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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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7 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

PA was presented to China Film and TV Critic board, they are awaiting their feedback. The important part is that Ciwen's CEO was there. 



He talked about how PA adapted the story from three books and that they could only film half :rolleyes: The the group all wanted to give the audience the best experience and that the story is not complete. He asked the experts to give them advice so the next one could be better. 

This really implies a season 2, I wonder if they are trying really hard to cast everyone again. But I am 90% sure that they will do a S2 but dont know about the cast. 


wiki also said same thing.

i wonder whether there is season 2. highly chance have.. but same cast quite difficult.

I just started watch the Lost Love In Time, now ep 6. how come all the witches were captured and sold as a slave.. this remind me of the PA.. hahahahaha :D

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10 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

PA was presented to China Film and TV Critic board, they are awaiting their feedback. The important part is that Ciwen's CEO was there. 



He talked about how PA adapted the story from three books and that they could only film half :rolleyes: The the group all wanted to give the audience the best experience and that the story is not complete. He asked the experts to give them advice so the next one could be better. 

This really implies a season 2, I wonder if they are trying really hard to cast everyone again. But I am 90% sure that they will do a S2 but dont know about the cast. 

ohhmyygoshhh!! season 2 is coming... yay. Original Cast!!! did i say original cast?? yes, i did. if no ZLY for xinger and LGX for yuwen yue, I'm not watching it...

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10 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

Adding to my previous post. Ciwen invited a lot of high regarded critics to evaluate the drama and give them feedback. This could be a PR move for S2. 

Then they should be informed that if they couldn't get original cast for season 2, they should not waste more energy on thinking of making season 2.

thanks for sharing the post.

5 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

So they want expert advice, hmm? Well, I'm sure we could provide them with some "expert" advice for how to make PA2 better should they choose to do so. I'm just a fanfic-writing hack from the USA with little knowledge of Chinese culture, but this would be my "expert" advice for how to proceed with PA2:

1). Get as much of the original cast back as you can, and that absolutely must include the two leads. If you can't complete this step, don't even bother making PA2 because most of us won't be interested.

2). No, seriously. Grovel before ZLY and LGX and offer them their own private islands somewhere or something because the vast majority of us won't give this any kind of chance without them. 

3) Make the character development natural and organic so that we understand why the characters are doing the things they're doing.

4) Don't make the characters do things that are out of character. If someone does do something out of character, have the character explain why this change is occurring.

5) Don't prevent the characters from doing things that are in character just so you can stretch the story out. This makes your characters look weak and indecisive and can make the audience turn against them.

6) Don't introduce background characters that nobody's going to care about and then proceed to waste copious amounts of time trying to make the audience care about them. We're not going to care. Just give up and get back to telling stories about the main characters with whom we fell in love in the first place.

7) Make sure that all scenes transition sensibly from one to another. This is not so hard to do. If I can do it as an amateur fanfiction writer who's cobbling together a story on the fly every night with minimal planning and editing, surely you professionals can stitch together a suitable story with all of your professional-grade resources, expertise, and time.

8) Give us angsty and /or happy XingYue scenes that actually lead somewhere. This is not just a shipper request from me; it's the basic type of request I've received from my readers. They want to see Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao living together, loving together, engaging in witty banter together, and resolving their issues together.

9) Fix the technical issues. My standards are lower for television than for movies due to budget constraints, lack of resources, etc., but poor dubbing and CGI bother a lot of people.

10.) In the future, don't leave your viewers with a cliffhanger ending when you haven't even locked up the original cast for the next season. Fans (and actors, for that matter) tend to not like being jerked around and may simply decide not to come back for another season just on general principle.

Does anyone else on here have some "expert" advice for the professionals? I'm sure we could make them a fantastic list ourselves and save them any consultation fees. (They're going to need that money for PA2, after all :wink:.)


Sometimes it make me wonder that, were they (the producers) satisfy with their drama? We, the viewers, could come up with all these critics, but why couldn't they see what we see?

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13 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

PA was presented to China Film and TV Critic board, they are awaiting their feedback. The important part is that Ciwen's CEO was there. 



He talked about how PA adapted the story from three books and that they could only film half :rolleyes: The the group all wanted to give the audience the best experience and that the story is not complete. He asked the experts to give them advice so the next one could be better. 

This really implies a season 2, I wonder if they are trying really hard to cast everyone again. But I am 90% sure that they will do a S2 but dont know about the cast. 


