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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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34 minutes ago, samtrocino said:

In the MLSHR OST, before in his IG, he put the FMV of aurora rain with the song " My Love" by Lee HI. Then, he is always singing the "For You" by EXO and lastly, "Now" if translated to Korean is "JIGEUM". If I put them together - " FOR YOU, MY LOVE JIGUEM". Doctor, what is my blood pressure?:w00t:

hahaha love this analysis...

im daydreaming at the office just reading all the posts here that i really have to discipline myself not to see or read any JoonU related article since i have sooooooo much work for january... but i always fail hahaha

the crumbs were enough to satisfy me for a few weeks, lets just see the coming updates from them... :)


NOW as for the voting!!! were almost at the last days of it so we have to work hard to make them number 1!!!


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12 hours ago, sublimelyheureuse said:

From IU's recent comment that Lee Joon-gi convinced her to walk the red carpet with him at the SAF ceremony, in celebration of MLSHR and the roles they both loved, I am guessing that between September and the present day, he became an incredible source of support and encouragement for her. When the media and netizens were bashing her acting relentlessly and MLSHR's ratings were plummeting, I imagine that Lee Joon-gi, being the leader he is, pulled the crew together, to lift everyone's spirits, and reached out to IU, in particular. Clearly, he thinks very highly of her skills (rightly so), and I think he spoke to her of her talents, repeatedly. Rather than letting her hide and nurse her wounds, he pulled her and the cast out for nights on the town. Then, most likely over the course of December, he convinced her to hold her head high and walk that carpet with him. He showed her that she, as an actress, and her portrayal of Hae Soo were vastly loved. Because his faith in her and their fans proved to be true, I believe that her trust in and gratitude to him have multiplied magnificently over the past few weeks and months.

He proved to her through his actions - and his words - that he could make the hard times she was experiencing (due to the harsh reviews) better. ("Hey Joon...." ;-)) She KNOWS she can trust him. 

Long story, short: What changed during the fall? MLSHR's poor ratings drew them together.

Are they attracted to each other? I'd say so. Does LJG's brain fritz and flatline when he looks at LJE? Uh, yeah. Did he box KHN out, to make a claim on LJE? Likely. (I love him even more, if he did!) What happens next? Who knows? But with a foundation built on trust, mutual respect, no small amount of appreciation, sexual attraction, and determination to be present for each other, the sky's really the limit, yes? :)

P. S. I feel a need to point out that he dragged his hand down her hip and she didn't flinch, smack him, or otherwise demonstrate that he was out of line. 'Nuff said. :lol:

Oh!! How much I loveeee your post, chinguu!! Yeah!! I'm so happy JE finally found a man that could be her strength. Because, I mean seriously, this tiny creature had faced so many hardship & sadness ALONE!! So that's why she stressed so much and suffered bullimia & insomnia. I don't wanna judge Voldy couldn't support her or what, but I'm being a realistic here. Note this, as woman I'm not being materialistic, but being re-a-lis-tic! I think JE wasn't tell all about her depression to Voldy. Because of course she doesn't wanna him to worry her, and of course this quite huge gap pressure they had (indie music & main stream pop music) so they couldn't relate each other work pressure so much. And yeah, because Voldy's career still hasn't reached top as JE's, he couldn't do much to support her (Added by a fact, his career is not solo career, but with his bandmates, so of course the decision must be decided together).

Anyway, what I want to say is, it was so relieving for JE to have JG beside her. She could rely on her comfortably, because he is someone more experienced than her,  she could always tell him her difficulties and asked him an opinion to solve it, because of course he is more experienced. I know she has her bestie, but of course it's sooo different with a man right?? I mean, you'd spend your entire life with your husband anyway, your life-partner. Of course you must choose someone who can relate you better, someone who can be relied on when you had difficulties, someone who could be your leader of your lil' family, someone who could give you that happiness glowing in your face every day...

And he always could protect you with that black belt of martial arts or something. LOL.


