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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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Guest AlexMao

I have to say it's getting harder and harder to continue this series. I knew going in that there would be parts that would just drag on and on but I can't really be the only one who's a bit tired of the family secret element or the "drama" that is Dong Hee, Sung Joon and Mi Joo. I was perfectly okay with the series early on as they were still trying to flush out each of the characters and establish a half-decent backstory especially Hyun Woo. 

I mean come on already. We're on episode 38 and it still feels like we're in neutral coasting along or worse sliding backwards. At this point in most family/weekend dramas we're in settling mode more or less but we're no closer to a happy ending for either Dong Hee & Sung Joon or Hyun Woo & Jung Eun. At what point are fans going to say "come on already" Getting back to Mi Joo what is it going to take for her to really move on with her life? It's a family drama so seeing Sung Joon straddling Dong Hee in his office isn't a possibility. I don't see the writer doing a roof top scene indicating any sort of "act" occurring when an "urgent" matter crops up forcing Mi Joo to Dong Hee's old flat. 

With Dong Hee's kidnapping we all kind of suspect it's just to draw out her "grandmother" but I mean what's the point really. It's just a bit too messy for me. I want to see them tidy things up and just put the series to bed already. 

Outside the moment or two that Dong Hee & Sung Joon had the only other redeeming quality of the episode was Ji Hoon putting his hands up with the whole family situation. The kid was already kind of screwed up as it is without whatever hell Hee Suk put him through growing up, now he has a "new" mother and while she is doing all she can there really needs to be that clear distinction as to who his mother is what his former mother is allowed to do.

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28 minutes ago, AlexMao said:


I mean come on already. We're on episode 38 and it still feels like we're in neutral coasting along or worse sliding backwards. At this point in most family/weekend dramas we're in settling mode more or less but we're no closer to a happy ending for either Dong Hee & Sung Joon or Hyun Woo & Jung Eun. At what point are fans going to say "come on already" Getting back to Mi Joo what is it going to take for her to really move on with 

Totally agree with your comment. I am afraid that,  in the ep 39 things are not going to get better, based in the preview,  where SJ is carrying his fainted father, the way he see his brother .. I think the writer is adding more issues to this. She has too many things to solve in order not to have a hurried final episode. I think is time to begin solving things, not twist this more and more. SJ could ends hating his brother because at last,  this man is the only father he remember and knows, and he can’t stop loving him suddenly. For example
She has to make possible a reconciliation between HW and JE, The fact that DH belongs to a rich and evil family. She Needs to solve the mistake of the switched cousins, the presence of JE’S father in the life of her mother and the grandmother would has to accept it. etc., etc.
I hate when writers solve everything at the last moment and you end like...that was all?,  I spent 50 hours only for this final?

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I was really looking forward to this reunion all week only to be disappointed just like others that there was no KISS!!  What the heck???   Don't get me wrong for it was more about the fact that they haven't been together.  He didn't even know where she was he would have been worried for days and just finding out where she was.  Should have been such an emotional relief that someone in love would have driven like a mad man just to get to her.  It just makes no sense none at all!!!!!   That at the end of that amazing running into each others arms didn't end with a fabulous reunion kiss that should have rocked our world or at least knocked our socks off!!! Instead of saying I miss you I think any normal healthy loving couple would have been in a lip lock to busy to talk... Way Way to BUSY!!!! X STRIKE 1

And just when you think it can't get any more unreal they are sitting on a beautiful beach blue waves in front of them and the sun above them and no one else in sight just the two of them.   They are not  even touching at all after all the stress and loneliness  and worries.  Wouldn't you want to be as close to that person you have missed and love as you could.  Guess not??? That is until it happens by some accident!!!  Holy COW another missed opportunity he grabbed her hand when he should have pulled her in by that hand and kissed her right there on the beach talk about a missed romantic moment.  I would have gladly traded the running on the beach for just one KISS in the most perfect place.. X Strike 2

Oh my gosh even later when they are forced to say good-bye so fast not even spending a day together or a meal. After no welcome kiss, no on the beach romantic kiss, and now no good-bye kiss who the heck does that???  NO ONE!!!! I'm sorry forgive me but 3 Strikes and you're OUT and today the writers deserved a BIG RED X...

unbelievable....:crazy::huh::wacko: And to think I love this couple and this drama:sweatingbullets:

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@USAFarmgirl chingoo you hit the nail on the head! we're all disappointed w/this epis coz there's no kiss n like u said even when they were saying their g/byes it was just hugs that was it! :(  we've waited a week for this to happen but nada! :) now the cliffhanger with DH being kidnapped? as i said before kdramas are so stingy when it comes to skinship esp kissu! :) the writer has been teasing us all right! LOL hahaha i like that BIG RED X!

