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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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 @crazyshell Thank you so much for your translation! :blush: They are adorable.

So he likes Good Day... How can he not? It has the famous "I like you oppa" in its lyrics. :lol: Honestly, that became a popular song among korean men. 

To be honest, I prefer something original instead of an adaptation. But based on what you have said, I think the character could be very interesting. Wishing his next drama to be succesfully domestically because we know how much he wants the domestic recognition in terms of rating. 

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1 hour ago, crazyshell said:

I tried to translate JE at JG FM based on interpretation. Please correct me if I got it wrong. 

JE : JG is the senior on acting whom I can learn a lot from. In fact, he is so good as a human that I can learn....(JE kept talking and forgot the interpreter, JG laughed and           reminded her)  Oh, I'm sorry.

Interpreter : JG took care of everyone on set before himself. JE thought he need not to do that since he's the Senior. She thinks he's wonderful.

JG : Thank you. It feels good. (for her praising)  Now, I don't want to engage much of your time. How do you fell about the ML ending of modern reunion? 

JE : I cried a lot during shooting. I was very sad indeed. When I saw the pics of Goryu, all the memories have rushed back to me. It was like the sky had caved in when I realized that I would never see the man I loved so much again. Then someone gave me a handkerchief.  (reacting the scene)

JG : We should stop now.

JE : Yeah. It's the happy ending in my heart.

JG : Anyway, thanks for coming. (fans kept screaming and clapping,) Well, my FM is always like this.

JE : I experience this for the first time. It's so amazing. 

JG : You must be nervous before coming.

JE : Yes.

JG : Thanks for shooting such a wonderful drama with me. I hope you'll do good projects in the future.

JE : Thanks for inviting me.

JG : (To the fans) I really like "Good Day" but she wears a beautiful dress today. Let's save Good Day for the next time.

        (to JE) Since you are here, can you sing a song for the fans?

JE : Of course.

JG : Now I'll let IU take the stage. 


Wow, really ? LJG actually said he likes "Good Day" ?

With the lyrics " I like you oppa...what to do?"

mehh :phew:

he he he



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19 minutes ago, riuenu said:

thanks @crazyshell for the hardwork, effect and translation!! loving it, had shared it in my Line chat, we all really feel thankful you translated. <3

I keep on laughing at Jieunie keep talking and forget about the interpreter, she must be really nervous..at oppa FM..well, that is a good sign tho hee hee, and...hmmmm..what, next time? My group went gaga on the next time Joongi saying..so there is a next time? So have you all planned for the next meetup in public so that Jieunie can sing good day? Really really?? When oppa?? Since u had been lurking on thread?? WHEN?!?!?

Thank you. It is nothing in compare to all the good stuff you've did for us. I'm always thankful.

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hmmm.. IU will focus in singing ...

Joongi will ( praying he gets it ) reading the script today maybe " criminial minds" soooo music / crim.profiler ... ( if he gets it ) then he changed his mind to do romcom as of the moment coz he has "my person " already . /delusional . 


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17 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


Wow, really ? LJG actually said he likes "Good Day" ?

With the lyrics " I like you oppa...what to do?"

mehh :phew:

he he he

And don't forget the "Should I just say that we should go out?" part or "Should we kiss..." part. :lol:


Why is the sky so much more blue?
Why is the breeze so perfect today?
Pretending like I don’t know
Like I didn’t hear a thing, like I erased it
Should we start talking about something else?
Should we kiss so we can’t say anything?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Was my recent hairstyle change bad?
Did I wear the wrong clothes?
Still pretending like I don’t know
Like I don’t remember
Should I act as if nothing happened?
Should I just say that we should go out?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Don’t say those kind of sad things
While looking at me like this
Is it that I’m childish or a bit slow?
I can’t believe it

Even though I’m crying, I smile
I block your way and I just smile widely
Why am I being like this, do I not have any shame?
I fold my pride up neatly and throw it up to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I might never be able to say again
I like you, oppa, aigoo, one, two
I’m in my dream

(It’s too beautiful, beautiful day)
(Make it a good day)
(Just don’t make me cry)


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17 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


Wow, really ? LJG actually said he likes "Good Day" ?

