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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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Feel free to always jump in! The more new insights I can get into JoonU, the better. I dunno why but I really love to dissect, analyze and discuss everything about them.

True true, I really can't imagine them coming across another love story or chemistry that is as powerful as this one. The drama may have been a mess in many ways but these two have created quite an iconic love story with SoHae. I hope the international popularity grows more and more to the point that the investors feel like investing for another season.

I have YET to see a forced kiss that was done as well as the SoHae forced kiss, it was shot and executed quite beautifully. Usually all forced kisses are so clumsy and messy and weird.

Talking about kisses, it seems my Kiss timeline was wrong, the dont lie to me kiss was the last one to be shot I guess but that's a bit weird though considering how I really felt it lacked passion.


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@moonlovertales The kiss probably lacked passion because the director wanted it that way and since jieun had a boyfriend she probably didnt want to go all the way out thats why she didnt open her mouth which obviously resulted in the lack of passion since jg couldnt really kiss her properly and had to gnaw at her lips . i feel like a pervert lol.

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i always said in the beginning that the only thing consistent and not being messed up is OTP love story... kudos to both LJG and Jieun to deliver their love story so well that we all invested so much on SoHae couple.. for me its the way that they love each other against all odd but its just not fated and to be honest i never seen OTP that being tortured as much as SoHae... 

the kiss.... i think because JG and Jieun already comfortable enough together to make the force kiss in a way beautiful and passionate.. i mean he can even said again after NG and just kiss her back.. lol i still smiling remembering how casual he is with kissing Jieun and how happy he is after that... hahahaha 

pretty sure the force kiss is the last one.. also did't we point out that they mostly filmed inside in the beginning due to cold whether? imagine if this kiss is the last one.... kyaaaa

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5 minutes ago, violet90 said:



pretty sure the force kiss is the last one.. also did't we point out that they mostly filmed inside in the beginning due to cold whether? imagine if this kiss is the last one.... kyaaaa

Agreed, I think force or mutual kiss are the last ones. I think the flowers were for his bday which was in April and her bday is in May. Mutual kiss they were BOTH all in for that..my goodness they were in their own galaxy that when the director said cut I can actually FEEL LJG having to pull himself away from her.. 

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Lol. I found it weird because looking at the forced kiss and also acceptance kiss, it's not like she can't or won't kiss back, infact even in the don't lie to me kiss she pretty much shocked him by hugging back quite passionately so obviously she knew the scene required more. I guess it must have been the director's instructions to keep it to a minimum. Thanks pd, for giving me another reason to hate you :angry:


I do feel the drama could have been MUCH MUCH more but at the same time, the love story was poetic in it's own tragically beautiful way. I see many different opinions and views about SoHae but the fact is majority are VERY affected by their love story, be it in way of anger or sadness or disappointment or whatever emotion it might be. If it hadn't affected them then they wouldn't bother venting this much.

Hahaha... true, in my head the tashi tashi still rings and makes me grin. Usually actors just stop and wait for the camera to roll again to go back to the kiss, even during practice they don't act out the kiss scene until the camera turns on, it was so funny yet cute to see these two so casually returning to the kiss despite it being an NG and they are smiling too!

Yup that was our conclusion but now the bts shows that his last scene was the bed scene right? So the kiss was probably before that.



Even I had ordered timeline like that but apparently many are certain those flowers were for his last shoot, explains why the whole cast was there too, I mean if it was his birthday then there would have been cake? I need to dig up that old pic of his on his bday.

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you know what bitter me the most??? 

they did't even give us SoHae romance when So became a king.. i mean the kiss or even candle being blown away? cause pretty sure Su is pregnant when So already a king... i think she almost 3 month pregnant when she went out from palace.. my guess is they already lived like husband and wife and  notice how So always eating in Su room even after he married... we should get some romance in this era not just angst and argument between OTP..

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6 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

Agreed, I think force or mutual kiss are the last ones. I think the flowers were for his bday which was in April and her bday is in May. Mutual kiss they were BOTH all in for that..my goodness they were in their own galaxy that when the director said cut I can actually FEEL LJG having to pull himself away from her.. 


lol at when the director shout Cut when he already in second stage in kissing her.. they both open theor mouth for this kiss in long shot so i guess JG just want to continue on with the dynamic but maybe the director feel its too much??? and yes JG seem to pull away from her and the way he lick his lips??? meaning Jieun also give something in return.. kekekeke 

i really feel like a pervert now.. LOL

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17 hours ago, chi13lou said:
I want the extra scene while waiting for the announcement!

@cmluv what's the name of the one who posted the "good news"(FOR US)? Wake up, @riuenu aka stalker! You have to find out if the break-up news is true! Sleep is not important as we might all die of happiness today.

I never imagined that I would be happy because of a break-up.

What had I missed? SO WHAT BREAKUP U WERE SAYING??!?!?! I got quite a number of pages to backread.... @chi13lou please give me some heads up...

Was busy with my real life today...missing this forum alot....

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Okay found his birthday pic:

Its hard to figure out if its the same outfit or not, there was another picture of his birthday where he held the flowers but I can't find it.

And interestingly this was posted on June 14th:


Since we now know that its IU so that means they filmed the acceptance kiss in june? :joy: Oh god, my kiss timeline seems messed up and out of order all of a sudden now.

And I also seem like a stalker *hides face*

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25 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:

I have YET to see a forced kiss that was done as well as the SoHae forced kiss, it was shot and executed quite beautifully. Usually all forced kisses are so clumsy and messy and weird.

