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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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12 hours ago, eunki said:

I think it means he just wasn't interested in her work because his music preferences are completely different) Me too, for example, always knew that IU is a famous singer, but never was interested enough to search about her or watch shows with her because songs like "Good day" are not my style. I got to like her after seeing her in Producers (first IU drama I watched) and I love her Chatshire album as well. Interesting thing here is that once I got interested in her and did a little search I couldn't help but admire her completely both as a musician and as a person :) So I assume the same happened with JG hehehe Unlike me, he also had an option to spend time with her, look into her eyes and do lots of skinship, so he simply had no chance to escape ^_^

Yeahh, I think so too. Maybe he noticed JE as a singer, but just as far as that in that time. He didn't try to find out more because he was more invested to another different genre of music (Like Bigbang,etc, maybe?). Though, we could see, our young-generation princes like KHN & HJH more aware of JE's music. And fanboying her, but i think it's because, once again, of course, their music preferences, as we know they both admit it that they are listening to her music and admire her. 

But, as we could see, after JG get to know her (like what our chingu mention before), he couldn't resist her charm as a musicians (and especially as a woman) either. LOL! I mean, look at KHN!! He is indeed JE's fanboy (for her music) from the very beginning, but after he really knows her, he even more admire her and stick with her everytime ML had a gathering (From what we know from his interview, that he think JE would be hard to be closed with since she's an idol).

But what we must notice in here, JG is admire her personality first (as a common people) and then admire her work later. In reverse, we knows that KHN & HJH are admire her work first (her music) and then later admire her personality. We could see the difference here. LOL!! Who is truly admire her as LEE JI EUN, not as IU !! I think it is such a RARE event, as we must know Entertainment Industry really appreciate POPULARITY aspect. JG admires Lee Ji Eun first, then later he admires IU (as a part of LJE). But what we usually see in Entertainment Industry, other celebrities would admires her as IU first, then later admires Lee Ji Eun (as part of IU). See the difference??

Someone that make him feel attracted is not IU but LJE!! He could admires IU because she's a part of LJE! LOL!! (Once again, as we could see, he didn't know, he didn't care and he didn't bother to know her music at all at first, but once he knows LJE, he CCTV-ing IU so much, even know her previous drama & her latest album concept: Chromatic Eyes)!! Oh my delulu heart, please don't do this!!:wub:

8 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Yes, I've always thought that she had short hair here too. Look at the "break" in the hair. Right above her shoulder. 

Yes, at that time, she already cut her hair.


This is her photo from the one day after ML's gathering day. Notice her hairstyle & nail polish was the same one. And from what i know, ML's gathering photo was her first ocassion after she cut her hair (Correct me if I wrong).

I dunno, if it just my feeling or what, but from our chingu information in this thread, last time JE cut her hair into a short one (before this), her first occasion was attending Voldy's radio program and falling in love for him. And here she was with her short hair again, and her first occasion was attending first official ML's gathering (I called it official because they were hanging out with PD & Writter nnim) after finished filming and maybe she was falling in love with someone too?? #mewithmydeluluingagain. LOL! Forgive my delulu mind and bias opinion again.


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4 hours ago, freckledcontessa said:

@q4q4 your comments! They are funny! 

"She looks so freee"

"LGJ hands resting on her legs." - i want to think there's malice in there. Really. :D

Friendship smile vs loveship smile....

Subtle yet obviously glaringly posts...



The thing is it also showed that Jieun, who claims to be not quick in becoming close to others, did not look like she minded the physical contact. That is one of the things that makes us believe that there is something mutual whether respect, admiration or LOVE, because she looked so natural without an ounce of awkwardness in her scenes and BTS with Joongi.

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2 hours ago, Thirza Zhavira said:


Yup he's so professional, even when kiss scene he just let it pass, no jumping around, no in daze like when he's doing kissing scen with JE, did you realize his kiss bts in pesosu he's really eating her lips (no wonder JE lips was so swollen there, compare her swollen lips in force kiss)

Do you think he will update soon? Because their post was couple now 810 and 108,, wkwkw (crazy delulu mind). And that suddenly his change behavior what make us wonder.. he never ever doing that with his other co star, and even with a woman who rumored date him...