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@Oly40 thx for the OST as always, i hv to compile those songs & create it in my folder :)

@starlight116 thx for the recap i also wondered now that i already watched the raw epis why is MJ at DH's place n how in the world did she know where to find her, i can't stand that woman! one of the most annoying characters in this drama is JE (this actress was good in her prev dramas but in this drama i just can't stand her, sorry if one of you are her fans). She keeps defending her uncle w/o knowing what's behind all this!

the eomma wants a divorce, why bc she found out SJ is not HS bio son after what she'd done raising her? she's always been unreasonable anyway so this aspect is no surprise! btw did you guys notice why SJ has been seemingly cold to his hyung? we u/stand how attached he's been to the father/family etc but is he still in shock i guess? i feel for HW esp in that scene where he invited him for dinner but SJ was always not too enthuse in seeing him? i hope SJ will soon realize that his hyung didn't even date in those 23 yrs but rather spent those yrs searching for him! that haboji shld not hv taken SJ or SW (when he was a child) but of course out of his guilty conscience he had the urge to do what he had done, but in spite of that he cannot bring back the father of these two young brothers!

let's hope the writer won't disappoint us in the preceding episodes :)


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@AlexMao and @camichi ... I am in agreement Witt you both. I feel that the brother will never bond over being related because Hyun Seob has taken such good care of SJ since he was young. HS has always been protective and loving to SJ even though his adoptive family made life difficult for him. I still feel that we still don't know about HW's life in the States. We only know that he studied hard and worked hard and build his empire. He helps out orphans in his spare time and so forth. 

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@USAFarmgirl, you are right.  There were 3 opportunities for SJ/DH kiss and yet the writer didn't make use of it.  Is the writer trying to show their relationship as a pure & innocent one? Come On, any pure & innocent beings once fall in love, they would want to have skinship lol.   

@hibiscus23, i think omma mentioned about divorce because HS seems to let SH/HJ not to worry about the loan and the mortgage of the house? i have not watched the sub yet, but i think HJ mentioned something about it.  omma is not happy with HS.  I don't blame her, so many things happened and she seems to be sitting on a roller coaster.  If i'm her, i think i would have fainted and bedridden lol..  

@UnniSarah, agreed with you. It will not be easy for SJ to hate HS or the family.  He spent 23 years building the relationship with them.  SJ has no memory of his childhood before he was brought to HS's home.  Unless he recall his memory of his biological father, there is no way for him to hate HS.  SJ could have felt angry for HS to be an indirect cause of his biological father death, but that anger can be resolved with his 23years relationship with HS and family..  The type of anger that HW & SJ had with HS is different.  Just yesterday, SJ asked HS if he is feeling ok, SJ anger with him is gone.. Now it is for SJ to persuade HW to cool down and not get angry with HS, can he do it?  i feels that SJ needs to move to live with HW so that he will be able to convince him to stop the revenge.  Now that he is still staying with the family and siding them, HW will be disappointed and angry, he may continue with the revenge plan(not including the investment made to SJ's drama project in the company) .  

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@chocolatepie You and others will have to forgive my rant a bit overboard but dang when you wait all week knowing the reunion was going to take place I just thought a kiss would naturally be a part of that.  Listen to me it's hours later and I am still not over it!!  I need some sleep hopefully tomorrow will be a better day:crazy:

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47 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:

@chocolatepie You and others will have to forgive my rant a bit overboard but dang when you wait all week knowing the reunion was going to take place I just thought a kiss would naturally be a part of that.  Listen to me it's hours later and I am still not over it!!  I need some sleep hopefully tomorrow will be a better day:crazy:

i think you might need to sleep longer...kekeke:tongue:.. if DH is at the other island and SJ in seoul, there will be no scenes of them together.  Unless SJ learnt about the kidnapping and do something, we will not see much of them.  

I just watched the sub of episode 38 and SJ commented that DH has become ugly...hahaha... DH was not happy with him calling her that twice.  SJ answer was so full of :heart:.. He said he saw how beautiful DH was when she ran towards him at the red lighthouse that he is worried he will not want to leave and stay with her over there...:wub:, so he is trying to control himself by saying she has become ugly..hahaha.... And did you gals see how big Lee Tae Hwan's hands? OMG, he can just put his hand on her left cheek and we would not be able to see DH's face lol.... 