With the lyrics " I like you oppa...what to do?"

mehh :phew:

he he he



OOOTTOOOKKKEEE OPPA JOONGGIII YA ! i like you... i dont know what to say , lets go out... should i say this to you ? .. aigoo... 

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34 minutes ago, Sharine Phinisia said:


Sometimes adaptations are hit-or-miss. Look at what happen to Entourage.

Of course. But I think Criminal Minds has a higher chance of success than a show like Entourage. They're two completely different genres, and the average audience is more likely to swallow something like a thrilling procedural. Entourage is definitely suited for a niche audience - it's the whole reason why it was on cable in the US in the first place. I never watched the kdrama version, but I've seen the original and it definitely isn't for everybody. I thought it was okay, but my brother absolutely loved it. I always felt it was more for your dudebro type of guy, but I'm generalizing from my own personal experiences of watching my brother and his friends become obsessed with that show, lol.

Procedurals are much easier to transition and would appeal to a larger audience. I guess we'll see though.

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4 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

And don't forget the "Should I just say that we should go out?" part or "Should we kiss..." part. :lol:

  Hide contents

Why is the sky so much more blue?
Why is the breeze so perfect today?
Pretending like I don’t know
Like I didn’t hear a thing, like I erased it
Should we start talking about something else?
Should we kiss so we can’t say anything?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Was my recent hairstyle change bad?
Did I wear the wrong clothes?
Still pretending like I don’t know
Like I don’t remember
Should I act as if nothing happened?
Should I just say that we should go out?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Don’t say those kind of sad things
While looking at me like this
Is it that I’m childish or a bit slow?
I can’t believe it

Even though I’m crying, I smile
I block your way and I just smile widely
Why am I being like this, do I not have any shame?
I fold my pride up neatly and throw it up to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I might never be able to say again
I like you, oppa, aigoo, one, two
I’m in my dream

(It’s too beautiful, beautiful day)
(Make it a good day)
(Just don’t make me cry)



"Should we just kiss so we can't say anything?"


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4 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

And don't forget the "Should I just say that we should go out?" part.



oh that too.. and that lyrics asking if her hair  ( like some haircut done?) or dress is okey? mwha ha ha :grimace:

Do you think he might like her song Friday too?

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3 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

And don't forget the "Should I just say that we should go out?" part.

  Hide contents

Why is the sky so much more blue?
Why is the breeze so perfect today?
Pretending like I don’t know
Like I didn’t hear a thing, like I erased it
Should we start talking about something else?
Should we kiss so we can’t say anything?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Was my recent hairstyle change bad?
Did I wear the wrong clothes?
Still pretending like I don’t know
Like I don’t remember
Should I act as if nothing happened?
Should I just say that we should go out?

My eyes fill with tears, so I lift my head up
I smile a little so they won’t fall
Why are you like this to me, what are you saying?
All the things we talked about go to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I didn’t know I’d say as I cried
I like you, oppa, what do I do?

Don’t say those kind of sad things
While looking at me like this
Is it that I’m childish or a bit slow?
I can’t believe it

Even though I’m crying, I smile
I block your way and I just smile widely
Why am I being like this, do I not have any shame?
I fold my pride up neatly and throw it up to the sky
The words I have never said
The words I might never be able to say again
I like you, oppa, aigoo, one, two
I’m in my dream

(It’s too beautiful, beautiful day)
(Make it a good day)
(Just don’t make me cry)


oohhhh perfect... very fit to our queen and king hahhahaha

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6 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

More than the high notes, I think men were crazy with what she said in the song.

Take a look on men's reactions to Good Day (and IU) from 51:18 to 1:07:35  

Haha. I didn't mean that Joon Gi could have been more impressed with her high notes than what the lyrics of the song was. I just figured, from one singer to another, Joon Gi could have really been wowed and amazed by her 3 high notes in the song in addition to feeling crazy about what she was saying. ^^

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10 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

More than the high notes, I think men were crazy with what she said in the song.

