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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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Just a quick sidetrack as believe this should not be posted in this thread i.e. regarding Kim So Hyun leaving and setting up her own agency.  I read somewhere she is from a very well to do family, hence able to set up her own agency if the report is true.

Also really glad to be able to see some pics of the MDBC casts did gather together to celebrate the 1st anniversary of their hit drama. God bless each of them abundantly and may they continue to shine brightly in whatever they undertake.:wub:

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Ok, am I the only one wondering, what is the big deal? Having one photo with the two main stars of MDBC makes total sense during an anniversary reunion, right? Not even a big group pic?

Ok, so I'm going nuts, running the many possible reasons in my head as to why there is no circulating photo containing BOTH PBG & KYJ:

1) Agreement by PBG's camp: PBG's image. Feeding the romantic rumor with KYJ and being linked to a minor is not good for him, especially now with his popularity booming. 

2) Agreement by KYJ's mom et all (maybe even PBG if there is an existing relationship): Protect KYJ from all the crazy PBG fans attacking her. They have probably learned from past love rumors that one photo is unkind, backfires, and leads to a backlash of hate.

3) No photo op. PBG and KYJ are not at the party at the same time. It's possible PBG left early due to his responsibilities with Music Bank tour. Remember, Sept. 2 in Jakarta is quickly approaching. 

4) They have ended their relationship and there might be an awkwardness between them, so no photo. (However, I doubt this as KYJ seems really happy.)

As much as I am rejoicing at the fact that they all celebrated MDBC's anniversary and actually documented their experience, forgive me, as the whole boyoo reality for me has gone into a fog with the question of "why"? I know that young love -celebrity love at that -is hard to keep strong (at least from what I've seen in my country). What is the Korean probability of this lasting? But if Bogum and Yoojung are in their privacy still dating until now that would be a major accomplishment. It would also indicate how serious they are about each other.  Just why do they tease us so?

*Update: Yesss, just saw photo proof of them sitting together at the MDBC party. I'm now over the moon!! :) 

Edited by j31717
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5 hours ago, thearmyofskank said:

Yeah! She updated her IG with the cast. 

a pic with bogum / the jahyeondang squad will complete my day. *cross finger*

so happy to see them again but I wish that jy can dress up nicely. what is going on with her messy hair lately? she really don't really care about her image. but if she plans to continue in entertainment industry, she should care and keep up herself for her fans and CF clients.

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Mungmung I agree with u! Totally! But the same time I was also thinking, we also don't really know what type of girl BG likes, so maybe he likes the casual style.. maybe he likes the girl that doesn't always try so hard to impress others? And that's why he appreciates YJ? Honestly I don't know.. but yes of course, for YJ's career's sake, YJ should try to always dress up not down.. but who knows.. since this gathering was so secretive, YJ didn't think of impressing anyone since her relationship with BG is either very stable or truly just like very good friends... just like j31717mentioned,  our minds have been teased a lots and I am still trying to believe their relationship is very stable and it's going somewhere positive...until one day I can not force myself to believe anymore... sigh! Such a complicated feeling!!!! I believe u all know exactly how I feel! The fact they were sitting together in the party but no pics together r published that itself is very fishy!! What r they hiding or protecting or preventing? It's just not normal....

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 I'm really happy for the MDBC cast meeting on 1st anniversary party 17-08-31... 

Although up to this point in order to enjoy the BoYoo vision together we have to thank who modified photos but we cannot be full satisfied... and yet they are so cute ...

                                                                                    - cr @bogum_bowie -


                                                                                            - cr logo -

@j31717 I do not think we have to worry, I'm sure between them goes so good... And they were not far away during the evening... :wink:



And BG also singing "My Person"... :wub:

Now, waiting for other BoYoo pictures, here are some photos where ours both are really beautiful ...


                                                                          - cr logo -


                                                                                          - cr logo -

He is always more to more sexy...

                                                                                         - cr logo -


Edited by boju
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1 hour ago, moonlightdream said:

Mungmung I agree with u! Totally! But the same time I was also thinking, we also don't really know what type of girl BG likes, so maybe he likes the casual style.. maybe he likes the girl that doesn't always try so hard to impress others? And that's why he appreciates YJ? Honestly I don't know.. but yes of course, for YJ's career's sake, YJ should try to always dress up not down.. but who knows.. since this gathering was so secretive, YJ didn't think of impressing anyone since her relationship with BG is either very stable or truly just like very good friends... just like j31717mentioned,  our minds have been teased a lots and I am still trying to believe their relationship is very stable and it's going somewhere positive...until one day I can not force myself to believe anymore... sigh! Such a complicated feeling!!!! I believe u all know exactly how I feel! The fact they were sitting together in the party but no pics together r published that itself is very fishy!! What r they hiding or protecting or preventing? It's just not normal....