When DH called HJ, HJ also told SJ he might as well stay there with her when she scolded him for going there to see DH after all the happenings... hehehe... SJ-ah, maybe you should listen to your sister-in-law... Move there!  hahaha..

Edit: JHwa went to look for JE not because she suspected it was JE's doing on the photo with HW.  But rather, she went to look for JE to ask her about HW since she was the one who told JHwa to be careful of HW.  But JE doesn't want to tell her what happen and so reply that she doesn't know anything.  

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18 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

When DH called HJ, HJ also told SJ he might as well stay there with her when she scolded him for going there to see DH after all the happenings... hehehe... SJ-ah, maybe you should listen to your sister-in-law... Move there!  hahaha..


You are so right about that!!!  He should have stayed on the beach they could have talked all night under the stars and the moon shining down on them so bright.  Of course Grandmother would have been worried but at least they could have till her shift was over at the restaurant. LOL

Not to mention I would love to RED X MJ I am honestly so dang tired of her and why the hack can't she just move on!!!  How many ways can she be told he doesn't want her...  I wish someone would kidnap her and never bring her back LOL:lol:

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11 minutes ago, USAFarmgirl said:


You are so right about that!!!  He should have stayed on the beach they could have talked all night under the stars and the moon shining down on them so bright.  Of course Grandmother would have been worried but at least they could have till her shift was over at the restaurant. LOL

Not to mention I would love to RED X MJ I am honestly so dang tired of her and why the hack can't she just move on!!!  How many ways can she be told he doesn't want her...  I wish someone would kidnap her and never bring her back LOL:lol:


it,  wouldn t has been the firt time she stay out the all nigth with him. :wub:

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@USAFarmgirl, MJ went to look for DH, good and bad.  Good because she told DH about grandma and her own grandma (aka DH's biological grandma) and what happened even though she might be suspecting DH is her cousin.  Bad because she told DH she should have left for another place further away and not to contact anyone...

In the preview, SJ also told HW to stop his revenge plan.  JE told her uncle that HW/SW's father did not consume any alcohol on the accident day and that is when HS fainted upon learning about this.  From this, the more SJ will not hate HS, because it is not his fault.   Wonder if this is good enough for HW to tone/calm down and make him forgive HS.   If he doesn't, i guess they may need to have scenes of HS saving either HW or SJ and getting himself injured to make HW forgive him.  

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I'm with you all ladies with the 'no kiss' reunion. The setting was perfect! Sea,sand,wind and red light house. I mean, are the writers for real?!?! Yes, SJ lifted DH for that tight hug but they should have added a kiss when he got her down instead of saying, "Let me see your face" dialogue :angry:. I have to make do of them hugging tight while SJ was kissing the top of her head, holding hands,running by the beach, then another  hug when they made that phone call to HJ...and another hug when SJ left. But, when SJ said about holding himself back by telling her she's ugly when he saw this tiny and beautiful figure running towards him. Or else, he has to stay and live with her, oh well...that was romantic. With this kidnapping saga happening and SJ coming to DH' rescue and still no reunion kiss will happen? I'LL SCREAM MY HEAD OFF in frustration!! I wish now this drama is with TvN or JTBC - they always have the best on screen kisses. I know both are cable to channels hence,sensorship isn't that strict compared to free to air tv.

Is JE that dense or REALLY dense? Even when HW told her of his father dead and he and SJ separated for years, she can still call him a terrible man! This time is she saying this because of HW revenge plan or because her childish stints, thinking they are cute no longer works? Grrrr! And that goes to that MJ too! Really? MJ have to drive all the way there to tell DH not to send her scripts,about halmoni or still could not move on from the fact SJ doesn't want her! Email maybe to do DH would have sufficed. Wow, her level of insecurity is DAEBAK! Yet, she always prides herself how 'better' she is from DH.Not too worry, MJ will be eating her own dust very soon. They are just a bunch of desperate women, seeking attention from the men they are 'obsessing' about.

HS no matter how much kneeling you are going to do,I don't know if HW will even budge. HS raising SJ like his own was in atonement of the grave sin he committed against HW and SJ father. But with the turn of events, SJ will be the key element of HW's path to forgiveness. 

CS and HJ's seen was very touching. I feel sorry for JH, please HS leave him alone! The poor kid is in constant torment because of you!   I wish that Doctor brother of hers will turn up again and let her know that he tried killing himself by attempting to jump off the building because of her constant nagging. He is very volatile at the moment.

