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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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12 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

Done voting!  Is it really the last day or we still have 1 more day to vote?

Annyeong chingu-dil! *wave *wave *wave

Me too. Done voting. This is the last day, right? And hello also to U! I will imitate pyeha when he is saying "U" instead of "you".:D

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2 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

Hi fellow shippers! How are you? Have you seen the fanmade video where JG and IU had similar actions and nuances? It was so cute. :wub:

Anyway, regarding the Jeon Hye Bin - Joon Gi rumor, the last time I checked, it only surfaced during Joseon Gunman and in 2015. All of them were denied by the involved parties and Namoo. Regarding JHB and Joon Gi's sister and their relationship, the only thing that I know is that JG's sister's boyfriend is the brother of JHB's close friend. The rumor resurfaced this year only because they were seen in an instagram post (which was deleted), and JG's sister was probably in that dinner/gathering mostly because of her boyfriend.

From what I can surmise, the rumors are baseless. And everyone should really be more suspicious of JoonU :D I was just thinking about the LHJ slip-up during the SBS awards and it kind of actually is controversial; the slip-up itself and their reaction.

What video was that? can u link me pls? :)

Oh so that was it. They are acquianted because of JG's sister's boyfriend. Thanks for the clarification. 

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Thanks for the info.  I have perceived JG as someone who speaks his mind, or doesn't hesitate to give honest comments.
so yeah, suprising that he did not make any official statement to put the delulu shippers (like us hahhaha) and media in check in our many conclusions and speculations. :)

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1 hour ago, samtrocino said:

I just hope that whatever happens to him, he just pray to God since he is also a Catholic just like me. That he mustn't give up no matter happens and by the way in the video where KHD was talking with him. He said to him "YOU ARE GREEDY" but in a nice way. Then in the Cosmo photoshoot, LJG message to IU, he said " YOU ARE GREEDY" in a nice manner also. I think what goes around, comes around. They compliment each other.:heart:

Yes. By far after knowing him, he's the most devoted catholic in Korean Industry I've seen. I'm so proud because I'm a catholic too and I can see that he has the traits of being a passionate and dedicated to his beliefs. And I know it will also help him pursue his happiness, and that involves not giving up on Ji Eun. Maybe he's patiently waiting for the right time to make her his :wub:

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3 hours ago, NoonaE said:

I read once that JE hasn't got the same 'cold' treatment from fellow JG fans because she's in a relationship lol *how ironic is that actually for us?*. I'm not saying that JG fans are that possessive or delusional, it's just like any other fans, there are a few who are unwelcoming to female co-stars, female friends and the idea of him having a relationship at all. 


I read news of Lee Hwi Jae's public apology for 'suspecting' JoonU; because suspecting someone who's already in relationship is considered really rude (HAHA) Is it possible that SK's warm reaction now is only bcs they believe she's still in a relationship? (This is similar to Kim Go Eun's... after her last post at Goblin's shooting location she shut her IG account for good)

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@starcandy0516 mentioned that IU and JKH met last July, 2016 then after that no more. What if that is their last talk? They talked about the so-called "FREEDOM" and IU also mentioned in her Taiwan FM that "If you love someone, let them go"? I think they really talked seriously about that time maybe because she is having a hard time and she is also falling in love with LJG. I read somewhere according to Johnny Depp, " If you fall in love with two persons, choose the second one. Because you will never fall with him/her if you really love the first one." Something like that. :rolleyes::heart:

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@emerald_2 hahaha yeah... maybe that's also why we're staying stubbornly in this ship! because none of them says anything while feeding us with sweet crumbs and cookies and cakes so we can keep delulu-ing :rolleyes:

@Sharine Phinisia that could be the reason. and probably nobody has said anything either because saying things will lead into a bigger problem. I honestly can't imagine if the break-up news is indeed released and then the two (JoonU) are somewhat still being this publicly sweet and supportive... media will scold JG, JE and hunt Voldy for news. Argh... that is scary :crazy:

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1 hour ago, starcandy0516 said:


Remember when the MC at JG Taiwan FM Press Conference said "When I watched SAF BTS, it feels like there's love in the air" and JG just nodded and said thank you without giving some explanation. Actually that statement is kinda scandalous for someone who is in public relationship. As I know, JG has been so careful all this years and try to avoid any scandals. If they are just friends and don't have something, he should said "Ahh .. No, we are just friends. She already has someone else"

So, all this time, JoonU never deny that there's something suspicious and loves in the air between them :wub:

And the last thing, JE doesn't meet with Voldy anymore since last July and it's already 6 months until now! For the break up news, it's indeed will take longer time as today all korea portal sites like Naver, Daum, etc are full with their political scandals. All the trending topic are about Choi Soon Shil, Lee Jae Young (Vice President of Samsung) and Ban Ki Moon controversy. This is why it's been so quiet lately in K-Entertainment industry. All reporters can't mess up with their political issues.