Moonlightdream, you are right, there's much about PBG we don't know.  Even though he is obvious in his actions, it makes you wish you could read this fellow's mind. It seems Bo Gum would go for a natural beauty who doesn't try hard to impress and easy to get along with which is Yoo Jung!  (Like Taek in 1988, I can totally imagine him saying of KYJ, "When I see her smile, it almost makes me feel like I could die.") They just seem so compatible as far as likes and personality along with their life goals that I couldn't imagine them getting bored of each other.  Strange to say this but my main hesitation with holding on to this ship is that it seems too good to be true.

Well, I figure if Yoo Jung is so secure within herself to look as we see it, less than perfect, then they must be that comfortable with each other.  (And c'mon, why all the scrutiny towards the girl, we've seen the guy dressed better!)  Even if they are in reality just really good friends, it really warms my heart to see them together.  Like everyone else, I almost wish they were a bit older so to speed up the relationship process. Lol. But being young and innocent, I think, also attracts us to this ship. Like someone else had mentioned in this thread, I hope their relationship matures over time like Rain/KTH and Bo Gum's mentor, Cha Tae-hyun/wife. I hope PBG & KYJ, along with us, the spectators, can just have the patience.

Btw, curious about how ppl feel about the new Nescafé ad? Like Ghana ad, it does spark some jealousy among PBG fans. It's a reminder, pure example, of why KYJ must be protected, right? Though I do wonder also about her reaction to the intimate ads? 

*Wow, so sorry that I am suddenly so talkative. With MDBC reuniting I'm ecstatic! But really, I do appreciate this forum because my feelings for boyoo are isolated where I'm at.  It's a private obsession that only you all can understand. I ❤️ you, my fellow shippers!

Edited by j31717
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Hello, I'm new here, but I've seen your posts for a while, I want to give my honest opinion about boyoo. I feel now after this meeting of mdbc that I am disappointed with the behavior of bogum and yoojung, they seem to be avoiding it, as if he did not care about her. Very strange all this. I now begin to think that there is nothing between them and that they are bothering with what is being divulged about them. I am going to believe if I actually see concrete evidence about them from now on, since I can no longer suffer and have disappointments for something that I have dreamed and Do not work right. Forgive me if I'm being radical, but I'm feeling very sad right now with this distance of bogum and yoojung


I want to believe but I'm losing hope.

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Guys, don't take the thing BG and YJ didnt take picture together serious like this. This is not the 1st time they are like this.

We should be happy since until now, we still saw their sweet moments like this. Believe BG, if he is with YJ, no way that he was not be near her (you see the picture already na).

I am super happy now since their chemistry cannot beat any thing in my heart. 

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11 minutes ago, londrina said:


I totally feel you, like maybe we are just too much in delusional land. Sometimes I feel I check my IG way too much, like thirsty for proof. I want to jump ship too, but I'm too hopeful and squeal even over the slightest hint of them being together. I think I will be able to move on from believing in boyoo once they take on new projects. That's the only way, I think to really find out if there's anything real between the two,  seeing them with new drama partners. That's how the SWAG couple fell apart, right?

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Ok let me hurry up to watch the dvds and update u guys how I feel and see! I just received them today thank G-d! Anyway, since they there were no pics seen taken with only BG and YJ making me believe more something is fishy! So I am still positive! Cheer up friends! What we saw is only the corner of the iceberg 

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Here is my  take the recent significant event ..
YJ is much more comfortable in her own skin now, so I guess she did not bother to dress up .  
She knows  NOT everyone will like her   but  she  won't care about it one bit..  and to me that's STRENGTH  y'all. 
Does wanting privacy makes them look bad? I think the exact opposite. To me  it shows they value their relationship.
I just think they want people to realize what's in front of them without having to discuss the relationship or for it to be made into a big deal.
Remember, BG sang his ever famous  Song to  His Person -- with the crowd  cheering on like they knew something, ayiiee !!!
 And  the highlight of all was  the leaked photo of them  sitting  beside together-- caught  in  the same frame at the party' 
So   Keep Calm , chingus 
 I would much rather have BoYoo  want to keep any relationship they have private
and not go to spots where they know they'll be dispatched & try to sell a relationship.
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