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Ok I know we all upset that we didn't get our kiss scene today but thats saved for when SJ and Hw finds DH and rescue her from bad uncle.. Just think she still do not know why would anybody want to kidnap her and MH dad darn sure not going to show his face to her all he's going to do is send pictures of someone with similar height weight and hairstyle looking all beat up trying to get the rest of those shares.. Mh is going to suffer the biggest problems of it all her arrogance is going to hit rock bottom finding out just who really owns that company.. Mh or her father don't kinow of the connection between Hw and Sj and Hw will do anything for his lil brother even if it means moving mountains.. So fake halmoni is going to have to come clean to the brothers if she wants to save DH.. Also besides didn't MH dad report her as being dead..? I wonder if there's a death certificate on her that he fabricated..

Now come to think of it he kidnaps DH but he don't realizes that his mother has left the home he got her hide in..  

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25 minutes ago, standingtallyy said:

CS and HJ's seen was very touching. I feel sorry for JH, please HS leave him alone! The poor kid is in constant torment because of you!   I wish that Doctor brother of hers will turn up again and let her know that he tried killing himself by attempting to jump off the building because of her constant nagging. He is very volatile at the moment.

HS knows that JH tried to jump off the building the other time, but she still insist on him studying and going for the exam.   I wonder how HS think that being a magician will not have a future.   If CS has a talent in singing, he went that path with proper training and won the competition! So why is she thinking that with JH's talent (just look at how good he is in his study before this despite feeling stress about schoolwork) and his dream of being a magician, his future is bleak? If he can do well in something he dislike (eg. being stress over to be No.1 in school), he can do much much better in something he likes.  

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chingoos just fin epi 38 w/subs and of course we're all in awe and waiting for these two to have that 'reunion kiss' but wae wae wae not even on the cheeks yayy! :) one scene that was touching for me was when the two brods were having dinner n u can tell how HW was so happy to have dinner with SJ n the latter unfortunately had no recollections of how it were before their father died or after except he said when he was crying by the Han river that day! of course it was a bit of disappointment for his hyung that he also got attached to HS family for 23 yrs! we can almost feel how HW wanted his brod to stay w/him sooner than later when he said you still call them family in spite of how our father died bc of him! So right now the other siblings have no knowledge whatsoever that SJ is not their sibling not even 1/2 brother for that matter hence SJ cldn't even answer Jhwa's questioning why he went to see Mr. Lee or HW!

well that MJ better leave DH alone n she'll just be mad as hell when she learns that DH is her cousin n also cld be the heiress not her! i don't know what you guys think of MJ's father having DH kidnapped, but i guess he'll use DH as a shield to that  'will' that the grandma has written that's why MJ's father was so upset that his mother won't give in! MJ's father is so cruel having his own mother locked up in a sanatorium! like father, like daughter i guess :)

poor HJ won't be left alone by CS n i think none of them were aware that HJ once tried to kill himself! i may be wrong but that scene with HS kneeling down pleading HW's forgiveness was quite touching where he said he was blinded by the fact that he was only thinking of his kids & admitting it's his fault!

@USAFarmgirl LOL i agree with you N @camichi on this:  He should have stayed on the beach they could have talked all night under the stars and the moon shining down on them so bright.  Of course Grandmother would have been worried but at least they could have till her shift was over at the restaurant. LOL


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HS came to apologize to HW but he is still angry with him.  SJ who was there as well, saw it and was controlling his tears.  HW grab HS's jacket and upon seeing this, SJ couldn't stand it and told HW to let go.  HW didn't want to and SJ has to pull HW's hands away from HS.  He called HS 'father' and HW was so hurt to hear that SJ is still calling him that.  SJ told his father to go home and brought him back, told HW he will be back later.  After he sent HS back home, he went back to HW's house and both brothers ended in arguments.  HW went to his room, took the necktie and asked if he knew what it is?  HW told him that this is the necktie that his father's committed suicide with?   I think SJ told him that it has been 23years that he has been with HS, how could he turned against him in just a short time?  SJ's mother keep on asking HS about SJ, but he just kept quiet all along.  

SH brought HJ to see a piece of land and i think he is telling her about the investment.  The  guy who scammed him, was there too.   

SJ at the office, looked a bit down.  Was he feeling down because of HW or waiting for DH's e-mail?  DH who was on the way to send an e-mail to SJ turned back when she thought about what MJ told her.  SJ was indeed waiting for her e-mail and since he has not received it, he sent an e-mail to her instead.  

SS went to look for the rep from the political party and it seems that he was told about his case was related to HW?

