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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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@Sharine Phinisia basic meaning of Oppa is elder brother) but it is also widely used for close male friends (and lovers), not so close people are called -ssi. Usually it is used when age gap is not too big. For JE calling JG oppa is OK, isn't too suspicious) but it shows that they are close. Otherwise she would call him Joon Gi-ssi or sunbaenim (but actually sunbaenim is a bit awkward because she is not an actress in the first place)

@emerald_2 Me too used to think a lot about timeline)) about cosmo I have no clue but think something happened and they both were trying to hide it.. For me most intriguing question is when their affection started to grow and vice versa when Voldy left the stage? (this is based only on my opinions- thesis which is yet to be proved) because it is known that Voldy visited filming site at least once (but when?) so it may be assumed that by that time their relationship was still ok. If only we could know sequence of filming :tears: imo candle kiss was filmed separately, earlier than shadows. Long long ago we discussed sequence of kisses :rolleyes: and I think by JE birthday she and JG are already very close) I was planning when the thread will become quiet to rewatch every BTS and other videos and try to figure out something, but it's getting hotter and hotter as time goes on kkkkk busy with following new staff :lol:

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Yes it only hit me now, about the difference in the sweet JG in the BTS and the JG in the Cosmo shoot. 

I have crazy theories though Hahahaha


• one, maybe he got pissed off with HN - and after that HN is behaved already and somehow distant during the press con hahaha just a theory.
• maybe there is that conflict with the Voldy guy, just maybe that person is not willing to give up JE ( i mean it would be difficult for any guy to give up JE, she is so precious, she has all the lovable traits a guy could ever hope for).
• or it could be he is just having a bad day, or not feeling well, or he has concerns worrying him.

just my delulu thoughts... :phew:



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Ok.... who are active right now???  Our FBI Agent/byeontae @riuenu , another byeontae JG angel @aimwanie , resident interpreter @eunki , THE bomb @crazyshell and puzzle-solver @emerald_2 ???

We have two things we're soooooooooo trying hard to solve right now, right? 

1.)  The alignment / synchronization of the timeline and their apparent behavior during those questionable moments;

2.)  The still debatable & puzzling jackets

So.....let's do this!  Since we don't have crumbs today....and to prevent our byeontae chinggu-dil from further ogling our King's chest, let's try to solve above-mentioned topics!!! 

Who will start????

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15 hours ago, riuenu said:

This is the jacket..she is wearing blue, and remember she is holding the leather jacket..

This is the leather jacket she is holding, that she wore the previous night

p/s: chingu ya, u really make me dug my gallery, as I havent organise them into folder yet LOL

Sorry about that chinggu. Actually, I am looking at the jacket of LJE wearing it seems big for her. I am wondering if the owner is LJG? I am comparing it to the jacket wearing by LJG when she came to LJE on his Taiwan FM. 

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote images!
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12 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

Ok.... who are active right now???  Our FBI Agent/byeontae @riuenu , another byeontae JG angel @aimwanie , resident interpreter @eunki , THE bomb @crazyshell and puzzle-solver @emerald_2 ???

We have two things we're soooooooooo trying hard to solve right now, right? 

1.)  The alignment / synchronization of the timeline and their apparent behavior during those questionable moments;

2.)  The still debatable & puzzling jackets

So.....let's do this!  Since we don't have crumbs today....and to prevent our byeontae chinggu-dil from further ogling our King's chest, let's try to solve above-mentioned topics!!! 

Who will start????


Hahaha...i stated my theories above ...because if you will follow chronological events...the sweet BTS (all those happy moments, hugging, kisses, NGs) happened first before that Cosmo shoot.. so why was he like that in the Cosmo shoot? cold and sulking ? HAHAHAHA

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me on the way home with battery left then 20%, I will spazz when I am home...eh!!! what ogling king's chest, hahahahaha, alright, I am the one...LOL!!!

Anyway, about the oppa before hugging..hmmm...this clip is very clip, when Jieunie call him Oppa, starting from 2:03

anyway, after repeating watching and listening to OO-OPPA, that video that @crazyshell chingu shared and translated...at 9min 55sec....Joongi stammer quite a fair bit when he is asking Jieunie about the question, what she think of him right??

My line cute chingu still zoom in to see his expression, what she observe was, at first, Joongi look hesitate, as he folding his arm, took a glance at Jieunie, brace himself, and stammer and asked hahahahaahahahaha, so decided to throw this question here as well :phew::phew::phew:


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14 minutes ago, riuenu said:

me on the way home with battery left then 20%, I will spazz when I am home...eh!!! what ogling king's chest, hahahahaha, alright, I am the one...LOL!!!

