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[Drama 2017] Missing Nine 미씽나인

Go Seung Ji

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Missing 9: Episode 11

by LollyPip | February 23, 2017 | 2 Comments

Just because most of the surviving castaways are home now doesn’t mean that their ordeal is over. In fact, new mysteries are still cropping up, regarding both events on the island and things that happened much earlier than that. Joon-oh and Bong-hee have a long way to go to prove both Joon-oh’s innocence and the identity of the real killer, but luckily, it looks as if they may be getting some help very soon.

Read more http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/02/missing-9-episode-11/


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Missing 9: Episode 11

by LollyPip | February 23, 2017 | 17 Comments


Just because most of the surviving castaways are home now doesn’t mean that their ordeal is over. In fact, new mysteries are still cropping up, regarding both events on the island and things that happened much earlier than that. Joon-oh and Bong-hee have a long way to go to prove both Joon-oh’s innocence and the identity of the real killer, but luckily, it looks as if they may be getting some help very soon.



After receiving a call from someone claiming to be Joon-oh, Bong-hee travels to China to look for him. She finds him on a beach, and after he scares the daylights out of her pretending to have amnesia, he hugs her and says he’s ready to go home.

Joon-oh takes Bong-hee to the little room he’s been staying in and leaves her to fetch some food. She takes a call from Tae-young, who congratulates her on finally finding Joon-oh. He tells her that he has more information on Jae-hyun’s supposed suicide, and will fill her in when she’s back in Korea.

Bong-hee notices that the walls are papered with photos and articles about the crash and the victims’ return home, and there are even maps noting where each survivor was found. It’s clear that Joon-oh has kept himself well informed and knows everything, including that everyone except Bong-hee is calling him the murderer.


When Joon-oh returns, he seems a bit too cool when Bong-hee mentions how much Tae-young has helped her. (Interesting, is he jealous?) She asks about his stab wound and he whines that he’s overextending himself on her behalf, which makes Bong-hee smile — he’s still the same old Joon-oh.

He asks if she thought he was dead, but Bong-hee says that if she’d thought he was dead, she wouldn’t have kept looking for him. She asks who rescued him, and he says it was the older man she just met outside his door — he was out fishing, and found Joon-oh unconscious on the beach. Luckily he’s the town doctor, and he nursed Joon-oh back to health.


Read more here.

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3 hours ago, Chi Le said:

I want thriller. I dont want comedy. Comedy in dangerous situation is stupid. These 6 episodes gonna all of filler.

whenever the drama has a 'storm' scene, it doesnt mean the 'rainbow' will not happen :rolleyes:

thats a pretty balance of the drama, so that the viewers wont get bored seeing only tragic scenes.lol



Ratings 170223: #MissingNine : 4.6%


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[Spoilers] Missing 9 Ep 11+12

Ep 11 



Naver - Xports News: Missing 9, Jung Kyung Ho fights back at Choi Tae Joon with Yang Dong Geun's help 

1. [+2,036, -27] Did Choi Tae Ho kill the writer? Other than the funny parts, the story did not move forward in the whole hour

2. [+1,939, -28] Judging by today's episode, I think the writer need to get tested for dopingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1,489, -28] It's now totally a makjang comic sitcom dramaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+1,294, -24] Why the sudden change to comedy?... Too many useless scenes and the story isn't moving forward

5. [+379, -7] Seems like the writer just doesn't care anymore ㅋㅋㅋ This episode is too ridiculous, such a waste of the cast's talent

6. [+376, -7] Writer has long given up on the drama it seems

7. [+357, -6] Missing 9 must mean the lost 9 episodes, is it? It used to be thrilling and fun in the beginning

9. [+323, -2] Feels like I wasted my time watching today

10. [+314, -5] My thought the entire time: what even is drama about?

Ep 12



Naver -  Osen: Jung Kyung Ho vs Choi Tae Joon meet at last.. final battle begins 

1. [+1,491, -24] A drama that's clueless of its genre.. I thought Baek Jin Hee's back to filming High Kick again ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,114, -25]  Is Joon Oh an aspiring gagman or something?? The whole day, all he does is joke around, it's getting frustrating. Where's the cider?