JHwa was with the lawyer at JE's cafe and they mentioned about the photo.  Did they mention about the source where the photo was uploaded from?  The lawyer mentioned Golden Street and David Lee.  JHwa went to look for HW and SS who was back home saw this and was shocked that JHwa photo scandal was also related to HW.  HW told them to ask their father about it.  They rushed back home and asked what actually happened.   JE asked them to stop asking HS and JHwa was sure that JE knew what happened but she still deny not knowing anything about it.  

SJ's mother insisted on JE telling them what happened.  JE finally told them that HW is the son of the academy school driver.  She told them that HW came back for revenge.  SJ's mother fainted upon hearing this.  

SJ went to look for HW and i think he asked him to stop the revenge plan.   I think SJ said he will try to settle the relationship with the family but HW does not really believe unless he moved out of the house.  I think HW mentioned to SJ about Golden Street(is he going to ask him to join his company in USA?).  SJ went to the rooftop looking a bit dejected.  

DH at the island, looked a bit lost too.  Grandma came back and she asked her about why they moved there?  She tried to ask her citing other possible reasons..  At night, Grandma cried as she looked at a sleeping DH, but she was awaken by her cries and asked what happen.  Grandma told her something and just keep on apologizing to her.  

Grandma called AR and told her what happened.  JE tried to defend for HW stating that there is a reason why HW came back to take revenge. JE's father tried to stop AR from pulling JE's hair but was kicked by AR instead.  HS was scolding JH at home regarding his school work/result again? HJ asked CS to carry HS up to the 1st floor.   JH is feeling the stress again and HJ promised JH that they are preparing to move house? Looks like JH has no confidence in his biological parents either..

HS, the wife, grandma, SS & JHwa were sitting in the living room talking about HW.  JHwa voiced her unhappiness but was stopped by HS but SJ's mother seems to agree with JHwa and mentioned about the accident.  JHwa mentioned SJ's name, wondered if she realized that SJ doesn't seems to be in the revenge plan.  Finally SJ received DH's e-mail and on her way back home, she was stopped by a group of men in black.  1 of them actually plucked 1 strand of hair from her and took her away with them.  )

Seems like HW was preparing to go to a party with SJ?(company's party?). JE was at HS room and she finally told him  about the female doctor who fabricated  the medical report on HW's father.  HS fainted and SJ happened to reach home and carried HS on his back to the hospital.  HW who was waiting for him outside saw that but SJ apologized to him and asked him to wait.  HW was unhappy and made a call to someone ( i think it is the scammer for SH's investment).  

In the morning, SJ was on the way back home and saw SH/HJ running out.  He asked what happened and was told that he was being scammed.. SJ knowing what happened looked up to HW's house. HW was looking down and SJ looked angrily at HW. 

Preview: HS was at the temple again. SJ was at HW's house.   SJ was seen hugging a teary HS in his own room.  SJ went to the house to look for DH.  DH was brought to MJ's house with MJ father 's waiting for her at the living room.    (he must have done the DNA on DH & his mother)

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@stroppyse i agree w/u JE as always was annoying, gosh is it only me i can't stand this actress in this drama, she's just waaaay over-acting! also i hope that it's not a rushed ending as some other kdramas bc it seems like we're seeing n asking ourselves where is this going since the brods found ea other already, also DH , like u said shld know the truth fr her adoptive grandma what's gg on!

yes again, DH/SJ being a young couple didn't even show any kissing even when they were sitting by the beach they were not even linking arms or whatever let alone a KISS! :) I HVNT seen the whole raw epis 39 as my comp crushes when i go to that site some of u may be watching raw episodes i only saw a few sec of when the abunyim was talking n HW was mad (i hope KJE wins as best actor this yr he was good) and of all things seeing SJ supporting this madman n still being loyal to him in spite of being aware that abunyim caused their father's death! i am not sure anymore what to think of SJ in that scene!

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@hibiscus23, can't blame SJ.  He has been taken care of by HS who showered him with love for 23 years.  He doesn't know anything about his biological father because he only remembered his childhood from the Han River onwards, which means, he doesn't have memory of his biological father at all.  Moreover, he did not see all the things that happened to his father and HW also covered his eyes when they went back home and saw the father committed suicide.   For someone who has no memory of his biological father but only memories of his present father who showered him with 23years of love and care, we can't say that SJ is wrong. We can only hope that he regained his memory of his childhood when his biological father was still alive, but then to be frank, to compare 23 years of love and care with the 5-6years of childhood, likely he will be able to forgive HS.  Moreover he will learnt that HS didn't know about the fabricated medical report, thus is not his fault.  

Preview for next week:


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