11 hours ago, q4q4 said:

Their offscreen sexual chemistry is literallt off the chart. I can't even. Like when I see their pictures and fan vids from SAF and their concerts/FM's I feel like I need to get a fan or an ice bucket bc I can feel the heat through my screen lol does that even make any sense?!? 

JG has totally staked his claim for Jieun IMO. And he continues to do so. Maybe we'll see less of it or maybe not. He has surprised us all so far as he continues to post about his queen.:heart:

LOL!! You betchaa, chingu!! They had that steamy gaze & chemistry. Always fill my stomach with butterflies & giddiness every time they're together. As that strong as that their chemistry is!! Even it's not me myself who are being there! LOL!!

Like I already sealed before their Taiwan FM/Concert. I believe they're already falling in love for each other. And I will always in this ship for ever!! This is my first, eternal and only ship! LOL!! I'll sail to paradise land or sunk with this ship. Don't really matter! I am so grateful to have OTP like JG & JE, kindly give us "fan service" crumbs (Though, i think it was just a reason. LOL). And of course with you guyss!! Let's ship together till forever!! LOL

8 hours ago, lylunglinh said:

i saw his dad on this video , his dad is sitting next to namoo's CEO :)) the man is smiling so proud about his son :)) 


check this out 

Omomomomomomomomo!!! JG ssi????!!!! I think you aren't searching for GF material right?? Rather, you search for WIFE material???!!! Omoo JG YAAAAAAAA!! I KNOW YOU ARE NOT YOUNG ANYMORE!! BUTT, YAAAAHHH!! LOL!! So that's why he invited his dad!! LOL!! Guys, oh no... I think we must prepare JE's wedding dress as fast as we could..... JG JUST WANNA SKIP DATING STAGE AND SKIM TO MARRIAGE STAGE!! LOL!! IT DOESN'T MATTER REALLY, BECAUSE THEY WERE ALREADY A LOVER IN ML. LOL!!

Luckily, uri capt' @akinahana89 and other chingus here already ready enough with discussion about JE's wedding dress concept!! LOL!! As we dunno if someday we will be suprised with sudden wedding news. LOL!!

5 hours ago, qwenli said:

I think no matter what is the truth or the status, the following are facts

1) there will be iu antis

2) there will be joon gi antis

3) there will be people who dun like them together

4) there will be people who like them together.

After my Taiwan trip, I don't care what others say about them anymore, I will live in my bubble of happiness for as long as it last. :heart:

Chinguuu @qwenli!!! Miss your post & spazzing with you in uri thread like in the old times!!! LOL!!

Btw your posts are superb @starcandy0516 like always!! Love love your posts!! I think we must award her with the title of FBI Agents, boss @chi13lou. She is uri number 1 JE's Intelligence agent for sure!! LOL!! For JG's intelligence agents somehow we got @JGiGrande @NonaE

@aimwanie @Diana Blanche here!! LOL!! We've got many intel for sure!!

Welcomeeee welcomeee @Kim Anh Lyne!!! Have fun spazzing here together with uss!!!

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6 hours ago, JGiGrande said:

You're welcome ^^ To their wedding, seems he couldn't go there. It's same as his HK fm day. 

Thank you.. <3 Namoo CEO sometimes goes with him to China regions, I'm not sure why. About his dad, that's it! I share your opinion, chingu.. xD

Also @riuenu I'm sorry for not able to fulfill your hopes, friends. This was only my 3rd time attending his fm as I usually can't get good-timing with the semesters. I'm not a Chinese speaker and has very limited skills. Just got the tix by the help of my friend in hk. We saw his dad in the van when we sent him off.

You may have already felt their atmosphere as well as of fans just looking at the fan photos, hehe. My friend explained me in brief of the conversations that they praised each other, Joongi mentioned something about her habit during the filming, and said about in regards of the deleted ending scene. Jieun said it was an happy ending while Joongi said it was regretful, maybe referring he so wanted the scene to be included in the drama, then we fans made noise, lol. I'm so glad I could attend his fm this time, much satisfying to see my OTP and their lovely interactions on the stage :blush:

Hahahahaha, no worry, just thinking tho...anyway...you already shared a very big confirmation, and I really thankful for that. Thanks!

