Kim Tae Hee's wedding so his achievement might just go unnoticed... unless such an 'eye catching' title is given to the article :wacko: *oops*. If we compare it with Joon Gi's recent news with RE Premiere and his Singapore Event... really there's no need to gain people's attention by mentioning JE's name here and there. The only thing when JE is mentioned in a recent JG's article would be related to their Taiwan events when both appeared to support each other.

Anyway, on the brighter side of the article, from some of the comments we can be a bit 'relieved' that if one day our JoonU couple decides to have a public relationship, they won't face the similarly hard 'fate' of being seen as an unequal couple :). If being friends like we assume they are now already gives them the benefit of being able to support each other publicly, it will be even more so when they are officially an item. JG has become slightly more diplomatic when it comes to media interviews after the hard lesson he learned for being the most hated celebrity by the media back in his younger days... therefore he won't just say or do stuffs carelessly even when he's cornered with questions related to relationships.

Now let's continue chanting our BBJX miracle to come true in the end! JoonU to be the next happy 'power couple' ! *insert @chi13lou 's cute chanting emoticons here hahaha*

Have a great Friday and weekend, fellow Stargazers :wub:

exactly. he seems to always have genius answer for all the questions poured to him. kekeke. definitely he learned a lesson but he just being a straightforward before.

and sure enough he knows how to answer all the question later if *their relationship went public* ~~~ with the recent marriage of rain and tae hee. can i be greedy wanting the same for him. kekeke.

have a great friday too chingussss~~  

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10 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

welcomeeee back @starcandy0516!! i miss u and your amazing analysis as usual!!! you are surely daebak and a black horse for anything related to JE. kekekeke. well.. those reporter surely rude by  using IU's name for Ki ha news. isk isk.. way to gain reader. got bashed instead. hahahaha. anyway.. you said all uaena already know the break up? can you elaborate moreeeeeee? i wanna knowwww


When you read pann talk comments about the break up rumors, you will notice that a lot of long time uaena said IU already break up with Voldy. When you are visiting IU gallery, you will notice the atmosphere there that said Voldy and IU already break up. I can feel that popular uaena on IU gallery already know about the break up, but they are being subtle about it.

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there might be a little panic mode in thread today morning...but I am glad all solved even I had yet to back read...

So lets enjoy what is appealing to eyes for this rainy and lazy friday...heard that Byeontae gang had been missed so ya =x @aimwanie angel..I promise not to miss you out right, tho I had been missing u already =x and yes, @simplyme_crazyme too...been a busy week for me

I promise I will catch up with the 20 pages over the weekend, so stay tune for mass liking session


credit to owner via cute LJG twitter

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25 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

JG has become slightly more diplomatic when it comes to media interviews after the hard lesson he learned for being the most hated celebrity by the media back in his younger days... therefore he won't just say or do stuffs carelessly even when he's cornered with questions related to relationships.

Sorry for cutting your post. 

I am curious about this. Why the most hated by k-media? When he was around IU's age? 

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15 minutes ago, starcandy0516 said:

When you read pann talk comments about the break up rumors, you will notice that a lot of long time uaena said IU already break up with Voldy. When you are visiting IU gallery, you will notice the atmosphere there that said Voldy and IU already break up. I can feel that popular uaena on IU gallery already know about the break up, but they are being subtle about it.

they might close their mouth since IU didnt really announced it herself. so we need to wait then~~~

11 minutes ago, riuenu said:

there might be a little panic mode in thread today morning...but I am glad all solved even I had yet to back read...

So lets enjoy what is appealing to eyes for this rainy and lazy friday...heard that Byeontae gang had been missed so ya =x @aimwanie angel..I promise not to miss you out right, tho I had been missing u already =x and yes, @simplyme_crazyme too...been a busy week for me

I promise I will catch up with the 20 pages over the weekend, so stay tune for mass liking session

kekekeke.. FRIDAY ATTACK HUHH~~~ kyaaaaaaaaaaa... that was one blurry-yet-hot picture! like waitttt.. why i haven seen this anywhere. ???? goshh.. i only seen his neck pictures floating around tho.. this is a new collection to the files then! kekekekee.. 

this week was hella busy week for me too.. T-T especially monday and tuesday. now im all relax.. and wait till next week. gotta prepare new room in my head for new works. sigh.

i will wait for ya this weeekend!