We are the same boat then falling in love with real manga prince.. hehe

Haha that SWWTN bts is so funny his NG with vampire king (forget his name) and his "taktaktaktaktak" NG was so funny (No wonder JE loose her serious mode). Yes with LYB, poor her trying to seek his attention and cling to him like sister but he's doing his job and let it pass,,and did you realize when jokin with LYB he's not focus on her but focus on camera and other cast, but with JE his eyes always focus on JE like they were in their own world (no one can distrub them, even KHN retreat). 

Yup she need prepare her new album too argh I miss her very much...



I also watched that bts longing kiss few times before, and you're right i also seen Joon Gi gave passionate kiss to Ji Eun, as you said he swallow Ji Eun lips like he pull and push to bite her kkk...take a look with your eagle eyes Stargazers in minute 0.53-0.54 ^^


For scholar bts, there's sound effect makes LYB so heavy...so sorry for her, it's too funny kkk...and when they're falled down in first minute, i seen Joon Gi beat her quite hard omoo...hahaa..you can compare what he did to Ji Eun, he couldn't do that to her...




Suddenly i remember again about Joon Gi favorite scene and Ji Eun opinion about interesting episode. I found @shiraru who posted before in SHR thread for Ji Eun replies translation on her fancafe and bammm....:w00t: my heart is beating fast kkk... when i knew Ji Eun said interesting episode was eps.12, i went to my notebook and open it...i found that longing backhug Joon Gi favorite scene was in eps.12 too, these two makes me dying!! is it only me too late know about this?! 


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Buddies, do you remember that BTS where NJH pretended to interview LJG? His first question was 'how old are you?' and JG quickly answered '23'. However, it was after coronation scene and isn't it that WS became a king at 25??? Hmmm actually I know one person who was 23 then, was JG thinking about the same one? :wub: 

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13 hours ago, chi13lou said:

I think MLSHR was SBS' first experience of having several investors involved and since everyone on their side from SBS to production to investors have been unusually silent, I have a feeling they are preparing something. Despite the "low" ratings, I am sure even SBS is aware of its popularity not only internationally but also locally because as discussed before, the drama was viewed by a lot of locals thru other devices and ratings are only based on polled TV households. The mere fact that it still continues to top the CPI shows that MLSHR delivered in all aspects except in terms of viewership of polled households. SBS can only blame themselves because they lost the ratings gamble when they pitted MLSHR against another saeguk.


13 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Note: this is pure conjecture and speculation. I did some googling and I think I have an idea of the role of each entity.

SHR was a 50/50 joint venture between two production companies, Universal and YG Entertainment. I believe they have ultimate creative control and own the intellectual property. They probably signed everyone's paycheques. SBS is a distributor and may own just the distribution rights (i.e. DramaFever, OneAsia). 

Notwithstanding China's pre-evaluation policy, the director and editor made and submitted what they thought was their final vision. Universal/YG would have the ultimate say on what makes it to air so it would have been Universal/YG that made the decision to have a local broadcast version in light of the disappointing ratings. But they would've taken SBS' input into consideration since SBS knows what viewers like. But ultimately, SBS just plays whatever they're given. So I think my hatred and disappointment is directed towards Universal/YG.

Since Joongi and IU both gave IG hints about the missing footage, I think Universal/YG does plan on releasing the missing footage at some point of time since there's no way two veterans would risk incurring the wrath of two entertainment power players. I think that Universal/YG don't see the value to releasing the missing footage at this time. Even if we're looking at it from a financial/ratings point of view, it would be better to release the footage while fans are still on board. Unless they truly are proceeding with the film sequel. 

Does anyone know any Hallyu insiders??????


Hahaha...How funny is it that you guys are talking about this topic and I just finished reading the first  episode update for k-version of Entourage. Interestingly, this is what the first episode had:



At the after-party, Joon is still fuming and calls the director insane for re-editing the movie. Turtle chides him for calling the director a genius before, and Ho-jin bemoans the new runtime of two-plus hours. Young-bin suggests they go and talk to the director and learn what happened.

In a private room, the boys sit down with the schlubby director, who’s in a dismal mood, and Young-bin admits that the latest cut of the film isn’t any better than the previous version. Joon asks if his lines could be inserted back in, but the director scoffs.

The producer mentions that the investors now want to edit the movie themselves. That doesn’t sit well with the director nor Young-bin, who insists that he liked the latest version, but that the ending could use a revision. The producers threaten to hand the movie over to the investors who’ll edit it themselves, and the director flings his beer across the room in a fit.

The club’s hoppin’, but the boys aren’t boppin’. Ho-jin’s worried about the movie, but Young-bin wants his friends to cut the brooding and enjoy themselves. Joon wants to leave, but decides to stay for Mamamoo’s performance.