Yea...hahahahaha, actually few pages back, uri Chingu @crazyshell had done a wonderful job of translating....but I still envy u for attending his FM.

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56 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

He also has a black belt in Taekkyeon and Hapkido, both are also Korean martial arts... and he got a marksmanship award during his military service training, if my memory serves me well, he ranked the 2nd best shooter among 900 cadets that year. Yeap, our JE is very well guarded! hahaha... :rolleyes:

Just remembered another modern k-drama comedy idea that I had that Joongi would be perfect for. (Have I shared this one yet? I can't recall) You know the singer who sings You're Beautiful? His name is James Blunt and he served as captain in the British army and was on active duty in Kosovo back in the late 90's. Then he quit the army and became a singer/songwriter.

Joongi plays a 30-something solider who has just finished active duty and he decides he no longer wants to be a soldier. His dream was to always become an idol. He gets discovered and the drama follows him as he navigates the k-entertainment industry with wry amusement as he literally just came off a battlefield and the entertainment industry is so shallow. He gets disillusioned and a little elitist but the publicist assigned to him, played by Jieun, teaches him to stop being so high and mighty. Jieun is trying to work her way up corporate ladder and she doesn't appreciate Joongi being elitist when she's just trying to do her job. He realizes that there is nobility in being an artist and doing a job well and that he really does want to be an artist.

I'd aim for a Brooklyn Nine-Nine comedic vibe.

@q4q4 As president and CEO of Q4Q4 Stargazer Production Company, do I have your permission to make this drama???

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@riuenu Chingu, do you even sleep? :lol:

I know we're all hoping IU/Jieunie and some of the SHR cast will be at the premiere. @chi13lou that's in our current chant, right? By the way, I haven't seen anyone mention the time of the premiere. Does anyone know yet? @JGiGrande @Diana Blanche @Silvermaine Any news from the Joongi thread?

Even though Joongi gave us 3 days of cake, I can't help feeling greedy and hoping for a tiny crumb. Just one. 

Anyway, our thread seems to be running like a machine these days. Keep it up chingudeul!!

Annyeong!  You all have a great day or evening!

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6 hours ago, riuenu said:

dun give me weird suggestion, if I do that, I will become the weird byeontae FBI agent..my title is long enough already, need not add the weird in.....

hahaahhahahaha, and i also become byeontae JG angel because of you.. but nah, i dont care abt it as long as you keep giving the source. kekeke

6 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

Annyeong!!!  Just wanna butt in with your convo with my byeontae chinggu @riuenu here.

What I am wondering is if this is the same jacket she wore when she first arrived at the venue on her concert? 

Chinggu-ya @riuenu !!!!  O M G!!!!  I wish I can write down here my thoughts but I can't!!!!  I'm still on probationary period under the ever-watchful eyes of our captain @akinahana89 (she-who-does-not-sleep) and I don't want to be put into an isolation room again!   ANDWAEEEEEE!

@simplyme_crazyme me wanna know too~~~


5 hours ago, mooncookies24 said:


HI, WARM WELCOMING FOR U!! Happy To Read Ur Post. Thank u 4 ur appreciation for my madness to URI OTP..hahahaha..JOONU Really made us mad..mad in love..haha..FYI, this is my first time shipping someone..and suddenly become hardcore shpper..haha..and even me call myself stubborn shipper hahaa..some shipper maybe wavered bc some matter..but not happen to me until now..so call me stubborn one..haha..my quote in this shipper just BE A HAPPY SHIPPER AND BE STRONG..keep spreading positive aura and encouraging each other so we can support our OTP..to through their love journey..haha..we all know how hard at Knetz.. I love so many positive posting lately.. @simplyme_crazyme    @chi13lou  @caramelovers07








And the one who called her posting haywire posting..LOL..My commader..my Chief JoonU FBI community hahah. @riuenu

And of course who started this lovely thread @akinahana89


Can mention one by one..AND all shipper that have been visit thread and become silent reader..just join us and share ur mind about URI LOVING OTP..I Love U All Stargazers..Make us from stranger become stargazer..friend that can share something that we love..hehe..