Anyway, about the oppa before hugging..hmmm...this clip is very clip, when Jieunie call him Oppa, starting from 2:03



19 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


Hahaha...i stated my theories above ...because if you will follow chronological events...the sweet BTS (all those happy moments, hugging, kisses, NGs) happened first before that Cosmo shoot.. so why was he like that in the Cosmo shoot? cold and sulking ? HAHAHAHA


8 minutes ago, eunki said:

@simplyme_crazyme It's late here so I'm going to bed) Before falling to sleep I will think hard over today issues and hopefully get the answer in my dreams :sweatingbullets: 

ps about jackets: I think they bought them online in one of evenings spent together discussing upcoming Taiwan events :wub:


@riuenu  Your phone's batt is very low indeed but it seems you are still fully charged!  Have I thanked you yet for the HD pics???  Thank you!!!!!

@emerald_2  I like the LQ theory the best! AHAHAHAHA

@eunki  Sweet blessed dreams!  May you dream of our OTP and in your dream may the be blessed with lots of kids!!! Hehehehe

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19 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


Hahaha...i stated my theories above ...because if you will follow chronological events...the sweet BTS (all those happy moments, hugging, kisses, NGs) happened first before that Cosmo shoot.. so why was he like that in the Cosmo shoot? cold and sulking ? HAHAHAHA

Errr...have u seen fanboy khn wif LJE cosmo photoshoot?? :phew: U shud.. Our oppa's cctv eagle eyes must spotted sumting he shouldn't...haha... 

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1 hour ago, riuenu said:

haha, it is just my 2 cents of tot tho...cause it seem much like inner struggle to me, cannot be, cause he cut short his hair, and his behavior changes right?

Cosmo shoot, Joongi been too careful, I still dunno why, I pity much confuse as well. Yes, where did all the happy moment gone to. Or cannot be, those happy moment just belong to filming time and SoHae right..hahaha, oh man, the more I type, the more I think, the more confusing I am

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hmmmm....MLSHR timeline is pretty much confusing to me, cause they pre-product and the timeline doesnt run with the scene...

if that is the last filming day, Joongi actually film the handkerchief modern Wang So scene as well with Jieun, so when did they film that?

this is the first pre-production film I followed closely, I watched DOTS as well, but I just watched it weekly, neither I am in thread or discussing much on that


If that is the schedule for the ML:SHR, then I think there is something happen between LJG and LJE in their photoshoot. I thought photoshoot first, then press con and then shooting. But in their case, it is different. I also find their photoshoot somewhat awkward. I noticed LJG was not talking or avoiding LJE. He just noticed her when LJE was playing his hair (wig). Maybe at that time, he already acknowledge his "Special" feelings for her. I think he is trying to hide/stop it by not attending to her. Ottoke?! 

What can he do if fate/destiny is giving them a chance to be with each other? 

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Hi chingus, such interesting topics. very intriguing indeed.

But first i have a question again about the videos of his FM.

Clearly there are "official" cameras covering the event right? as those transmission/ images on the big monitors - hopefully those are just not for monitor purposes ? they are also recording that as their official video coverage as well right?

Because in those monitors their faces and expression are close-ups, and really zoomed in to their expressions. I wonder  who officially holds those videos now? i hope someone will post them online soon?


ctto video


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2 hours ago, emerald_2 said:


Yes exactly, you know i realized i really do not get that "Cosmo" situation.

Because we all know during the filming as attested by the many BTS sweetness and closeness - those giddy, playful, happy, funny, sweet interactions specially during their "kisses" filming, JE birthday on set...playful JG batman cape covering JE, JG forgetting his lines and laughing, teasing her and having fun...

Then came that Cosmo shoot - it seems those happy times did not happen? what the...hmmm that will be really a great msytery.

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I wonder if that one time JE was noticed to seem to have swollen eyes - appeared to have cried - sometime in June i think has something to do with that ?
But wait...even the last day of filming (remember the shadow-puppet scene)? I think it also included the scene where she nursed his arrow wounds - where there was that kiss and tight embrace that JG was jumping so happily about, if that was in July, they seem okey on last filming day...


 Your observation that it might be JG who seems to have the inner struggle then, is really very interesting..hmmm.  it never occurred to me that it might be the case.


You can be right. Someone here posted her fanfic of our couple and I think there is something that applies to him. Maybe, he is used to going/returning to his own world after every drama or movies that he is into. And this is somewhat strange for him to have that "strong" attraction to your co-star (main lead also). I think before the girls/women, I am assuming here because he is handsome:), that he's been dating was not like the emotions that he have for her. No scandal because he just wants to hide it. He can control it because it is just a normal feeling. That is why, he doesn't believe that he is a romantic guy before. We have a saying here that the more you hide it, the more it will shows. :w00t: Look at him right now. :phew:

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39 minutes ago, jgje said:

Errr...have u seen fanboy khn wif LJE cosmo photoshoot?? :phew: U shud.. Our oppa's cctv eagle eyes must spotted sumting he shouldn't...haha... 