Take a look on men's reactions to Good Day (and IU) from 51:18 to 1:07:35  



Thank you for sharing this,,, ha ha ha that is so cute...when was this?
Ottoke, she is surrounded by men, LJG will have a heart attack HAHA :lol:

I also remember that time she sang Good Day in Running Man, and the guys went crazy as well , ha ha so funny


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24 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:

Do you think he might like her song Friday too?

Don't know but that's my favorite IU song. :heart:

Unrelated to JoonU:


That song made actor Song Seung-heon a fan.

Also, I know some people think this song was probably inspired by the initial feeling for you know whom but it wasn't. She made the song before meeting him for the first time. She still had the long hair (Lee Soon Shin's type) while recording it. 




7 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:

Thank you for sharing this,,, ha ha ha that is so cute...when was this?

  From August 2014. :)

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33 minutes ago, riuenu said:

wave cap @akinahana89, even our captain nim is with us on the no romance point, hee hee, yes yes, we love MLSHR to the moon, and cause of uri JoonU, we went from Moon to Mar and never come back!!

Anyway, I am laughing with all the points our stargazers here pointed out.

- absolute NO LOVE LINE

- single parent that bring up the child, without any interest of getting a new mother for the child

- concentrate only on investigation and cases(maybe can be like three day, totally zero kissu scene)

- action pack and not romcom with the female lead that is not Jieunie...

- if it is occasional appearance, can Joongi ask uri Jieunie to act in that drama, with him, then we totally approve the love line, yea, we went bit gaga over that in line...hahahahahahaha

How much can I love you all for that!! HAHAHAHAAHAHA


Agree with youu, other chingu also captain who has same thought about No Love Line in his upcoming drama,i love this thread! Kkkk.... i think before many chingu here won't think like that. Maybe this should be include in our daily chant.

@Gabi Bros Thank you for share the translation from @40somethingahjumma here, as i'm not yet visit SHR main thread again in this week.

@crazyshell thank you for the translation, and yes i also love when Joon Gi said he like "Good Day" and save for next time, i feel too bad for him...when he said he want to see Ji Eun as audience, i knew it's he's real wish to see her concert badly. And i love also when Ji Eun said it's happy ending in heart, i think there's other meaning ^^ which only her can feels that happiness. For me, i'm still not satisfied, why they should cut the ending if there's happy ending T_T don't you guys want to see real modern Wang So in that scene? I still hope for that. This is really something cruel they'd gave to us, for my entire life i think...it keep haunted me.

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9 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

Don't know but that's my favorite IU song. :heart:

Unrelated to JoonU:

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That song made actor Song Seung-heon a fan.

Also, I know some people think this song was probably inspired by the initial feeling for you know whom but it wasn't. She made the song before meeting him for the first time. She still had the long hair (Lee Soon Shin's type) while recording it. 

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  From August 2014. :)

ahhh MY EVER FAVE SONG OF IU T_T ... i rember she did a duet with song mino @ mama awards hahaha !!!! its sooo awkward .. 

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7 minutes ago, kilovekyo said:


Agree with youu, other chingu also captain who has same thought about No Love Line in his upcoming drama,i love this thread! Kkkk.... i think before many chingu here won't think like that. Maybe this should be include in our daily chant.

@Gabi Bros Thank you for share the translation from @40somethingahjumma here, as i'm not yet visit SHR main thread again in this week.

@crazyshell thank you for the translation, and yes i also love when Joon Gi said he like "Good Day" and save for next time, i feel too bad for him...when he said he want to see Ji Eun as audience, i knew it's he's real wish to see her concert badly. And i love also when Ji Eun said it's happy ending in heart, i think there's other meaning ^^ which only her can feels that happiness. For me, i'm still not satisfied, why they should cut the ending if there's happy ending T_T don't you guys want to see real modern Wang So in that scene? I still hope for that. This is really something cruel they'd gave to us, for my entire life i think...it keep haunted me.

maybe the director really left that kind of ending ... coz the happy ending is between the two... hehhe 

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