Now am not sure how much of this is reality but it sure did give me some ideas of what might have gone wrong with MLSHR. I feel like MLSHR was basically test-drive for sbs so they could prep better for LOTBS, at the same time it was powerplay between investors who all had their own ideas for how the show should be and lastly the pd must have been running around trying to do his own thing.

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OMG, about numerology thing- maybe was mentioned but I don't remember it was. Look at their age this year when they started relationships! JE 23, JG 34= it is 5 & 7 again!! How can this be a coincidence? :blink:

2+3=5; 3+4=7; 23+34=57; amazing

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12 minutes ago, eunki said:

OMG, about numerology thing- maybe was mentioned but I don't remember it was. Look at their age this year when they started relationships! JE 23, JG 34= it is 5 & 7 again!! How can this be a coincidence? :blink:

2+3=5; 3+4=7; 23+34=57; amazing

OMG!! *speechless :dizzy:

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40 minutes ago, eunki said:

Buddies, do you remember that BTS where NJH pretended to interview LJG? His first question was 'how old are you?' and JG quickly answered '23'. However, it was after coronation scene and isn't it that WS became a king at 25??? Hmmm actually I know one person who was 23 then, was JG thinking about the same one? :wub: 

Or maybe whose song is it "23"? LOL, JG ssi, were you listening JE's song: 23 before filming? Mwahahahhaa!! First phrase of the song is "I'm twenty three" after all! Nyahahaha!! :D #teasethemagain


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34 minutes ago, eunki said:

OMG, about numerology thing- maybe was mentioned but I don't remember it was. Look at their age this year when they started relationships! JE 23, JG 34= it is 5 & 7 again!! How can this be a coincidence? :blink:

2+3=5; 3+4=7; 23+34=57; amazing


21 minutes ago, Nita Fransisca said:

OMG!! *speechless :dizzy:


Yeah, their chemistry, their similarities, their coincidences, and their fate is NO JOKE AT ALL!! Sigh, is this what we called FATE? DESTINY? A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN? 

Little Dictionary:

- A match made in heaven:

Strange off-key responses so far. A match made in heaven means that two people are so well-suited to each other, that their meeting and becoming a couple is perfect. It's literally a match made in heaven.


There is TOO MUCH similarities & coincidences of them. Sigh... it's getting harder and harder to not shipping them...

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Soulmates. Some believe in them, some don’t. I’m one of those who truly believe that all of us have one out there because I have personally met mine. We don't end up being romantic partners because of certain circumstances (*hint he doesn’t swing that way haha*), but we are always there for each other. During the bad, the good, the laughters and the cries. I cannot describe to you the feeling. But you just know it when you have met yours. And let me tell you it is not immediate. Meeting your soulmate is not always about falling in love at first sight. In a way it is similar to how WS and HS met (figuratively speaking). 


Meeting  your soulmate can be like two jagged puzzle pieces. Sometimes it looks like you do not fit together at all, but after the twists and turns - opening yourselves up to one another - there is the magic click. Through those twists and turns, you experience emotions that you have not experienced before with others. Not only do they connect both of you emotionally but also spiritually. It is like recognising an old friend from your past life. 


So while WS and HS may not have ended up together in Goryeo, their love runs deep enough to leave a lasting impression on both their conscience. Even if they meet in the future - regardless of whether they remember one another from their past lives - I am sure their souls will recognise each other. And in that sense, their love transcends all boundaries and time. Because they are bound to be soulmates. And if we look it at that way, then their love truly is able to withstand all circumstances presented in the physical world. The battles. The bloodshed. Sometimes I feel like I have to forget everything I think I know about the universe in order to understand the depth of SoSoo’s love. 


Of course, we can't force two souls to be together. But I hope that both LJG and LJE feel that they are meant to be soulmates through MLSHR.

Because I don't want to cast a BBJX curse upon them. Or should I?  


*I'm sorry if this gif is overused. It just describes my mind so well*


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1 hour ago, eunki said:

Buddies, do you remember that BTS where NJH pretended to interview LJG? His first question was 'how old are you?' and JG quickly answered '23'. However, it was after coronation scene and isn't it that WS became a king at 25??? Hmmm actually I know one person who was 23 then, was JG thinking about the same one? :wub: 


51 minutes ago, eunki said:

OMG, about numerology thing- maybe was mentioned but I don't remember it was. Look at their age this year when they started relationships! JE 23, JG 34= it is 5 & 7 again!! How can this be a coincidence? :blink:

2+3=5; 3+4=7; 23+34=57; amazing


:astonished: oh gosh...i can't say anything, just said what?! hahaa... BBJX curse please come true!!