Sometimes I cant often visit soompi bc work and family keep me busy..just can steal time to make posting at ig..hihihi..but my line and ig group always telling about anything at soompi..honestly feel sad and angry several times bc we also made non shipper visit our paradise and become terrorist..dropping bomb..hit and run..haha..I remember ytd i heard someone admit as Joongi fans and said something weird .lol..and made me astonished bc call her/himself joongi fans but also typo write joongi name - LGJ LGJ ALL THE TIME LOL..NOT THE RIGHT ONE - LJG BUT SHE KEEP WRITING LGJ.. So make me think who was she talking about? LEE GWANG JONG?? HAHAHAHAAA..LOL.. @riuenu  told me she visit joongi thread after this LGJ dropped bomb bc she asked we visit there..cmiiw ..and funny thing, she also keep writing LGJ and no one correct her typo..LOL

Okay..sorry for long long post .but anyway love all u JoonU shipper - STARGAZERS



being positive is our inner chant. kekeke.. nothing is impossible.. miracle is there somewhere~~

2 hours ago, darker91 said:

JG update his IG again:

Same color outfit again, even though in different time & in different place.

plus info.. he wore the sweater a fan from thailand gave him during his birthday party last year~~

54 minutes ago, NoonaE said:

He also has a black belt in Taekkyeon and Hapkido, both are also Korean martial arts... and he got a marksmanship award during his military service training, if my memory serves me well, he ranked the 2nd best shooter among 900 cadets that year. Yeap, our JE is very well guarded! hahaha... :rolleyes:

u are right buddy~ he is indeed excellent in shooting, as it is his favorite "toy"

39 minutes ago, kriswu said:

Thank you @junemoonstone for sharing the video!

After the interviewer said "amazing", he replied "Yeah, thank you" while nodding and smiling LOL he seems to love it when he's being teased to LJE and when people give compliments like love is in the air or they look lovely together :rolleyes::lol:

hmmm Joongi, you really are something :wub:

me myself.. surprised with his behavior , that nod was.. really something.


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5 hours ago, kilovekyo said:


Thanks for share ^^ just realise Ji Eun outfit for her concert in your posts, all with short skirt but when Joon Gi came, she chose long skirt hmm...i see maybe because Joon Gi wore suit? it's more suitable her chose formal one :sweatingbullets: ...or she avoid something to be happened  :phew:  we know how Joon Gi often lost his words in front of her kkk...

Hahahahahaha, I dun mind that long skirt as her shirt matches his jacket...sorry, I really zoom in and see LOL

Anyway, we get to see her long flowing yet short dress at his FM right....

We will not want to see a lost Joongi right..and maybe...he will just stare at her leg...and forget about everything =x

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3 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


Same thought chingu, this my first time see his dad, and Joon Gi look alike him.

the eyes also right.. im smiling soo wide seeing his dad proud face.. awwwww.. but still cannot help myself comparing their nose!

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23 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

@riuenu Chingu, do you even sleep? :lol:

I know we're all hoping IU/Jieunie and some of the SHR cast will be at the premiere. @chi13lou that's in our current chant, right? By the way, I haven't seen anyone mention the time of the premiere. Does anyone know yet? @JGiGrande @Diana Blanche @Silvermaine Any news from the Joongi thread?

Even though Joongi gave us 3 days of cake, I can't help feeling greedy and hoping for a tiny crumb. Just one. 

Anyway, our thread seems to be running like a machine these days. Keep it up chingudeul!!

Annyeong!  You all have a great day or evening!


IT'S ALL i CAN FIND BUT i DON'T UNDERSTAND  :sweatingbullets:

170112 by Sony Pictures
인류 최강전사 #밀라요보비치 X #폴앤더슨 한국 입성!
드.디.어 내일! 특별출연 #이준기 까지 함께하는
레드카펫이 개최됩니다!
*일시: 1/13(금) 19:00
*장소: 메가박스 코엑스
*참석자: 밀라 요보비치, 폴 앤더슨, 이준기(특별출연)
#실물영접_하루전 #레드카펫가서_성덕되자
#레지던트이블_파멸의날 #1월25일대개봉


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9 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


Same thought chingu, this my first time see his dad, and Joon Gi look alike him.