The experts in this case to ask are the fans who watched and gave them top ratings each episode. If their goal is to make PA 2 better, they only need two things. Get LGX and ZLY back and a happily ever after ending. 

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Part 4 of In-Law and Outlaws has been uploaded. Enjoy! (Although subject matter is a bit bleak)

Had a bit of time today to put in some writing.

This story seems to have a life of its own... don't know why... but it just keeps getting longer and longer. Remember when I said it was only going to be 3 chapters... well, scrap that. At the rate I'm going... 

I dunno... that Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao... they just love talking to each other and I happily indulge.

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5 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

Today's chapter's up. We're coming down to the end with this one, so I hope you enjoy.

first thing in the morning. check PA fanfic. I'm happy to see another update. Thank you. and I'm already sad to see this coming to an end.

1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Part 4 of In-Law and Outlaws has been uploaded. Enjoy! (Although subject matter is a bit bleak)

Had a bit of time today to put in some writing.

This story seems to have a life of its own... don't know why... but it just keeps getting longer and longer. Remember when I said it was only going to be 3 chapters... well, scrap that. At the rate I'm going... 

I dunno... that Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao... they just love talking to each other and I happily indulge.

I'm really glad you are going to write more about both of them. Me too, I so love their conversation. I can see his jealousy side which is really funny. Please write more about them.

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22 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

So they want expert advice, hmm? Well, I'm sure we could provide them with some "expert" advice for how to make PA2 better should they choose to do so. I'm just a fanfic-writing hack from the USA with little knowledge of Chinese culture, but this would be my "expert" advice for how to proceed with PA2:


Does anyone else on here have some "expert" advice for the professionals? I'm sure we could make them a fantastic list ourselves and save them any consultation fees. (They're going to need that money for PA2, after all :wink:.)


Heh. Good list. :D

I wonder why companies waste good money bringing in consultants when all they really need is customer and employee feedback. It isn't all that hard really to work out what people liked about PA. Just a cursory glance at the comments on YT and Weibo would do. If it's anything like what goes on here in Oz, I imagine that they're jumping through all these administrative hoops so that they can justify making the kinds of decisions that they were already going to make anyway. 

It's clear the show lost its way towards the end. It lost sight of what made it popular to start with and that is the OTP romance. That's what 80-90% of the comments on YT were really about. Everything else about the show was pretty half-hearted but the build up of XingYue with the spy angle in the first twenty plus episodes was the best thing going for it. But they tried people's patience with ancillary characters and arcs, a lot of which went nowhere. If the reasons for going wobbly at the end was political and financial then it makes a certain amount of sense because from a storytelling perspective, very little of it made any sense at all. In fact, it looked like they were shooting themselves in the foot at times. They simply rode on the backs of ZLY and LGX's combined chemistry and milked that for everything it was worth and if the rumours about financial appeasement are correct, then the other actors and their agencies did precisely the same thing too.


@seyforsey Thank you for your comments as always. They're so sweet and very encouraging.

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4 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Heh. Good list. :D

I wonder why companies waste good money bringing in consultants when all they really need is customer and employee feedback. It isn't all that hard really to work out what people liked about PA. Just a cursory glance at the comments on YT and Weibo would do. If it's anything like what goes on here in Oz, I imagine that they're jumping through all these administrative hoops so that they can justify making the kinds of decisions that they were already going to make anyway. 

It's clear the show lost its way towards the end. It lost sight of what made it popular to start with and that is the OTP romance. That's what 80-90% of the comments on YT were really about. Everything else about the show was pretty half-hearted but the build up of XingYue with the spy angle in the first twenty plus episodes was the best thing going for it. But they tried people's patience with ancillary characters and arcs, a lot of which went nowhere. If the reasons for going wobbly at the end was political and financial then it makes a certain amount of sense because from a storytelling perspective, very little of it made any sense at all. In fact, it looked like they were shooting themselves in the foot at times. They simply rode on the backs of ZLY and LGX's combined chemistry and milked that for everything it was worth and if the rumours about financial appeasement are correct, then the other actors and their agencies did precisely the same thing too.


@seyforsey Thank you for your comments as always. They're so sweet and very encouraging.

So you could add to the list:

11). Hire someone to go online and read comments on message boards and social media sites all day so that you can learn about why a whole bunch of people shattered your viewing record directly from the people who shattered the viewing record.

12). KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). If you keep your plot lines and settings tight and self-contained, then you'll be able to spread screen time satisfactorily between your characters without either dragging or bloating. The key is to make your fictional world large enough to be interesting but small enough to be explorable in-depth.

13). Ditch the politics. I know this is way too much to ask since every filming industry everywhere is probably equally corrupt, but if you actually care about putting out a top-quality product, don't craft unimportant characters (especially in the back half of a series) with no purpose just to be able to check a box on your "must cast" list.

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4 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Heh. Good list. :D

I wonder why companies waste good money bringing in consultants when all they really need is customer and employee feedback. It isn't all that hard really to work out what people liked about PA. Just a cursory glance at the comments on YT and Weibo would do. If it's anything like what goes on here in Oz, I imagine that they're jumping through all these administrative hoops so that they can justify making the kinds of decisions that they were already going to make anyway. 

It's clear the show lost its way towards the end. It lost sight of what made it popular to start with and that is the OTP romance. That's what 80-90% of the comments on YT were really about. Everything else about the show was pretty half-hearted but the build up of XingYue with the spy angle in the first twenty plus episodes was the best thing going for it. But they tried people's patience with ancillary characters and arcs, a lot of which went nowhere. If the reasons for going wobbly at the end was political and financial then it makes a certain amount of sense because from a storytelling perspective, very little of it made any sense at all. In fact, it looked like they were shooting themselves in the foot at times. They simply rode on the backs of ZLY and LGX's combined chemistry and milked that for everything it was worth and if the rumours about financial appeasement are correct, then the other actors and their agencies did precisely the same thing too.


@seyforsey Thank you for your comments as always. They're so sweet and very encouraging.

awe, thank you for saying that. Because I can't do and think in dept like you, all i can do is to acknowledge you and your thoughts. :-)

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Dont mind me, its google translate, so as far as i can understand, internationally Princess Agents could sell for over 3 times the price of TJOF.  I am just amazed that despite the bad editing and butchering of YWY and XE's parts they still manage to garner so much sales.  Its most definitely attributed to LGX and ZLY without any doubts. So, if a PA2 is indeed in the works. the leads must be them else no PA fan will accept nor watch i am sure as a sign of rejection and defiance.

"Overseas recognized, "Princess Agents" selling price is "The Journey of Flower" 3 times!
A little entertainment of the second shot video "China Film Industry Research Report" shows "Princess Agents" in the overseas price than the previous year, "The Journey of Flower" soared more than 3 times, worthy of playing over 40 billion drama. These two are by Zanilia Zhao Li Ying @赵丽颖 starring, which is the best effort for an actor to ten years, in the cultural output we played a beautiful battle."

有点娱乐的秒拍视频 《中国电影产业研究报告》显示《楚乔传》在海外卖价比前年的《花千骨》飙升3倍以上,不愧是播放量突破400亿的神剧。这两部都是由 @赵丽颖 主演,这正是对一个演员努力十年最好认可,在文化输出上我们又打了漂亮的一仗。]



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Okay, here is my intake on that. The channel that aired PA would loose its ratings and overall support of they were to do PA2 with a different cast. If they were smart they would keep the same cast and do PA2, but when ZLY n LGX r avaible at the same time. Also along with the rest of the cast. They ended PA 1 horrible, the know if they didnt continue the story or the series they channel and over production of the companies would loose money, support and ratings tbey would go bankrupt and hit rock bottom. So they had tobhave intentions on PA 2 and same cast and all. They r probably eaiting on word from the main leads and where they stand on it or maybe even voting. If there isnt enough votes, or money or even support from the actors and actresses they wont do it. 

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5 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

Here's today's chapter.I ended up writing a bonus YWY snippet because so many people asked me to check in on XingYue, so the story will now have two more days instead of just one. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Yay, I didn't expect this coming. Now you got a smile on my face all day!!! I love today's chapter. Their conversation just........ make me happy (simple explanation). Can't wait for more of this sweetness. Thank you so much.

5 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

This is all @40somethingahjumma's fault since she left a review talking about how the people of Green Hills should go into the furniture business given Yuwen Yue and Xing'er's antics. So here's an "advertisement" for XingYue Unlimited's brand-new Kungfu Furniture line.


lol you have to read the fanfiction in order to clearly understand this advertising. Luckily, i read that chapter. Can this day get any better???

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