18 minutes ago, caramelovers07 said:

Or maybe whose song is it "23"? LOL, JG ssi, were you listening JE's song: 23 before filming? Mwahahahhaa!! First phrase of the song is "I'm twenty three" after all! Nyahahaha!! :D #teasethemagain



Hahaa...we should checked his song playlist, you're totally right maybe that song and the singer always in his mind!! 

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안영, 친구들

Hello everyone, i want to thanks the creator of this thread.

i just really hope LJG and IU , will cast again in new drama project again as OTP lovers again.

cause what their chemistry each other really daebak.

hopefully if scarlet heart really have season 2 , hopefully all of cast still the same but the story in modern era.  Still really hope to see LJG + IU as Wang SO and Hae SO finally have happy after loveline.



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I remember that Jieun had said but it didn't click with me that ep12 had the back hug!!! Can't believe I missed that lol 

2 hours ago, kilovekyo said:
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Suddenly i remember again about Joon Gi favorite scene and Ji Eun opinion about interesting episode. I found @shiraru who posted before in SHR thread for Ji Eun replies translation on her fancafe and bammm....:w00t: my heart is beating fast kkk... when i knew Ji Eun said interesting episode was eps.12, i went to my notebook and open it...i found that longing backhug Joon Gi favorite scene was in eps.12 too, these two makes me dying!! is it only me too late know about this?! 


He pulls her in for such a deep longing hug. Go get yo gurl WS ;)



Hehehe @freckledcontessa 

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9 minutes ago, femmy said:

안영, 친구들

Hello everyone, i want to thanks the creator of this thread.

i just really hope LJG and IU , will cast again in new drama project again as OTP lovers again.

cause what their chemistry each other really daebak.

hopefully if scarlet heart really have season 2 , hopefully all of cast still the same but the story in modern era.  Still really hope to see LJG + IU as Wang SO and Hae SO finally have happy after loveline.



Welcome to the delulu thread of FBI agents, numerologists, and love consultants!

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"So while WS and HS may not have ended up together in Goryeo, their love runs deep enough to leave a lasting impression on both their conscience. Even if they meet in the future - regardless of whether they remember one another from their past lives - I am sure their souls will recognise each other. And in that sense, their love transcends all boundaries and time. Because they are bound to be soulmates. And if we look it at that way, then their love truly is able to withstand all circumstances presented in the physical world. The battles. The bloodshed. Sometimes I feel like I have to forget everything I think I know about the universe in order to understand the depth of SoSoo’s love. "

BEAUTIFUL! :wub: I just fell in love with your post 

14 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Welcome to the delulu thread of FBI agents, numerologists, and love consultants!

Bahaha we are also fortune tellers and reporters. :sweatingbullets:

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@eunki wow the 23+34 thing is incredible. But it will only work for until before their next birthday otherwise they have to follow one more person on their ig accounts.:D

So truly this is a magical year for them! Looks like we only see iu during her concert on dec3, keeping my fingers crossed....

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1 hour ago, chi13lou said:

Welcome to the delulu thread of FBI agents, numerologists, and love consultants!

yeahhh never ending delulu for wang so and hae soo open ending love story line.

it's already two weeks scarlet heart ryeon ended, but why why i'm still delulu mode. Because of LJG and IU fantastic chemistry on screen as wang so and hae so, make me can't see another kdrama yet. ^^;;

i think FBI agent here should keep monitoring if event that ever chance that posibbly have scarlet seoason 2 with LJG and IU as wang so and hae so.


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2 hours ago, caramelovers07 said:

Yeah, their chemistry, their similarities, their coincidences, and their fate is NO JOKE AT ALL!! Sigh, is this what we called FATE? DESTINY? A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN? 

I truly believe that JoonU has yuanfun, a Chinese concept of relationship destiny. Life can give you a single or multiple opportunities for you and another person to form a relationship. Love, friendship, any kind of relationship. But I think we should modify our daily chant so as to avoid the pitfall of yau yuan, mo fun (Cantonese), to have fate without destiny: a couple can be fated to meet each other but don't have the destiny to stay with each other.

BBJX curse: please let JoonU have both fate and destiny to stay with each other.


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