So that was why they both practiced so much on her birthday!

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30 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

Agreed, I think force or mutual kiss are the last ones. I think the flowers were for his bday which was in April and her bday is in May. Mutual kiss they were BOTH all in for that..my goodness they were in their own galaxy that when the director said cut I can actually FEEL LJG having to pull himself away from her.. 

Flowers for JoonGi were for his last shoot of the drama and that's why he hugged Jieun then left. Jieun still shot the modern day part on July 1.

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Alright...I am backreading and laughing out loud from page 160

Apparently my boss @chi13lou been trying to engage stalking service, but stalker Riuenu is only free till now...Sorry boss..if you still need my service I will be still here for you <3

19 hours ago, liplockvomit said:


I just googled this, and yeah I think their second drama brought them into contact again and that was when they got together >< Hope JoonU get opportunities to work together again! I mean they both can act, sing, dance...


Anyway, I was digging around about Voldemort-- who talked about IU in three consecutive interviews (dates 28 June, 5 July, 8 July respectively)

During the 5 July interview, he said "A lot of people worry for us, and thankfully we are doing good."

Production period of SHR was from 27 Jan - 1 July 2016. I just find it strange that the dates are so near? Mmmmm... He was also quoted as saying that he visited her on set in June. I wonder how meeting LJG and seeing JoonU in action felt :P Maybe that's why he made the above comment heehee. 

Hey, thanks for digging around...I love these information!!! Hey...voldemort...the more you saying u all doing good, the more fishy it is...and by visiting the set in June, cant you see Jieun and Joongi chemistry interaction flew to outerspace and stay there...cause it cannot be found on Earth =x

19 hours ago, Siracusa said:

Yes. Acting out each scene takes place in a vacuum. It doesn't have the context of watching the story unfold when you watch the episodes sequentially. And during the scenes, I could see him thinking "whatever this is, this is just in my head." But once he saw it all put together, I think even he was taken aback by how well they performed together. 

Yes, this I totally agree...most of the time...viewing the drama as a 3rd party will give more feel...and it bring back memories..the feeling back then might be unsure..but seeing it on screen...seeing those BTS and PD note..looking how dazed, how clumsy and how nervous he was back then will just double confirm his feeling towards Jieun..



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42 minutes ago, violet90 said:

you know what bitter me the most??? 

they did't even give us SoHae romance when So became a king.. i mean the kiss or even candle being blown away? cause pretty sure Su is pregnant when So already a king... i think she almost 3 month pregnant when she went out from palace.. my guess is they already lived like husband and wife and  notice how So always eating in Su room even after he married... we should get some romance in this era not just angst and argument between OTP..


Hahaha... just gonna leave this here for you :phew: Because it sounds much better coming from the direct source.


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i find its funny that LJG is famous on hard to do a romance part maybe due to his other co star lack of involvement but in here he even ask for more romantic scene and more obvious more kisses.. i mean the one that exist in this drama already surpassing most saeguk and modern drama.. LJG seem really LOVED to act in romance department in this drama.. maybe due to his co star?? aka Jieun..

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25 minutes ago, riuenu said:

Apparently my boss @chi13lou been trying to engage stalking service, but stalker Riuenu is only free till now...Sorry boss..if you still need my service I will be still here for you <3

Can you imagine if that was true, you would have missed out and had to backread 50 pages!LOL

Were you able to sleep well?

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@moonlovertales Thanks for the vid of LJG at the fan meet, I listened carefully to what he say with my minimal Korean, no he didnt mention Jieun, he just say he is going to meet the cast.

In so many of the scenes, just feel that WS want to kiss HS all the time. hahah, I suspect the lantern kiss in the cheek and the other peck when he depart as an envoy were his own suggestions :) because those dont look like something a writer will write into the script.


Yes I agree the acceptance kiss must be the last one they did, seeing that he filmed the shadow play thing as the last scene. The flowers were for his last scene filming. The acceptance kiss must be before the shadow play then. 

I dont mind the acceptance kiss really. Its the director's style not to show their lips much to beautify the scenes. But I believe HS's arms hugging back was certainly from the director's request but she did it passionately and we can see from the bts,  they really hug completely with no distance.

sometimes I dont know if the intimacy we feel are from the director's way of directing or from the actors. Maybe a mix of both.


@violet90 yep, agreed they should have given us more happier scenes. That piggyback scene, I just feel its like a token sweet thrown at us like: there you go, they were sweet once, just eat up...... I am like WHAT?


I really need to let these two go. :tears:


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13 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:


Hahaha... just gonna leave this here for you :phew: Because it sounds much better coming from the direct source.



He really cant help but be honest eh? BAHHAA


46 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Flowers for JoonGi were for his last shoot of the drama and that's why he hugged Jieun then left. Jieun still shot the modern day part on July 1.

ohhhh ok roger that =D is it just me or did Jieunssi look sad after that hug =( 

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2 minutes ago, violet90 said:


i find its funny that LJG is famous on hard to do a romance part maybe due to his other co star lack of involvement but in here he even ask for more romantic scene and more obvious more kisses.. i mean the one that already in drama already surpassing most saeguk and modern drama.. LJG seem really LOVED to act in romance department in this drama.. maybe due to his co star?? aka Jieun..

Maybe that's why he seems to be hesitant about choosing his next drama, except for the Lotte webtoon. Aside from wondering if he would have chemistry with the actress, he might be fearful that whatever he does will "affect" his former co-star. All he has to do is promise not to open his lips to anyone else.

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