3. [+1,012, -22] Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋ  Nothing happened in one hour apart from searching for the phone

4. [+758, -17] "Gtfo bastard!!" These characters need to be as good at swearing as Lee Sun Bin ㅋ I'm only watching this now for Jung Kyung Ho

5. [+296, -9] The gags during the serious scenes are really getting annoying

6. [+275, -5] Missing 9 was so much fun in the beginning what's happening lately?.. .Writer, if you want a sitcom, save that for another time.. Why is Tae Ho the only character that's serious?

7. [+223, -10] This drama is ridiculous. Only sticking out of loyalty now


P/S: I dont get with the comments, Esp at NO.6. why should all cast be serious? Infact, we watch this for fun.:confused:

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Honestly, this streak of comedy was present from day one. *shrugs* That being said, I do believe this week's episodes have been the weakest. I laughed at Joon Ho's ridiculousness but I admit my rational self kept thinking 'this is filler!' Episode 11 honestly didn't have much plot development in regards to the greater scheme of things. Twelve was better. Still silly but obviously the phone will be vital for Taeho's downfall. I know there's criticism being thrown towards 'the stupid phone' (as I've seen it mentioned) but I really love it. Sohee may have died but she's going to help Joon Ho prove his innocence, take down Taeho, and have justice made for Jaehyun's murder. She may not be there physically but she's there figuratively speaking (and in spirit...as cheesy as that may sound). It'll almost be like a legacy for her and I think she truly deserves that. Sure she was a bit frustrating on the island but once you realize the secrets and traumas she carried for years then it's understandable to some degree. And then she re-focused and was ready to stick with the team and survive on the island. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to make it. :( So yes, I like the phone's implication in all of this.

Anyways, all in all I'm still enjoying the show. I'll take this week as a recharge for the tough stuff to come. Perhaps a tad less of comedy would be nice but if not..well I'll just keep laughing at dorky Joon Ho. XD And that otp bickering...what hand do you eat with Joon Ho? Lol

Also I LOVE JOONHO×BONGHEE! They're soooo cute....just date already! /just rlly wanted to say that/

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Missing 9: Episode 12

by LollyPip | February 24, 2017 | 1 Comment


The search is on for So-hee’s phone, which could contain the evidence that will bring justice to both the innocent and the guilty. Everyone wants the phone for their own reasons, causing them to go to great lengths to discover its secrets. It’s not easy for Joon-oh to keep his return a secret as he maneuvers close to Tae-ho — being discovered could mess up everything and ruin Joon-oh’s life all over again.


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My first thought after watching Ep. 11 was wondering what the writer and PD were smoking or drinking when they conceived of that episode. Maybe it was from inhaling too much sea air although that's supposed to be salubrious. 

Of course I'm glad that Joon-O is back. Even when he's goofing around, it's always better to have him than not. But they were laying on the comedic stuff thickly.

But I'm now at peace with the nutty humour. The show has always had that farcical aspect to it especially when we caught our first glimpse of JO. The comedic aspect of the show has always been a part of JO's personality and now that he's back, he's brought it back to the show. He's the polar opposite to TH. JO represents the light... with it comes humour while TH brings bleakness and darkness wherever he goes. Looking at the quirks of the last two episodes from that perspective has helped me understand the intent of the last 2 episodes.

The comedy also extends to the ex-commissioner... I find her campaign trail quite hilarious. Slumming it with the plebs... doing all those things she finds distasteful for votes. LOL. It's just what I said about the show satirizing government officials and now that she's running for office, she's turned into a parody of an ambitious career bureaucrat.

I thought 12 was somewhat better than 11. 11 felt far more fillery with the gags and some of them seem to go on a bit. Yeah, a lot of it was about the phone but there was a lot of "Where's Joon O?" going on. Especially with the face mask and the bright red shoes.

Also, I can't help feeling when JO looks at BH that he really, really wants to confess or kiss her or something. It's JKH's acting obviously. I wonder if they weren't in the situation that they were in that he wouldn't come right out and do/say it. 

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1 hour ago, triplem said:

I'm still here. Just watching too many dramas. 

Looking forward to how  JO will clear his name. Tae Ho - did someone just stab him in the preview? Or did he stab someone? :dizzy:

same2, my every week seems pack with kdramas as well lol

Btw i guess someone stab him, as he seems like groaning in pain lol.. arent we should be happy for it? :sweatingbullets:

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