So curious with JG's ammaaa (mother). LOL. Does she has similar face with JE?? There's a quote "a boy first crush is always his mother". LOL, and "a girl first love is always his father", right?

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3 hours ago, junemoonstone said:

@Sharine Phinisia I am picking up so many crumbs from JG's KKTV press con. Anyone else noticed his response to the emcee's praise of him and IU at SBS Drama Awards? The emcee thought the backstage atmosphere was filled with love, kekeke. In response, JG kept Hmmmm-ing and kept nodding his head, neither refuting nor confirming. If it was purely about MLSHR, he would've said something like Oh yeah, we must project the right chemistry for the fans - keurucho, yeorobun ? Obviously he couldn't, at this point in time, say something else that might compromised his and IU's positions. So, really, the best way is to not answer, hahaha. 

By the way, I'm using "JG" because of how Milla Jovovich calls him and i thought it has a nice ring to the name - 'jay gee'. 

@junemoonstone chingu!! Thanks for pointing that out, and for the HD video that I had watched yet missed out the important point as I only focus his greeting to Jieun hahahahaha :heart:

2 hours ago, wandaraiju said:

@riuenu, for me it seems that at the prwss conference both hanneul and baekhyun realized (or maybe just realized; i think jong hyun n kang hana already know) that iu really close to joon gi. because when baekhyun, joon gi, iu, n kang haneul being interviewed together, iu without realizing called joon gi as "opa" (though previoisly she call him sunbaenim) at that time hanneul and Baekhyun instantly change glance to each other. when iu being ask who is the prince that take care of her the most.  Ha-Neul seems fidgeting, i think he just naughty want to tease iu and his sunbaenim since probably he already senses something. Also when iu asked both hanneul and Baekhyun with "kuretjo? kuretjo?" they pretends to get jealous saying "yeaah, he take care all of us". and joon gi just laughing so hard hearing that. i think at that moment LJG and LJE closeness had become public secret of their felow drama casts. cmiiw

@wandaraiju nod nod nod, agree...hee hee, the interview of 4 of them...really...bit awkward...not for JoonU, but for BaekHyun and Hanuel, they just seem to be casted out hahahaha

1 hour ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

Thank you chinggu-ya!

Yeah.  The one she wore before and after her concert.  And I know about the leather jacket she was carrying prior to JG's FM.  I just wanna make sure because I have observed something while trying to solve that puzzle!  Am trying to put all the pictures together.  In my experience, the answer usually is right in front of us, just need to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective.  One thing is for sure though, and I believe we are all in agreement......that she brought in a different jacket from what she obviously came out with after the FM. One was a leather jacket and the other one is maybe suede? AHAHAHAHAHA.

Never mind me.....this is the result of not having crumbs today.  Lots of time to dedicate in dissecting, more dissecting and even more dissecting things! LOL

HEHEHEHE! yes yes, I love dissecting and digging old crumbs out to discuss...well, in a non byeontae way k =x

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4 minutes ago, Diana Blanche said:


IT'S ALL i CAN FIND BUT i DON'T UNDERSTAND  :sweatingbullets:

170112 by Sony Pictures
인류 최강전사 #밀라요보비치 X #폴앤더슨 한국 입성!
드.디.어 내일! 특별출연 #이준기 까지 함께하는
레드카펫이 개최됩니다!
*일시: 1/13(금) 19:00
*장소: 메가박스 코엑스
*참석자: 밀라 요보비치, 폴 앤더슨, 이준기(특별출연)
#실물영접_하루전 #레드카펫가서_성덕되자
#레지던트이블_파멸의날 #1월25일대개봉



It looks like 7pm SK time.

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35 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

Just remembered another modern k-drama comedy idea that I had that Joongi would be perfect for. (Have I shared this one yet? I can't recall) You know the singer who sings You're Beautiful? His name is James Blunt and he served as captain in the British army and was on active duty in Kosovo back in the late 90's. Then he quit the army and became a singer/songwriter.