Sorry for cutting your post chinggu. I know, right? Why didn't he just deny it? Why did he just laugh it off and not said those words? It was very suspicious thats why I'm not blaming LHJ that he made those comments because he can also see what we can see us shippers :D


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19 hours ago, chi13lou said:

Since media will consider it fan service, she can just show up and say we set the bar too high at his last FM so to not disappoint HK fans, we decided that I should also appear.

Now this made me hope that she'll appear on his HK FM :crazy: :cold_sweat:

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Hi stargazers..Since our thread is a bit silent nowaday..my mind start to wonder and delusion to the max...haha..

If we're in LJG and LJE shoes..how we're going to date without being caught? heee:D  Group gather again?  No privacy huh....

imo..dating in the car with tinted window glass is no longer practical.  That's the famous way celebrity couple been caught by Despatch isn't it...

So that is why i'm still thinking about that couple leather jacket things... Yes, the leather jackets... How can i forget..LJG & LJE LEATHER JACKETS..and LJG is soooo hot in it!  I did mention in my previous post on how romantic will be if they both on motorbike date...  Back hugging... Face on the shoulder...:blush:  With helmet :ph34r:on..nobody will recognise them right?  heee:D me and my delulu...  What to do..i miss them like crazy..

Sorry for my limited english.

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44 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

Me too. Done voting. This is the last day, right? And hello also to U! I will imitate pyeha when he is saying "U" instead of "you".:D


I also done voting for today. I really really really really really miss to see them together :tears:

Everyday I open this site hoping there some news about them. Haha.. Its not good for my mind you know. Arghhh.. What should I dooo

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5 minutes ago, jgje said:

Hi stargazers..Since our thread is a bit silent nowaday..my mind start to wonder and delusion to the max...haha..

If we're in LJG and LJE shoes..how we're going to date without being caught? heee:D  Group gather again?  No privacy huh....

imo..dating in the car with tinted window glass is no longer practical.  That's the famous way celebrity couple been caught by Despatch isn't it...

So that is why i'm still thinking about that couple leather jacket things... Yes, the leather jackets... How can i forget..LJG & LJE LEATHER JACKETS..and LJG is soooo hot in it!  I did mention in my previous post on how romantic will be if they both on motorbike date...  Back hugging... Face on the shoulder...:blush:  With helmet :ph34r:on..nobody will recognise them right?  heee:D me and my delulu...  What to do..i miss them like crazy..

Sorry for my limited english.

Haha I'm with you in delulu land. Love to imagine a date in a motorcycle :wub: A tight hug by Ji Eun to Joon Gi's waist and they will feel the breeze in a cold winter night :wub:

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5 hours ago, NoonaE said:

@samtrocino JG used to post some pics with his previous female costars including JHB but the fans' reactions were harsh. So far I've seen that most of his fans - except some on weibo- did not react as harshly towards JE, maybe that's why he's a bit braver to post and share his closeness with her. I can also tell that he's been excited with MLSHR *and recently with Milla and RE*, that's why he has posted quite frequently. I don't know what suspicion you have towards JG but you can have my words that he's not using JE for his own popularity's sake at all. He's not that kind of person. He might have not been a familiar name for younger K-Pop/ K-Drama fans because of the projects he has chosen so far *read: the non-romcom type* but he's surely been a name on his own in the K-entertainment since 2005 :).


Since you mentioned about fans on weibo, if you dont mind me asking...are the fans from both sides cooling down now? Any ideas how the weibo's fans' reactions re both guested at each others' concert and FM?

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I have some free time last weekend so I decided to finally watch the Flower Crew guesting of IU. She was so cute and adorable there. A very competitive and fierce woman. Although when she was cutting the vegetable, I was worried too (our friend mentioned this already, i forgot her name) that she might cut her fingers! Good thing Sae Ho volunteered to do the cutting. My point is, I remember when JG was caught doing groceries. You also mentioned that he's a good cook. Ji Eun need to learn the right way of cutting vegetables from him. He can teach her to cook too. :blush: 

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13 minutes ago, ucieh said:


Since you mentioned about fans on weibo, if you dont mind me asking...are the fans from both sides cooling down now? Any ideas how the weibo's fans' reactions re both guested at each others' concert and FM?

I'm also curious. What was happening on weibo? There was a mention of a fan war but I don't know anything about it. 

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I'm still wondering how LJG mustered up the courage to post the video of JE's appearance on his FM that he edited in slow motion when he held her hand.. Is it some kind of a signal from him? I don't know but it just keeps on making my brain works so much from thinking about the reason. Help me chinggus :D

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