2 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

Sorry for cutting your post. 

I am curious about this. Why the most hated by k-media? When he was around IU's age? 

mmmmmm.. can i answer a little bit on behalf of @NoonaE

when he was in his most glory skyrocket days back then, he was kinda struck with the star sickness. where he was being too straightforwards to media like asking them why they didnt prepared their question well and etc.. he was being hated for being soo straightforward tho.. not being a big Diva whatsoever. 

anyway chingu.. because of you, im addcited to galaxy songggg!

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@Gabi Bros it was back in 2006 after his rising to fame with 'the King and the Clown'. JG admitted he got this 'star disease' and he became 'arrogant' especially to media during interviews. He said all these in his Golden Fishery episode. And yeah, he's around IU's age that time... having to deal with interviews with the same questions up to 12 hours per day is really tiring, isn't it? no wonder he got fed up and started losing his 'manner', especially as a rookie actor. Media hated him most for that behaviour. He also got a lot of bad comments on his mini homepage, including the one saying that 'he's like a girl' etc. Years following that have been the years where he tried so much to 'prove' himself as a versatile actor and regained a cleaner public image more for his acting chops than personal scandals. Poor baby worked his way to the A-list the hard way, too.

JG has become much more mature after his military service and I really admire him for being able to turn the bad experiences he had into a better thing for himself.

@aimwanie thanks for filling in :heart:

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I should probably get another laptop dedicated for work only so I can avoid the temptation of peeking into soompi threads and start wandering further and further away from the work I should be doing.

I keep some tabs open for soompi threads I'm following just so I can easily continue from last page I read, yeah, probably bad idea... Told myself, ok, just a quick peek for any new crumbs on our couple, but then I always ended up staying for too long, lol.....

I will be patient and wait 2 years for the BBJX curse/blessing to come true while hanging out here with you guys.

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2 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

@Gabi Bros it was back in 2006 after his rising to fame with 'the King and the Clown'. JG admitted he got this 'star disease' and he became 'arrogant' especially to media during interviews. He said all these in his Golden Fishery episode. And yeah, he's around IU's age that time... having to deal with interviews up to 12 hours per day is really tiring, isn't it? no wonder he got fed up and started losing his 'manner', especially as a rookie actor. Media hated him most for that behaviours. Years following that have been years where he tried so much to 'prove' himself as a versatile actor and regained a cleaner public image more for his acting chops than personal scandals. Poor baby worked his way to the A-list the hard way, too.

JG has become much more mature after his military service and I really admire him for being able to turn the bad experiences he had into a better thing for himself.

@aimwanie thanks for filling in :heart:

he did wonderful tho~~ it may be hard but he got it in the end. to be A-listed star with a clean image. 

kekekeke. i guess ur explanation is well accepted than mine.. indeed you are wayy more senior fans of him.. i will follow tightly behind ur back captain!  

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Let me welcome @nerinajgfan @namielovesanime @latinoona @just_iu @rachm2014 and @deori plus @milkare who I can't tag, to the JoonU delulu ship. Always wear your Life jacket emoticon  and hold on tight because our ship is sailing fast.

You can learn more about the BBJX curse/blessing from here -

and for other information, please feel free to ask. Digging up old stuff surely brings back memories to the other shippers, making them remember why they got on the ship in the first place.

Enjoy your stay. We look forward to hearing more from all of you.

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14 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Let me welcome @nerinajgfan @namielovesanime @latinoona @just_iu @rachm2014 and @deori plus @milkare who I can't tag, to the JoonU delulu ship. Always wear your Life jacket emoticon  and hold on tight because our ship is sailing fast.

You can learn more about the BBJX curse/blessing from here -

and for other information, please feel free to ask. Digging up old stuff surely brings back memories to the other shippers, making them remember why they got on the ship in the first place.

Enjoy your stay. We look forward to hearing more from all of you.

Thanks @chi13lou!  Just to let you know that I really appreciate your tireless effort on making our daily chant/wish!  

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