Oh yeah, you're right, HN was all touchy and playful with JE that day,  even doing that peekaboo, cutely hiding behind her during the bts Cosmo pictorial (July) hahaha.
Then the presscon (Aug) HN seems to restrain himself a little, he is more behaved.  And there was one point when he & JE was onstage, and JE wants to link arm, HN pretended he did not see it and made a pose on his own, then JE just laughed it off.  then it was just later that he offered his arm again...sort of awkward that one.
And in latest public appearance of the group (SAF) HN is already seated far from JE, when he came up to get his award he did not even gave high-five to JE... it's kinda sad too though, they were once very close too.

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44 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


Hahaha...i stated my theories above ...because if you will follow chronological events...the sweet BTS (all those happy moments, hugging, kisses, NGs) happened first before that Cosmo shoot.. so why was he like that in the Cosmo shoot? cold and sulking ? HAHAHAHA

I think he is analyzing his feelings for her. Everybody knows that she has (had?) a boyfriend that is why, he is trying to avoid her by not talking to her or not acknowledging her presence. I thought this was the first thing they did before the shooting but now that you mentioned it. I find it intriguing. Why is it that he is awkward towards her? I think his holding his attraction and feelings for her. But, hey, he can't stop destiny/fate on that. Because in all of the actresses in the business, why the role landed to LJE/IU? Everything happens for a reason. He is just denying the fact that somewhat fate/destiny played a big part on it. :)

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3 hours ago, emerald_2 said:

I just need to recap on this... just curious (some of the dates i am not sure) :phew:

Timeline - MLSHR

Jan  8, 2016  - Script reading

Jan  27 - First filming day

July 1 - Last filming day

July 5 - Wrap up party

July 19 (?) - Cosmopolitan shoot

August 16 - JG, HN, JH filming Running Man 

Aug 24 - Press conference

August 29 - November 1 (Airing of MLSHR)

*** In between Aug - November there are IG posts of them meeting up/ gathering together

December 3 & 4 - JE , JG concerts/ FM in Korea

December 31 - SAF awards night, New Year's Eve

Jan 7 - 9, 2017  - JE concert / JG FM  Taiwan

The Cosmo photoshot was one day before the wrap up party. :)

1. Moon Lovers poster Photoshoot: July 4th

2. Cosmopolitan Photoshoot: July 5th

3. Wrap up party: July 6th


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On 11/01/2017 at 1:16 PM, berny said:

Hi chingus, such interesting topics. very intriguing indeed.

But first i have a question again about the videos of his FM.

Clearly there are "official" cameras covering the event right? as those transmission/ images on the big monitors - hopefully those are just not for monitor purposes ? they are also recording that as their official video coverage as well right?

Because in those monitors their faces and expression are close-ups, and really zoomed in to their expressions. I wonder  who officially holds those videos now? i hope someone will post them online soon?

ctto video

The "Thank you"- tour is being filmed for a DVD release. If there are no fancams before we can keep our fingers crossed we may see some footage on the DVD, haha.


On 11/01/2017 at 1:29 PM, Gabi Bros said:

The Cosmo photoshot was one day before the wrap up party. :)

1. Moon Lovers poster Photoshoot: July 4th

2. Cosmopolitan Photoshoot: July 5th

3. Wrap up party: July 6th


This! I think it has been discussed on the thread before but JKH also appeared on a radio show in the morning on the 5th saying something among the lines "We're doing good". A translation can be read here http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/07/jang-kiha-says-his-girlfriend-iu-is-too-good-for-him That probably caused the awkwardness :sweatingbullets:?

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9 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


Oh yeah, you're right, HN was all touchy and playful with JE that day,  even doing that peekaboo, cuttely hiding behind her during the bts pictorial (July) hahaha.
Then the presscon (Aug) HN seems to restrain himself a little, he is more behaved.  And there was one point when he & JE was onstage, and JE wants to link arm, HN pretended he did not see it and made a pose on his own, then JE just laughed it off.  then it was just later that he offered his arm again...sort of awkward that one.
And in latest public appearance of the group (SAF) HN is already seated far from JE, when he came up to get his award he did not even gave high-five to JE... it's kinda sad too though

Maybe be because our Wang So told him that Hae Soo is his.:lol: Even myself, I don't want to fight with King Gwangjong. :lol:

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Thanks for the corrections  @Gabi Bros

I think the Wrap Up Party is also July 5 maybe in the evening as stated in this article ?


I edited it below :)


Timeline - MLSHR  -  (Edited)

Jan  8, 2016  - Script reading

Jan  27 - First filming day

July 1 - Last filming day

July 4 - Poster photoshoot

July 5 - Cosmopolitan photoshoot  / Wrap Up party 

August 16 - JG, HN, JH filming Running Man 

Aug 24 - Press conference

August 29 - November 1 (Airing of MLSHR)

*** In between Aug - November there are IG posts of them meeting up/ gathering together

December 3 & 4 - JE , JG concerts/ FM in Korea

December 31 - SAF awards night, New Year's Eve

Jan 7 - 9, 2017  - JE concert / JG FM  Taiwan

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