Joongi plays a 30-something solider who has just finished active duty and he decides he no longer wants to be a soldier. His dream was to always become an idol. He gets discovered and the drama follows him as he navigates the k-entertainment industry with wry amusement as he literally just came off a battlefield and the entertainment industry is so shallow. He gets disillusioned and a little elitist but the publicist assigned to him, played by Jieun, teaches him to stop being so high and mighty. Jieun is trying to work her way up corporate ladder and she doesn't appreciate Joongi being elitist when she's just trying to do her job. He realizes that there is nobility in being an artist and doing a job well and that he really does want to be an artist.

I'd aim for a Brooklyn Nine-Nine comedic vibe.

@q4q4 As president and CEO of Q4Q4 Stargazer Production Company, do I have your permission to make this drama???

@q4q4 dont forget about your finance aka PA here...I can manage both post on top of FBI in training....kekekekeke

31 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

@riuenu Chingu, do you even sleep? :lol:

I know we're all hoping IU/Jieunie and some of the SHR cast will be at the premiere. @chi13lou that's in our current chant, right? By the way, I haven't seen anyone mention the time of the premiere. Does anyone know yet? @JGiGrande @Diana Blanche @Silvermaine Any news from the Joongi thread?

Even though Joongi gave us 3 days of cake, I can't help feeling greedy and hoping for a tiny crumb. Just one. 

Anyway, our thread seems to be running like a machine these days. Keep it up chingudeul!!

Annyeong!  You all have a great day or evening!

@meahri_1 chingu...I do sleep, I really do...just that...its getting lesser and lesser...hahahahaha, when Joongi gave us cakes, I am up spazzing...when he does...I am digging old crumbs...that is the result in my panda eyes now

28 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

hahaahhahahaha, and i also become byeontae JG angel because of you.. but nah, i dont care abt it as long as you keep giving the source. kekeke

@simplyme_crazyme me wanna know too~~~


being positive is our inner chant. kekeke.. nothing is impossible.. miracle is there somewhere~~

plus info.. he wore the sweater a fan from thailand gave him during his birthday party last year~~

u are right buddy~ he is indeed excellent in shooting, as it is his favorite "toy"

me myself.. surprised with his behavior , that nod was.. really something.


EH HMMM....not fully because of me okay...and of course..I will keep giving u the source, if I spotted any..u know, sharing is caring..I will specially mention u as well hehehehehehehe, that is how much I love you chingu @aimwanie

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Just saying about mentioning you @aimwanie, when I turn to my twitter...I saw something worth mentioning...sexy chest no, sexy neck okay?

I know I shouldnt send these photos at this timing...but...alright...my nose bleeding soon


Credit owner on pic via cuteLJG twitter

And his smile....ewwwwwww


More photos here




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5 hours ago, junemoonstone said:


Towards the very end of this clip. A big crumb if you understand Mandarin ! 

The emcee mentioned Best Couple award and said she felt the backstage interview was filled with 'ai' (love) feeling. Our dear JG just nodded and nodded and nodded, hahaha!


I watch the part when JG mimicked the "sonorous" (birdy) sound perfectly; even the translator can't help but smitten and the MC gone blank when he asked her for mandarin teaching time. I came here for crumbs but end up smitten by this sunshine. He can even talk casually to Milla Jovovich. Such a people person he is. :)

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote videos!
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Good night stargazers! :heart:

But before that...stargazers from another side of the world, or those who are still awake...please take some time to vote for our MLSHR cast and our lovely JoonU...its just a few more days to 16 January...let work double hard for this

Please note that you can use both Soompi and Line account to vote. 24 votes per day! Justt to fully utilised it! I had voted...have you?

Best Idol Actor: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=16

Best Adaption: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=18

Best Drama OST: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=22

Best Bromance: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=23

Second Lead Syndrome: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=24

Best Kiss: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=25

Spottoon Best Couple: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=26

Actor of the Year: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=27

Actress of the Year: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=28

Drama of the year: https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=29

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